《(VERY OLD)》Chapter 28 : The Hidden Vale


Chapter 28

The Hidden Vale

“There are two kinds of people in this world,” teacher once said to me.

“Those who think them as mere tales, and those who’ve seen one with their own eyes.”


Known to most as a race of mythos, as a race whose name has the same meaning as “power” and “strength”— the creatures we call dragons, or in the old language, “dracwhyrt”, are beings whose existence border between fantasy and reality.

In any story, you’d find the tale describing them similarly, as if from an established fact; creatures of awesome power, so great they were hauled as gods at some point in the ancient past before disappearing into the words of legends, vanishing from history altogether. Now they remain only as stories, fables for children and perhaps, something to rediscover for the people in the drifter’s guild. In all intents, right now, the existence of dragons is but a myth.

And here’s one giving us a free ride.

“Pretty cool, right?”

Uh... you’re right. It’s quite cold up here.

However, the cold was the least of my worries. Imagine if the dragon decided, on a whim, to do a barrel roll. Around fifteen seconds after falling off the dragon’s back, I would’ve achieved my terminal velocity and reached the ground in no more than ten seconds, at which point the impact would shatter my bones and rupture my organs. Basically, my body would explode internally.

Or maybe if the dragon decided, on a whim, to fly even higher. The difference of pressure would burst teacher’s hypobaric bubble and expose us to the thin air. Before we could even feel effects like difficulty of breathing, we would’ve lost our consciousness and, within a few minutes, died without a word.

There were still more on the list of fatal possibilities, none of which I could prevent.

At least the view is nice, I sneered, admiring the total darkness.

“It will be when dawn comes.”

So we’ll be up here until dawn, then. That’s great.

“It’s not that bad, is it?”

If I don’t think about the dumb ways to die, the mythical creature we’re riding on, or my butt getting stiff, then yeah... "not that bad."

「 Do not worry, little one, 」 the mythical creature said. 「 No harm shall come to you for as long as you ride upon my back. 」

He didn’t need to tell me that. Not only are we doing weeks’ worth of travelling in a matter of hours, we’re also making it impossible for Lyrfanas or the church to track us. Getting stiff butts is a small price compared to that. Maybe.


...Though I couldn’t say the same for Fanny. She and White Snow are caged inside the dragon’s claws. For them, their fate is decided should the dragon relaxed his claws if even just for a second. I guess I should consider myself lucky.

We flew for hours straight in the mostly starless night, with only the dim moon lighting the way whenever the storm clouds cleared up. Despite that, navigating didn’t seem to be a problem for the winged creature.

Finally, darkness dissipates and we are basked in the first light of the day. The dragon starts his descent, and I hold on with all my might when I feel my own weight going against me. I close my eyes and pretend not to hear the sound of the wind pressing against the bubble shielding us. My heart beats uncontrollably, cold sweat dribbles down my skin as I dare myself to take a peek and what I see is.... breathtaking. Literally, because we’re dropping altitude pretty fast, but you get what I mean.


The sun, warm and radiant, peeks out on the horizon where the clouds touch the sky. Below us, numerous peaks pokes out from the sea of clouds, one side painted in colors, the other still hiding from daylight.

I hold my breath as we go below the clouds, watching as the condensed vapor flow around teacher’s bubble like a river around a rock.

Once the cloud clears, I can finally see the ground again. In the time the earth was hidden from us, the sun had brought colors to the colorless world, like a painting brought to life.

“See? Beautiful, right?”

It’s fine, I guess.

“Everything looks so small from up here. Once we’ve landed, we’d be back to being one of those tiny and insignificant dots down below, and in truth, that’s what we really are. That’s how the dragons see us from above. Doesn’t that make you wonder about what our place really is in this big world?”

Teacher, you’re being weird again...

Ranges of mountains streches across the land, forming a great natural wall surrounding a vast portion of land, much like the Cergian Ring circled around Halhallart’s Dread. On the foot of one of the mountains, there’s a tiny blot. As we descended, that blot grows in size until it becomes a cluster of small buildings— a village, I think.

