《(VERY OLD)》Chapter 25 : Beginning of a Legend


Chapter 25

Beginning of a Legend

「 Art thou willing, little lass? 」

His voice echoed in the darkness behind my eyelids.

「 To know the ways of mana, whence they come, and how they form? 」

I’m trying...

「 Within and without, agnize their existence. Feel the flow, the perfections, the wrongs... 」

I‒I can’t...

I gave up and opened my eyes to find the menacing stare of the white wolf. I shrinked back under his gaze, looking away because I was too scared to look at him in the eyes.

「 Try again, should thou wishest to live. 」

No, I... I told you, I can’t.

「 Didst thou not connect with a watcher? Didst thou not avail thyself from within death’s embrace? Make the connection. 」

But I... why do I have to do this?

「 Thou art to blame to be thus awaited by death. To be afeard is profound, but do not revel in fear. Take control, savest thyself. 」

Even under his intimidating presence, I simply couldn’t do what he was asking of me.

I‒I want to see Hadda.

It had been a very long time since Hadda left. He promised he’ll be back once he knew where to go, but such a long time had passed since. Perhaps through some bias, doubt was beginning to form.

...He’s not coming back, is he?

「 He will. 」

How would you know?

「 Because he gaveth thee, his word, and words are promises. 」

I couldn’t read him. Was it a simple lie to get me to drop the topic, or did he simply know the bird that well?

What about you, then? Why are you helping me?

「 ...Try again. Make the connection. 」


「 ‘Tis for thy own sake. 」

So? Why would you care?

Then I remembered my own lie—that the reason he was helping me was because he believed I was needed for them to escape.

...I lied, you know.

「 Hmm? 」

You don’t need me to get out of here. I lied when I told you Hadda needed me.

「 I see. 」

I was taken aback by his reaction. Or rather, the lack of it.

Is that it?

「 Try again. 」

No, like I said, I lied! There’s no reason for you to help me!

「 Try. Again. 」


I replied, fooling myself with some stupid obstinance. I didn’t want to be afraid of him anymore, so I stood up against his word.

I won’t, not until you tell me why you’re helping me.

「 Dost thou truly wishest to know, little lass? 」

I nodded, and when his eyes flashed at me, I immediately regretted it.

「 Because humans taste better when healthy. 」



I did everything he asked of me after that and not out of will, I tell you. With me in that condition, there was nothing else I could do. Thanks to that, though, I managed to get a faint grip on how mana feels like. All the while, he also taught me about the theory, which was somewhat similar to what Hadda taught me.

Time passed, and I got used to not being able to stand or walk on my own. Everytime we needed to move, Eretz used his own fur to leave clues for Hadda. It went on like that for some time, though unlike before, I held on to the hope of Hadda’s return. Maybe it was because I had my mind occupied with Eretz teaching me, that my dark thoughts were pushed to the back of my mind.


For the first in a very long time, I had hope. I had faith.

And that faith wasn’t misplaced, because he did return.

「 I’ve found it, 」

was the first words that came out of his beak when we were reunited.

「 I’ve found the exit. 」

I was elated to the point that my eyes started tearing up. Of course, I didn’t let any tear fall because I didn’t want Eretz calling me a crybaby again, or for the two of them to fight because of that.

Even so, I should’ve known that nothing was always so simple.

「 ...The exit is very far away. The brat wouldn’t make it. 」


I looked at Hadda, and I could tell from his eyes that he meant what he said. As my fear built up, I looked between the both of them, waiting for either to say something, and when they didn’t, I asked them a question—the answer to which I didn’t want to hear.

Are you going to leave me?

When neither of them answered nor even looked at me, my hope was all but crushed. We fell silent, and I could already see my death. Without them, I was hopeless. Without them, my life was forfeit. I just hoped it would come sooner than the lifer could get its hands on me.

After all, such fate might suffer me worse than when Jead got his hands on me.

....No. It can’t end like this---I had thought.

There must be something we can do, right?

「 ...We should go, 」

Eretz said to the bird, and in response, I pathetically reach out to them.

Please, wait...

「 No. I’m not going anywhere without the brat. 」


「 She is coming too, 」

the wolf remarked while he approached me, lowering his back like he always do to urge me on his back.


