《Prime Magus of Earth》Fighting is Surviving. Bathing is Living!
Goblins. Different stories had different descriptions for them. Some made them cute, some made them hideous, and some made them practically human. In my blind opinion, they reminded me of Gremlins. I couldn't tell what color they were, but I could see that they had big pointy ears and were only waist high on me. They actually had Ki in their bodies and didn't seem to be controlled by Artemis this time.
In my observations, I found that they had small versions of weapons. There were four of them, one with a bow, one with a sword and shield, one with a spear, and one with a staff. Though small, something about them made me wary so I kept my distance until I was sure I could handle them.
I named the wolf Vivian. It seemed...right. In greek mythology there was a woman named Vivian who was the child of Artemis and Hermes. Considering that she came from Artemis' world, it was only right to give her a name like that.
With Vivian's help, I was able to keep a close eye on the Goblins. She knew of their kind, calling them bad tasting. It was better to use them to cover one's tracks than to consume.
From the way they moved, they were intelligent, most likely Sapient given that they moved in a group. I watched them for a week, it seemed that they had set up camp in an old pool house on the other side of Olympus. With Vivian's nose we were able to figure out that they rarely went a great distance from their camp, spending time patrolling instead of exploring.
I wasn't an expert on combat, but I was pretty sure they were setting up a base of operations, meaning that they hadn't just appeared here one day. They'd come from somewhere and others would be following them. Vivian couldn't find out where they'd come from and I couldn't see any changes in the mana.
There was a need to get rid of them before reinforcements could bolster them. As I didn't know when they'd show up, I had to do it soon. Of course, in the week watching them, I hadn't been slacking off. I could now spin three rocks around my hand, it had even become a habit to do it while thinking. Ironically, it was a way to relax.
I'd also found that I could lift rocks at least the size of my fist, though only one at a time. Rocks the size of my thumb were as easy as breathing. I'd even perfected my firing technique, capable of 'loading' the three rocks around me. I could embed a pillar with a single rock.
After examining Vivian, I'd found that I'd gotten extremely lucky in killing the other two wolves. Their fur and skin were as hard as stone, a lot of their Ki went into defense. The first wolf had been unlucky enough to get a single rock through it's mouth, killing it instantly. The second one had just underestimated me and my Ki control. Similar to the rock, I'd caused it's skull to explode.
My new arm also had similar defenses...at least when I imbued it with Ki. Something that was natural to the wolves was more difficult to me, especially because I used my Ki for controlling rocks. If I made the defense of my arm increase, I could only lift one single rock. To my knowledge, it would only be useful for close combat. The claws would become sharper as well when imbued with Ki. I could save it as a last resort.
I did need close quarters combat practice though. My eyes were set on the sword Goblin. The sword it carried was longer than I'd expect for it's size, but it's strength must have been higher as it was still capable of holding a shield. That sword alone could cleave me in half.
My second target was the one with the staff. I could tell that it was a mage by the way the mana twisted around it.
"Vivian" I said reaching through the line that connected the two of us "It is time to hunt" she sent me an affirmation that she was already in position. She was going to be my 'tank' as she was tougher and less likely to die in a confrontation. I also needed her to be a distraction.
I first needed to take out the archer. That was the current danger. I knew what an arrow could do. The mage was a second danger as I wasn't entire sure what capabilities it had.
With a burst, Vivian appeared near the bath house sending the Goblin's into a frenzy of movement. The archer was the lookout and it called the others to battle. I'd been hoping to catch them sleeping as it was currently day, but they seemed battle ready the instant the archer called out.
I hopped down from my perch and moved forwards. I'd learned the terrain the past week and I knew where every place I could hide was as I got closer. I 'loaded' the first rock as I got closer. The goblin group had already moved into formation, the spear user behind the sword user, covering it's blind spots so Vivian couldn't get a good hit in.
When she attempted to attack the spear user, the shield user guarded and used his impressive strength to push her off. Given her giant size in comparison to them, it only made me more conscious of preventing the Goblin from touching me. Even I couldn't easily defend against Vivian.
The archer Goblin was in the back, though it was in front of the mage. Whenever it began to take aim, I'd give Vivian a quick warning enabling her to defend her eyes.