As we approach the ground, the dragon starts circling around, gradually going lower before finally landing at a clearing near the village, shaking the earth upon touchdown.

“Ouch, Fay. It hurts.”

Oh, sorry.

I loosen my grip when I realise I was clawing teacher’s waist.

“Afraid of flying, aren’t you?”

It’s... unnatural.

“Err, hey, we’ve landed. You can let go of me, now.”

Teacher, I feel... sick... urgh.

“Huh? Wait, don’t—“

And... there goes yesterday’s meal.

--- --- ---

As soon as the dragon comes to a stop, we climb down from his back and I cherish the feeling of having the ground beneath my feet. If there’s one thing to regret about having boots, it’s that I can’t feel the ground with my bare feet. Everything considered, the trip itself wasn’t exactly pleasant, but the view in that last moments before landing made up for it, for me who’ve seen so little of this world.

“Thank you, Gerra,” teacher said to the dragon. “Sorry to trouble you like this.”

「 There’s no trouble when it comes to friends, Inzhi. Call upon me anytime, and I’ll be sure to have your back, or lend you mine. There’s no trouble when it comes to friends. 」

Contrary to his words, his voice is a deep, rumbling sound that shakes the very being of whoever hears it, a voice that clearly indicates our feeble existence before these creatures of power that once ruled all of Mer. And still could, should they choose.

His head alone is bigger than a carriage. His skin is adorned with vibrant red scales while his eyes, golden and reptile-like, are capable of paralyzing any creature with fear. Excluding that long, swaying tail, the dragon has a total of four-limbs including the wings— no, wait, six limbs?

The forelegs separates from the wings, and the latter looks limp now. Ah, perhaps the wings aren’t actual limbs because they can’t move on its own without the forelegs attached to it?

While thinking about that, teacher slaps my shoulder and starts signalling something to me with her eyes.

Oh, uhm... I bid you thanks as well, Gerra. And, uh... sorry for making a mess on your back.

「 Don’t apologize, for there is no better way to get acquainted. I should’ve been more gentler upon knowing it was your first time on a malanic’s back. 」


“Hey, what about me, Fay? You threw up all over my back as well.”

Teacher... if you were a forty-strides long mythical creature with wings, sure, I’d apologize.

While teacher grumbles in complaint, a shadow looms over us as Gerra stretched his serpentine neck towards the sky.

「 The sun is rising and the homids are awakening. I must now make myself scarce from the homid world. 」

“Right. Thanks, again, Gerra. It was nice to see you.”

「 The honor is mine. Please give my regards to the people of the monastery. 」


Fanny says you give the best rides.

「 My regards to you too, puny one. Until we meet again, younglings. Call upon me anytime and I’ll be sure to have your back, or lend you mine. 」

With those last words, the massive creature takes off again, leaving a large cyclone that nearly throws me off my feet. Before he’s gone, though...

Do your thing, Nexy.

⌠n□□□Δ□⌡ ┤Vim Rate├

▐ │1793│ │89%│

Σ⌠Δ□∞⌡ ┤Pull Rate├

▐ │128│/268


▐ Gerrahim


▐ Torchwyrm

▐ Living Flame

▐ Gerra the Inferno


▐ Neopyron Malanic


▐ 301



▐ Torchwyrm


▐ Fire Drake



▐ Male,

Mana Affinity

▐ Demon – Fire

▐ Beast – Air

▐ Beast – Thunder

Mana Pool

▐ │128│

Threat Level

▐ Category │S│

...Yup. He’s at the level of a lifer, alright. And I just threw up on his back. Way to go, Fay.

“Nice guy, right?”

I suppose...

“He is one of the strongest among the dragons. Bit of a birdbrain, though. But I guess they all are.”

Really? That’s kind of cute.

It reminds me of a certain someone.

“By the way, I’ve been wondering for a while, but can you understand what the scurry is saying?”

I raise my eyebrow at her. Of course not.

“But you just—“

Really, teacher? Talking to animals? I may be a little bit of an oddball, but I’m not mad just yet.

