《Ula (read description.)》Chapter 25 - Nether rumours
Chapter 25
Sina, Sena, Omil, Yamu and Luu had been in the city for 2 months now, they were using it as a base of operations, the Master had visited and set up the teleportation room to teleport to a small underground cave in the Milan wilderness, the five of them were training within the wilderness and coming and going through the teleport as they pleased, Omil went out in the city of Rosen with Yamu whenever they needed something, this was because it wasn’t safe for Sena, Sina or Luu, most of the guards had seen a sketch of Luu and Sina and Sena being Sina’s identical twin they would mistake her for Sina.
The first time fighting a magical beast the five of them fared better than Zepp did, this was because they were a team, fighting a B rank or A rank beast with the five of them was simple, it did allow them to utilise their teamwork though, they naturally grew stronger from the constant battles.
They eventually got to the point where their teamwork was second nature, at this point some of them watched from the sides as the others fought the magical beasts, this was to practice the different formations and to help grow stronger individually.
“Water arrow!”
“Wind flow assist!”
“light enchantment!”
Luu, Sina and Omil shouted, water arrow was a B ranked water magic spell, it was an offensive attack that was like crystalised water, it was extremely sharp and deadly.
Wind assist, which Sina used, is a type of support magic that wind mages use, it increases the speed of attacks and allies movement speed, this particular wind assist called ‘wind flow assist’ was a B ranked magic, it increased the movement speed and attack speed by 25%, Luu’s water arrow was even more deadly with this assist.
Finally, Omil’s light enchantment was an enchantment that light mages use, it blessed attacks with holy power derived from light magic and increased the offensive output.
The teamwork and support of each other made them a deadly force, Yamu and Sena watched from the sides, Sena was an earth mage and Yamu was a fire mage, fire was good for attacking and earth was good for defending or attacking multiple groups, they nodded as they watched the teamwork of the three, they had pride, no one could beat them if they were together, nobody below B rank!
“Does anyone have any issues to bring up in this weeks meeting?” Omil’s voice rang out in the small room, the five of them sat around a rounded table within the Rosen base, they were currently having one of their weekly meetings, they had been doing this for a while now and every week they would bring up issues, concerns or topics that they would like to discuss with the group.
“I’ve been thinking we need weapons to enhance our magic, using the highest grade staff I hear you can save mana, if we use them we can fight for longer” Luu said, she was thinking about how to further their combat ability.
“Using staffs as weapons is a good idea, the good ones are too expensive though” Yamu said with a sigh, the cheapest of high grade staffs were around 10,000 gold, this was an enormous sum of money, only very rich nobles or powerful people would be able to afford this.
“Hmm unless we go steal from a nobles treasury i’m sure we won’t see a high grade staff for a while..” Sena spoke with a low tone.
“I think it’s time we did something about those nobles… our fighting force isn’t small and it’s inconvenient not being able to leave the base” Sina said in an irritated tone, she was thinking back to those vile nobles, just thinking of it made her skin crawl.
“Dealing with people in a position of such power will be difficult, let’s do a vote, who votes for us striking back against the crown prince and his two friends?” Luu replied with a serious tone, she initiated a group vote, this was to make it fair, after all they were a team, agreeing with each other was the most important aspect.
“Of course”
Everyone spoke almost instantly, it was a unanimous decision, they all agreed that they had to do something, something for revenge.
“Revenge it is then.” Luu said with a foreshadowing smile.
Malus sat on the floor of the training room watching Zepp playing with his magic in front of him, his blood magic was like nothing Malus had seen before, it was a terrifying power.
Blood magic was a unique magic Malus had only heard about in legends, the only other user was ‘him’ who Malus guessed was Zepp’s father, Zepp’s father was the one and only uncontested ruler of the Nether.
The Nether was another realm separate from Ula, it was a chaotic, bloody and hellish place.
X rank wasn’t something to be proud of there, it was actually very common, being an X rank combatant on Ula meant being uncontested but in the Nether you’d be another drop of water in the vast ocean of water, unremarkable and common.
Death and torture was a daily thing to the inhabitants of the Nether, if you weren’t strong then you weren’t worthy of living, the weak was ravished by the strong and the strong was ravished by the stronger, it was this type of place.
However, in this chaotic and hellish place one man showed up and built an empire founded upon a mountain of corpses and blood, this man was Nidus, he controlled spheres of blood which were so numerous they blotted out the sky, these spheres fed upon the blood of their Masters enemies, Imagine million of blood red spheres attacking, Nidus was invincible and those who had witnessed his power shuddered at the mention of his name or the thought of his power.
He was a man whom known no equal but the blood magic was only part of the powers he controlled, he could absorb the Nether’s unique energies which were omnipresent and create beings who followed any order, they were named the ‘Nether watchers’, he could seemingly create endless amounts, all of his guards which were stationed in his Empire were made of Nether magic.
Malus knew of Nidus because he had visited the Nether before, Nidus’s name was known throughout the entirety of the Nether, he was the one and only ruler, no one would contest him or his strength, some despised him and others worshiped him as a god, never the less, everyone recognised him as their ruler.
Malus had once listened to the story of an onlooker who saw the battle in which Nidus obliterated those who were believed to be the strongest at the time, there were 5 of them and one man destroyed them and their legions of armies with his foul creations and spheres of blood, the man that told Malus this was shivering as he spoke, the memories he held of the horrific and utter obliteration must of been a terrifying thing indeed.
