《(VERY OLD)》Chapter 15 : The Guild


Chapter 15

The Guild

Perhaps awestruck or nervous, the girls quietly follows the chief into the entrance with stiff steps. Entering the building, the inside seems built to be as marvelous as the outside, with large adjoining staircases and chandeliers hanging low from the high ceiling. Balconies connected with the terrace outside are built overlooking the foyer. There’s some tables here and there on the sides, and then there’s some kind of reception desks, circling the large pillar at the center of the room.

It would’ve been an amazing view, but it’s just too hectic for anyone to be engaged with the architecture. There are lines on the reception, and people are bustling about without even batting their eyelids at us. Well, at first, anyway.

Nearing the reception desk, people start noticing us, and then, all of a sudden, someone from the balcony clapped their hands. Then more joined, one by one, until the entire hall explodes in applaud.

“They’re back!”

“Those girls... were all of them kidnapped?”

“I count thirteen.”

“Huzzah, chief!”

“To the heroes, for rescuing our kidnapped damsels. Cheers!”

“Cheers!” (everyone in the room)

Then they thump their drinks on their tables before taking a big gulp, ones that doesn’t have drinks does it with imaginary ones.

The girls all stop dead in their tracks at the abruptness of it all.Then the chief turns back and smiles at the stunned girls.

“Everyone made their best efforts to rescue you,”

He said.

“The rescue was the most vital part, but it wasn’t the only mission. The guild had their hands full trying to track the slavers for a about a month now, in fact. The offices had overtimes, and the drifters slaved on missions. We even got complains from our contractors because we had to ditch some important requests.”

I’m not sure if the girls are even listening, chief. Just look at their faces.

“Wow, they’re beauties! I can see why people would want to kidnap them.”

“Hey, don’t joke about that.”

“What’s with hooded one? I can’t see her face.”

“Hey, whitey. Why don’t you take your hood off and see how they’d react?”

Umm... no. *shakes head.*

As I thought, It’s best not to stand out. I don’t know how large this church’s influence is, and the last thing I want is for some zealot to sneak in my room in the middle the night to slit my throat. I’ve already got mommy longlegs to worry about.

...Then again, I’m already standing out in a way.

After a few words on the reception, some people came and offers to guide the girls away.

“You go on ahead, lassies. We’ll meet again on dinner.”

Leaving the chief and the drifters, we follow the people with office-looking clothes. I can see that we’re being led up the staircase. At this point, the huzzahs have died down quite a bit.


Behind me, Kaelyn stands still at the bottom of the staircase, gripping her own palms as if deciding on something. Then she suddenly turns towards the hall and opens her mouth.


she said with a clear and loud voice, attracting everyone’s attention.

“Sank you for rescuing us!”

Then the aftershock came and the hall flares up once again.

“Anytime, pretty girl!”


“Did she say sank?”

“Cute accent!”

“...Uu... *sob* ”

Kaelyn continues up the stairs with a beet-red face.

“Haha, that’s what you get for doing pointless stuff, ruddy.”

“Latasha, leave her alone! I think it was amazing.”


“T‒Thank you, miss Farica...”



At the third floor, the party is split and led to four different rooms. Again, it somehow became a given for us three to stay together. Opening the door into the room, Latasha promptly runs inside and jumps onto the large bed.

“A bed!”

“Latasha, shoes!”

Looking at this, the man who guided us—smile-face chuckles.

“You can rest easy now. The bathroom is at the end of the hall if you want to take a wash. The bathing supplies is inside that cabinet beside the bed.”

“Yeah, got it.”

“Umm... Thank you, sir.”

“Then I’ll leave you to it. There’s still things to take care of that we need your help with, so we’ll come get you in the evening.”

He leaves after saying that, closing the door behind him.

“Pfft, did you see that? He got a smile sculpted to his face!”

“Latasha, that’s not nice, you know.”

“Well, it’s kind of impressive, actually. Reminds me of the two-faced denizens of District Cardinal. Anyway, what should we do now?”

“He told us to rest, but... I don’t think I can.”

“Now you’ve said it. So what do you think of the city?”

Latasha asked as she taps on the bed, inviting us to lay beside her. Farica does so as she replied,

“I don’t know... I’ve never been to a walled city before. This building too, everything’s so lordly and beyond me. Is it like this too in District Cardinal?”

“Hmm... more or less, I guess. I’m used to seeing stuff like this, but I get where you’re coming from. I thought the guild building would be something like a tavern or inn, you know. Turns out it’s something that could be mistaken as a senate office.”

I thought that too, frankly. This probably means that the guild actually has some kind of political power in this country. That or they just have a lot of money.

