《Aghori》Chapter 15 - The tournament (II)
Sesha had at first thought that this warrior Visha, who had challenged him, had indeed been quite arrogant but he quickly dispelled that thought. Why was that so? Because he had the strength to back up his dismissive display. That is to say, he was strong. Way too strong!! Not even a minute had passed before his round began but he had already made his opponent submit in a domineering fashion.
Does he hate weapons??
Sesha could distinctly recall Visha's method of victory in all of his previous matches, which including this one summed up to three. He had swiftly cut the sword and spear and sword of his opponents in more than one chunks and forced them to yield. If that did not tell Sesha of his nature, then perhaps nothing else would. Simply put, he was a snob. He did not win so much as he overwhelmed.
Granted that he had a higher strength than all of his opponents in this tournament, but couldn't he at least control his strength so as to not humiliate them? After all, having a greater power didn't mean that you could go around and trample all over those who were weaker than you! The previous Asru had a great power but he didn't overwhelm his opponents.. well he did seal off their meridians in but a few breaths but still.. And then there was Sesha himself, he too didn't blow them all over like ants.. or perhaps he did.. Anyway, the point was, Visha was being too forceful.
Sesha's observation was true, of course. Visha's display was indeed a little over the top but unbeknownst to Sesha, it did not come only from his strength. Visha was someone who belonged to one of the four most powerful sects in the entire continent, the Uttara Sect. And being associated with such a powerhouse inevitably nurtured one's pride to an astounding degree. How could then, a man with such pride like Visha, spare even an ounce of his respect to his opponents whom he believed to be only slightly better than insects?
"You are facing me, and dare to lose yourself in thought?"
Sesha was instantly brought back to the real world by the words of a warrior adorned in all black: Visha.
We are not even in the battleground yet, why's he so tensed up from the start?
"Did they call our names already?" Sesha asked him.
"Called or not called, it doesn't matter. A warrior should be ever vigilant!" Visha admonished him.
Visha's fake anger didn't last for long. It was soon replaced with curiosity.
"You, your name is Asru right?" Visha asked and then without waiting for Sesha's answer, continued, "You know, I could have sworn that you were taller.. and uglier."
"Was I?" Sesha asked with a surprised voice.
"Yeah, previously you looked like a grumpy old man, but now you somehow look more younger.. more beautiful. Did you use some herbs? Mind sharing them with me??" Visha asked.
This was strange. Sesha didn't think that this warrior was so chatty. In fact, dressed majestically in such a lavish black armor he should have had a cold and sinister attitude; much like his sword, ready to kill in an instant. But contrary to that image, he was.. smiling? Why was he smiling? Besides, does a smile even suit a scary face? But wait, his face.. it wasn't exactly scary, it was a little.. cute!?
Only now did Sesha realise that he had not, in fact, really observed this warrior. Perhaps it was due to their proximity, but now that he was really looking at him, he turned out to be quite different than what Sesha made him out to be in his mind.
"Oye!! Why are you staring at me like that?" Visha almost shouted.
"Don't huh me! And why aren't you answering my question?" he shouted again.
"What question?"
"Aagh!! You're so annoying!!" Visha stomped his foot.
What is his problem?
"I said, would you give me the herbs?" he said.
"What herbs?" Sesha asked.
"You playing with me?? Huh?? Do you want me to kill you??" Now he was quite angry.
"Seriously, what herbs??" Sesha was getting more and more lost.
"The one that made you beautiful dammit!!" Visha began to throw a tantrum?
Herbs that made me beautiful? Did I use any herbs?
Sesha began to think inwardly.
Of course he hadn't used any such herbs. For that matter, he hadn't even heard about them. But why would Visha even think that he had used some?
Sesha didn't know the answer to that question. After all, how was he to know that this confusion was due to him using the art of disguise and taking the form of Asru.
Sesha had used the mask that he had copied from Kartik, the mask of Asru. But Kartik using this mask and Sesha using this mask was quite different. Much like how two sculptures of same structure and color, one made from an ordinary stone and the other from marble, had subtle differences in their looks--the one from marble being more smooth and refined; Sesha and Kartik too looked different than one another despite of both taking on the same guise.
