《Rebirth in a corrupt world》A2 - Side chapter - Initiative and Caution


Author: This is some side events the mc was not a part of.


Puerial’s POV (begins when Kuro went foraging in Arc 1 Chapter 18)

“Hey you two, you’ve known Kuro the longest. How does Kuro usually treat you guys….does he do anything…” (Beth)

“He doesn’t. Kuro is different.” (Shiro)

Wow Shiro didn’t even wait for Beth to finish talking. Ah, I think she is mad, she is making a scary face toward Beth.

“Uhm, yea, Kuro is strong, and helpful, and smart and...and he cares. He is like my brother, but more serious. He’s different, but it's hard to explain. Shiro knows it better.” (Puerial)

“How can you two just say he is different, what if he is just pretending! What if he just wants to take advantage of us!” (Beth)

“*Glare* why don't you just ask him yourself. Otherwise, if you keep saying bad things about kuro, we will leave.” (Shiro)

“Ah, wait! Don't fight, my mom said people who don't talk to each other will only fight, so just talk and calm down. Please.” (Puerial)

“ Kuh, I get it I’ll just ask him ok.” (Beth)

“Fine.” (Shiro)

Au, the air is heavy. Kuro hurry back everything is better when you're here.


Everyone isn’t talking much besides me and Shiro, Beth is keeping to herself. I hope they feel better, I was almost like them right, I’m glad I met Kuro.

He is so cool, hehe, and those massages feel so great. But he doesn’t like doing them, he even tries to deny Shiro, but she always gets it. Fuu, just wait! I will be cared for like that too!


Beth is talking to Kuro right now.

She is looking at him rudely, I don't like it, my chest hurts when I look. Kuro is a good person, for Beth to do such rude things is unforgivable. I wait though since Shiro is restraining herself, your hand will hurt if you keep squeezing so hard you know.



The talk ended fine, but Beth still looks at Kuro rudely. Kuro doesn't mind so I don't say anything.

When it was time for Kuro to heal scars, the others were afraid. Kuro also looks uncomfortable.

He needs to touch the scars to remove them, but they are all over the body. The first one to be brave was that girl Illis.

I couldn’t stop looking at how the scars would slowly fade. So Shiro really did have scars before. Compared to them, I haven’t been through anything really bad. Will Kuro just leave me at home and disappear than.

No. He won't just leave me, after all he...

...no he said he would take me home, but he never said he would live there or anything. I need to talk to Shiro about this, I want to be with Kuro, maybe she can help.


Kuro is sleeping since he hasn’t slept in a while.

I don't trust Beth right now so I always keep her in my sights, Shiro is too so the feeling might be mutual.

Shiro wanted to give Kuro a lap pillow but he refused. I want to do it too, but I need to talk to Shiro in private.

“Shiro, will you guys abandon me at my village...and never come back...I don't want you guys to leave me.” (Puerial)

I was scared, but I won't allow them to leave me no matter what.

“I don't know, I follow Kuro. When I’m with him I feel safe, so were I go is up to him.” (Shiro)

“Yea, I know what you mean. But how can I make him not leave me.” (Puerial)

“Why would he abandon you?” (Shiro)

“He said he would leave me at the village.” (Puerial)


“But that doesn’t mean you can't follow after finding your home, right?” (Shiro)

“!? But what will the others say?” (Puerial)

“I don't know, what you want to do is not up to them. You are here, not them.” (Shiro)

“But will Kuro accept me?” (Puerial)

“Just work hard if you want him to.” (Shiro)

“Au, I got it, let’s do our best then.” (Puerial)

“What do you mean we?” (Shiro)

“Eh? But didn't you say to work hard to follow Kuro? Mom says if we don't show our resolve to be with the person we like he would leave.” (Puerial)

“Is that true!” (Shiro)

“Ah, not so loud, but yea mom told me lots of things to do, so let’s work hard.” (Puerial)

“I got it, let’s work hard.” (Shiro)

Just you wait Kuro, the things mom taught me will definitely make you care more for me, hehe what type of plans should we make.


Beth POV

I don't know what’s up with Shiro and Puerial. To trust him so much can't be natural.

“Hmm, yep I don't get it at all.” (Beth)

Since they won't let me get rid of him, I’ll just have to watch him closely. Just you wait, if you make even one slip up.

“I will show everyone just what type of person you are *Clench Fist*.” (Beth)

*Shiver* Tch he even touched me. To let him get away with it without some sort of compensation is also no good.

What are the best ways to reveal his true self?

Don't worry Shiro and Puerial, I’ll show you the truth.

*Whimper* I won't let this guy have his way, no man will have his way with me again! If it weren't for these scars I would have never…no it doesn't matter. The things that man did to me...soon the marks will be gone…*sob*...I just have to endure a bit.

*Sob*...damn it...


3rd person

Thus began the day’s when Kuro’s troubles increased.

Beth would try all sorts of ways to annoy and anger him. Each attempt becoming more and more dangerous or cruel. However the results were always the same and she was always met with failure.

Shiro and Puerial would try all sorts of things to get his affection. Their inexperience in this field made their attempts extremely awkward. Shirley being a former concubine was asked to give them some tips, adding to the mayhem.

Illis just watched everything happily as the days went by, happy to live with her mother without worry.


A/N: Short but revealed the cause of the girls actions

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