“But the thing that surprised me the most is the people. In any city I’ve ever been in, I’ve never seen that many non-humans using the roads openly. Tarnlake seems more tolerant to racial difference,”

Latasha commented.

“Is that so...?”

“Anyway, I don’t think I can sleep either. Let’s continue our reading lessons.”

“Ah, yes ma’am.”

“First thing’s first, from what you’ve read so far, describe what kind of book this is.”

“Umm... it’s a... romance? I mean, a romantic fiction that depicts the love between a reluctant bandit and a daughter of a noble family.”


“I guess that describes it. Do you agree with her, whitey?”

I thought it was about a biography. A lifestory of a bandit’s rise to nobility through the help of an unlikely friend. The noble was a girl all along? How did I miss that?


Ah, yes... *nods*

I’ll have to read it again later. Damn it, why is it so hard for me?

“Continue reading where you left off. Take your time and really absorb the paragraphs. Don’t even think about skimming, speed-reading is for after you’ve mastered effective reading.”




Even though Farica said she’s not good at reading, I’m the one who’s been keeping the pages from being turned. By the time she’s done reading a paragraph, I’m still trying to understand the first sentence. She even acts like she’s still reading, and knowing that just drops my head further.

“Latasha, we’re done with the page... oh.”


“She’s... sleeping.”

Sprawled out just like she was when still awake, the gentle sound of her breathing does tell me that she’s asleep.


“Such a bad posture for a noble lady. Well, not as bad as yours, though. *giggle* “


“To be able to sleep like that... either she’s very tired or she’s just the type, don’t you think?”


I don’t know why, but we just watch her in silence after that. Then, suddenly, I feel a tug and my hood is off. I look at Farica, and for some reason, she’s become flustered.

“Ah, I’m sorry. I just thought... since it’s only us in here, I... uh, sorry for being presumptuous, but it feels like you’re wearing the hood not just because of the sun. Somehow, it feels like you don’t want people to look at you? I‒I’m sorry if I’m wrong...”

Nah, you basically got it.

I smile at her, telling her that I’m okay with that.

“Also... I’m sorry for yesterday. I just wanted some way to talk with you. At the very least, I wanted to know your name. I mean, somehow, calling you ‘whitey’ is just... wrong.”

I don’t really mind, though.

Having a made-up name is much better than nothing at all. Oh, come to think of it, I still have to make up my own name. Ah, let’s add “Wythee” to the list of potential names, then.

At some point, both of us dozed along. The light from the window turns dimmer as day turns to evening. I was in-between dreams when a knock jolts me awake.


Latasha replied to the knock as she abruptly springs up from her sleep, as if she was trained as such.

“Misses, I’m sorry to disturb your rests. We’re hoping we could ask you some necessary questions. It won’t take long.”

It’s the voice of smile-face.

“It’s okay. The door’s open,”

Latasha replied as she shakes Farica’s shoulder, waking her from her nap.

The door swings open, and beside smile-face is a kind-looking middle-aged woman. She has a warm and natural smile unlike the guy beside her.

“Thank you for your time. Now if you’ll follow us.”

“Huh? Can’t we just do it here?”

“I’m sorry, but some of the matters might be sensitive for each individual. Thus, we think it’s better for the questions to be asked privately.”

“...Oh, got it. If so...”

Latasha looks at both of us, then nodding to Farica whom nods back at her.

“Then I’ll go with her,”

she continued as she puts her hand on my shoulder.

“As I said, it’s better for this to be done in priv‒”

“She’s mute, and we know each other’s stories, anyway.”

“Mute? I... I see.”

Aw, man. Can’t we just do it on the bed? I’m still so sleepy.

Going out of the room, we follow smile-face while Farica stays with the woman. Frankly, I’d rather go with the woman. Take it from experience, he feels like he’s wearing a cold mask. His face is trimmed and neat, his uniform is tidy, and his gestures are professional. Is he a drifter or a government worker?

“Here we are.”

The place is a little room, with a comfy-looking couch and a pair of armchairs across the table. Taking our seats, the man pulls out a notepad and a quill pen along with the ink bottle. There’s already some things written down in a list on the parchment.

“Firstly, my name is Yanes and I’m a clinical officer for this branch. For the questions, I’ll‒”

“Hold on,”

Latasha said, cutting off smile-face’s words without reservation.

“Will what we say be considered confidential?”

“Yes... as long as it doesn’t conflict with our duty to protect.”

