《Aghori》Chapter 5 - The Golden Bird City
"Tak tak tak tak"
A horse cart was going through the forest. It was currently mid afternoon. The sun was up high in the sky and burning with full vigor.
"So hot", a girl who was currently seated at the cart was complaining.
This girl, from her looks, was about nine or ten year old.
"Here, have some water Rosey.", a person who was seated at the front of the cart and was currently driving it, passed a bottle of water to her.
She took the bottle from his hands and drank some water.
"Big brother, do you want some too?", She asked to the only other passenger that was on this cart. A boy who was seated opposite to her.
This boy was none other than Sesha.
It had already been a week after he had parted from his master. In first two days, he had managed to come out of the Dark Forest. Given Sesha's speed, he easily traveled a thousand leagues in a single day. The fact that it took him two whole day to surpass the forest showed just how vast it really was.
In the days that followed, he just walked around aimlessly. Due to the extent of his cultivation, hunger was not a problem to him and sleeping outside did no harm to his health. Even the animals of the forest didn't bother him at all. His journey was quite peaceful in that regard. The problem, however, was that he didn't have a current aim. He wasn't really familiar with the world outside the forest after all and he just didn't know where to start from. Fortunately, just this morning, a horse cart passed by and he was able to tag along. For now, he had decided to go along with them.
"Thanks Rosey.", Sesha took the bottle from her hands and drank some water.
While he was drinking, the little child Rosey, for some reason, was intently staring at his face.
"Big brother, are you a prince?", she asked suddenly.
Sesha looked at this little girl who was currently fixated on him with starry eyes. Why would this girl ask him something so random? He had no idea at all.
"Why do you ask?"
"Because you are really pretty!!", Rosey squeaked.
"Are all princes pretty, Rosey?", Sesha inquired further.
The only thing he knew about princes and princess was that they were supposed to be the sons and daughters of the ruler of an empire. His master had only taught him the bare minimum about the world.
"Of course!! Mother said so. She also said that princes look much more handsome when they ride their beautiful white horse!!"
"Hmm.. But even if you say all princes are pretty, it doesn't mean all those who are pretty must be a prince you know.", this was a basic logical argument to Sesha.
Naturally, Rosey didn't understand this. Just when she was at loss about what to say,
"Oye! Don't trouble your big brother!", the man who was driving the carriage reprimanded her.
"Son, don't mind her words.. It's her mother's fault to be honest. She keeps telling this girl about all these weird stuff.", the man apologized.
"But father!", Rosey was protesting because she really wanted to talk some more with Sesha.
"It's alright Mister Solom. I don't really mind it, rather it feels like I am learning something.", Sesha accepted his apology readily.
"You shouldn't really encourage her son! Her mother has already done so much damage.", Solom sighed and continued,
"If it was not for her mother filling her head with all these stories about princes and warriors, I would still be resting comfortably in my house.."
"Oh! Didn't you say that you were going to watch some tournament Mister Solom?", Sesha asked.
Solom sighed again..
"Yes son.. ahh.. It really is a waste!!"
"Father!! What do you mean it's a waste!! It's not just any tournament you know! It's the Grand Warrior tournament!! Aren't you excited at all?", Rosey protested angrily.
"What excited? If it wasn't for you refusing to eat for two straight days, I wouldn't even be here wasting my rare vacation!!", Solom angrily retorted.
"Father! Don't say it in front of big brother!!", Rosey said frantically in a voice which was one octave above than her usual.
She was clearly embarrassed. In fact, it was showing as pink on her cheeks.
"Oh, she must really have wanted to watch it then!", Sesha remarked.
"That's an understatement son.", Solom replied. "Told you didn't I? Didn't even put a grain of rice on her mouth until I promised to take her to the city! Ahh.. This child really is a handful. I can't wait for the day when I'll marry her off to an unfortunate boy.", Solom complained.
"Father..", Rosey's voice was quite weak and she was blushing furiously.
* * *
"What sort of tournament is this Mister Solom?", Sesha inquired again.
"It's quite grand actually. The city we're going to, the Golden Bird city. It is going to be jam packed for the duration of the tournament. Mind you, the size of this city is not insignificant.", Solom said.
"Big brother! There will be all sorts of warriors from different sects, you know!! And someone in village said that even the youngest prince of Shivpur will be there!!", Rosey said excitedly.
"Huh! This is why you wanted to go to the city so badly??", Solom exclaimed in surprise. Evidently, this was news to him.
