《The White Dragon (Inactive)》Chapter 0: The prologue
Chapter 0: The prologue
Year: 05-07-2225 (standard earth calendar)
Location: Earth, Netherlands, Amsterdam
Michiko (MC) POV.
I am right now walking from the station toward the job interview for the job of researcher on the planet Rawhiri. The job I applied if for a research /archaeological expedition to the planet Rawhiri. After the invention of faster than light technology the human race started to explore the galaxy we found quite a lot of alien races most of which were no more than simple animals with no real intelligence and also some really smart races. There was no real war when we met them because the situation is comparable to the cold war in the 20e century but then with planet killing weapons so everyone kind of keeps there distance from each other. But enough about the space faring races because for every race that made it into space there are thousands that did not make it.
And Rawhiri is one of those planets once planets like Rawhiri are discovered the location is sold to the highest bidder which most of the time a company that wants to make a profit of it. The company uses the planet to easily extract resources from the planet surface or try to look for special technology that the extinct race left behind.
But the planet Rawhiri is kind of special because there looks to be some kind of special civilization that one day just disappeared. No company was interested in it because it was just a low level civilization and extracting resources from it would cost too much and the company’s don’t think that there will be anything special.
But the a research organisation is interested in the disappears of the planets civilization so they botch the planet for a relatively low prise. And so I applied for the research /archaeological expedition they are setting up and I was invited for a job interview.
Ah I am here. As I walk inside I go to the reception desk.
Michiko: “Hallo miss I came for the Rawhiri research job interview could you please check is mister Zoran is already here?”
Reception lady: “Ah miss Michiko mister Zoran is expecting you please follow me”
I follow the reception lady through a hallway to a door at the end of the hallway. The reception lady knocks on the door and waits this she hears a conformation from inside and she opens the door and steps inside.
Reception lady: “Mister Zoran, miss Michiko is here”
Zoran: “Ah thank you Breta, Welkom miss Michiko”
I and mister Zoran shake hands and he turns to Breta (reception lady)
Zoran: “Breta could you please get us something to drink I would like some coffee, miss Michiko what would you like to drink?”
Michiko: “I would like some tea Miss Breta”
Breta: “Right away sir”
Mister Zoran motions me to sit while he himself sits down behind his desk.
Zoran: “Miss Michiko when I read your application I was impressed but please tell me you capability’s once more”
Michiko: “Shure I have experience and knowledge with many differed kinds of technology’s, I am able to quickly analyse and understand new technology’s. I have a lot of experience in most of the galactic standard programing languages and I never forget anything important because of the self-programed nano machines in my body and brain. Because of that I also can connect with computers and my body is strengthened so surviving or working in harsh conditions is far more possible lastly I have higher skill in the usage of guns and knives”
Zoran: “Even after reading it in you application I am still impressed so much so that I had already decided to employ you and the main reason I called you here for was to discuss the work you are going to do and the terms of your employment”
I was quite surprised when he said that because at most of the places they turned me away because I am using nano machines and most people tend to dislike that, it makes them feel unsafe or they say that it is unnatural.
Michiko: “Thank you mister Zoran! Thank you”
Zoran: “Don’t be like that you are so capable of course I would accept your application”
After that Breta came with the tea and coffee and then we discussed about my new job. After about an hour we were done and a said goodbye to mister Zoran and walked to the station while smiling. A month later I would bored the ship to Rawhiri and then it would really start
Year: 30-08-2225 (standard earth calendar)
Location: in orbit of planet Rawhiri
Michiko (MC) POV.
We have finally arrived at Rawhiri. Now we are going to land and deploy the research station. We start landing procedures and start getting closer to the planet and we are geting closer and closer to the planet. Looking through the transparent floor I can see Rawhiri, it looks like a normal life harbouring planet and nothing looks very strange.
Year: 14-09-2225 (standard earth calendar)
Location: planeside research station on planet Rawhiri
Michiko (MC) POV.
I have been on Rawhiri for half a month now and I must say that I am fascinated. There are buildings all over the planet but not a single sign of living intelligent life can be seen. It looks like one day everyone just vanished and after some research we determined that the civilization that lived on this planet vanished around 700 years ago. And it gets stranger around the world, there are some kind of temple’s that all have the same kind of prophecy.
