《New Reality [HIATUS]》Chapter 14: Goodbye Holdendale
Null is heading towards the warriors guild. The people there see him every once in a while so they just ignore him.
“Here again huh Null? Okay, let's get this over with.”
The person speaking to Null is Ludis. It's strange. No matter what happens, Ludis always wants to fight with Null, even though Null has yet to even touch him. Every time someone says they'll fight Null, Ludis blocks them and challenges Null.
After 4 years, Null has so much mana. He can now fight longer due to the sheer amount of mana he has, but to get really huge stat boosts due to mana manipulation is starting to get a little laggy. Right now, it's not too big of a problem, but he's noticing that the more mana he contains, the longer he has to wait to turn the mana into stat boosts, which would be deadly in a fight if he has to wait too long.
Null can now amplify his shock waves by forming a ball of mana in his wrist, compressing it and spinning it so rapidly that he doesn't know how many revolutions it is, loading it back to his elbow like an arrow, then releasing it when he makes contact. When it comes out, a huge shock wave is created. He doesn't even need a punching motion. Just placing your hand on something and doing the mana ball pull back technique will still give out damage. He can do this loading back mana ball shock wave from anywhere in his body. His Essence of Mana is now at a point where all this happens in only a fraction of a second.
Ludis says, “Same as before? Let's get started.”
Null and Ludis start their fight. What used to be a beat down has gradually disappeared over time. Null is now at a level to where he can adequately defend himself against someone with the stats of a level 370 person. Ludis has only leveled up to level 219, but his stats place him far beyond that. Ludis moves swiftly towards Null's side and hits him with a round house kick. Null instantly puts his mana towards strength in his arms and legs and blocks it. Null still slides back a few feet, but that's a lot better than growing through walls.
Null tries to predict Ludis' next movements. He punches an area that seems empty, but that's where Ludis was headed. His intelligence and wisdom allows him to somewhat predict where his opponent will go. It also helps that Null knows Ludis's movements. Ludis appears in that location, but ducks from the blow of that punch. He then grabs that arm and puts Null in an arm lock. Ludis then slams Null on the ground while Null's arm is locked.
Ludis is about to perform an ax kick on Null's back. Just then Null does a move that belongs in a break dance competition. He puts his mana towards dexterity in his legs, and swings them out. Ludis jumps over them. A message then pops up that Null was surprised about.
You have now reached Intermediate level 1 in Essence of Mana.
Essense of ManaSkill typePassive/ActiveSkill ProficiencyIntermediate level 130% decrease in mana consumption for techniques.
Can now control mana outside of your body.
The gap between Beginner level 9 and Intermediate level 1 is huge. Since he could now control mana outside his body, he had a plan. Ludis still had Null in an arm lock. Null felt the mana Ludis had in his arms. Null then reversed the mana flow in Ludis so it could move slower, which would make Ludis's strength weaker. It was like trying to stop a river with your hand, but with Ludis feeling something was amiss, he let Null go. Null then acted.
While Ludis was distracted trying to see if everything was okay with his body, He connected his punch towards Ludis. The blow connected with Ludis's mana, which Null manipulated, which went through Ludis in a shockwave like Luffy's RedHawk. When the blow connected, it formed a shock wave made of mana that went through Ludis and out his back. Null actually hit Ludis. It didn't do much damage to Ludis, but it knocked him back an inch. To actually hit him is an achievement on its own.
“Congratulations Null. You finally managed to hit me for the first time after all these years.”
The monks there were surprised.
“He actually touched him. He really actually touched him. Well there goes my bet.”
“To think he could even knock him back. Even if it was an inch.”
“Wooo! Go Null! I knew you had it in you! I won the bet!”
Null and Ludis walk from the ring and head outside.
Null says, “It's thanks to you that I was able to make it to Intermediate in Essence of Mana.”
It's the reason that Null had decided to stay in Holdendale for a little longer. He wanted to finally get Essence of Mana to intermediate. His other skills have not grown in a while.
What Null said shocked Ludis. “You made it to Intermediate in a skill? It took me 6 years in-game to get my Hand to Hand Combat class to Intermediate, and I had to work hard to do it. Even compared to everyone else, 6 years is pretty fast. You only did it in 4. You are truly amazing.”
Null doesn't know what Ludis is talking about. 'I haven't done anything to be amazing. I hate it when people do those pity complements. And please quit lying about how it took you 6 years in-game.'
