《Aghori》Chapter 17 - The Demon Alchemist


“Hungry! I am so damn hungry!” said Surya who was dragging his body with great effort in between the woods.

It had been nearly two weeks since the two of them had departed from the Golden Bird city to the Sparrow village. The weather had not been very kind for the two travellers as it was very hot and humid on the road.

“I had assumed that you had packed sufficient food for both of us,” Sesha said not for the first time.

“I did brother! It’s just that I was very sad these past days due to being separated from Linny and… I tend to eat a lot when I am sad,” he said in an embarassed voice.

Surya had struggled a lot and was still in the process of giving up his former love interest. In fact, there were many a times when he had almost turned around and ran towards the city. He preservered at the end, although not without the help of Sesha who had to restrain him physically.

“You should endure a bit Surya. My master says that we should not be a slave to our bodily needs.”

“Easy for you to say. I mean, you hardly ever eat anything… Really though, I have seen you eat what, once, twice!?”

Sesha sighed.

“I eat when—“

“I am not around, yes you have said it many times,” Surya interjected, “Still, you should eat some more. You are at the growing age after all!”

At the rate that you eat, won’t you die of hunger if I start eating too?

Sesha mused to himself.

He gave a smile which would have given his master a headache. Sesha then said, “Since you want me to eat, I shall comply for this once.”

He then proceeded to take an apple from his bag and took a bite out of it.

“You had an apple in your bag! Why did you not tell me!?” Surya asked indignantly.

“You never asked,” said Sesha.


“Well, I wanted to give this to you at first… but you convinced me that I should eat a bit more!” Sesha said mischievously.

Surya deflated visibly. Sesha decided to take it as a minor victory.

“Here” — He tossed another apple towards Surya — “This is the last that I have so you’ll have to make do.”

Surya caught it and proceeded to eat it with a huge smile on his face.

“Sshank you ‘rother,” he said while eating.

After Surya finished eating, Sesha asked,

“How many days still Surya?”

“With the rate that we are going? I would say that it’s three or four more days… but I still say that we should turn back. It’s not late after all.”

“Nah,” said Sesha, “I wish to see this Swallow village for myself. Besides, I don’t understand why you are so afraid.”

“What do you mean you don’t understand? Have I not repeatedly told you brother!? That village is in the boundary of the Dark Forest! The beasts from that forest tend to visit it often.”

“And have I not repeatedly told you that it’s just some beasts?” Sesha said in exasperation.

“Just some beasts?” — Surya jumped in front of Sesha and faced him — “Just some beasts brother!? They are beasts from the Dark Forest!! The lava rats! Nightshades! Vipers!! Do you know how dangerous these beasts are!”

“Rodents, cats and snakes? They are not very dangerous really. The Nightshades in particular, if you know where to pet them—”


“Pet them!? Are you insane?” Surya cried, “They are the fastest animals in the world and have you ever seen their teeth?”

“I have—”

“Not seen their teeth! Yes, I know! Ask me how I know brother? Come on, ask me!”

“Err… how do you know?”

“It’s because you’re alive that’s why! No one lives after seeing the teeth of such ferocious beasts!”

Sesha had meant to say that yes, he had indeed seen the wild cats’ teeth and he had also meant to ask just why did Surya think that the cats were the fastest creature on earth seeing as they were vastly inferior to the Wind Leopards that he used to play with. He stopped himself, however, and thankfully so. Just the talk of the Nightshades made Surya so nervous. Sesha could guess just how much the Wind Leopards would unsettle Surya and he did not want to deal with an even more agitated Surya.

“Alright alright! There’s no need for you to be so worked up,” said Sesha, “If you jump some more, you’ll only make yourself hungrier.”

That created a whole new problem because on cue, Surya’s stomach began rumbling.


Sesha sighed, “Didn’t you just eat a minute ago?”

Surya, who was visibly embarrassed, said meekly, “It’s just that… we were talking about nightshades and I became afraid…”

“Let me guess,” Sesha said, “You get hungry when you are scared don’t you?”

“Yes,” Surya said in a still subdued voice.

“Well, this part of the woods doesn’t have any fruits or berries that we can eat. We can only continue to walk ahead.”

“But brother! I am soooo hungry!”


“Eh!” Surya complained, “At this rate, I will die of hunger!”

“Just pray to your god then. Perhaps he will ensure your survivle before you find something to eat!” Sesha stuck his tongue out and teased him.

“I am a farmer brother,” Surya said indignantly, “We farmers create our own food. We never just ask the heavens for it. Besides, it’s not like anything will drop from sky if I just pray for it.”