Of course, this difference wasn't so pronounced that a normal observer could distinguish between the two. But, for instance, if Kartik's personal retainer Krishna were to look at Sesha, then he would have undoubtedly recognized him as a fake. Unexpectedly, Visha too could feel that something was different but fortunately for Sesha, he mistook it for some type of beauty enhancing herbs.
"I don't really have any herbs like that.." Sesha said honestly.
"Hmph!! You dare lie to me? Fine, I will force it from you after I've beaten you." Visha said in a threatening tone.
Sesha was growing more and more impatient with Visha's behaviour. Any more and Sesha would have had enough but fortunately, it didn't come to pass--due to an announcement.
"People of the Golden Bird city, now is the time for the fight that you have long since looked forward too!! The finals of the Grand Warrior Tournament between the rogue warrior Asru and the warrior from the Uttara sect, Visha!!"
The audience instantly erupted to cheers as if welcoming the two of them out on the battleground.
Visha briskly moved out from the pavilion towards the field and Sesha followed him, wondering all the while why he would care about the beauty herb so much.
* * *
If Sesha had any doubts about the one who was standing opposite to him, they instantly flew out of his mind. Just about a minute ago, Visha was--at least Sesha thought so--a little playful, a warrior who cared so much about beauty, and herbs. But right now, that seemed like something Sesha had conjured up in his mind alone. After all, how could the one who was radiating such a cold killing intent without so much as a shred of restrain at him and whose mere smile would no doubt wet the pants of those who were unfortunate enough to face him; how could he of all person make a merry conversation, let alone throw a fit about some beauty products??
"You do not have a sword on you right?"
Even his voice could chill a lesser person down to the bone. That Visha was now asking Sesha a question.
"I prefer to fight without any weapons," Sesha coolly replied. Whether he was unfazed by the naked killing intent directed towards him or he was fazed but not letting it show, an observer couldn't tell.
Visha let out a chuckle that was eerily similar to the chuckle of a wolf which seemed to find an amusing rabbit in front of him.
"Here"--he threw an unsheathed sword towards Sesha--"use this."
Sesha caught the rotating sword dangerously flying towards himself in an effortless fashion; annoyance written all over his face due to his words being so blatantly ignored.
"Don't give me that look," Visha said, "I don't want to be called a bully by beating up an unarmed person."
Now it was Sesha's turn to be amused. The warrior before him seemed to care about appearances? Or was it perhaps a normal thing? Whatever be the case, Sesha was quite sure of one thing, this fight was going to be quite enjoyable.
"BEGIN !!"
Came the cue which pronounced the start of the fight and with it came the distinct sound of a sword being unsheathed. It was a sinister sword that had undoubtedly cut down many a lives and yet had somehow managed to retain a pristine look about it. It had a beauty that could only be appreciated by men of the swords and a horror that could be felt by those who stood facing it's edge. One glance was all it took Sesha to conclude that this was no ordinary sword.
"Heh, seems like you feel it" Visha said with pride similar to one that a lion had for its claws.
"Indeed, that sword, it is quite.." Sesha remarked.
"I think lethal is the word you are looking for," Visha smirked.
"I meant to say 'interesting'," Sesha corrected.
The match had already started but the two warriors had not yet made a move. The common folks, who were used to warriors charging at each other at the first chance, could not understand why they weren't at each other's neck already. But the more experienced ones, the soldiers, city guards and even a couple of warriors they knew why there was a standstill. The two had already acknowledged other's strength. They would not charge at each other rashly.
While it was a correct observation, at least to some extent, it wasn't entirely true. Visha was indeed wary of his opponent, who he was facing for the first time, due to his unusual battle tactics but Sesha wasn't particularly worried about Visha, not so much as he was about that sword of his.
Sesha would have waited a few minutes more, studying Visha's sword in depth, had it not been for Visha growing impatient.