*nod* *nod*
Rosey nodded vigorously.
"By the way son, I haven't asked where I should drop you off..", Solom asked Sesha.
Truthfully, Sesha didn't have any particular aim in his mind. Solom and Rosey had kindly offered him a ride when he was walking along the road. Up until now, he was just going with the flow, thus, when Solom asked him this, he decided to follow this flow for a little bit more.
"To be honest, I too was going to the city to try my luck. Mind if I impose on you for a bit more?", Sesha asked honestly.
"Yeah!! Big brother is coming with us!",
Before Solom could say any word, Rosey interjected joyfully.
"Rosey seems to be fond of you and I don't mind it too.. Besides, it's only two or three hours anyway.
"More importantly, do you have any place to stay son? The city will be crowded this time around and price of everything skyrockets.", Solom expressed his genuine concerns.
"Well.. I don't really have a place to stay but it won't be a problem."
"That absolutely won't do son, the city is extremely ruthless in these times. Even with three times the usual guards, the cases of theft and robbery increases drastically!!"
"Please don't worry about it Mister Solom. Besides, I don't really have anything valuable on me so I am not really worried about theft or robberies."
Rosey, who was merely listening up until now, suddenly spoke up,
"Father! Can't big brother stay with us at aunt's place?"
Solom instantly agreed.
"You're right Rosey. Son, you should come with us. My cousin has an inn at the city. I'm sure that she'll have some extra rooms. And after the craze of the tournament subsides, I'll ask her to find a suitable job for you. She knows quite a lot of people in the city you see."
Sensing Solom's earnestness, Sesha agreed to take upon his offer.
"If it isn't any hassle to you Mister Solom, then I'll depend upon you for now."
Rosey was overjoyed.
* * *
Solom's estimates were quite accurate. In only three hours, the three of them arrived at the Golden Bird city.
The city itself was magnificent. Although Sesha couldn't see what was inside of the city, due to it being surrounded by massive walls on all sides, he could hear the hustle and bustle of the city from outside the gates.
Presently, the three of them were in front of the city gates, in a queue. There were two queues, one for carriages of all size and the other for the people who were on foot.
Never before had Sesha seen so many people in his life. There were hundreds, no, thousands of people queuing in front of the gates.
"Told you didn't I, son? There are way too many people in this city at this time.", Solom said.
"Are they all here to see the tournament?", Sesha expressed his bemusement.
"Yes big brother!!", Rosey replied enthusiastically.
"This is nothing son, three days from now is the finals of the tournament. Wait till you see the crowd at that day!"
After waiting for a long time, they finally managed to get inside the city. Only now did Sesha see how big the city really was. There were people at every direction!
"Fishes!! Fresh fishes!"
"Silk garments, Cotton garments, Jewelries!"
"Horses!! Fastest horses in the entire city!! Buy or rent!!"
"Inns! Cheap accommodations!"
"Tickets for the tournaments! Hurry up or they'll be gone!"
There were cries everywhere from the vendors to sell their products. Some were even forcibly dragging unwilling customers to their stalls. The influx of people had created a huge opportunity for the sellers and no one was willing to let this opportunity slide by.
Solom slowly led the cart through the narrow streets and arrived at an Inn. It was named Purple Orchid Inn. After taking care of his cart and his horse, he led Sesha and Rosey into the Inn.
"Surya!! you idiot!! Didn't I tell you clean the eleventh room this morning?? Why the fuck does it still smell like prostitutes??"
What welcomed them was a woman shouting on someone. The woman was approximately thirty years of old. With well proportioned body, she was quite likeable. With black eyes and black hairs and a fair skin, her facial features were captivating. In fact, they were remarkably similar to little Rosey! If only her face didn't have that look of fierceness that she was currently displaying, one could label her as a stunning beauty!
The boy on the other hand had an ordinary build and average looks. But there was one thing special about him, his eyes were of different color. Not exactly different color though, they were both green but his left pupil was forest green and his right pupil was emerald green. Other than that, he had black hair and he was slightly taller for a typical fifteen year old. Nothing too remarkable.
"But mistress, when I went up to clean, they were still... doing.. you know.", a boy who was no older than Sesha said in a weak voice.
"Chhe! Those damn girls, why don't they just leave my place alone!! Don't they have a place of their own?", she was still shouting.
"Their usual places are already packed mistress.. all because of the tourney..", the boy said meekly.