“Doesn’t hurt to try,” said Sesha nonchalantly.

Perhaps it was because Surya was agitated by hunger but he really did spread open his arms and said in a faux devotional voice, “Mighty heavens above! Please give me — this Surya — something to eat!”

He opened his eyes and showed his hands to Sesha, “See, nothing at all!”

Just then, a small white rabbit plopped down from some tree above and right into Surya’s hands who instinctively caught it. Surya stared at it with his mouth agape while Sesha began to laugh.

“You know Surya, I think you have got a gift!”

* * *

The four major sects of the Hind continent were located into its four corners i.e. North, East, West and South. These sects were believed to be older than any empire of the continent. The names of these four great sects were, Uttara — the northern sect, Dakshina — the southern sect, Purava — the easter sect and Paschima — the western sect. Among these four sects, the Uttara sect lied inside the Shivpur empire. However, even the almighty emperor of Shivpur had no say whatsoever on the internal dealings of the sect. The sect was essentially autonomous.

Uttar sect was situated on the foot of the Himalayas and was relatively secluded from the outside world. In fact, a very small number of people knew of its actual location. Those who knew could be said to be the most influential people on the continent like other major sect heads, the royal household or very wealthy merchants.


The sect was huge and spanned acres of land. It was divided into different compounds where disciples of different levels trained and sparred with each other. In one such compound of the sect, a particularly violent spar was going on.

A whirlwhind like figure was wreaking havoc against an opposition of almost thirty disciples who were garbed in a plain battle cloth. From the compound, sounds of bones breaking and grown men crying like a little baby could be heard by everyone. In fact, the spectators that were previously gathered there to enjoy an interesting sparring match were now wincing as each sect disciple flew outside the compound and crashed into the walls and trees.

“Senior brother,” a spectating sect disciple asked another, “What has got that Vishakha angrier than usual?”

The person side stepped just as a human missile flew towards him and replied, “It seems that she was defeated in a tournament of some backwater city.”

“Heh? She was defeated? I didn’t know that experts also graced such city tournaments,” the disciple mused out loud.

“Idiot, it was no expert who defeated her. In fact, it was a warrior of second realm only,” the senior disciple said.

“What!? A warrior of the Water realm defeated this demon?”

“Hush!” said the senior disciple while giving his junior a stern look, “Don’t speak so loudly idiot! Why do you think are these guys getting beaten up in the first place? Apparently, they were caught talking about that very tournament! Don’t let that girl hear you or it will be you on that compound.”

The junior disciple’s face became pale after hearing his senior’s words and he unconsciously began to pray for his fellow disciples who were unfortunate enough to have been thrown into the pit with a raging bull.

There were not only the sect disciples who were spectating the one sided massacre. Even various elders of the sect were watching it from afar. Among these elders was a stern looking man who looked so cold to the point of giving an ice burn to people who dare look on his face. He remained observing the compound for a little while but left shortly after.

* * *

“Is this all you maggots got?” the woman spat at the group of warriors lying on the ground clutching various broken parts of their bodies.

“Pathetic! And then you go and dare whisper behind my back. You don’t have the qualifications! Hmph!!” she exclaimed and began walking out of the compound in a brisk fashion.

However, she was intercepted midway by a sect disciple who was visibly trembling.

“Lady Vishakha,” the disciple said timidly.

“Hiiiii,” he whimpered as Vishaka’s do-you-want-some-beating-too gaze bore down on him.

“What!” she spat.

“L-Lady Vishakha please, First Elder has summoned you,” the disciple said in his still timid voice.

“Father,” mumbled Vishakha and walked towards the Elder residence without giving any heed to the nearly passed out disciple besides her.

The disciple didn’t mind though. In fact he was utterly relieved by her departure. Once he was outside of her earshot, he whispered to himself,

“What a scary girl! To think that I had a crush on her at some point! Naive, I was truly naive.”

* * *

Vishakha arrived at the First Elder’s residence and walked inside without announcing her presence or requesting any audience. The room was large enough but it was mostly empty. It was so because this room was in fact the meditation room of the Elder. The room had two huge doors which remained mostly open and were only closed when the Elder decided to go into a closed door cultivation. There were multiple fractal-like murals drawn around the room and also a few paintings of dieties hanged here or there. There also was a raised platform at the end of the room where the Elder was supposed to meditate. Currently though, the Elder was standing beside it, in Vishakha’s wait.

