《Rebirth in a corrupt world》Chapter 2 - Preparations


Author - This chapter will not be as long as the others and will be what he gets from the goddess Amare.


Amare was smiling brightly as she heard my answer. It was very warming to see since I didn’t have much interaction with other people in my old world, other than what was necessary.

Now that she knew that I was on board she continued to tell me some things I needed to know

Since the land is in chaos most of the kingdom have fallen so a lot of information on them is useless to me. The only exception would be to keep an eye out for any surviving members of royalty. Having access top their bloodline may actually prove useful, she wouldn't elaborate why though. From what I’m told most of them were pretty bad but there are still a few of them that are worth helping. Of course I wouldn’t even have a way to spot them but apparently I wouldn’t have to worry about that.

Social structure is surprise surprise, strong on top with the weak not even be worthy enough to lick their boots.

Currency is as follows:

50 small copper coins = 1 big copper coin

10 big copper coins = 1 small silver coin

50 small silver coins = 1 big silver coin

10 big silver coins = 1 small gold coin

50 small gold coins = 1 big gold coin

100 big gold coins = 1 mythril coin

Normally the use of this currency by social classes would range from:

Peasants, or poor people, deal mostly around small copper coins and big copper coins if they are lucky.

Commoners, the lower class citizens, pockets range up to the small silver coin range.

Merchants and clans use coins up to Small gold coins and if they are powerful big gold coins.


Usually only Empires and some kingdoms use mythril coins but most of them have fallen and their fortunes seized by thieves and sects.

People at the currency range of peasants are more dominate all over for obvious reasons.

What was really troubling was the fact that the standard of living has severely dropped in many locations. Some places are now so full of diseases that whole villages and towns are being burned to the ground to prevent the spread of disease. Life expectancy has dropped in many areas as well. Most of the things people need to survive are coveted by the powerful. The issues just keep piling up.

Knowing this I became a little worried about my living standards. I didn’t live in some grand house but my home was decent enough to be considered pretty good for someone in my situation.

The goddess understood my worry and said I will be reborn in an area that is still in relatively decent condition when compared to other places.

From what I understand she will be able to protect me in my early days of life so I can grow in safety. And my race is gonna be something more suited for my endeavors apparently. She can’t protect me from the obvious things that can kill me like If I’m attacked by someone though. Essentially it’s keeping bad things from happening to me but if I knowingly head toward danger than she can’t help me.

After hearing all this she then brought up the Blessing she will give me.

I found this very interesting. I thought her blessing would entail her protecting me from unknown danger, but it turns out it wasn’t the case. Especially since this world has magic and stuff, I thought I would just learn that and other things in order to fight.


She didn’t deny this but said it would take too long and that her blessing would make me improve faster. However I was warned that certain aspects of it doesn’t show obvious effects and that everything has a use. Fortunately I wouldn’t be completely left in the dark since she would provided basic information on everything and whatever further insight into this blessing needs to be discovered on my own.

“Alright, now it is time for me to tell you what the blessing is.” I felt as excited waiting to find out what it is. She smiled lightly and told me my blessing is a title known as [Unbound], apparently she is one of the few gods that can grant this title since she is a god of connection, and will keep her connected to me. What it does is remove restrictions on my soul and give me access to an interface connected to it that will effect my body and the things surrounding it by messing with stats and stuff.

From what I can picture it’s like one of those games I never got to play growing up.

It actually seemed pretty cool and I had a hunch that this will be a very important ability.

She suddenly seemed unwilling as she told me that it is time for my departure.

But I was actually pretty happy. Not a lot of people get to find out that everything that they do does matter and that everything has a purpose.

Everything slowly started fading out as I heard Amare’s gentle voice wishing me luck.


“Do you think he will succeed in this world?” (unknown god)

Hearing these word Amare was silent for a moment before she replied.

“His soul is strong so he won’t be easily crushed by sadness, but I wish his fate in this world could have been filled with less malice.” (Amare)

“Hmm...even so there are many things in that world that if he faces too soon can destroy him or worse turn him into a force more cruel than that slavemancer.” (unknown god)

“Yes, but for now all we can do is wait and see.” (Amare)

“Perhaps if we set up a few trials to temper him he will have a better chance.” (another god that entered the scene)

“Trials? Maybe, but not yet...for now he needs to survive childhood.” (Amare)

“”Agreed”” (two other gods)

“Now then...why have you two entered my chambers, *ominous twitch* You should both know to wait in the lounge.” (Amare with an ominous aura)

“Pardon my intrusion!” (god 1)

“Hyyyyaaaaa! It won’t happen again!” (god 2)

“No, no it won’t.” (Angered Amare)

“Nooooooooooooooooo!” (pitiful gods 1 and 2)

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