「 Go where? The brat won’t— 」

「 Something we can do. Is that not what thou quoth, little lass? 」


I answered, flinching under his sudden gaze.

「 Where is the exit? 」

the wolf asked.

「 ...From here, Down this path first, and then— 」

「 Away with the walls. I want a straight line from hither . 」

「 What, you’re planning to knock down the walls or something? 」

「 Aye. 」

「 That’s impossible, pup. 」

「 The little lass. She will maketh the connection. 」

「 The brat? 」


Suddenly, they were both looking at me.


「 Aye. The connection, thine hast thou made the mana. 」

「 The brat has...? Oy, brat, why didn’t you tell me? 」

But, I...

「 Little lass, thou shalt only act as a conduit for me, and I shall do the rest. 」

A... conduit?

「 No, that’s too dangerous. If the flow is excessive, her body will rupture. 」

「 And thus the scurvy halfbird shalt keep watch. 」

「 No, if the flow is excessive, her body will rupture. She could die! 」

「 So? 」

the wolf snapped back,

「 she dies nonetheless. 」

「 ....... 」


I didn’t think it would ever work, but aside from giving up and embracing my death, there was no other options. In the end, we decided to give it a try.

Hadda started by leading us to what he said was “the optimal entry point” from which we could start breaking down the walls.

After arriving at said point, we begin our work—or, they did, at least. I just sat down while Hadda... “nuzzles” me and Eretz... sniffed around the wall.


After they’re ready, I was dragged by the wolf to what seemed to be the target.

「 Touch the surface and make the connection. I shall do the rest, 」

Eretz instructed. I looked at Hadda for confirmation, something I should’ve known better not to do.

「 It’s okay, brat. I’ll keep monitor and make sure the mana don’t flood your systems, rupture your blood vessels or fail your organs. 」


「 Your eyes or brain might overliquify and leak out your orifices, but don’t worry brat, I’ll keep monitor and make sure the— 」

「 Let her focus, bird. 」

Steeling my heart, I reached out to the wall and pressed my hand down on the cold stone.

「 Make the connection. I will know once it is made. 」

As instructed, I closed my eyes and did what they taught me.

( Within and without. Feel the flow, the perfections, the wrongs... )

( Alignment of the will and the subconscious... )

Before long, I felt something tugging my consciousness, as if asking me to go with it.

「 Listen to me, little lass. Do not let go completely, lest lose thyself in the... 」

The wolf’s voice sounded distant, but I did hear the first part.

Don’t let go...

While still holding a firm grip on myself, I probed on whatever it is that was tugging on me.

Don’t let go...

The mysterious “entity” pulled me hard, and I could feel my grasp on the real world loosening.

D‒Don’t let go...!

Just as my grip started slipping away, another “entity” grabbed hold of me. This one felt familiar, and as soon as the new entity coupled with me, I immediately know what, or who it was.


「 I shall start channeling. Little lass, Art thou prepared? 」


Then, it happened. It felt as if thunder had struck me with all the force of the heavens. The current ran through its course as it fills the corridors within me uncontrollably, threatening to destroy me from the inside.


「 She can’t hold any more! Lower the intake, or release it now! 」

Following Hadda’s voice, the swirling energy inside my body starts to flow like a single continuum, going through my arm and towards my hand. As they converged, my hand felt like it was on fire.

There was a loud bang, and then something pulled my body away from the collapsing wall. The sound of crumbling stone and rock thundered throughout the corridors, and when my mind was back, there was a gaping hole around where I placed my hand just a moment ago. Beyond that hole was another hole on the wall behind it, and then another, and another...

「 It worked! 」

the bird exclaimed while I was still processing what had occurred.

I... did that?

「 I did all the work, but aye. Thou did makest an amiable conduit. 」

Just as I was feeling up, I turned to look at Eretz and witnessed the horror—my entire shoulder was inside the wolf’s maw. I could feel his teeth gnawing at it.

Uwaah! He’s eating me!

As I screamed, the wolf lets go of my shoulder.

「 ...This is the only way I tap into thy consciousness. 」

「 Yeah, brat. He pulled you away from the rocks, too. 」

Why are you defending him, Hadda?!