“ ...Actually, we augurs can somewhat communicate with the wild. Oh well, at least you admit that you’re an oddball, and who knows? Maybe being mad suits you. Maybe I’ll see you seeking guidance from a raven, someday. Wouldn’t that be a sight.”



We head out afterwards, out the woods and towards the sound of a ringing bell, which grows more prominent and urgent as we go closer to it.

That sounds dire.

“You’re right. Keep sharp, but don’t look bitter. The people out here tend to be a bit edgy.”

We go out the treeline and into the road leading to the village. There’s a sign on the side of the road, probably the name of the village.

[ Road's End ]

How initiative, Nexy.

“Sorry, what?”

Oh, n‒nothing.

I’m still not used to how someone can hear me. Recently, I’ve discovered that I can tune the strength of my thought transference, making it so I can communicate with Nexy without other people hearing me. I just forget sometimes.

When the village comes into view, what we see are people bustling about, some with bows and others with pitchforks in their hands..... huh? Wait, pitchforks?

Teacher and I raise our eyebrows at each other, unsure of the situation, before deciding to enter anyway.

“Flee, outsiders!” A woman suddenly shouted at us, carrying a basket full of... arrows? Huh.

“This is a bad time to visit this cursed village, for winged abominations come raining down on us! Dragons, I tell you. Dragons of the olden days have returned!”

“Calm your hoots, woman,” another passerby said. “’Tis the fourth time this year and these “dragons” have never as much as nibbled on any one of us nor our livestocks. We will be fine.”

“Oh, blind as you are, old man. Did you not see the beast circling about?! And those tremors, oh goddess... The dragon must have landed nearby, ready to feast on all these poor men!”

While they continue bickering, teacher and I slip past them and into the noisy village. The villagers are running and shouting everywhere, the men carrying pitchforks, shovels and makeshift bows while the women safekeeps their children and arrows.

Just a glimpse of a dragon, and everyone is ready for war.

Now I get why we rode at night.

“Yeah, well... Gerra usually lands a bit further away. I think he was nervous having a stranger on his back.”

Very funny, teacher.

I follow teacher and head towards a two-storey building which Nexy identified as an inn. After we lead our mounts into the stables on the side, teacher starts unloading our baggage, so I do the same. Carrying all our stuff, we walk into the dim-lit inn.

Aside from the burly innkeeper, everyone else seems to be out hunting dragons.

Uh... teacher, why is he glaring at us? I asked, seeing the innkeeper shooting bolts at us with his eyes.

“Troubles?” teacher smiled at him.

“Yes. You,” the innkeeper replied with a voice befitting his gnarly face.

“Aaw, what have I done this time?”

“For the fourth time, Inzhi, they’re dragons, not bloody cabs!”

“Can’t they be both? And nice to see you too, baldie.”

“...Who’s the lad? Some orphan you picked up?”

“She is my new apprentice. Be nice.”

The big man stares me down, his big, thick, moustache twitching with his nose.

Err... hi.

“Well? Aren’t you gonna introduce yourself?”

“She can’t speak, Raf. Mute.”

“And how is she supposed to be your apprentice, then?”

“We can speak telepathically.”

“...Of course,” he gibed, his voice laced with sarcasm. “Should’ve never asked.”

He grumbled after that, mumbling about voodoo and crazy mountain monks.

“Anyway, we’re going up. I’m hoping you can take care of our pets. You know Snowy, and there’s a brown scurry named Fanny as well. Oh, and this.”

Teacher puts the episcopal staff on the counter. Raf then eyes the object curiously, its golden surface reflected in his eyes.

“This has the church’s insignia on it. Why in goddess’ name would you have this?”

Teacher tilts her head with an innocent smile. “Hmm?”

“...Nevermind. Forget I asked you anything. And yes, I’ll take care of your mounts as usual.”

“Thank you as always, Raf.”

Putting a hand on my shoulder in an intimate manner, teacher then shifts her attention to me. “Do you want to rest up for a bit before we go?”

Not only is she acting weird, she also has this similarly weird smile on her face.