He charged while brandishing the sinister sword in his right hand. Sesha, in response, took his own sword and pointed at the now running Visha, establishing a guard.
In but three breaths, Visha closed not-insignificant gap between the two of them and swung his sword at Sesha. Sesha too, parried in response.
A sharp metallic cry of the swords rang around the fields and the stands. This cry was unlike anything that the majority of the crowd had ever heard in their entire lives. In fact, it was more appropriate to call this a wail.
After that one strike, Visha took few steps back, maintaining the distance between the two of them. Evidently, he was quite surprised by the sound that his sword had made.
"Looks like it is not pleased," Sesha said.
"Huh?" Visha asked in a daze.
"After all, it must have been quite a while before she found a thing that it couldn't cut," Sesha said while waving his sword around. It was intact.
* * *
The stupefied look that Visha had on his face did not last for long. Slowly, the realization dawned upon him of what had happened and that had replaced his earlier frozen face to that of a utter disbelief. His sword had, for the first time in his life, failed to cut something. In fact, this sword was much older than him and if he had his facts right, not once in the sword's own life had it failed to cut something that it was swung upon. It had severed many an arrogant heads from their torsos, swam through the most sturdiest of battle armors like a fish in a lake and cleaved the sharpest of swords as if they were straws without so much as a chip on its own body. There had been nothing that his sword couldn't and hadn't cut. At least not until now.
"You!! What did you do!!" Visha bellowed.
"Hm? What might you mean by that?" Sesha replied.
"How could my sword not cut that third rate excuse of a weapon on your hands!!"
"Perhaps.. you didn't swing hard enough?" Sesha asked him and unwittingly (?) fanned his fury.
With a renewed vigor fuelled by hatred, Visha charged again at Sesha.
"DO !!"
Which was louder, the furious sound that both of their swords were making or the words that Visha had somehow managed to insert between his blows in an almost impressive manner, was debatable. But what could be agreed upon was that Visha was slowly gaining an upper hand on this exchange. His furious blows were being barely defended by Sesha, who was taking one step back with each of Visha's attack.
But it was quite odd if one thought about it. Why would Sesha, even when facing such a brutal onslaught, sport such a calm look on his face? As if he were almost smiling.
Visha was, however, too busy with his charge and couldn't notice that oddity. He simply continued delivering blows after blows from his sinister sword unto Sesha's frail looking yet impossibly sturdy one.
Eventually, their dance led both of them to the boundary of the field. This was a fight between warriors and had all the standard rules of a duel. If you were incapacitated, you lost, if you yielded, you lost and if you stepped outside the ring, you lost. Sesha was, thus, dangerously close to overstepping the fine boundary of defeat.
When it looked as if he had almost placed his foot outside the circle, a remarkable thing happened. Visha swung his sword from over his head as if to cut Sesha vertically across his body but that blow came a little late. The reason, which was most probably the exhaustion finally catching up to him, didn't matter to Sesha. He swiftly slid down through the slightly straddled legs of Visha into his behind. Visha stopped his sword midway and attempted to turn back, an oh-shit look on his face, but before he could do that, Sesha lightly pushed him off and he fell through the line outside the bounds.. almost.
At the last possible moment, Visha jammed his sword onto the ground a little inside of the boundary and somehow managed to prevent himself from an embarrassing defeat. Struggling with his sword for only a little while, he turned around to find an amused Sesha beaming at him.
"Why didn't you attack me?" Visha asked.
The time it took for him to balance himself on his sword and then turning back to face Sesha could be counted in matters of breaths but that was more than enough for any decent warrior to kill him three times over. Thus, it was perfectly logical of him to be astonished at the behavior that his current opponent was showing to him. Let alone incapacitate him, he didn't even attack him whilst he was fumbling around with his sword stuck on ground.
"You were facing your back towards me," Sesha replied.
Just what was this opponent of his implying? So what if he was facing his back towards him?? Isn't it all the more reason to end the fight swiftly? Or perhaps.. could it really be? Could his opponent really be a noble warrior?