I crept up on the two Goblins in the back. The mage was the most curious. As I got closer, I could hear that it was mumbling to itself, though I couldn't make out the words. What really set me on guard was the staff, it glowed with Ki instead of mana like my own walking stick. This creature had managed to imbue it's Ki into it's staff. As I watched it, the Ki spread out from the staff, gripping onto the mana in the air and squeezing it tighter.
It was compressing the air and at the same time, I could see the mana within he bubble of Ki begin to twist and boil as it slowly began to turn purple. Well, I didn't know what kind of magic it was using and I was not going to let it finish.
I pointed the my primed rock towards it's head and fired. With a solid and fleshy thump, I watched the rock pierce into the mage's head. It was nice to know they didn't have much physical defense. Unfortunately, I didn't know much about magic.
I knew a bit now though. From my observation, the magic didn't just vanish into the air. The Ki bubble around the mana didn't disappear. Of course. Ki was intent, the desire to do something. The mage had already began the process of the attack.
That was what the mumbling was for. It was an incantation, probably a way of focusing it's Ki. I'd been told before that most beings couldn't see Ki and Mana like I could. I could see the cause and effect.
However, I could see the Ki beginning to break down. Without the mage, it lost the driving force behind it's power. However, the magic was still in effect. When the Ki vanished, it was going to activate.
I moved forward and stretched my hand out, my own Ki moving forwards and touching on the Ki bubble. Foreign. It felt off, wrong, not of me. But without the constant influx of new Ki for it, it was like a hot air balloon without fire.
Information flooded into my head. The Ki's intent. Compress the mana and ignite the air.
Of course! Ki interacts with mana, gives the normally inert energy purpose. A purpose unique to the substance it lies within. Compressed air with the purpose of rapidly expanding can create an explosion!
With a few tweaks however...my Ki quickly overwhelmed the dying Ki and encompassed the mana. With an understanding of the relationship between oxygen and fire, with the mana as fuel...the bubble of mana quickly turned purple and I knew the spell was ready.
Like pushing a rock, I pushed the bubble forwards as it was compressed to the size of my fist. The unseen bubble rushed between the three remaining Goblins as I ordered Vivian to retreat.
As I turned to run, the Archer turned to fire at me, now noticing that the mage had been killed. It fired and I flinched as I felt the arrow pierce through my heart, falling to the side just before the arrow struck the ground next to me.
The hell?! Quickly checking my chest and finding no wound, I got up and continued to run just as an explosion of heat appeared behind me. The shockwave sent me flying forwards. I rolled across the ground and looked back towards the goblins to see various pieces of Goblin Ki around the explosion zone. That had been more devastating than I'd realized. All power and no control. I'd need to practice more.
I suddenly felt my limbs grow cold and looked towards my stomach, seeing that my Ki wisp had shrunken back down to half it's original size. It'd recover in time, but that single bit of magic had taken a lot out of me.
Oh shit. The goblin with the sword survived, though his shield didn't. Damn, these creatures were smarter than I thought. It'd used it's shield to defend itself at the last moment and now it was pissed. Slowly, I stood up and focused what remaining Ki I had into my right arm, feeling the hair and skin tighten, the claws sharpen.
As we moved closer to each other, I could tell that the Goblin was wary of me. From what I'd just done, I was a mage, but I was taking the initiative to get closer. It must've been very confusing. Vivian was coming to aid me but I held her off for the moment.
I needed the practice. My mindset was changing in this place. To survive, I had to grow stronger.
The Goblin moved first, swinging it's sword at me in a diagonal motion, aiming to cut me across the chest. It seemed sluggish, stunned by the previous explosion and I was able to side step the attack. Then it's eyes suddenly sharpened, becoming visible to me through Ki and I was cleaved in half from my waist.
I stumbled back in pain before realizing that the sword had missed me by an inch, cutting into my shirt. What the hell? It was just like the arrow before.
Now I could see it, just as it dissipated, I could see Ki coming off the edge of the sword's blade. I hadn't been paying attention to the sword. I'd been watching the goblin instead. As the fight continued, I paid a bit more attention to the sword. Every swing was accompanied by a small burst of Ki. The Goblin didn't seem to be aware of this. Every time it attacked, Ki would surge to it's extremities and eyes. It seemed...instinctive.