...I feel like she's showing off. What, and to who?

Go where, exactly?

“Like I said,” she answered, taking me to a window to look outside. With a thumb, she points at the cluster of mounntains. “Up.”

...Rest. Definitely rest.

“Hear that, Raf? I want the best room you have. That means the far-left on the second floor.”

“Hear what, exactly? And that room’s being used by the village chief’s visiting daughter. I can’t just...”

“Far left, second floor. Chop-chop.”

“Ugh... fine. Just give me five minutes,” he grumbled before rushing upstairs.

Amazing. He complied just like that.

“Yeah, well... I’m a regular here,” she shrugged.

I’m sure the real reason has something to do with either her status as an arcanist or an augur.

So... remind me why we’re climbing a mountain?

“The monastery is just beyond the mountain. There’s no way around, so we’ll have to go through it.”

Will there be more dragons there?

“Not that I’m informed of. Dragons live in a different place. The monastery just serve as an intermediary between them and the homid world.”

Well, that’s kind of a relief. I can’t imagine spending time with such powerful beings as an everyday thing.

Why there, though? What relation does the monastery has with the arcanum?

“Nothing. Other than me, at least. The reason we’re training you there is because my lab is set up there. Actually, I was an augur before I became an arcanist. Honest to heart, the monastery is the safest place that I know of.”

So, the reason is safety, then...?

I wonder if I’m the reason she’s paying that much attention to safety.

“At any rate, I’ll train you there, thirty hours a day, seven days a week. We’ll study together, eat together, sleep together...”

Sleep together? Do you mean in an adult way, or...?

“Haha, very funny. We’re both women. I have no such interest.”

Yeah, right. I know lust when I see one. I was wondering when you’ll jump on me.

I jokingly said that to her, but her face stiffens with unease upon hearing that.


Oh, please, teacher. I see how you look at me. And all those times you peeked on me on the rivers? Frankly, you’re not being a good example here.

...Hmm? I expected her to laugh it off as usual, but why isn’t she?

“Do I disgust you?”


“I... I don’t know if you’re joking, but it’s true, Fay. I like women. Will that repel you?”

I’ve known that for some time. Why would it “repel” me?

“How did you... anyway, you don’t know, do you? Of course you don’t know.”

I don’t know what?

She takes in a deep breath before starting to explain.

“In mainstream Athyrian, same-sex romances are... not thought too highly of. And by that, I mean forbidden. Condemned. Taboo, or whatever word you want to describe it as.”

Eh? Really?

“Let me recite. ‘If a man lies with a male as with a woman, and a woman lies with a female as with a man, they have committed an abomination and shall be put to death, their souls condemned to an eternal fire of lechery and discord.’ Those are words of the Goddess, from the Hallow Commandments.”

That... sounds like a mean goddess.

“Now you know why I helped you. I hate the church as much as you do. Because of them, I had to hide my nature from others or be condemned for being what I am. I’m sorry for not telling you earlier, but just because I’m a... a “deviant”, that doesn’t mean I’ll go for you, okay? I’m still your teacher and it’s against my principles to have a relationship more intimate than that with my pupils.”

But you peeked on me with lecherous eyes. Are you sure you’re not sexually frustrated?

That statement brings a fervent blush to her face.

“It was just a coincidence, I swear!”

The first one might be, but the ones after that...

“No, that was, erm... curiosity.”

About what?

“...Your scars.”

My scars...? Right. There’s that, too.

“Listen, I know I said I won’t ask questions, but I just can’t figure someone that went through something like, uh... ah, crap. Look, what I’m trying to say is, if you want to talk, I’m here for you.”

Can I not?

“That’s your choice, of course. But whatever you have in there, if you keep it bottled inside, it will tear you apart, one way or another. As your teacher, I promise you this; there will come a time when you’ve come to trust me, deeply enough for you to confide in me.”

I just smile at the pretty sentiment.

Maybe. And maybe, at that time, you’ll tell me about yourself as well.

“Haha... There’s not much of a story there. I haven’t got anything to hide from you.”