Zepp’s Nether magic was different from Nidus’s though, it seemed the inheritor of the magic got their own unique style, Zepps could manipulate some kind of foul, potent energy which was Malus guessed was from the Nether, this energy could make things instantly erode and disintegrate like something from a nightmare.
After thinking and remembering all this Malus stood up from his sitting position and spoke towards Zepp.
“Zepp, this brings your first isolated training session to a close.” he said.
Zepp turned to look at Malus, He was wearing Exo as a dark red fully body cloak, the cloak made him look hero-like and strong, his muscles emphasised this point as well.
“Mmm done already?” Zepp said, his voice calm and noticeably more mature, Malus had noted ever since his initiation Zepp’s personality had become more calculating and calmer.
“Yes, you are now just qualified to become apart of our little group, albeit, the youngest, we will formally welcome you through a ceremony, I’ve already made arrangements, follow along now~” Malus said with a faint smile.
‘He hadn’t left the Chamber once… how the hell has he made arrangements?’ Zepp thought to himself, he knew he shouldn’t judge Malus with normal standards though, the impossible is always possible.
Malus walked to the isolated chamber door and with a loud voice he shouted,
“Chamber, Release”
Once the command had been issued the formations inside the chamber stopped and the door opened, Zepp felt strange due to being in a place with different gravity, however he felt like he was almost gliding across the floor, he felt almost weightless, this was because he had been in extreme gravity for a long time, in his mind he had been in the chamber for around 10 years even though a few months had passed by, naturally he felt mentally more mature too.
They left the hallway where the chamber was and continued along a white corridor, they then took a left and ended up at another isolated chamber, Zepp turned to Malus with a curious glance, “How many isolated chambers do you have here?” he said.
Malus chuckled slightly at Zepp curious glance, “We have enough for all the members” he replied.
Malus waited outside the chamber with Zepp, suddenly, the doors opened and out stepped a young women with dark brown hair and brown eyes, she was rather plain and hard to notice even though she was standing right in front of them, she wore a fitted black outfit which made her look diciplined.
Malus radiated a smile and waved towards the woman, she looked at him and just nodded, she must be the silent type he thought.
“Zepp, this is Nadalias, she is an assassin and a member of Yuem, Nadalias, this is Zepp, my disciple and a new member to our group” Malus said with a smile, introducing the two.
Nadalias turned her head and stared at Zepp with her cold, ice like eyes, she then took a step forward, however with just one step she was in front of Zepp, she moved like the wind, swift and far, with one step she covered 5 meters like a ghost.
“Ni..ce… to meet you.. Zepp….wel...come..” she finally spoke, her voice was slow and barely noticable, it was like a whisper and was faint, Malus raised his eyes slightly hearing this, Nadalias usually never spoke to anyone until she thought they were worthy, however she now spoke to Zepp, this showed how much Zepp had grown in his training.
“Likewise, Nadalias, it’s a pleasure to meet you, I’ll be in your care.” Zepp said with a bow, he was polite and respectful to Nadalias, after all, she was his senior.
Nadalias smiled and nodded, Malus giggled from the sidelines, it was rarer for Nadalias to smile, it meant she truly liked the kid.
As they finished speaking another little figure came out of the chamber, this time it was a little girl, she had dark black eyes which made it look like she just had one big pupil and her was hair blacker than the darkest of voids, she was covered in dark black fur and she looked to be around 9 years old and was small at around 4ft tall.
However, the strangest thing about her was she had claws for nails and as she smiled giant canines protruded from her mouth, the little black bushy tail was noticeable too.
Instantly Zepp recognised her, the connection they had formed told him that it was true, with a giant smile he shouted.
The little girl smiled and ran so fast she turned into a blur, instantly she was in Zepp’s arms and was licking his face, this felt bizarre to Zepp though, having a little girl licking his face.
“Mastarrr!” she said in a growling like voice, however the voice was high pitched and extremely cute.
The little bushy tail was wagging furiously as she licked his face and cried out in joy.
“Haha Fen, you’ve changed into a humanoid form?” he asked calmly, this wasn’t a surprise to him, he always knew Fen was special.
“Yas Mastar, am nat da same as thowse otha walves!” (Yes Master, I’m not the same as those other wolves!) she said, her speech was clumsy, this was naturally so, she was a wolf pup normally after all.
“Hahahaha, Fen, of course, you are special, what kind of training did you do?” Zepp asked with a joyful expression.
“Tweacher halped me with ma magic!” (Teach helped me with my magic) she replied, her tail still battering against Zepp’s arm, she was giggling constantly and looking into his eyes with affection, she was a totally loyal pup.
“And this is how you changed your form?” he asked inquisitively
“ahyehehehe! Yap!” (Yep!) she barked, drooling on his arm.
“Great, thank you Nadalias” Zepp said, turning around and showing gratitude to her, she trained her and guided her, as Fen’s Master it was his responsibility to give gratitude.
“Don’t...mention...it” she replied faintly, smiling at witnessing the happy reunion between a drooling wolf girl and her Master, it was a bizarre but heart warming scene.
Nadalias had been training Fen for what felt like 10 years so she was quite attached to the mischievous little pup who she had to make a special formation within the chamber for, naturally this special magic formation was to allow Nadalias to acquire food for Fen, and Fen ate A LOT, even shocking Nadalias at the ungodly amount she ate on a daily basis.
Malus, Nadalias and Zepp who was carrying Fen who rode on his shoulder whilst swinging her legs headed to the ‘Grand hall’ to start the ceremony of Zepp joining the Yuem, he would meet all the members and be officially accepted within the group, truth be told, he was quite nervous.
Thank you for reading, sorry for the long wait.
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