Somehow, I could see the wolf snickering at me.

You... you were just having a taste of me, haven’t you!

「 Calm down, brat. He won’t eat you. 」

He will! He said so himself!

「 What?! 」

Hadda then looks at Eretz accusingly.

「 Explain! 」

「 I quoth such to stop her yapping... 」

「 Are you going to eat her or not?! 」

「 ...Who knows? 」

As they bickered yet again, there was a haunting howl that crept out from distant passages. Then I realized, the noise when we made that hole—it must’ve alarmed Eggsy of where we were.

「 I knew it was a mistake to bring you along! 」

「 Hmph, I care not for thy bawbling worries. 」


「 That’s it! We’re leaving you here, you crazy pup! 」

「 Leave me? Thou know nothing of rigid structures. Thou cannot dispell the walls without me. 」

Guys, the lifer is...

Suddenly, a violent surge of headache assaulted me and I groan in discomfort.

「 Huh? Are you okay, brat? 」

「 Tch. We must give haste. 」

「 The backlash from the connection are taking effect. Are you okay, brat? 」

I’m fine...

「 Considering how far the exit is, you might have to do this a few more times. Do you think you can do it? 」

I nodded at him. It wasn’t the question of whether I could do it. Rather, it was the only thing I could do then.

「 Ok, let’s keep going. Don’t worry, brat. I won’t let him eat you. 」

「 Hmph. We shall see, bird. 」

We continued our walk after that, using the holes to walk on a straight path. Each time we break more walls, holes are breached throughout the walls in a vast distance. Even so, our goal was far, and our journey was long.

More time passed, and our final trip went mostly without trouble because we never ran into the lifer. I thought it was odd for it not to go after us, but then again—with the raven and the wolf with me, I felt invincible. Even Eggsy wouldn’t dare come near us... or so I thought.

As I continued to become a conduit for Eretz, my sensitivity to mana grew sharper until I realized the answer to a question I’ve long been asking myself—why wasn’t I dead yet?

I found the answer when I tried “connecting” on my own, and discovered that something was interfering with the mana inside my body. I didn’t know whether it was Hadda or Eretz, but one of them was keeping me alive. It being the wolf may had seem unlikely, but another thing I clearly remember was how the connection was made.

Despite my fear of Eretz, during our union, his “entity” always felt so warm.

No, don’t get tricked. He just wants to eat you.

「 What’s that? 」


We broke walls, and then we walked. Then we broke more walls, and walked some more. It had become so repetitive, but with each step, I could feel us getting closer to finally getting out of this godforsaken place.

And eventually, we reached our goal.

What... is that?

「 That, little lass, is the exit of this level. 」

The area which we’ve arrived at was a large and circular one. There are more openings than I could care to count, each leading to corridors connecting to different sections of the maze.

And then, there was the exit.

Like a dark pit leading to the abyss—a massive hole, and all I could see was the blackness of it.

We have to jump down...?

「 Aye. 」

We can... finally get out of this place?

「 Of this level, aye. 」

That... what do you mean by “this level”?

Upon hearing my response, Eretz turns towards Hadda with an annoyed look.

「 Did thou not explain to her, thou fucking halfwit? 」

What are you talking about...?

Before neither of them could answer, a raging roar blared through the air. My heart skipped a beat, and an icy chill ran down my spine.

It was the lifer. I didn’t know how he got past Eretz’s or Hadda’s senses, but Eggsy was near.

「 We have to go, 」

Hadda declared to us,

「 we have to go now. 」

As if on cue, the lifer’s form appears from the hole which we came in from. Through some form of communication I couldn’t hear, Eretz readily took a stance between us and Eggsy, while Hadda grabbed me and pulled me off Eretz’s back.

The beast unleashed a monstrous bellow, and answering it, Eretz let out an equally vicious growl. All this transpired as Hadda carried me off towards the hole.

Wait, what about Eretz?!

「 He’ll catch up, won’t you, pup! 」

「 Just make sure she gets there, bird! 」

The last thing I saw before Hadda throws me off the edge was the wolf’s gallant form , challenging the charging beast as they were about to collide.


And then I was falling, deeper and deeper into the dark, bottomless pit.