“Right, then I’ll be short. I’m Latasha of House Ardent, cardinal house of District Cardinal. I’m sure I don’t have to explain. My reason here is my own and it’s purely bad luck that I’m involved in the incident. I’ll be staying here before my escort arrive, which guessing to be... maybe a couple of days.”

“H‒House... Ardent?”

“You can clarify that with bru‒ Chief Aldwan later. Is that enough?”

“But, the questions....”

“The questions are to decide on what to do with us, right? I told you everything you need to know.”

“I... I understand.”

His voice is audibly shaking and I can see the sides of his mouth twitching nervously. His mask crumbled from the mere mention of Latasha’s family, it seems.

“Then let’s continue with whitey here. You can look at your list now.”

“Y‒Yes... then, the first question is... full name.”

“Just fill it in as ‘whitey’ for now.”


“Actually, I was hoping she would write down her name here...”

“She can’t. She’s, err... she can’t write.”

“....I see.”


“Depending on the results, we might have to print out status cards, so we should be able to get her name then. Is that okay?”

Status card? How would that help?

“Oh, that would work. Her name would show up on the card. What’s the next question?”

“Alright, next is... basic information. Birth date, gender... most can be known through the card as well, I suppose.”



In the end, most of the questions were unanswered and left to this “status card” for some reason. Now the questions are switching from basic information to my background.

“Any family or relative we can contact?”


Latasha answered as she looks at me for confirmation.

“Acquaintances before the incident? Perhaps a friend or...”

“Err... no.”

For every answer, Latasha looks at me as she answers and everytime I nod at her. It’s a bit sad how she always gets it right.

“Ok, this last one might be a bit difficult. At your own comfort, please describe your life before the incident.”

There it is. I’ve seen it coming for awhile, and now I’ve got the time to think about it. Latasha looks at me again in it’s clear from her eyes that she doesn’t know how to answer this time.

“She... she was, umm...”

I know what she’s going to answer with, and I know how I’m going to react. It’s not exactly a good background, but look at me; a peculiar-looking person that can’t read or write. Like that, it’s as good as any.

“She’s... she was a... battle slave...”

Her voice was small this time. As she looks at me, I can see her looking for confirmation from me, more so than before. So I nod. At that moment, I notice her expression changing slightly. There’s sadness her eyes, as if she regrets suggesting that notion, or maybe because I confirmed its truth. Either way, I might as well go with it.

“Battle slave? With that kind of build?”

Smile-face looks at me up and down and somehow I feel insulted. Hey, I’m stronger than I look, you know.

“It’s not that. She can use magic. Powerful magic.”

“Magic? Pardon, but you said that she can’t read.”

“I did. I guess that’s just how talented she is. That’s why you should have someone train her or something. You got that gloomy magus, right? ”

Yanes’ expression visible blanks out for a second, before continuing with his words,

“I’m sorry, but I find it hard to believe that an illiterate slave can become a magus. Also, Sallis is a contracted magus from the Zest-Flamel Society. This time, it was arranged by the Safety Council, but usually, such contracts aren’t cheap.”

“Ask the chief. He’s seen her magic. He’d know that she’s worth it.”

“Chief Aldwan isn’t actually part of the branch. He has no say in the matter.”

“Oh, really? Then ask any of the drifters from the mission. Hell, ask Sallis himself! Or if it’s credibility you want, just wait for the commander to come back and then ask him.”

“I... That’s...”

“Geez, what’s with you? Just test her magic. Honestly, I thought drifters are supposed to be friends of the people. Helping the people in need, to further the prosperity and livings of society. Those are part of the guild’s social responsibility, is it not?”

“T‒That’s true...”

“Well, that’s wonderful! This would make a great report for me to take back to the District.”


Err... I guess everything worked out well in the end...

The people you know, huh.

And I happen to know Latasha of House Ardent. I suppose I’m not off to that bad of a start afterall.

In the first place, there’s no way for her to know anything she’d answered with if I can’t speak and write, but Yanes seems to be too nervous to note on that.

“The commisioner wants to speak. If you’re feeling it, you can go to the dining hall on the first floor.”

“Yeah, got it.”

Now that we’re done with the interview, we make our way back to our room.

“Did anything happen?”

Farica asked as soon as we walk in.

“Nothing in particular.”

“Oh, okay. It’s just that it took some time.”

“Ah, well... it’s not that easy to answer the questions for someone else.”

“Oh, I see, umm... about that...”

“I’ll tell you later. For now, let’s go have dinner while and hear what that commissioner has to say.”



I wanted to sleep a bit more...

“Come on, whitey. I’m famished,”

Latasha said as she pulls me away from the bed. Later, my love... later.