“First Elder,” Vishakha bowed respectfully to the Elder. He was currently garbed in a white attire that indicated his rank of the First Elder. As for his appearance, it was extremely regal as if he were containing a power as boundless and oppressive as the ocean itself. However, despite of that, the look with which he looked at Vishakha was incomparably warm.

“Child, have I not told you to call me Father when we are alone like this?” the Elder chided gently.

Vishakha smiled and corrected herself, “Forgive me father.”

“Anyways, you must know why I summoned you here right?” said the Elder dissmissing the previously warm atmosphere around him.

“Yes Father, I accept my punishment,” She said while kneeling in front of him.

The Elder looked astonished.

“Rise Vishakha… I have not summoned you here to punish you,” Elder said kindly.

“But father! I have shamed the Uttara Sect by losing to a mere rogue warrior and on top of that, I also broke the sword that Grandfather personally crafted… and I also lost my dignity.”

The last part, she had said in a low voice.

The Elder remained smiling, “Yes, you lost and yes, the sword Fury also broke while on your hands but you should always remember child, losses are the foundations of victory. As for the sword? It can be repaired by a skilled blacksmith.”

It looked as if Vishakha wanted to interrupt the Elder, but he didn’t give her a change.

“Besides, the one whom you lost to, he is not a mere rogue warrior. He is the second prince of the empire: Prince Kartik.”

“What!!” Vishakha exclaimed, all her reservations in front of her father forgotten for the time being.

“Yes, apparently he was in a disguise of a rogue warrior, for god knows what reason. So you see Vishakha? Your loss doesn’t really bring a shame to Uttara Sect. Your opponent was a genius after all.”

“No father,” said Vishakha. The Elder raised an eyebrow in response.

“Our Uttara sect is the mightiest in this empire. Not even the second prince, no matter how much of a genius he is, should be able to defeat our sect. In this regard, I simply cannot accept my defeat.”

The Elder sighed.

This child, she is even more stubborn than her mother ever was.

“Fine then child. How about this, from today till the next two months, you will undergo a solitary expedition to the Himalayas. The harshness of the environment will undoubtedly strengthen your cultivation. And when you return, I’ll have a pleasant gift waiting for you,” the Elder said, adding a hint of mysteriousness.

“I shall comply Father,” Vishaka replied and then asked, “However, can I ask about the nature of this gift?”

The Elder broke into a wide grin, “Our Uttara sect is even older than the Empire itself, this you know. What you do not know, however, is that the first emperor of Shivpur made a deal with us in order to gain our continued support for his empire.

“Simply put, Uttara sect can call upon the Royal household if need ever arises. While the sect hasn’t misused this deal terribly over the years but right now, I think we have a desperate need of a sparring partner for you.”

Vishakha promptly understood everything. The cause of her humiliation and suffering was now coming on to her own ground. She broke into an utterly malicious grin. Her day had just gotten a whole lot better.

* * *

Prince Kartik was pacing about in his room ever since his meeting with his elder brother. Despite of being a prince, Kartik lived a spartan life. It was evident from his room where there were no luxuries that were befitting of a royalty. That was not to say that the room was completely bare. Compared to the living arrangements of a commoner, it was perhaps tens of times more lavish but compared to the arrangements of princes and princesses from other kingdoms, it was tens of times more frugal.

Sitting on the bed of Kartik’s room was Krishna, eating grapes with complete leisure.

“I say, your highness, the way you are moving about, you have probably travelled thousand of leagues already,” Krishna spoke up, unable to withstand the awkward silence in the room.

“Just who could it be!?” Kartik muttered, for the thousandth of time.

Krishna sighed. The news of an impostor wearing Prince Kartik’s face participating and ultimately winning the tournament had come as a big shock to the second prince. For the life of them, both the prince as well as Krishna hadn’t managed to find just how someone could accomplish the feat.

As far as they knew, there were only two sensible conclusions: either the said warrior really had a physique similar to Kartik’s alter ego, Asru or the warrior must have been in a disguise. As Kartik had “crafted” the physique of his other self himself and had not based it on any other existing person on the face of the earth, the former scenario was too big of a co-incidence to be true. Thus, only the latter remained.

However, even if it was concluded that the warrior had been in an disguise, Kartik couldn’t figure out how anybody could do that under the watchful gazes of the other participating warriors.

“Are you sure that it’s not a Yadu?” Kartik asked.

Krishna answered with a sigh, “For the hundreth time, Yes.”

“Perhaps someone else who knows this art?”