The prophecy goes like this: at the beginning there was a god that made this world and he also made a man and a women and he lived with them for a long time. The man and the women got children and they also got children this kept going, in this time the god gave them multiple gifts of knowledge, techniques and the most important, Magic. This kept going for a few hundred years until there was a sizeable population, it was then that there he told them that he had to leave. Everyone was shocked at this and they tried to persuade him to stay but he absolutely had to go and when the time came he walked through a large gate and he was gone.
The people at first where very sad that their god left them but then a man came forth and he proposed that they find a way to open the gate and follow their god. Everyone agreed and then they started to advance their magic and strive for the ability to open the gate that would lead to their god.
We were quite intrigued by this prophecy and we started to look for the massive gate that was depicted by the prophecy.
Year: 06-04-2226 (standard earth calendar)
Location: ancient temple on planet Rawhiri
Michiko (MC) POV.
It has been about half a year since we decided to look for the gate and today we have finally found it. It was located inside a giant temple that was still very well hidden. And now I finally get the chance to go inside on the temple.
As I walk inside I can see that the walls are covered in carvings about the prophecy but there are also many more carvings that look like that they are depicting the story of this civilization. I am truly fascinated and I would like to stop and have a look but the urge to see the gate is too strong so I walk on.
As we get to the back of the temple’s massive hallway there is a giant altar and in the centre of it there is a massive metal circle standing on its side with strange markings and triangular points protruding from it. We had one look at it and we knew it was the gate form the prophecy. And then we started our research.
Spoiler :
It looks like this gate but than on the altar
Year: 29-02-2228 (standard earth calendar)
Location: ancient temple/ research station on planet Rawhiri
Michiko (MC) POV.
After we moved our research equipment to the temple we started our research. We came to understand more and more of the supposed magic they used and after a while we found a strange kind of energy. We suspect that this is dark energy! This was an amazing discovery because even now we do not have a clue wat dark energy is or does. And so we continued our research with even more enthusiasm.
Year: 19-07-2230 (standard earth calendar)
Location: ancient temple/ research station on planet Rawhiri
Michiko (MC) POV.
around 5 years after we started our expedition we finally came to the day where everyone was waiting for, today is the activation of the gate! Of course we have made a lot of precautions in case something goes wrong like installing thick walls with at least one isolating material for every known kind of energy. We even used some kind of strange material named adamant. We found that that material is able to stop dark energy so we thought using it to isolate the testing camber would a good idea. But a very strange thing about adamant is that we have no idea how it was made even with our technology we can figure out how they made it and that is amazing that this ancient civilization had such special smiting techniques.
So we used adamant in our testing chambers isolation and we needed a lot but we could not make it so we had to look for bars of adamant and any other sources we could find. And so we made our isolation/ testing chamber in preparation of today’s activation even mister Zoran would attend.
Michiko: “Is everyone ready for testing? Triple check everything, we do not know what will happen when we activate the gate, so we’d better be prepared for anything”
Researchers: “yes Madame!”
“sigh” everyone is calling me Madame again I know I am head researcher but this makes me feel uncomfortable and old, well I will forgive them today because everyone is so excited. While I am thinking to myself I did not notice the arrival of mister Zoran.
Zoran: “Hello Michiko how is it going?”
I break my line of thought and turn around to shake hands with mister Zoran.
Michiko: “Ah mister Zoran thank you for coming all the way here”
Zoran: “I would not miss it for the word, Madame Michiko”
Michiko: “Ugh not you to, everyone has been calling me that even since I became head researcher”
Zoran: “Can’t help it, they look up to you. I am happy I came over, I have seen this place via camera and I have heard about it in your reports but seeing it in person is even more impressive”
Michiko: “I’m happy to hear that”
Researcher01: “Madame Michiko it is ready for testing”
Michiko: “Ah thank you, Mister Zoran please come”
As we arrive at the command console everyone is already at their stations and waiting for me to start the test.
Michiko: “We are finally at this point I hope that you are all as excited as I am”
Researcher02: “Of course we are we all worked our asses of this entire time and now the moment is finally here”
Everyone nodded in agreement and I ordered the beginning of the operation.
Michiko: “Okay make sure for one last time that the chamber is isolated and then begin introducing dark energy into the gate system”
Researcher03: “Introducing dark energy into the system now”
When he said that the dark energy started to “flow” to the gate and then I look toward the monitoring screens and when the dark energy meets the gate, the gates starts to glow and we are all looking with anticipation toward the gate.