Was this true for all warriors? Did they train their body so much that their Ki just learned where they wanted the it to be? The eyes for noticing enemy movement and the limbs for quick reactions. As the sword is attached to the hand, the Ki is naturally transferred to the weapon as for them, the weapon is an extension of their body.
Then why was I being hit and then fine the next second? Oh...every swing released Ki. It reminded me of when I'd first started using Ki, it left my body whenever I performed an action.
This Goblin, probably all of them, didn't have Ki control. Because my Ki wasn't seeping from my body, my body was more sensitive to Ki coming at me from the outside. I was able to perceive the attack as the Ki reached me before the attack did.
Was this Killing Intent? The feeling of wanting to do harm? Maybe...
After the next attack from the goblin, I threw a single punch with my normal hand, loosening my control and releasing a burst of Ki with the punch.
The Goblin responded by side stepping the punch, Ki racing through it's body. It didn't expect my other fist striking it's face, sending it backwards.
Interesting. I was right. Unlike me, who was simply sensitive to outside Ki, the Goblin was a warrior. His body was probably sensitive to Ki that wasn't his own. A punch expelling Ki was like sending off an alarm to him.
It had been so focused on my punch that it neglected the one not giving off Ki. Guess there weren't too many people who used that kind of feint in Artemis' world. Well, I'm guessing that it was a low ranking creature.
As the Goblin was struggling to get up, I quickly fired a rock through it's skull.
I then sat down right where I was and sighed as the adrenaline began to wear off. Then I cried softly, rubbing my face. I mildly freaked out. What had I been thinking!?
Not only did I ignore my previous plan when I saw the magic being cast, I even attempted to use it for my own? What the hell was my problem?! Then I actually went into combat with the sword wielding Goblin? I could have died!
"Damn it!" I growled as I felt the excess Ki receding back to the wisp "That is what it is!" whenever I was in a fight, the Ki surged through my body like a drug. It even reached my brain. It changed me, making me smarter and colder.
I'd killed the mage without even thinking about it and shifted my attention to it's magic. Even know, I was beginning to analyze my thoughts. I couldn't stop it. Had I always been like this, even before becoming blind?
I'd stayed in my room and read all the time. When my brother and friends came to get me to do things, instead of having fun, I'd figure out the best way to do whatever it was we were doing.
It scared me though. I was afraid I'd start looking at others and figuring out how to best kill them. I slowly stood up.
I decided to make a vow to myself. Not to kill others unless they came at me with the intent to kill. Creatures like the Goblins were definitely here to kill me, that was the whole reason I was here, to get beaten and become stronger.
Looking around, I spotted something. Walking over, I picked up the mage's staff, it still glowed with Ki, but I could see the yellow slowly becoming blue once more. I could now feel the Ki reaching into my brain. I was aware of it...but it was useful.
The Ki in the staff, without it's controller, was now slowly converting back into pure mana. In games and stories, the heroes always picked up enemy weapons and used them for themselves. Maybe this was how. The Ki enabled it to be only used by the one who the Ki came from. After they were dead, the Ki lost it's meaning and slowly turned back into mana.
I could use magic without a weapon, at least from my earlier experience. Maybe it had something to do with their lack of Ki Control. They couldn't keep the Ki from leaving their bodies naturally, so they developed items and weapons for containing it, or maybe a method of doing so. Just as it held mana without letting it go, the staff could hold Ki as well. In exchange, it became easier to use magic by having the Ki in the weapon interact with the mana.
It was funny because I'd had a similar thought of using my own walking stick the same way. Originally, I'd thought about filling the stick with Ki, but from what I was observing in the staff, it would be easier to slowly convert the mana into my own Ki instead of replacing it. I felt kind of stupid for not thinking about it sooner.
If I could do so inside of my body, there was no doubt I could do it outside of it.
I shook my head and began to collect the weapons. The sword and staff mainly. The bow was surprisingly intact, though the arrows weren't. It was fine a bit regrettable, the bow was to small for me to use. The sword was shorter than a full sized sword, but longer than a knife.
Vivian carried the weapons back to our camp, a rather large hall, possibly a dining room for the so called 'Greek Gods'.
Meanwhile, I explored the bath house. It was much warmer than I realized and didn't smell as bad as I imagined it would with four Goblins living in it. I could hear the sound of water as well. Moving forwards, I knelt down and felt hot water, not too hot.