Krishna suddenly became grave, “Prince, my father is already threatening to severely punish me since I passed this art to you. I am only alive because I am his own flesh and blood and the next heir of the clan (’and he loves you no less than his own child’, he added silently). Believe me, he would have already killed anyone who dared leak this art to outsiders. We Yadus might not be the strongest but when it comes to our clan’s art, we become extremely unforgiving.”

Kartik looked a little guilty at his retainer’s words, “I apologise, it’s just this whole matter regarding the tournament and my investigation…”

“Eh, you don’t need to apologize to me, really. You are my prince after all,” said Krishna while breaking into an idiotic grin.

Kartik sighed. The happy-go-lucky attitude of his retainer made it difficult to take him seriously at times.

“By the way, your highness, did you find something about that red-eyed expert?”

Kartik stopped on his track and recalled the details about that mysterious expert. His blood red eyes, his ferocity and the ease with which he had handeled both his retainer and the berserk Mrita. Had the expert been a foe and not a friend… Kartik shuddered to think of that scenario.

“No, the Royal library has nothing on any tribes with red eyes nor it has any art that enables one to change one’s eye color, not to that degree anyway.”

Kartik mused some more, as if deciding on something and spoke, “Do you recall when we separated a week ago?”

“Yes, despite my severe objections, if I might add,” said Krishna a little grumpily.

Kartik took no heed of his obvious displeasure, “That Viscount that we were following, Bali, I didn’t manage to catch him,” Kartik face became dark at this point, but he immediately recovered, “What I did gathered though was something equally grave as the missing girls: The Blood Pills.”

Krishna promptly stopped whatever he was doing and stood up from the bed. He faced Prince Kartik and looked at him as if imploring him to continue.

“As you know, the empire has already banned the very existence of the Blood Pills to the point that if someone is even heard whispering the mere word, he is immediately detained by the empire. But, that has never stopped the production of these pills in the underground.

“However, such pills has been exceedingly rare and cost tens of thousands of golds in exchange. I suspect that not even handful of alchemist know of how to create them.”

“Then how come a measly third rate warrior like Mrita got his hands on it?” Krishna said.

“Precisely!” Kartik exclaimed, “It didn’t sit well with me too. So I extended my feelers in the underground and found out, with great difficulty no less, that someone has recently started selling pills that he claims is the Blood Pill. Of course, no one knows for certain whether they were the actual Blood Pills but since I have personally witnessed it’s effect, we do know that the pill is indeed what the pillmaker claims it is.”

“This is a news of utmost import Prince. We have to quickly make report to the Emperor! Oh wait, he is in closed door cultivation. Then your brother? (Kartik glared at him) No, No, I mean not your brother. Absolutely not. Minister of the Right? I mean, father has a great relation with you, we can tell him can’t we?”

“I already told him,” said Kartik.

Noticing the unenthusiastic tone of his voice, Krishna added, “Let me guess, he didn’t believe you?”

“No, he didn’t. He too knew about the rumors of such a pill-maker in the Underground but that’s what he thinks it is, just rumors,” Kartik said bitterly.

“But why did you not tell him of your encounter? Surely that would have changed his mind?” Krishna inquired.

“Are you an idiot!?” Kartik cried, “I was three. Three! When I went and injured my knee a bit and then he saddled me with you! I imagine he will set the entire empire’s army on my tail if he should ever come to know about that unfortunate adventure. Oh, and that reminds me, you are not to speak of that encounter with your father or my brother or any other living soul. That is an order.”

Krishna sighed, “I obey, my prince.”

“So, what will you do then?” He added.

“Need you even ask?” Kartik said with a smile that certainly didn’t mean anything good, “Both of us will be leaving tomorrow to investigate this pill-maker.”

“Just like that? I mean, where do we even start? Do we have his address or something?”

Kartik looked at him as if to say, are-you-an-idiot. He then said, “The only thing that we know at this point is his name. He calls himself the Demon Alchemist.”

“Hmm… catchy.”

“Anyways, pack your belongings and get ready to move within the end of this week. We have no time to waste.”

Before Krishna could get on to do anything, though, a maid requested permission to enter the prince’s chambers.

“Your highness, the First Prince asks for your presence,” she said.

Kartik dismissed her and looked at Krishna to ask if he knew anything about the summon. Krishna replied with a look that said, “I don’t know he’s your brother after all.”

It was a summon from his elder brother that he would have irritating consequences if defied. Thus, he went to the courtroom to answer it. The guards outside the room heard an unholy sound not even after the five minutes of Kartik entering inside. It was their second prince shrieking at the top of his lungs,


* * *

“So bitter!” Surya complained.