She said that with her normal voice, but I’ve seen enough to tell when someone is lying. That and with the nexus at my side, all I can hear are empty words.

Everyone’s got something to hide, teacher. Nothing wrong with that.

“Yes, I suppose you’re right.”

She looks outside the window with a distant look, the first rays of the sun reflected in her eyes.

“Nothing wrong with hiding what you really are. A freak, a deviant, an arcanist... everyone’s got secrets.”

Oh, don’t start again...

“My point is, everyone’s got secrets, but an arcanist’s secrets can bring devastation upon the world. That will be the burden you bear when you become one of the Arcanum. Are you prepared for that?”

Yes, I replied without hesitation. After all, I’d need the power to tear the world apart if I ever want to face that person.

I am prepared.

--- --- ---

The sun rose and the cool daybreak air gave way to the warm daylight. Having sufficiently rested, teacher and I prepared for the climb, taking only what we need for the trip. Everything else, including the mysterious staff, we left to Raf for safekeeping along with our mounts.

...Can’t I just ride on Fanny? I asked, staring up at the humongous mount we’re about to climb, my knees going weak already from the sight.

“Not possible. There’ll be some places where horses and scurries can’t go through.”

Oh, how very reassuring to hear.

“If we depart now, we should arrive on the other side sometime around noon. Though, with you...” teacher glances me up and down with a jeering look, “...we’ll probably get there around evening.”

I’ll manage, I scorned as I walked ahead. It may be true, but it was still annoying how weak she thinks I am.

With everything in place with Raf, teacher and I headed off to the side entrance of the village, which exits to the road towards the mountains. As we walked through the village, the hustling seemed to have quieted down a bit— that, or the men were all still out looking for an imaginary dragon.

We started our climb light, only carrying some food for lunch, a couple of water canteens, and though teacher doesn’t know about it, the gun I picked up. Actually, she doesn’t even know that I have it.

As we walked on, the cobblestones beneath our feet turned into dirt and the road became steeper with every stride. Soon enough, the road disappeared, and teacher became my only guide on not getting lost.



“It’s a bit troubling if you’re holding on to my cape like that.”

I can’t see where I’m going. The sun hurts my eyes.

Teacher sighs at my whining. “Just don’t make me fall, okay?”


We probably fell four or five times after that, none of which were my fault. Just who put those rocks there, anyway?

Nevertheless, we continued to climb as the hours ran by and the sun passed overhead. At times when my breathing became ragged, teacher would pretend she’s tired and we would just sit and enjoy the view for a couple of minutes, which were indeed enjoyable, to say the least. Of all things I’ve seen so far, the mountain view has probably piqued my curiosity of this world the most. Seeing all the colors mashed together, the smell of different leaves, and the green treetops touching the sky in the horizon... all of it, they just sparked something in me.

I want to see more. More of what this world has to offer. Maybe, when I’m done with Thalvos, I’ll travel.

...Yes. Someday, I’ll join the drifters and see more of the world.

--- --- ---

“Here we are,” teacher said, stopping in front of an opening at the side of the mountain. A cave? Oh, she did say we’re going through the mountain.

“Let’s rest a bit here. There’s nice shade and a nice view, so why don’t we eat our lunch... or so I would like to suggest if you weren’t already unpacking the boxes.”

I’m hungry.

“You always are...”

After making ourselves comfortable, we open our lunchboxes, and teacher makes a shrill of disgust.

“Ugh. Raf has never been a good cook.”

Speaking of whom, is it really okay to leave our stuff with him?

“It’s alright. The monastery trusts him as their confidant, so we should as well. And I don’t see why you need to ask that, seeing you’re already gobbling down his... whatever it is he made for us.”

*munch* It’s pretty good, actually.

Sure, it’s not as flavorful as the fancy snacks from the fancy train, but Raf’s lunch is much more filling, which defines “good food” in my dictionary.

“That doesn’t mean anything coming from you, you voracious girl. You’d eat anything in front of you."

Not “anything”... if it doesn’t fill the stomach, then it’s not edible.