"I know that already you dimwit!!", she shouted again.
By this point, the boy, who was undoubtedly Surya, was on the verge of tears.
The woman paused for a while and noticing something, looked at the entrance. Only now did she see an exasperated Solom desperately covering the ears of his daughter, Rosey.
"Rosey!!", she squeaked and ran forward to hug the little girl.
"Aunt Sophie!!", Rosey was equally excited.
"Cousin, your cussing hasn't really improved even a bit you know.", Solom said with a sigh.
"How was your journey little Rosey??"
"It was really good Aunt Sophie!"
"Really?? Didn't your mother come along?"
"No.. She had a terrible headache Auntie.."
"Truly unfortunate"
"Oye!! Don't ignore me dammit!!"
"Oh.. Cousin, you are still alive!?", Sophie said in a surprised tone. Only now did she spare a glance towards the irritated Solom.
"Of course I am ali... The fuck is that question!!", he retorted angrily.
"Manners Cousin, you shouldn't use that word in front of your daughter you know.", Sophie reprimanded him.
This made him even angrier..
"You.. you..!!", Solom was visibly shaking. Apparently, they were not the friendliest cousins in the city.
Sophie ignored him again and began chatting with little Rosey.
"And then.. When we're travelling, we picked big brother up! He too was coming to this city!!"
Sophie followed her niece's gaze and saw Sesha. He was standing beside Solom. When she looked at him, he gave a faint smile. Coupled with his looks, his smiled glowed so brilliantly that any girl would find it difficult to maintain her composure. Any girl, except for Sophie. His look had a completely unexpected effect on her!
She faced Solom and growled,
"Why did you pick up a stranger in the middle of the forest you dimwit!!".
Contrary to Sophie, Solom was quite uncomfortable while voicing his reply,
"He was travelling.. and the forest.. is.. you know,.. dangerous right?"
"Of course it is dangerous you retard!! That is why you should not pick up any shady character in the middle of it!!", She was increasing her voice more and more!!
"Forget it you know.. Besides, he has no money and I already promised him that he can stay with us..", Solom said, which was probably not the best thing to say to her.. But it didn't take him long to realise, because,
"YOU IDIOT!!", she bellowed!
There were many people at the Purple Orchid inn, who had came to see the tournament. By now, many of these people had already came outside to see the cause of this commotion.
"Not only did you pick up a stranger.. You offered him a place to stay?? And for free?? Really cousin, how much of an idiot you really are??", Sophie was furious with him.
Sophie's anger was justified. One did not simply pick up any stranger, in a forest of all place! And Solom had gone ahead and offered him a place to stay too!! To Solom, it wasn't really much of a big deal.. He was born and raised in a village, where people helped each other. But to city folks, it was outrageous!!
"Cousin,, please keep your voice down.."
By now, many of the people who were staying at the inn were coming out to see the cause of the commotion. This was making Solom really uncomfortable.
"Voice down my foot!!", She faced towards Sesha and said to his face, "My cousin has already done you a kindness by escorting you here. I want you to leave this instant!!"
Sophie's voice was not loud but it was not kind either! She clearly stated that Sesha was no longer welcome at her inn.
"I understand Miss Sophie.", Sesha didn't really mind and besides, as Sophie said, Solom had already done him kindness by giving him a ride to the city.
"Thanks again Mister Solom. Farewell, little Rosey..", Sesha turned and walked towards the door.
A little before, Rosey was watching the entire episode of her aunt rebuking her father about Sesha but she couldn't do anything. The whole thing happened just too fast. Before she came to her senses, Sesha was already walking outside the inn.. She frantically ran to Sesha and clang to his feet.
"Big brother.. Please don't go!!", she started crying, tears raining from her eyes and nose!!
Rosey had already been too attached to Sesha, which was a little weird to be honest. But then again, she was but a child. So her tantrum was justified as an action of a child. But this didn't make things any better for Sesha. The little girl was tightly clinging on his feet and he couldn't even move a step!
Sesha just didn't know what to do! He attempted to console her but she just wouldn't let go!
"Big brother!! You must stay.. WAAAA", Rosey increased her pitch up a notch..
Sesha looked at Solom.. Like him, Solom too was at loss.. Fortunately, something unexpected happened.
"Dearest Rosey.. Please don't cry.. Aunt will let him stay okay.. Your big brother will definitely remain here.", Sophie began to console her frantically!!