After a while we hear a bang and the gate stops glowing and I immediately order to stop the flow of dark energy.
Michiko: “Does anyone know what has happened?”
Researcher02: “All readings indicate that suddenly all the dark energy In the gate disappeared. There is a large probability that the gate has malfunctioned”
Michiko: “Dammit, run a scan on the chamber and look for any abnormalities, mister Zoran I apologise making you come here for nothing”
Zoran: “Don’t worry about it you could not have known this would have happened”
Researcher04: “Madame Michiko the scan has been completed, no abnormalities have been found”
Zoran: “Would it be possible for me to look at the gate in person while the experiment was a failure I would still like to see the gate”
I thought about it and I ordered one more scan just to be sure and after that did not find anything I agreed and we walk toward the testing camber and use the airlock to get inside.
Zoran: “This gate looks marvels like it was made just yesterday”
Michiko: “Yes it is made of an unknown material and-”
As I speak the gate suddenly lights up and start to flout and slowly rotate, when I saw this I ordered everyone to evacuate the chamber but then a heavy pressure stops us and our legs do not move. The gate is activating and from the middle of the gate a being comes levitating out.
??? (strange being): “So you are the ones that tried to activate this chaos gate, I tried to sense who it was when you insanely tried but I could not sense anyone but now I see Adamant right? Quite ingenious”
While the being was taking to himself I was thinking what to do and I came to the conclusion that it was best to try to talk to him so I VERY politely asked.
Michiko: “Umm I do not want to border you sir but I am Michiko head researcher of this project would you be so kind to introduce yourself sir”
???: “Ah how thoughtless of me I am Tzeentch the Chaos God of Change, Evolution, Intrigue and Sorcery but please call me Tzeentch, Michiko”
Michiko: “Thank you sir..”
Tzeentch: “Michiko, Sir is totally not necessary I would just like to have a friendly chat and talk about some things”
He said with a face that resembled something like a smile (a very creepy one at least).
Michiko: “Thank you Tzeentch could you please tell us what you want to talk about?”
Tzeentch: “ah yes I was just having a normal day looking at the world of Warhammer directing some daemons listening to some praises of cultists when I all of a sudden felt this gate being opened I tried to sense who it was and I did not find anyone so I decided to wait for a bit. And after a while I felt your grouped come in so I came to ask what you wanted”
Michiko: “In that case, well we wanted to open a portal to the dark energy dimension to be able to use that energy to create electricity”
Tzeentch: “Mm that is quite smart. Michiko I will look in your mind for a bit to better understand the situation so I am sorry but I will have to breach your privacy for a bit”
I felt a strange sensation in my head and my nano machines gave of all kinds of warning signs about that my mind protection had been breached. Which surprised me but should not have really because he is a god. After a very uncomfortable minute I felt him leave my mind and after a while he spoke.
Tzeentch: “I understand the situation it looks like that the old ones also came to this planets and set up this chaos gate. Michiko I would like you to come with me to the world of Warhammer and bring some change. Of course I would not ask this without compensation you can ask for some things and I am happy to say that you have to come and sorry to say that you have no choice in that it will simply be to entertaining for me to let this chance go. You might miss your team here but I know that you do not have much else binding you to this universe and I know that you will not regret coming”
He said smiling but when he was done speaking my head was a mess thinking about what he had said and what it would mean. But he said I had no choice in the matter and that I would not regret it and I know he could be lying but he would not gain anything by it so I decided to believe him and accept it.
Michiko: “Okay I will come willingly but please let me say goodbye to my friends first”
Tzeentch: “Sure sure take your time I promise you will not regret your decision”
He said almost glowing with happiness. I then walk toward my collages and mister Zoran.
Michiko: “Well you heard it, it seems that I have to go”
I said while almost tearing up and then everyone of my team came and we embraced each other and we said our goodbyes and I saved an image of them in my head using my nano machines than I turned toward miser Zoran.
Michiko: “Mister Zoran I would like to thank you for all the support you have given us throughout the years of research”
Zoran: “No I should thank you for all those years of hard work and devotion”
Tzeentch: “Are you ready?”
Michiko: “One more thing, everyone I thank you for being such good colleges and above all friend I will never forget you”
Researchers: “We will never forget you Madame Michiko”
I nodded and then I waked toward Tzeentch.