“Heh, and I’d bet you’d even eat bugs if it ‘fills the stomach’.”

I have eaten bugs before. I’d rather not do it again, but if the situation calls for it, I would.

“Oh, uh... S‒Sorry.”

For what?

“For... making you remember stuff...”

Oh... yes, right...

Remember “stuff”, huh?

True, it still chills my spine on what “hunger” made me do back then. Such a primal and powerful driving force. Thinking back, teacher’s remark about me being able to eat anything might be true, after all.

To be honest, I don’t remember the memories from that place like I normally should. They’ve become like old paintings hidden in the back of my mind, only taken out whenever I’m asleep or remembering a specific moment. And the one who hid those memories, the one who kept these paintings away from me, was myself.

Whenever I peek into a memory, it never felt like myself. No, it’s like... I don’t believe that weak, innocent girl to be myself, like I’m denying that as my past. But if I do that, then I’d be denying them as well. And to deny the time I had with them... how could I?

Is that why I keep having dreams of the past? To remind myself of them, to treasure those times, no matter how bad it could get?

“Fay? Are you okay?”

Huh? Yes, I’m fine...

Argh, damn it... Now she’s looking like she feels sorry for me.

“...Hey, while we wait for the food to go down, why don’t we talk a bit?”

I tilt my head at the weird question.


“No, I mean... really talk.”


“Here’s how we do it. I ask you questions, but you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. I just want us to get to know each other better, but nothing forced, alright?”

I shrug at her. Ask away.

“Okay, first... what is your favorite colour?”

I don’t know. What’s this got to do with anything?

“It’s got to do with everything. Come on, work with me here, Fay.”

Okay. Red.

“What kind of red?”

Umm... the kind that’s soft, but still sharp to look, if that makes any sense. The kind of red that reflects anything that looks into it. Sorry, I don’t think I’m making much sense here.

“Don’t worry, I get it. It’s the red in your eyes.”

Eh? I guess...?

I was, in fact, thinking of someone’s eyes, but it was someone else’s instead of mine.


Hold on. It’s hardly fair if you’re the only one asking questions.

“...Fair enough. Ask away.”

Are you fucking someone?

“Am I fu.... wha—?! What’s that got to do with anything?!”

It’s got to do with everything. Come on, work with me, teacher.

“You wily little... No, I’m not...”

Not what?

“I’m not fu— I’m not currently in a romantic relationship with anyone!”

Huh. I think that explains your frustration.

“Goddess’ sake, Fay. I was going to take this slow, but you just had to ruin this, didn’t you?”

Just out with it, teacher.

She takes a deep breath after the brief outburst.

“Your scars. What caused them?”

Ding-ding! There you go. As I thought, this is what she’s after.

I don’t know? Quite a lot of things.

“What things?”

You’ll have to ask about a specific scar, but now, it’s my turn. My question is, who are you, really?

“You know who I am. I’m the woman who’s going to be your teacher, an arcanist of the Arcanum and an augur of the Drachwyr Monastery. Now, tell me Fay,” there’s a vengeful glint in her eyes a she asks, “have you ever had a lover before?”

I don’t where she’s going with this. Is this payback from my first question?

Yes, I answered without pondering too much about it.

“Really? What was—“

Nu-uh. My turn. What were you before you became an arcanist or an augur?

“I... well, I was a freelancing magus and researcher,” she answered as she scratches the back of her neck, glancing away before forcing herself to look at me in the eyes. Classic case of not telling the whole story.

“My turn. What was your lover like?”

Again with that? She sounds like a jealous girlfriend asking about my previous partners. Except that she’s not. There’s an intent behind this question that I don’t know about, and that makes me anxious.

I don’t know if I can say “lover”, really. It was mostly to satisfy our urges rather than—

“Ugh, stop. Just answer the question, please.”

...Beautiful, I confessed. Smart and cunning... but mostly beautiful.

There’s a weird smile, as well as an a-ha-I-got-you look on her face as if she had confirmed something. Not only that, but the ardent in her eyes says that she intends to dig more out of me. But enough is enough.