=== === ===

=== ===



I wake up to a sorry lump on my head.

“Sorry, the road’s a bit bumpy around here,”

Inzhi’s voice came from the front of the wagon. I get off my back and drowsily crawl towards the front, poking my head out the shade.

Where are we?

“We’re about five leagues north of Gristol. You know where that is?”

Erm... no.

As I answered, I rummage my bag and pull out the map I got from the vagabond.

Nexy, the map please...

"Say what?"


Five leagues... north of... umm, so, around twenty leagues away from Boris Station?

“Closer to twenty-five, actually.”

How much longer will it take?

“If all goes well, a little less than a week.”

A week, huh...

It’s been three days since we’ve started travelling together, and we’re now back on roads with traffic. We pass by travelling peddlers quite frequently, and thanks to that, we could easily replenish our supplies.

We are currently headed for a place called “Boris Station” to board some kind of transport, because the District was simply too far away to travel with carriage.

Hey, Inzhi—

“Stop. What did I tell you?”

Ah, I mean... “teacher”.

Right, this was one of her conditions to take me in as her pupil.

“What is it, Fay?”

Do you have any other pupils besides me?

“Nope, I’m not too keen on babysitting unless it’s really worth it.”

Ah, okay.

In other words, she’s saying that I’m worth the trouble. I guess that much is obvious seeing everything she did just to meet me.

It all happened three days ago—the so-called “fateful encounter”...

=== === ===

=== ===


...An arcanist?

“Yeah, surely Sallis told you what they are, right?”

She replied with a bold smile, as if certain of what my answer would be.

“I know a lot has happened since he arranged our meeting, but I’m still interested.”

Interested in what?

“My, in you, of course.”

Again, her eyes looked at me with brimming confidence. Indeed, I clearly remember of such arrangement was made, but now...

I’m sorry, but I can’t anymore.


Her eyes widened in surprise.

“Why not?! It’s the Arcanum we’re talking about, you know? As I thought, you don’t really understand how much we mean to the community, don’t you? I’ll have you know that this is an opportunity of a dozen lifetimes!”

Sorry, but I can’t. There’s somewhere I must go to.


District Cardinal.

The heart of the empire where the sovereign’s throne lies. If there’s any place I can find information about the “true king”, that’s the place to start.

“District Cardinal? For what purpose?”

Well, that’s...

“Ah, sorry, you don't have to tell me. In any case, this makes it simpler,”

she replied, back to her cheerful smile.

Err... I just said no, you know.

“Yes, but you’ll change your mind.”

I don’t think I will.

No matter how enticing it could be to become an arcanist, I’ve already decided that I won’t waste anymore time and quickly do my part of the deal. Even though Thalvos said there’s no time limit, I can’t bear to think that they have to spend a second more in Purgatory, waiting for me to save them while I prance around, climbing my way up the social ladder.

“Whatever you have to do in the District, you won’t get far when you have no name to yourself. You’ll just end up in Angestile’s ratholes. If you become an arcanist, you’ll be able to access any archive you want within the empire’s jurisdiction.”


That didn’t sound bad at all. Having access to all that information would certainly help me in the long run.

“Did I change your mind?”

she asked with a mischievous smile.

Can you answer my previous questions first?

“Eh? I already did, didn’t I?”

How did you find me?

“Oh... simply put, I have a... friend who’s good at tracking people. He told me you’d be at Falreas.”

I’m guessing you won’t disclose your friend’s identity?


How long have you been tailing me?

The reason I asked that was because of how hard it was for me to find this place, which means, either she found it the same way I did, or she was following me through all the entanglement of mana veins.

“I found you resting in the forest earlier. You were feeding your scurry.”

And since when were you listening in?

“...’Divine Darkness birthed me to Purge the sinners of their sins.’ What’s with that anyway? You were saying the Scripture of Damnation as if you were reading it out loud. I wouldn’t expect a former slave to know about something like that.”

Scripture of what?

“You don’t know? The words inscribed on the doors of Purgatory. I only know the last bit, though. ‘Abandon all, yada-yada...’ didn’t think you were of the faith.”


It was interesting to know that the people here also know about Purgatory. I didn’t know whether it was a myth or history, but it certainly meant that I’m able to dig out something about it.