"And I became quite engrossed in observing your armor from the back. I must say, the patterns are really impressive!"
"What the fuck!! Who the hell ignores his enemies to look at his armor!" Visha shouted.
"But they were really interesting and its not like I had anything to worry about," Sesha shrugged.
"Had nothing to worry about? Nothing?? ARE YOU KIDDING WITH ME YOU SON OF A.."
A furious Visha charged at Sesha without bothering to complete his sentence.
He slashed his sword from his right..
Sesha parried it easily.
He then thrust his sword at Sesha's abdomen.
Sesha deflected it again.
Charge after charge were dealt by Visha but Sesha was countering each and every single one of them.
Why the fuck does it not break!!
Visha was panting in frustration. He had offered the sword to Sesha himself. It was nothing fancy, just something that he had picked up from the local armory. Mightier swords made from Mithril itself hadn't been able to offer any resistance while clashing against his death sword and yet this simple blade composed of but some lowly iron was somehow managing to deflect it without sustaining any damage at all! How could this not enrage him?
Sesha, of course, knew the cause of his opponent frustration. It was, after all, his doing. Sesha knew that Visha tended to win by cutting down his opponent's weapons. While he simply thought it was a show of arrogance, he hadn't decided to act on it. But when Visha ignored Sesha's will of fighting with his fists alone and threw him a sword, Sesha couldn't help himself from exploiting his opponent's habit.
His sword was ordinary and it would no doubt break on a simple touch of that sinister sword. Knowing that, the only method Sesha had to somehow preserve his sword was a single one.
Indeed, Sesha was endowing his sword with the prana from his Muladhara!! But that was not all. Earlier, when he had observed Visha's sword, he had immediately noticed that not even his prana would have been able to save the frail blade on his hands. While this had at first astonished him greatly, it had also made it clear that the strength to face off against Visha's sword can only come from the essence of his first chakra. But how could Sesha waste his essence so frivolously? Thus Sesha had, at the end, resorted to the use of prana and not his essence to endow his sword but unlike spreading his prana evenly to the entire sword, he had gathered his prana to a particular region of the sword. Sesha then freely moved this region with his will to coincide at that particular part of the sword which came into contact with Visha's sword with each blow.
Considering that endowing itself was an epitome of a warrior's control over his prana, Sesha's technique of congregating his prana and then moving it freely in his weapon could only be said as a monstrous display of control over one's chakras! Additionally, Sesha had contained entirety of the prana, that he was bestowing upon his weapon, strictly inside it and had managed to retain the ordinary appearance of the sword unlike when Krishna had done the same and set his sword on fire. Due to these extraordinary feats, Visha had no idea that the sword on his opponent's hand was now no longer the same lowly sword that he had handed over to him.
"huff.. You coward.. huff.. Why are you not.. huff.. attacking?" Visha half panted and half spoke the words.
"Haha, I only defend and yet you have such a bad condition, won't people call me bully if I attack too??" Sesha replied in a happy tone.
But it ended up rubbing Visha off.
"YOU BASTARD.. YOU ARE SO FULL OF YOURSELF AREN'T YOU!!" Visha bellowed in a mad rage.
"Finally.." Sesha said as a yellow aura bursted forth from Visha.
* * *
It seemed as if air itself was boiling. The yellow aura that had erupted from his Manipura was making Visha appear as if he was on fire. His hair, which was a little longer than normal, was flaying wildly, as if dancing in the violent rhythm of his fiery energy. His eyes, which were already red from rage, were now brimming with an intent which seemed to imply that he would first kill Sesha and then stomp his body a thousand times over then feed his meat paste to street dogs. He really was quite pissed off.
"You bastard, do not blame after you die. You forced this on yourself!" Visha exclaimed.
While death was an improbable occurrence in such tournaments, it was not unheard of. However, more often than not, they were entirely unintentional. Therefore, Visha's proclamation sent a wave of murmur within the observers.
"He really wants to kill him!!"
"Haha, Asru is done for!"
"Kill him Visha!!"
