《The Dead Dungeon》Lore (part 2)


Dungeon Mechanics

Dungeons gain mana from a number of different sources.

the Core room give 5 mana per floor.

Each Boss rooms give 3 mana. (maximum 1 per floor)

Entances give a variable amount of mana depending on the environment outside of the dungeon, because the outside of RJs dungeon is a ruin, it is only 2 mana, the more 'life' that exists outside the dungeon the more mana seeps in through the doorway.

Absorbing sentient being and magical beasts gives mana dependent ont their tier(F=1,D=10,C=25,B=50, A=100, S=200 +100 per additional S). Animals of significant size and strength give a small amount of mana ( at most 10, as no non-magical animal is considered higher then a D tier challenge). vermin and small animals only provide enough mana for their master copy. (with the exception of extremely rare or deadly vermin/animals who give mana like larger animals)

Absorbing magical items provides mana dependant on the rarity of the item.


Dungeon monsters

Dungeon monsters can be gained by absorbing a new species, evolving a current species, binding a monster to the dungeon, or occasionally they can be spawned randomly from a saturation of dungeon mana.

Each time a new species is absorbed, the first one evolves, or the first one spawns, It spawns/becomes a master copy. All other dungeon monsters of its type mirror its intelligence, form, and base abilities. They also share achievements, though only the master copy gets the effects of its titles. Boss monsters cannot have copys of themselves on the same floor as their boss room, but later floors can use them as base monsters.

their are common, uncommon, and rare forms of each kind of dungeon monster, and the kind attained is random. (depending on story needs i pick, or i roll a percentage) Dungeon cores are not aware of the exact chances of getting a particular type of monster, and RJ wouldn't know if his monsters are rare because he has never been or spoken to a necrotic dungeon before. (they are often destroyed quickly when found)


Dungeon monsters can evolve from a number of different conditions. Kill count, killing a vastly stronger opponent, certain achievements, certain titles, being exposed to certain mana types, or even just force of will. All of these things can contribute to an evolution.

Becoming a Boss monster also causes an evolution, it adds an extra factor on top of all of the previously mentioned contributions. Dungeon cores tend to make their most veteran creatures Boss monsters in the hope of getting a particularly strong one

Master copys and boss monsters are immortal, they revive from the ambient dungeon mana after a set time based on their strength. copys must be resummoned every time they are slain.


Dungeon loot is determined by creature type, mana type, and random chance. All creatures have at least an uncommon drop. Though rarer monster types have rarer drops. (this is another way dungeons can learn of their creatures rarity). Dungeon can create loot in chests based off the things they absorb, but have no control over the items their monsters drop.

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