“Anyway, you agreed, right?”

Sure, but... are you sure? You don’t know anything about me.

“Sure I do.”

I was a little worried. The church was definitely after me, and who knows if the spiders are lurking about as well. Hell, they might be watching me this very moment. If I make Inzhi an associate of any kind, she might get dragged in too.

Listen, I’m—

“If you’re worried about me, don’t. I know the church is after you.”

Eh? Then, why...?

“I don’t care why they want you dead, and I won’t ask questions about your past as well. All I know is, someone who went through all that trouble to help others can’t be a bad person.”

Oh... Orlev told you?

“Yup. He told me everything. So, anything else you’re bothered with?”


Before I could answer, Inzhi raised her hand to me.

“If there’s nothing else, let’s shake on it.”

I joined my hand with hers into a handshake.

Please take care of me.


she said with that bright smile of hers.

“Oh, and by the way, first rule—you have to call me ‘teacher’.”

Like that, we started our journey together.

We departed a bit late because she was interested in the abnormal veins and had to took samples as we go. After that, we made our way out the forest and continue on south. She talked to me about a certain transport that would allow us to cross borders quickly, and that was how Boris Station became our destination.

And then, just yesterday, in the first town we came across, she went and bought a wagon, just because my leg was still injured. She wouldn’t even allow me to take turns, and instead she coached the wagon all day.

And when we were running low on supplies, even though I told her that I had money, she insisted on buying the supplies herself. It might be that she just got a lot of money, but honestly, she was pampering me. When I told her that, what she said was,

“If you want to pay me back, learn more about this world and the customs.”

Even though she said that, she was the one who had to teach me all that in the end. Because of how lacking my knowledge was, she mostly taught me about elementary stuff, as in, the common sense in this world, such as the calendar, the currencies, et cetera.

Eh? There’s six months in a year?

“Yep, six months a year.”

Not five...? That means... rather than three years, I’m actually two years and five months old..

“Did you say something?”


“Anyway, just in case you don’t know, there’s seven weeks in one month, and seven days in one week. One year is 300 days, whereas a skip year has 299. One day is thirty-hours long, and....”


=== ===

=== === ===

Thinking back, there was quite a lot she taught me in the past three days, and even now, I’m still learning.

After silently washing my face with water magic, I put on my hood and walk out from the shades to sit on the coach’s seat, beside my teacher.

“Morning, sleepyhead,”

she greeted with a smile.

I looked at the two creatures pulling the wagon. One is my cute and tasty-looking scurry, and the other is teacher’s snow-white horse. She calls him White Snow, and when I learned that, I decided that I will never let her name my pets.

...Morning, Fanny,


“Eh?! Why Fanny? What about me...?”

Ah, yes. Good morning, teacher.

“That doesn’t make me happy at all!”


“You don’t care at all, do you. Anyway, how’s the leg?”

He said he doesn’t want special treatment, so you should give him a little freedom.

“Haha. Your leg can talk?”

Of course, not. I was just joking. You’re so gullible, teacher.”

“That’s not what I... * cough* Anyway, I hope you don’t mind, but I took a look at that staff while you were sleeping.”

Oh... the bishop’s staff?

And what did you find out?

“Not much. This kind of technology is unheard of. I’ll have to take it back to my lab if I want to examine it further.”

Heh, figures.

“...You do know that I’m your teacher, right?”

Of course,

I replied with a jolly smile.

The reason I’m acting this way is because I feel like I’ve learned a bit about her personality from the bias in some stuff she taught me. Well, it’s not as much as “bias” is it was the way she told them. Anyway, from these past three days, I’ve discovered a few things about her;

First, she’s a bit of a cynic, even though she doesn’t act like it.

Second, she loves learning and discovering new things.

Third, she likes women.

The first two I picked up from her tendencies when she told me stories of this world’s history. The last thing was because of something that happened just yesterday, when she caught me sleeping without my hood. Ever since then, I see her trying to sneak a look at my face from time to time. Of course, that’s still within the normal range of curiousity.

But then she ogled at my breasts.

Anyway, it’s just a guess.

Do you think I’m pretty, teacher?

“Huh?! W‒Where did this pop out from?”