Due to the fame of the major sects, Visha was a clear favorite. This, however, did not bother Sesha in the least. Rather, he was sporting a calm smile on his face.
"You know, I was beginning to think that you were never going to take me seriously.." Sesha said.
"Enough talk!! NOW DIE ALREADY!!"
If Visha charge earlier was fast then right now it could only be said as fast and furious. With each swing of his sword, he was slicing the air apart and the shockwave from his charge was reverberating all over the grounds.
Even the observers who were a safe distance away from the fight were feeling its effects.
"HOT!! HOT !!"
Those who were closest to the two warriors exclaimed and then hastened their way to the back. The unfortunate children who felt Visha's aura developed burns in their skins and their fathers and mothers hurriedly covered them with their own bodies. Maidens who had dressed luxuriously in finest silken garments began to weep as the heat started melting their clothes. Chaos ensued all around the front seats.
"Mind restraining yourself a bit?" Sesha said gravely.
"DIE !!" Visha charged at him totally ignoring his words.
Curiously, even though Visha's speed had increased to ten times his original, thanks to his energy being in abundant, he still wasn't able to land his sword on Sesha's body. At the last moment, Sesha always ended up dodging his sword.
"Save me!!"
People were still crying and it seemed Visha didn't seem to hear them.
Sesha could now wait no more. If this were to continue, Visha would undoubtedly end up killing more than one civilians. Therefore, Sesha went on offense.
Visha was still swinging his sword at him furiously. One particular blow came from Visha's left which Sesha parried from below with an increased strength deflecting Visha's sword a greater distance away. Without allowing him to recover, Sesha continued his parry from his right and made a slash towards Visha's chest. Visha's sword was sent back quite a bit but still he managed to stop Sesha's sword at the last moment.
Three more strikes were dealt by Sesha which Visha clumsily parried. It seemed that Sesha was gaining an advantage. Realising this, Visha became furious and his chakra revolved more furiously increasing his fire aura even more!
The people at the front became more miserable! Their shrieks filled the stands due to them being burned by the intense heat of a wild yellow aura.
Fully bathed in an unrestrained aura, Visha swung his sword with a strength that could comfortably cleave a thick pillar of Mithril. Sesha condensed his earthen prana in the weapon to an extremely tiny spot and swung it with equal strength at Visha. Both the swords met each other as if two dragons lashing out at each other. Amidst the ongoing cry of the people present in the stadium, a shrill sound echoed.
A shard flew from Visha's sword, danced wildly in the air and ultimately dropped to the ground! His sword had been cut by Sesha.
It took a while for Visha to register what had happened. He glanced at his sword and then at the quarter portion that was lying on the ground then back at his sword again.
"AAAAAGHHHH!!! WH-WHAT HAVE YOU DONE !!" He bellowed madly.
"I cut it," Sesha said simply.
"KILL.. HE WILL KILL ME!! MASTER WILL KILL ME!!" Visha was madly shouting to himself.
"Relax.. Oye! Restrain yourself!!" Sesha said in a worried voice.
Apparently, the sword was of much importance to Visha. He did not take its damage lightly.
"WAAAA.. MASTER WILL KILL ME.... WAAAAAA," he began crying.
At first Sesha was quite perplexed. Why would his opponent start crying of all things but very soon that thought left his mind replaced by a dread.
Manipura is the chakra of fire. Like fire, it is very potent and extremely powerful. Thus, to control Manipura requires a great deal of restrain of one's self. If one does not keep it in check, the fire run rampant and damages not only its surroundings but also whosoever is controlling it. That same thing was happening with Visha.
Visha had already started to lose his restrain when he was enraged by Sesha's taunts. His fire had gone wild at the same instant. But now that Sesha cut his sword, Visha was no longer himself. As a result, not only had his fire increased, expanding a great distance to the stadium but it was also starting to harm himself.
"WAAAA.." Visha cried loudly.
"Restrain!! Restrain yourself! QUICK!!" Sesha cried in vain.
"Mother! It burns!!"
"Fire!! Help me!!"
"Save me!!"
"Quick run outside!"