Who are you running from?

“Eh? What are you...”

The people who wants to see the extinction of your bloodline, perhaps? Or is it the shame of having the name of a fallen house on your shoulders?

There it is.

First shock and disbelieve. And then distrust. I can see it all played on her face as whatever misplaced faith she had in me crumbles into nothing. Guilt pangs me when I see the passion in her eyes gets snuffed out, now frozen cold, saying the words that her lips couldn’t say.

“...I think we’ve rested enough,” she said with a slightly shaky voice, standing up.

Let’s go, then, I agreed, following behind her into the chilly cave. I head out with surefooted strides, but my gaze keeps falling from her back to my feet.

....Ah, damn it...

I’m regretting it already...

--- --- ---

The cave is dark and humid, the kind that drives people away but feels like home for me. I suppose it’s dark, cold places like this that are closest to the world that I know of, which is why I’m having no trouble at all following teacher through the numerous passages. What is hard to handle, though, is the silence. With how the “talk” ended earlier, a tough and silent wall was erected between us.

Was it the right thing to call out her secrets like that? I honestly don’t know, but she needed to back down. I can see her holding herself back from asking the hundred questions she has for me because now she understands that when you stare into the void, it gazes at you back. She knows that the second she starts peering into me, so will I peer into her.

I don’t think I was in the wrong. However, for the sake of our future relationship, this wall can’t be here.

I’m sorry, I finally broke the silence. I’m sorry, teacher, but ‘you’ started it.

“...I only intended to know you better, to see you better. But you had to make it like that, didn’t you?”

Teacher, I really—

“Thank you, Fay.”


She suddenly turns around with a mirthless smile that somehow strikes at my gut.

“Thanks to you, I realized how stupid I was.”


“From the time when I first met you, I was already throwing myself in your arms, wanting to become this great “teacher” that I delusioned myself to be, wanting to build a relationship where there’s no place for it. I’ve realized my naivety, now.”

Something in her gaze made me swallow back the words I’m about to say, missing my chance to reply.

“I don’t know how you knew about my past, but I get what you were trying to say. I shouldn’t be too trusting to anyone, especially if it’s someone like you.”

‘Someone like me’. What does that even mean? I couldn’t say anything in response, not as she turns her back towards me.

Idiot Fay. Look at what you did. The wall is even higher now.

“Be careful. The cavern is large. If you take one wrong turn, you can get lost forever.”

I nod in silence, knowing that there’s no way she could see me with her back turned. In fact, I wonder if she will look at me like she did ever again.

After spending some time in the narrow passages, we finally see light, but not the kind that we saw outside. This light is emanating from some kind of minerals embedded in the rocks, giving out a faint blue light.

“Farachite ores,” teacher explained with an emotionless voice that makes her feel distant.

“Otherwise known as gleamstones. They absorb energy in the presence of light, and illuminate in the lack of it. Within cave systems like these, the ores form a web where the rocks on the outer layer, where the light touches, shares the energy they absorbed to the minerals inside.”

I see...

I’ve seen them before. Similar, if not the same minerals were also present in the caverns of Level Seven. Really, how much memory is this place going to bring back...?

Suddenly, teacher stops and turns to me with a playful smile, stopping me dead in my tracks.

“Keep up, Fay.”


Then she dashes off.



...Err, what?

( If you take one wrong turn, you can get lost forever. )

Oh, crap.

I run after her, but despite all the practice I did in Purgatory, she’s still way faster than me. Fortunately, there’s plenty of gleamstones after that area, so I can clearly see which way she’s going.

Turn after turn, corridor after corridor, the shadows that formed from the numerous gleamstones dance on the cavern’s walls and ceilings, giving the illusion that there’s something else besides us in here. I chase after her lithe form, uncertain if she’s actually going to leave me behind. Not leaving it to someone else’s kindness, I run with all my might. Despite that, teacher outruns my field of vision before long, leaving me alone in the silent, dark tunnels.

Wait, not silent. I can hear her footsteps and... another sound, like a stream of water. With that being my only lead, I follow my ears and instincts to choose which path to take.