That ruthless woman had an extremely flustered face on her! She didn't have any concern at all towards Sesha, that much was clear but when she spoke to Rosey, her voice was kind and motherly! If her sudden change was shocking, then what came next can only be described as: "flabbergasting!"
"Yippie!! Big brother isn't going anywhere!!", Rosey instantly stopped crying.. And started smiling instead. The change was way too sudden and unnatural.
The whole development was extremely amusing, to not only Sesha, but everyone who had been witnessing it. Only Solom was sighing with palm on his face.
* * *
"Boy, there aren't any rooms.. You'll sleep on the stables.", Sophie said.
Sesha didn't really wanted to remain at the inn because he could sense Sophie's dislike towards him but he just didn't want to go through the whole episode of Rosey crying and clinging to his feet again. He decided that it would be easier this way.
"I don't really have any problems with that Miss Sophie", he said with a smile which instantly darkened Sophie's mood.
"Surya will show to the stables. Remember to be quiet boy. If you spook the horses at the middle of the night, I'll come and kill you myself."
"O..kay.", Sesha was a little stunned by her sudden proclamation.
Sophie left him with the boy named Surya and he led him to the stables.
"She really is a demon right?", Surya asked him.
"Is she?", Sesha answered with a question.
"Of course she is!! Do you know how much I have to work these days! And she shouts at me all the time! Surya this and Surya that!! Ahh.. Even my late mother didn't shout at me this much!!", Surya complained bitterly.
"She really isn't a bad woman.. Although, her voice is a little too loud.", Sesha expressed his opinions honestly.
"Whoa!! You totally do not know her brother! Did you know? She is named as the Loud Mouthed Purple Demon in these parts!"
"Really? That's quite an unpleasant name."
"I said it didn't I? She totally shouts and everyone.. One time the governor visited this inn and forgot to take off his shoes before entering the room.. Man you should have been here! He was totally in tears after she was done with him.. She is only ever kind to that little girl."
"Yes, that's the one. Although she doesn't visit here that much but whenever she does, mistress becomes extremely happy for some reason. Sigh!! If only she visited more often.."
After a pause, Surya continued..
"So brother.. Are you here to see the tournament? Do you have the tickets? If you don't have it, then I know someone who can sell it to you, you know."
"Not really.. I'm just looking for a job. As for the money, I don't really have it."
"Oh..", he paused for a while, "That's too bad. The tournament really is awesome you know!! But don't worry.. If you find a job soon, you can save some money for the next tournament. Next time, we can even go together!"
This Surya really was a cheery fellow. Sesha could only feel good intentions from him.
Soon they arrived at the stables.
"Settle your things there brother, I'll get you something to eat..", with these words, Surya left Sesha and went towards the inn.
Sesha didn't have many things on him from the beginning. Whatever he had, was in the Hidden Space that was gifted by his master. Apart from that, he carried a bag that contained some herbs. So he didn't really have anything to "settle". He simply washed his face and limbs with the water that was nearby and began meditating a little. When he started his breathing techniques, he withdrew a huge amount of prana from the surroundings.. He channeled these prana into his meridians and washed away all he impurities that he gathered during the day. This was something that he did daily. After his impurities were washed away, he began gathering prana into his Muladhara and started channeling it upwards.
Sesha was currently in the third realm, the Fire realm. To be precise, he was at the middle stage of the Water realm. Currently, his goal was to increase the concentration of prana in his third chakra and attempt to break it through to the fourth stage. But this was in no way easy.
The elements associated with the chakras from bottom to top were Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Void, Soul and Divine. They became more and more ethereal as they went up. There was a reason for this. The chakras were essentially places where the prana of the entire body gathered. More accurately, the prana first gathered to the Muladhara, the first chakra.. Once this chakra was completely filled, the prana flowed upwards to the second chakra, Swadhisthana. But this prana would be filtered before it could flow over.
The chakra in Muladhara was extremely condensed, almost solid. Hence it was also called the chakra of Earth. But when it flowed upwards, the filtering process of the second chakra made the prana more fluid. Hence it was termed the chakra of Water. Similarly, when the second chakra was filled to the brim, the prana moved over to the third, Manipura.. Only, the prana would have been further filtered into an almost ethereal form of Fire. This process continued so on and so forth up until it reached the fifth chakra, the Void. In this realm, only the purest essence of life would gather at the fifth chakra. So tiny was the amount of this essence that almost all of the cultivators could never detect it. As a result, they would find their fifth chakra empty!! This was the reason that it was called the Void realm!