The entire stadium was crying in desperation. Sensing that Visha wasn't going to come in control anytime sooner, Sesha had to take action.
He swiftly ran over to Visha's back and with a short and precise blow to his neck, incapacitated him. Visha fell to the ground, but Sesha's worry didn't cease. Even after being unconscious, the fire from Manipura didn't stop. It burned incessantly threatening to turn the entire stands into one massive burning pyre.
Sesha rolled Visha's body facing him. Without much trouble, he teared the strong armor apart from Visha's body and then his underclothes, exposing his naked body.
Precisely three finger widths down the navel lied the Manipura. Sesha drew a quick and complex formation at Visha's Manipura using his own blood. Placing his palm at that formation, Sesha poured out his fire prana. The formation glowed and the tyrannical fire that was pouring out from Visha's body, ceased completely.
People were still crying due to the burns that they had suffered from Visha's aura and were in process of madly rushing out to the stands. In fact, the entire stadium was in a frenzy and trying to dash towards the exit. If the situation had continued, there would undoubtedly have been a stampede. But before it could happen, a cool aura washed over the entire stadium, calming them in an instant. Those who had suffered from the fire aura finally breathed in relief due to being bathed in the gentle orange aura and others who were simply frightened out of their wits also managed to calm themselves down. This aura had originated from Sesha's Swadhisthana.
After a while, the people calmed down and slowly began to process what had transpired. Visha had attacked Asru first with fire involving the spectators in the process and then Asru had defeated him and ridden them of the fire. Very soon, they began to chant in unison,
The entire stands became full of his name! At first, they clearly favored the warrior from the Uttara sect, Visha. But now, they had a new favorite: Asru. The rogue warrior who had not only defeated the warrior from one of the four major sects but had also gotten rid of the fire and relieved them through his cool and gentle domain. How could they not applaud him then!?
"Ladies and gentlemen! The winner of this grand warrior tournament is ASRU!"
The entire stands rang with huge rounds of applauds!
"As per the decree of emperor Bhairava, warrior Asru is now not only entitled with a thousand gold coins but will also be granted nobility and a fief. I now pronounce him, the lord of the Sparrow village!!"
"Lord Asru!!"
"Lord Asru!!"
"Lord Asru!!"
Sesha became lost when entirety of the people began chanting his name! A feeling came over him and he gently raised his hands and waved at the stands.
In response to his waving, the stands became electrified and began chanting his name more loudly. Sesha was unexpectedly enjoying this spectacle but he was quickly brought back.. by a horrible shriek.
He looked to his side at the warrior Visha who had came out of his unconsciousness and was looking at him with a furious expression while clutching his chests.
"You.. YOU.. HOW DARE YOU!!" He shrieked again. But this time, his voice was quite off. In fact, it was one octave higher than his usual.
"HOW DARE YOU STRIP MY CLOTHES!!" He cried in fury.
Sesha eyed him in exasperation.
"Your fire was going quite wild you know. Had I not supp-"
Visha ignored whatever Sesha was saying.
"Pervert?" Sesha asked.
"What!?" Sesha said incredulously.
"I WILL KILL YOU!!" Visha bellowed and reached out for the sword on the ground, only to promptly withdraw his hands and clutch his chest again under Sesha's gaze.
In the small moment that Visha had reached for his sword and then withdrawn his hands back, Sesha had clearly seen the pale and soft bulk of allure adorned with a dark tip at its front. What was remarkable was that Sesha had somehow not seen it up until now but now that he did see it, his face became aghast. His voice trembling, he said in disbelief.
"You.. you are a girl!!"
* * *
Author's Note:
Hello all,
I apologize for the delay. Got real mixed up in the RL. Anyways, the Golden Bird city arc has come to a conclusion and I'll be starting a new arc soon. But before that, I think a little side story is in order. I won't tell you what it is going to be (what's the fun in that?) so let the guessing game begin!
Lastly, what did you think about this unexpected development? Did you see it coming? Let me know in the comments below along with any errata or suggestions. See you again then!
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