As was said before, Null has no self awareness. He doesn't talk to people in the game and he doesn't look online on forums for information. He doesn't even watch the popular channel New Reality News. He thinks that just because he was able to make several skills to intermediate, that most other people will have too. It's because of his low self confidence.
Null wants to get this conversation over with. “Well, I'll be leaving soon, so to thank you for helping me, I made you these knuckle dusters.”
“Heh. Well thanks.”
Ludis takes them. “Whew. You're leaving? Finally. That means I can go as well.”
“...What do you mean?”
“I stayed here because you needed the practice. I figured you would get bored of coming here if you had to fight anyone else, and your skills would've stagnated. I've been wanting to search for the Intermediate Training Hall, but I decided to keep you company instead.”
What Ludis said shocked Null. “...You didn't have to do that.”
“I wanted to.”
Null now feels bad. He knows of Ludis's talent, and it was because of Null during these last 4 years that Ludis wasn't able to advance that much. If Ludis had wanted, he could easily be a ranker.
“*sigh* Now I have a debt that needs to be settled. I don't like owing others anything. What do you want? My skills have reached intermediate in blacksmith.”
“Seriously? Blacksmith and Essence of Mana at intermediate? Amazing. But there is something I want.”
“If it's reasonable I'll do what I can. What is it?”
“Add me as a friend.”
Ludis wants to add you as a friend. Do you accept?
Null frowns. He is about to decline, but he hates having to owe favors, because people will take advantage. If Null waits long enough, Ludis would probably want something even more unreasonable as a return to the favor.
Null reluctantly agrees. “*sigh* Fine.”
You have accepted Ludis as a friend.
Ludis then says, “Well good luck for whatever it is you are trying to do.”
They both leave the warriors guild.
Null walks away. He opens his friend's list to see one person on there, Ludis.
Null sighs and thinks, 'Well, he usually leaves me alone. Him wanting to fight me is out of character for him. He said he only did it so that I could get stronger. He also should know that I don't like to socialize. Maybe adding him as a friend won't be so bad. Hopefully.'
Null heads back to his area.
'Now I have to get rid of all the things I don't need.'
He takes all the plants he grew and turns them into either potions or ingredients. He takes all the various seeds and puts them in a bag. His identify is now so powerful that it can now know what the seed will grow into. When his alchemy hit intermediate, it resulted in increased bag space. It doesn't reach the levels of bag space a merchant would have, but for Null, it's enough. Bags in New Reality shrink everything down, so you don't get bogged down. To get it out, all you have to do is open your inventory menu.
He takes all the ores that he had laying around and smelts them, using the refinery he made, turning them into ingots. His instant forge skill hasn't yet reached a level where he can smelt compared to using an actual forge. He takes the ingots with him. All the extra papers that Null has been putting off putting inside the mystery book the librarian gave him, went inside the book. It took seconds for each page with Null's ink hand technique. He organized the rest of the papers into books, which is what he will donate to the library.
Now all that's left is to find out what to do with all the extra things he doesn't need. He created many things, from swords, spears, bows, potions, etc. He can't use the hand held weapons, and he doesn't need the extra potions. There are so many items, that his bag can't contain them all.
Null thinks to himself. 'I could just throw them all out, but that would be a huge waste. Wait, I don't have any money left. I never needed it because I grew and hunted my own food, and made my own weapons. That situation will be different once I go out and have to do things. How do I go about turning these items into money? Oh... Oh no... Oh god dammit... I guess I'll have to sell... to... people.' Null shutters.
He puts all his belonging in a mining cart, and walks towards the town, pushing the cart in front of him. It's covered in a sheet and tied up, so he doesn't get robbed. Null is grumbling and trying to think of another way, but all his plans involve people. He has no choice. It takes him a while pushing the cart, but he finally makes it to town. He looks at the others trying to sell things.
“Selling swords! Real cheap!”
“Have health and mana potions to sell!”
“My food doesn't taste so awful this time!”
Null sets up a stall close to the water fountain and places some of his products on it. Null sighs. He has no experience but bad experience with people. People see Null's stall, and pass him by.
They think, 'A person trying to sell potions, weapons, armors, and paintings? Only a merchant would sell all those things at once, and I've never seen him before.'
'Look at his clothes. He looks like a beggar. If he is a merchant, he's a terrible one.'
'Unknown merchants selling lots of things at once are usually conman, or the items must all be at inferior quality.'