I lean close to her from the side, letting our breaths touch each other as I continue,

I’m just curious as to why the slavers wanted me back then.

“Ah, uh... well, you’re not bad-looking, I guess...”

she said with a slightly blushed face, avoiding my gaze.

I was rather popular when I was a slave, you see. Everyday, there were long lines for me and I was always so sore by the time I’m done for the day.

“EH?! Y‒You were that kind of slave?!”

Huh? I thought you knew, teacher.

“No, I... it must’ve been rough...”

Yeah, I guess it was. Battle-slaves who could use magic were on high demand, after all.


was the only voice that came out as she dropped her face into her palms.

I don’t know why I’m teasing her like this. Her reactions are just so interesting.

Now I know why Hadda kept bullying me...

“Eh? What?”

Oh, it’s nothing.


--- ---

--- --- ---

From town to town, we pressed on. I watched in wonder as the environment around us changed from that of stark tundras, to the green and forested taigas. Trees became a common sight, and the chill in the air is replaced with the smell of spruce.

During the period, I’ve learnt a lot about my new companion. At some point, I ended up identifying her with Nexus, and, well... ah, I’ll leave that for another time. Let’s just say that everyone’s got something they want to hide, and teacher is no exception.

Anyway, after five more days, we’re already getting close to our destination, faster than expected.

Why did we stop?

I asked my teacher when she suddenly stopped the wagon at the side of the road, just on the foot of a hill.

“Come with me,”

she said as she hops off onto the ground.

What about the wagon?

“It’s okay, we won’t be long. Just to the hilltop.”

If you say so.

We start hiking up the hill, leaving our two mounts to guard our stuff. We haven’t got a lot, anyway. If there’s anything precious to steal, it’s our rides and probably the wagon itself.

--- --- ---

Somewhere halfway to the top, I’m already out of breath.

Slow down... huff... teacher...

“Come on, don’t be a slowpoke.”

Ah... geez...

“Come on, Fay! We haven’t got all day!”

she yelled at me from way above, jumping up and down and waving her arms at me. Just where does she get all that energy?

After some more of the agonizing climb, I finally reach the top.

Uaah... finally...

“For an ex-battle-slave, you don’t have much endurance, do you?”

teacher remarked, already making herself comfortable, sitting with her legs straightened out.

This better be worth it...

“I wanted to show you something,”

she said, nodding her head towards the distance. I look towards where she motioned, and indeed...

...it was probably worth it.

A distant whistling ran through the air as the colossal machine approaches the station. Smoke swirls out from the chimneys at the various places, making a patterned trail in the sky behind it.

It’s wider than a house, and as long as... well, I can’t really see the end. Even from this far, I can hear the screeching and hissing as it brakes and sets into the station.


Crap. Was I making a weird face? I look beside me, and to confirm it, teacher is staring at me with an annoying smirk plastered on her face.

“Hehe. Just wait till you see the zeppelins at the District. I bet your jaw will fall off its hinges.”

...What is that thing?

I asked her, diverting the topic.

“That, my Fay, is the biggest and fastest vehicle the empire has to offer.”

That's transport you talked about?

“Yup. It’s capable of taking thousands of people throughout the continent in a matter of days or even hours. It’s called the Terrestrial Rail Engine. You know, with the rails and stuff.”

Terrestrial Rail Engine...

“Uh-huh. Or people just call it “train” for short. There’s only twelve of them in existence, and they’re managed by a discrete body of the empire’s administration, operating across national borders within the empire.”

I see.

I won’t lie. These “trains” seems rather incredible, don't they. To be able to carry that much people that fast, it must be the pinnacle of transport in this world. Moreover, such things are not in my “compendium”, and that just piques my curiosity more.

Are we going to board that?

“Yes we are. Are you excited?”

Not really.

“Eh? Not even a tiny bit?”

Hmm... just a little, I guess.

That’s a big, fat lie. I’m jumping in my own shoes right now.

“Now, listen. This is important. Once we get there, you need to do everything I say.”

Eh. Okay, but why?

“Well, it’s rather troublesome if we get caught.”

Get caught? What do you mean?

Once again, a mischievous leer adorns her face.

“We’re sneaking on board.”

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