And so we make our way down. Once we arrive back at the foyer, there seems to be much less people. On the contrary, the dining hall seems filled with people. Rows of long tables with feasts and drinks on top of them. Candle chandeliers hang from the ceiling, unlike the electric ones back on the front hall. I can also see three large hearths at the sides of the room, each of them lit and gives off a feeling of warmth.

There’s a large array of people here, ranging from muscly, burly men to thin, scrawny people wearing the same clothing smile-face did. Mixed among them are the girls I’m familiar with.

“Ah, there! That’s them!”

As soon as we walk in, I can hear Kaelyn’s loud voice as the person herself points at us.

“Hey, it’s not nice to point at people, ruddy.”

“Ah, s‒sorry!”

“She was just telling us how you rescued the girls before the drifters came,”

a guy on her side said.

He’s one of the big ones, making Kaelyn look miniscule beside him. From his muscles and scars, I say he’s one of the field drifters. He seems younger than the chief, but old enough to have children of his own. Or maybe that’s just because of his bald head.

“Oh, that. We wouldn’t have made it without the drifters,”

Latasha replied.

“Lovely and humble. No wonder the girls have so much respect for you. Hahahah!”

He’s... loud. In a different way than Kaelyn is.

“They call me Hork, by the way. Used to be the big one before Aldie came around. It’s a pleasure to have you girls joining us,”

the man introduced himself.

“I’m Latasha. This here’s Farica and this one’s whitey. The white one can’t speak, so don’t expect to get much out of her.”

“Is that so...? It’s nice to meet you girls.... huh? Where have I seen you before?”

Hork said to himself as he looks at Farica intently.

“Haha, you’re not even trying, muscles. You’re way too old for her.”

“Wha‒ no, I’m not trying to pick her up! It’s just... miss Farica, was it? Aren’t you the Weyhlmir couple’s daughter?”

“Umm.... yes, I am,”

Farica answered.

“I knew it! Your parents are the best healers I know of. Are they well?”

“T‒They... they’re, umm...”

Farica looks down at the floor as her hands grips her shirt. Hork sees this and immediately understands.

“I’m sorry, girl. You don’t have to explain.”

He then proceeds to pat Farica’s head. It’s a bit funny with their height difference.

“Bad things happen to good people, I suppose. Half the guys here have used their services at least once, and I’m sure they all have the same to say. Tell me, do you wish to become a healer like your parents were?”


Farica said outright, making Hork pull his hand back in surprise before bursting in laugh.

“Hahahah! Good, good! Now, how about the lass here? Why the hood?”


“Come on, whitey. Just show us your face.”

Eh... stop!

I firmly hold the hood as Latasha tries to pull it down. Just as I thought she’s about to, she suddenly stopps and acts as if she just remembered something.

“Err... sorry.”


“Sorry, muscles. She’s a bit shy around strangers.”

“Ah, that’s okay, that’s okay. Rather than that, the girls saved you three seats, so why don’t you join them?”

...She’s not misunderstanding something, is she?

As soon as I take my seat, I go for the tastiest-looking chunk of meat within my field of vision. It looks like chicken thigh, albeit twice, maybe thrice as big. Somehow, Fanny’s image comes to mind.


Tastes like a chicken, though. Still divine, nevertheless.

...Huh? Why is everyone looking at me?

They all seem to be using cutlery, while here I'm just gobbling them up with my bare hands. Isn’t it okay, though?

“Wow... as expected off miss Latasha.”


I look beside me and see her eating, using cutlery like the others, but with grace unlike everyone else. Every cut, every stab of the fork is done with such finesse that makes her seem elegant. Even though she’s still the same sharpie that I know, I can’t deny that she looks so dignified right now. Meanwhile, right next to her is a hooded savage that eats her chicken by the piece.

......Oh well.

“I’ll teach you to use knives and forks later if you want, whitey.”

What... no, it’s not like that.

After that, someone rings their glass, ushering the rowdy hall to quiet down.

“Ahem. It seems that everyone’s here?”

An assertive voice sounded from the back of the room. There, I see a man dressed in neat fashion. His black hair is slicked back and his face trimmed. I can’t see a wrinkle on his uniform, which is similar to smile-face’s, but different in color.

“Greetings, my name is Ichard Anselov, commissioner of Tarnlake branch of the drifter’s guild. To you, our heroic returnees, welcome back. And to the fair girls whom our heroes brought back, welcome to the guild.”

His smile isn’t natural, but still much more trained than smile-face’s. He’s a pretty good liar, I think. Cold and composed, using controlled and suggestive body gestures as he speaks.