Coming out of a tunnel, I come upon a large area where both the sound of water and the footsteps came from. A stream of water falls in a cascade from a higher level, forming a glittering lake, shining from all the gleamstones beneath it. I would’ve spared a minute to admire the rather captivating scene if not for the woman jumping spectacularly over the stream, glancing at me with a taunting look as she lands, before running off again.

Teacher, wait!

I run past the falling waters, following her up to the upper level and into a long, dark tunnel. There’s no gleamstones, but there’s light at the end of it. As I run approaching it, teacher’s figure just stands there waiting for me with the bright sunlight behind her. Wait, sunlight...?

It must be the exit. Finally.

I stop at teacher’s side, perching myself on my knees panting while she snickers at me from the side. Just as I’m about to scorn her, my eyes adapted, and the view that was hiding behind the light comes into view. The tunnel-cave mouthed into a steep cliff, and beyond that...

Pillars of stone loom in the mist, like pillars in a cave with the sky as the ceiling, rising high above the sea of trees and touching the sky above it. Tall and covered in green like mountains, these pillars form a forest of stone, connecting with another through their web of rocks.

Before I could manage a comment, I feel my heart skip a beat as teacher suddenly jumps off the cliff. However, instead of falling down, her foot sets down gently on a thin, detached pillar, but she’s not stopping there. Like a fairy dancing on water, she dances on the air that carries her, from stone to stone until she sets down on the nearest large pillar.

Then she turns back at me, a gentle smile on her face as she reaches out her arm towards me, telling me to go to her side.

I’d like to follow her, but as I look down the cliff, I’ve realized something for the first time in my life. Just like that time on the dragon’s back, and that time when I dropped myself from the top of the guild building...

I... am afraid of heights.

The same wind that carried her is now trying to pull me off the cliff with every small tug. The image of me following her, and die trying... that’s just an absurd way to die.

...Argh, fuck it! *jumps*

I command the air to carry me just like she did, and the air did carry me, to the first footing and the next. I can’t step gracefully like teacher did, so instead I’m jumping from stone to stone swinging my arms like a madman, using all I have to keep in balance.

The last jump... because it’s the furthest distance, I use a more powerful force of air and, well... I end up using too much.

Holy fu‒


I crash into teacher and fly past the pillar. Or I should’ve, but she caught me, swinging me around and into her arms as we fall together atop the pillar.

We stare at each other for a bit, my heart still beating furiously. Or maybe it’s her heart. I can’t tell.

“This is becoming a habit, isn’t it?”

Oh, uh...

I release myself from the life-saving hug. Or I try to, but she’s not releasing her grip on me. I expected the same cold look she had on the caves, but instead she gives me a warm gaze.

“You’re like an enigma.”


“When I first chose you, I was sure I couldn’t have found a better person to be my apprentice, and I still believe that. Right now, we both have secrets that we can’t tell each other, but not under my watch will I let that hinder us. I promised you, didn’t I?”

With my mind too occupied, I let her rub my head like a child.

“Someday, I’ll tell you my whole story and on that day, you will tell me yours as well.”

I tease her with a smile. Someday.

“Someday. But for now, let me welcome you.”

As she says that, the air dances around us and clears the mist, revealing the stone forest in its whole— the thousand pillars of stone, the blanket of trees beneath, and the mountains surrounding us in the distance.

“Welcome, Fay, to the Hidden Vale; home of the Dracwhyr Monastery,” she smiled. “Welcome to my home.”

Advertisement A note from Derthian

Heeeyyyaaaaa : D

Been busy with studying, if you want to listen to excuses.

Another chapter out soon. In the meantime, here's a little something to make the wait worthwhile;

Just a small animated gif of Fay and her furry friends. Cheers~

Spoiler: I shamelessly admit that making this added more to the time required to write the chapters.


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Chapter RSS About the author 3 Fictions 38 Posts 3 Threads Derthian Follow Author Sunday, May 7, 2017 8:25:33 PM Duck Penguin

Bio: Quack.

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