Michiko: “I’m ready”
Tzeentch: “Okay follow me”
He said and he waved his hand and I started to float and we flew into the portal.
Year: 19-07-2230 (standard earth calendar)
Location: in space above Warhammer
Michiko (MC) POV.
When I went through the portal I was in what looked to be space and above a large planet that kind of looked like Earth but a bit messed up then we stopped and the portal closed behind us and I floated down until I hit a transparent floor and then I looked toward Tzeentch.
Tzeentch: “I am happy you came so willingly, I will now explain what I want from you and after that you can ask question and make some reasonable requests okay?”
I nodded for him to go on.
Tzeentch: “First a bit of information, below us is a projection of the world Warhammer in its current form. It is what you would probably call a fantasy world with dwarves, dragons, elves, daemon’s and a lot more creatures. There is a kind of magic, multiple “real” gods and a lot of action. And what I want you to do is to create change you can do that by for instance killing a lot of people but of course you can also just introduce new kinds of technology because that is change a well, I just want you to change the world how you do it is up to you but I would like it if you make it entertaining. Now what I am going to do after our talk is reincarnating you with your memory’s intact, get it?”
I think about what he said and I like it, I think that it will be very fun and I will be able to do a lot of cool things.
Michiko: “I get it and I think that it will be fun so I can make some requests now?”
Tzeentch: “Yes but don’t ask for something like the ultimate power of the universe’s”
Michiko: “Okay what I would like to reincarnate as a pure white dragon with eyes that change according to my emotions…. Ah and please make it so that I turn black if I am completely outraged not like angry but like something that makes me so mad that I almost explode with anger, is that possible?”
Eyes coloring scheme:
Spoiler :
This is the coloring scheme for her eyes. The eyes are normally deep blue and the “colours” black and white are reserved for her scales.
Tzeentch: “Mm easy enough something else?”
Michiko: “a few more things, I want the ability to transform into a humanoid so that I can look like a human or elf or something like that it would also help a lot for the making of things I also want a very very good brain because I want to be able to remember everything I want right now my nano machines help me with that but I think that I will not have them anymore when I reincarnate otherwise my mental ability would be decreased and that would impact my ability to invent/ build and in turn my ability to bring change, I would like to be able to use all kind of magic and I want to keep my female gender”
Tzeentch: “as for the transformation ability some rare dragons already have that so that will not be much of a problem and I can see why you would want such a brain and it easily doable, the magic ability is a good idea, as for the gender of course that is easy, was that it?”
Michiko: “I would like one more thing if possible, I want more or less limitless potential I want to keep being able to get stronger”
Tzeentch: “I can’t give you limitless potential but I can give you an ability that will help you get stronger and if you ever are at the end of that path I don’t think you will desire more power, would that be okay?”
Michiko: “Of course I did not really expect you would accept”
Tzeentch: “Well let’s just say I’m not really such a bad guy I may be the god of death but people must die otherwise it the world would be to full and nobody would have a nice life and it is not as if death is the end the soul will reincarnate so with death also comes life so I pride myself somewhat in being the god of life and death. Well enough about me all the I will give you all the things you asked but I want you to promise not to tell anyone about the ability I will give you because that is one of my most guarded secrets”
Michiko: “I promises I will keep your secret until the day I die and after if needed”
Tzeentch: “okay I will give you one clue as to how to use the ability it has to do with chaos or as you call it dark energy I could tell you what to do but figuring out is part of the fun and it should not be too hard for you”
Michiko: “Thank you Tzeentch I can’t thank you enough”
Tzeentch: “Don’t worry about it, I did kind of force you to come and the things you are going to do are going to benefit me to. Anyway are you ready? It will probably be a while before we can talk again”
Michiko: “I’m ready”
Tzeentch: “Okay then of you go”
When he said that I lost all feeling of my body what scratch that I mean I lost my body and as a soul I flew toward Warhammer while I printed the image into my mind and I kept falling until I went into a mountain and then I stopped and I saw a steaming hot pool which looked like some kind of boiling hot spring and in the middle a pure white egg began to form. The egg was half submerged in the boiling water the egg has a scaled white surface that looks very strong despite being an egg when it was completed my soul flew inside and I got a very nice and warm feeling.
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