That's what the people are thinking. If people had known that all the things he is trying to sell are at the intermediate level, there would be a long line. In fact, all Null had to do was yell out “Intermediate!” and people would come running. Null doesn't know this though.
Null is happy that people are passing him by, but he also realizes the reason he's here in the first place is to sell his items. Null is bored, so he starts painting the scenery around him.
After an hour of painting, someone comes towards Null's stall. Now usually, when a person comes with the intent to buy, you smile, you are polite, and you say phrases like “Hello sir. How may I help you?”
Not Null. He frowns upon seeing the guy. While he's looking at Null's items, Null eyes him like he murdered his penguin. The guy gets nervous as first because of the way Null was looking at him, but he's an experienced player. He knows high quality goods when he sees it.
He says to Null, “So is this your first time selling here?”
The guy thinks, 'Heh, I can probably sucker him.' “Hmmm... Mind if I take a look?”
“Go ahead.”
Good swordThis was made by a blacksmith destined for greatness. Requirements level 150, 60 Strength. Options +10 Strength, Endurance increases by 50%.
The guy looks calm, but in his mind, he is shocked.
'Where does a guy find a weapon like this in a town in the middle of nowhere?'
He does identify on other things.
Arrogant Chest ArmorThis armor refuses to yield to anything, and will cut all magic attacks done to it by 15%. Level Requirement level 160 Durability 80/80. Defense +75.
Sleeping potion Will give anyone below level 200 the drowsy condition, and make anyone below level 150 fall asleep.
Painting of a wheat fieldMade by an unknown artist with exceptional skill. Seeing this painting will make your attack increase by 15% when fighting in a field for a day.
Null had shrunken the painting down to a manageable size using his Calligraphy Expansion and Contraction skill, so it can fit on someone's shield or arm. It would reduce the effects of the painting, but it would still show effects. The man kept doing identify on all his items and became ever more shocked.
His face was calm, but his mind was a different story.
'Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! This guy. I don't know how he did it, but all the items here are rare and powerful. I absolutely need to know where he got them!'
“What's your name?”
“Are you a merchant?”
“Would you mind telling me how you procured these items?”
“I made them.”
The guy then frowns. 'That's bullshit. You would have to have intermediate in painting, alchemy, and blacksmith in order to make these items, and I have never even heard of such a person. This guy obviously doesn't want me to know where he got this stuff. Maybe I should beat it out of him. No, he'll still probably never tell. You would have to be a fool to disclose where you got these items. I should try and become friendly with him.'
“May I ask what your class is?”
“Are you going to buy anything or not?”
'Tch fine. Be that way. You will regret making an enemy of me. I don't think he's lying about being a first time salesmen though. Everything he gives off is an aura of someone who has never sold before. I'll swindle the items from him.'
The guys looks disappointed. “Well everything here looks like it was made under shoddy workmanship, but me being the good person that I am, am willing to cut you a deal. How about I pay you 2 gold for everything you have?”
Now, Null might not know about how much things are or the market prices of things, but Null has an innate ability to know when he's being really screwed over. He showed all the effects of a newbie salesman, but that doesn't mean he's going to be taken in for a fool.
He picks up his things from the stand, places them back in his cart, pulls out a hammer, and proceeds to smash his stand several times. People were staring at Null like he was a madman.
Null thinks to himself, 'I can't do this. I would rather sell to one shitty person than a whole bunch of shitty people.'
Null takes his cart and walks away. People were speaking to themselves.
“What's wrong with him? Is he crazy?”
“Did that guy do something to him?”
The guy sneered.
Null looks for the merchant guild. After a little walking, he finds it. The building is fairly big.
Null thinks to himself, 'Well merchants as a whole are not known for being poor.' and walks inside. He has a little trouble squeezing the cart inside the door. There's a person sitting at the front desk, clearly upset that Null brought such an unsightly thing. The cart even leaves a dirt trail on the floor. Null right now has a worn, gray cloak on, giving off the appearance of a beggar, so the merchant is not expecting much from him.
“Yes sir. How can I help you?”
“I'm looking to sell all my items.”
“Sure. Just find anyone inside, and if they like your items, they'll buy it. I have to tell you though, most merchants won't just buy anything you find on the street.”
Null looks around. Most of the merchants are avoiding eye contact with Null, clearly not wanting to do business with him. Null didn't want to look at them either as they all looked pretty shady to him.
After looking at all the people, Null finds the least shady person he could find. That merchant is also avoiding Null's gaze, but since Null is walking towards him, he knows he has to talk to him.