"Of course, a bath house...but why is the water still so hot?" I wondered just as Vivian returned. I looked towards her "Vivian, how does this water smell to you?" I asked through our connection.
"Clean" she answered and I scowled. Clean, warm water and we'd been drinking from rain water caught in a bowl like rock. Of course.
As I moved around the edge of the bath, I found it to be quite large, like an open air bath. I also found what felt like a drain. A grin split my face "Vivian, lets take a bath!" I called as I walked over to her. She looked at me in confusion.
"You are covered in cuts and wounds from the fight. We need to make sure they are clean" I pointed towards the bath "Get in" I made sure to change it into a command so she couldn't say no.
With her tail between her legs, she climbed into the bath with a loud splash. I could feel the hot water enter my shoes, which had been growing ragged by the day.
I slowly got undressed, not at all bashful in front of the massive, intelligent, female wolf. Nope. Didn't even make her turn around...
My shirt was practically ruined. The fight with the wolves a week ago had caused me to suffer a few tears and the most recent fight left the back of it mostly burnt, with my back feeling sun burned. In my combat ready state, I hadn't noticed the few cuts I'd received from the sword before. Now that I was examining them, and pulling the blood soaked shirt from the wounds, it hurt like hell.
I explored them with my fingers, a rather large one cutting across my chest, before moving on to my pants. They'd fared a bit better, they weren't as burnt, but they were ripped up in a few places from when I either fell or got blown away.
Still, they'd be useful in maintaining my dignity while fighting.
Once in the nude, I jumped into the bath and gave a deep sigh of pleasure. This was awesome! I hadn't realized just how much I missed taking a hot bath. I'd only been here for a week, but it'd felt like a month. First the wolves and then just the next day the Goblins had shown up. Of course, I was expecting more Goblins in the future, but I could take this time to relax.
As I sat in the bath, soaking, I focused my Ki around the areas where I was hurting. They healed a bit faster that way. I'd be fine in an hour or two. It amazed me how fast I healed now. While I did so, I also took the time to meditate, slowly regaining my lost Ki.
Afterwards, I cleaned Vivian. Dirt and blood matted her fur, of which I still didn't know the color of and she couldn't tell me. Wolves apparently didn't assign names to colors, more focused on surviving than the aesthetics of the world.
Still, I got her clean and her fur nice and smooth afterwards. She was pleased, feeling more comfortable. A good cleaning always raised the spirit.
I even attempted to teach her how to meditate. She picked up a little, increasing her own Ki recovery rate, though she wasn't able to completely relax her mind. Wolves lived in a sort of minor alertness. They never truly let their guard down. Doing so would mean the death of the pack.
After we were both clean and pretty much healing, I cleaned my clothes. Mostly my pants and shoes, but I ripped up my destroyed shirt and cleaned the scraps. In a time of emergency, it'd make a nice set of bandages.
I was really eager to begin practicing a little magic, more than just moving rocks around. If I could figure out how to create fire with magic, then I could have properly cooked meat. For the past week I'd been eating raw meat like Vivian. My Ki enhanced body could handle anything that would make me sick, but it still wasn't pleasant. I really wanted salt too but I'd have to make do with just cooking the food.
Before leaving the area, I made sure to gather the Goblin remains and bury them with Vivian's help. There was no need in treating the dead poorly, even if they had been my enemies.
The next day, more Goblins showed up. I wondered if it was set to only let them through when I killed all the previous monsters?
Boy was I wrong.
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On a Blank Canvas
An accidental death? Transmigrated to a foreign world? I feel a strange power within me... and it's.. blank?! Real Synopsis: A boy without dreams, without a loving family, without friends or plans in life, accidentally falling off the roof of a building after being unfairly fired from his job. Though he awakens to find himself in a hospital bed totally uninjured and his name forgotten, in a totally different world?! A world of magic and science, together with a strange power residing within him... but upon a closer look, it was blank. Blank? Blank like a canvas... waiting to be filled, and so he did. Join him as he fills his canvas, living in this new world, as it won't be his last.. ---------- First 25 chapters originally posted elsewhere , but hiatused for 5 months due to writer's block and pressured by the average release rate on the site. I'm a majorly beginner writer and this is my first story!! Construtive critsism is welcome!! Will post the 24 chapters soon
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The Tower
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