“Months have foreign slavers took young, innocent people against their wills from our great kingdom. Months have we fought the scourge that preyed on the weak, but tonight at last, we’ve recovered what’s ours.”



Someone shouted, and others follows with yelling or banging on their tables. Ichard waits for the clamor to quiet down before continuing,

“True, the scoundrels behind this are still at large, hiding back on their bygone country. Worry not, for at this moment, it is our own Chief Constable Orlev commanding the mission to hunt them down, with the wolf Luise Kayne at his side. The pesky slavers don’t stand a chance, if you ask me.”

Then more huzzahs and banging came.

“Down with the slavers!”

“The wolf will eat ‘em all.”

“So trust me when I say this,”

Ichard continues,

“it is us drifters that the kingdom looked to when our youngs were taken. It is our brave men that rescued the damoiselles, and it will be our names written when we eradicate the villains who snatched our people. And for that, tonight we feast. May the white fowl soar.”

“May the white fowl soar.” (drifters)



“Hey, ruddy. What’s a commissioner?” (Latasha)

“Umm... a commissioner is the highest-ranked person in a branch of the guild. After that, there’s a deputy commissioner, and then the chief constable.” (Kaelyn)

“Really? I thought it’s just the alphabet rank.”

“The F to S rank is used for field proficiency, but there’s also administrative ranks given to people who keep the guild running.”

“Huh... so it’s like the threat levels? How good would an A be?”

“That’s... well, you start at F, and become a fully-pledged drifter at D. At B you’re considered the elites of a branch, and at A, you’d be... the best?”

“The best indeed,”

a growlish voice came from behind us.

“What the fu‒, don’t do that, bruin!”

“I’m sorry, lassy. It wasn’t my intent to scare you.”

The look on his face tells otherwise.

“Ah, come to think of it, isn’t chief Aldwan A-rank?” (Kaelyn)

“That be true, little one. Both me and Orlev are A-rank, though I’m actually from Gerslow branch, a small town to the east of here. Meaning Orlev is the only paragon here.”

“Eh? But how about sir Luise?”

“The wolf is still a B, though it’s expected that he’ll be advancing some time soon.”

“B or A, he’s still a rake. By the way, bruin, can I ask you something?”

“Sure thin‒”

“How are non-humans treated here? I saw a lot in the city this morning, and there’s a number of luphaens working here as well.”

Oh, come to think of it... the receptionists were luphaens as well, weren’t they?

“Unlike many other cities, in Tarnlake, there are no racial discrimination, and I believe we have the commissioner to thank for that. He’d been pushing for race equality ever since he’s had authority. Not to mention the policies he’d put forward, most of which were turned down, but the ones that got through did leagues for the guild.”

“Yeah, and the connections helped, yes? If I’m not wrong, Earl Anselov holds a number of shires in Lephander’s boreals.”

“That’s... correct. Ichard is the son of Earl Anselov. In fact, the area surrounding Tarnlake is one of his family’s shires.”

Oh... that might explain the lavishness.

“That explains the lavishness. I’ve heard rumors that the earl’s amassed quite a wealth from the development of his fiefs.”

“Haha, I suppose that’s true. Anyway, administration asked me to tell you girls that tomorrow we’ll be printing status cards for those who need them.”

“Status card?” (Farica)

“It’s something you use for your identity, wuss. Usually it’s issued by the county, but I guess the guild has the authority as well.”

“I realize that most of you are still underage, but you’ll need them if you don’t have any guardians to speak for you. I’ll also help to establish yourself, especially for the ones that have nowhere to return to,”

the chief explained.

“I... I see...,”

Farica answered as she plays with the fork, looking all depressed again.

“Don’t worry, lassie,”

the chief comforted her,

“the guild will help you through and through, I give you my word. We’ll take care of you until you can stand on your own feet and until then, if there’s anything you need, tell us and we’ll provide. That goes for all of you,”

the chief said, looking over at all the girls.

“Make sure to rest well. We’ll start sending you girls home in the morning, but if you want to stay for awhile, that’s okay too. The guys will certainly enjoy the company. Hahahah!”

With that bestial laugh, the chief leaves the table.



With our stomachs full, we head back upstairs to our rooms. I can’t help but let my mind wonder to the softness of the bed back there. Soon, my love... soon.

“Hey, erm... shouldn’t we take a bath first?” (Farica)

“Oh, I suppose that’s true. Last time was... two days ago, I think? Haha! This is the longest I’ve spent in my natural musk!”

“Latasha, please...”



I guess the bed will have to wait....

...Hold on? What about Lyrfanas’ mark?

Crap. I’ll have to find some way to hide it.

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