The two remaining chakras, the Ajna and the Sahasrara were entirely different than the five that were below them. When one conquered the five chakras and reached the sixth realm, the Soul realm, he would instantly become divine. This was the reason that there was no comparison between those of the Void realm and those of Soul realm. But of course, it was extremely difficult to break into this realm. It was the boundary that separated mortals and immortals.
The sixth Ajna could only be opened by the prana from the Void realm. But since the essence of the Void realm was extremely tiny to begin with, it was almost impossible to gather a sufficient amount to break open the Ajna chakra and step into the Soul realm. However, Sesha didn't need to open his Ajna chakra.. since it was already open from the start. What he did have to worry about was the opening of the seventh chakra, Sahasrara. But that could wait.
For now, he only had to surpass the third realm. This was the sole reason of the meditation that he was doing. He would've continued to meditate, at least until Surya returned with some food, but something disturbed his cultivation. Sesha opened his eyes and searched for the source of commotion. He found it quite easily.
* * *
"But.. Linny, you.. you said you'll go with me.."
The one who said this was no other than Surya. He was currently facing a beautiful girl who was embracing a middle aged man.
"Hmph! Who said I'd go with you.. you trash! I am already going with Sir Christopher.", the girl called Linny embraced the man more tightly, pressing her youthful charms upon him.
"I.. I even bought two passes.", Surya's voice was faltering. His eyes had already began to moisten.
"That's good then, maybe you can find a stable-girl who'll be willing to accompany you.", Linny's voice was full of disdain.
"Linny, who's this boy?", the man who was accompanying Linny, asked her.
This was the Sir Christopher Linny that spoke of. He looked like someone in his forties but his body was brimming with vitality. He had a powerful build. With spectacular armor and a sword on his back, he did look quite dashing. Not only that, Sesha, who was currently observing him from afar, could readily see a faint yellow aura around him. The yellow aura was emanating from Manipura!! This Sir Christopher was a practitioner and not only that, he was a practitioner of the Fire realm, just like Sesha was.
"He's just a trash, Sir Christopher. Please don't mind him. Let's go already, I can't hold it anymore.", She said with an unbelievably cute expression, increasing the strength of her embrace.
Sir Christopher smiled in response and with her in his arms, walked towards the inn.
"You needn't come here.. The rooms are already full.", a cold voice rang before they could enter. This voice was of Sophie who happened to listen on this conversation since the start.
"Chhe! Let's go Sir Christopher, this inn was no good in the first place."
With these words, Linny led Sir Christopher away, perhaps to another Inn.
Sesha was calmly observing from the sidelines. He didn't see any need to interfere. On the other hand, Surya was desperately trying to stop his tears, shaking vehemently in the process.
"I already told you to not get involved with her. And you went and bought the pass for her.. What an idiot", Sophie said again, as she emerged outside. Although her voice was still of disdain, it had some traces of concern in it. Sesha could feel it.
"Linny said.. she'd.. go.. with.. me", Surya was incapable of even forming a sentence..
"Of course she said that, you dimwit! She is a whore, what did you expect!? She'd go with any one for some gold! Why don't you get this already boy?? Why do you still chase her?"
"I.. I.. L..ove her"
Sophie was still trying to say something but whatever her next words were, she couldn't voice them.
"You truly are an idiot..", she sighed.. "go, you don't need to do anything for the night."
She turned away after dismissing him.
Sesha returned to the stable, along with Surya. Both of them said nothing at all for the rest of the night. Surya didn't even touch the food that he had brought for himself and Sesha. He merely slept without a word.
That night, Sesha could hear the sobs of Surya who was sleeping near him. The sobs continued for the entire night. Due to his extraordinary perception, Sesha could feel a little of Surya's heart. It was full of a pain that he had never known before. Although he didn't feel it to the extent that Surya himself was bearing through but he could already tell that this pain, he did not want to feel it ever in his days to come.
Although Sesha didn't know it at the moment, but what he was feeling from Surya, was a broken heart.
* * *
Author's Note:
Hello everyone, hope you are enjoying this story. Do let me know.
This is my first web novel so expect some errors here and there. But if you do spot them or if you have any comments / criticisms, please drop them off in the comments below.
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Pluto x Reader
Thank you for picking this story. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it ❤️ Love you xx ~Kathy
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