“What do you expect, wild roots are tasteless at best and bitter at worse… They are edible though. Honestly, you should be thankful that you are at least getting to eat at all,” Sesha paused for a while and looked at the white rabbit perched on Surya’s arms, “Are you sure? I mean really really sure that you don’t want to eat it?”

“I told you brother, Linny is not food! She is my friend. See, we’ve bonded already,” Surya said as he lifted the rabbit in front of him, “She no longer kicks me in the face or attempts to run off. That’s real progress, I tell you”

Sesha, however, was skeptical, “Isn’t it just because you are feeding her? Anyways, do what you want to do. It was your catch after all. But, are you sure that you want to call it by *that* name?”

“Yeah, it suits her,” Surya said enthusiastically, “Besides, she is just as cute as… as… my Linny… hic… hic.”

And he began crying out of nowhere. As a result, the bitter roots that he was complaining about earlier were devoured by him at an astonishing rate. Sesha hastily pulled and hid some lest Surya ate it all. The rabbit, Linny, too took a bigger bite than usual as if it were somehow sensing an incoming crisis.

Sesha was completely clueless as to how he could possibly console someone crying like that. If the past couple of days had taught him anything, it was that when Surya got like this, the best strategy was to give him as much food as possible and hope that he calms down before it runs out. Thankfully, he did calm out just as their provisions ran out.

“Thanks for that brother,” Surya said while blowing his nose.

Sesha simply shrugged it off. The few minutes after Surya’s episodes were critical ones and Sesha was careful to not speak anything that would set him off again.

After the critical moments had passed, Sesha (very very carefully) asked, “How many days before we reach the village?”

“Just one more day brother. I reckon we’ll reach our destination by tomorrow morning,” Surya said comfortably.

“You sure are very knowledgeable though Surya. Did you grow up around these parts?” Sesha asked him.

“Nah brother. I am a northener. Usually, we northerners have no business this far south in the empire,” Surya replied while carressing Linny the rabbit.

“Then how are you so knowledgeable about these parts?” Sesha asked.

“Oh, it’s just that I travelled a lot… back when, you know, I was searching for… my Linny… whaaaaaaaa!!”

Sesha gave a huge sigh. Apparently, his suffering for the day had not yet finished.

Just then, two arrows came whistling through the air at incredible speed towards Sesha and Surya. Sesha would have done something about it had the arrows actually been dangerous. The arrows were not exactly off the marks either. It was just that they were targeted to only barely scratch the cheeks of both Sesha and Surya. Surya was in no danger, Sesha surmised and he himself just tilted his head a little bit so that the arrow never touched him at all as it whizzed past him.

I missed? One of the marksman who had shot at Sesha thought to himself. The movement made by Sesha was the bare minimum to avoid the arrow and thus the archer had not discerned it in time.

Immediately, both Sesha and Surya were surrounded by dozens of armed men. Some of them had bows in their hands while others were carrying swords or spears.

“Halt! Who are you two!”

The leader of the party asked Surya while pointing his sword on his face.

“Hiiiiiii,” Surya cried out and moved to hide behind Sesha.

“We are only travellers. Our destination is the Sparrow village,” Sesha said calmly.

“Sparrow village you say? Kid, what do you know about sparrow village?” the leader asked again.

“Eh? I just know that it is a village of the Shivpur empire and that it lies near the border of the Dark Forest… err… that’s it really,” Sesha replied.

“Oh, so you don’t know that the Sparrow village is now occupied by us bandits then?”

“Not really, no,” said Sesha while Surya paled after hearing the word “bandit”.

“Well, you know now,” the leader said viciously, “Hand over your valuables and turn back this instant. Be thankful that today is Monday. I don’t really kill on Mondays if I can help it.”

“Valuables you say?” Sesha mused and then took out the wild roots that he had hid from Surya early on, “This is the only thing that we have on us. Here, take it,” said Sesha handing out the wild roots to the leader with good intentions. It had the completely opposite effect though.

“Haha…” the leader gave a very sinister laugh, “Very well kid, I see that you are determined to die today. Rejoice for you shall die at the hands of Theon of the Scorpion bandits,” he said while waving his sword around.

Sesha unconcsioulsy glanced at Theon’s waist region and tutted as if guided by an unknown force. Surya on the other hand, loudly exclaimed, “Scorpion bandits!! Hiiii,” and proceeded to faint on the ground.

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