The merchant sighs. “How may I be of service?”
“I'm looking to sell.”
“Okay. Show me what you got.”
Null uncovers the sheet on the cart. He then hands him the items. The merchant did Identify on Null's items, and was shocked.
“What kind of dungeon did you raid to get all of this!?”
“I didn't get the items from a dungeon. I made all of it.”
The merchant was ecstatic. 'I hit the jackpot! Fortune came and he walked to me! Someone who can make high quality items like this? If I can partner up with him, I'll be rich!'
“How about I pay 400 gold for everything you have?”
Null thought to himself, '400 gold? I was expecting something like 50 gold! Man am I lucky or what?'
The merchant actually wasn't prepared for him to accept so fast. If Null wanted, he could have sold all his items for over a thousand gold.
The merchant smiles. 'This day just keeps getting better and better!'
When Null receives his funds, he the items and is about to leave, until the merchant calls out to him.
“Say, where are you going after this?”
“Is there any reason you want to know?”
“I was thinking that I could accompany you on your journey. Would you mind if I come with you?”
“Yes I would mind. Very much so.”
“You know as a merchant, we have the most bag space out of all the classes right? It would be very helpful to someone like you who holds a lot of things.”
“Since my alchemy hit intermediate, my bag space can hold a lot. It may pale in comparison to a merchant, but it gets the job done.”
“Okay so you don't want me to journey with you. That's fine. How about you form an exclusive contract with me, selling all of your items to me at 50% higher than what anybody else offers?”
“No. Why am I still talking to you?”
Null then leaves.
After Null leaves, the merchant sighs. 'Well, at least I got all these items. My merchant class is sure to level up in one fell swoop with this when I sell them all.'
A person then talks to him. It's the person that tried to swindle Null. The merchant talks to him.
“Can I help you?”
“Did a person looking like a beggar sell his items here?”
“Why yes he did. Do you want to buy any of the items?”
“No, I want to tail him and see where he got them.”
“He said he made them.”
“Don't be foolish! Do you know of anyone who has painting, alchemy, and blacksmith at intermediate?”
“...Now that I think about it, I don't.”
“I was thinking of tailing him for a little bit to see if there is any hint to where he got those items. You want in?”
“Well sure. I've got nothing better to do right now anyway. That buy I just made will sustain me for weeks. If I could find out where he gets them, I'll be even richer!”
The guy smirks. “Good. Let's go.”
“Before I can go with you, sign this contract saying you would do no harm to me and a split of profits 50%. You know what happens when you break merchant's contracts don't you?”
“50%? That's too much! I was the one who told you about it! I will do 60/40 and no more. Besides, you're a merchant! You have no combat ability. The only reason I'm teaming up with you is because I will need the increased bag space for if I find where the guy gets his items.”
“Fine. 60/40.” He signs the contract and they start tailing Null.
Null heads to the library with the books he has in tow. He meets the various librarians and heads towards the head librarian, Mrs. Allensworth.
She greets him. “Well hello Null, it's been a while. Have you found what you're looking for?”
Null frowns. There are two main reasons why he is leaving. The first reason, is that his skills aside from a select few like Essence of Mana had stopped growing a while ago. Null is a person who strives to surpass his past self. That he would be the same as his past self is unacceptable to him.
The second reason is the two skills he got when his Librarian, Painting, Calligraphy, Alchemy, and Blacksmith classes hit intermediate. It's called Transmutation Circle Creation and Transmutation Circle Activation. At first he was ecstatic when he got those skills. He has seen what they can do from watching the guy in that flashback.
For reaching intermediate in Librarian Mastery, Painting Mastery, Calligraphy Mastery, Alchemy Mastery, and Blacksmith Mastery, you have unlocked Transmutation Circle Creation and Transmutation Circle Activation.
Transmutation Circle Creation Skill typePassive/ActiveSkill ProficiencyBeginner level 1Create different transmutation circle designs. The higher the level, the more advanced transmutation circles you can make.
Transmutation Circle ActivationSkill typeActiveSkill ProficiencyBeginner level 1Activate transmutation circles. The higher the level, the faster the activation of the transmutation circles. More powerful transmutation circles take longer to activate.
“Oh shit!”
Null set out to work on his newfound skills. First, he did system assist, and all the Transmutation Circle Creation skill did was make a circle with nothing inside it. He then tried Transmutation Circle Activation on the circle. All that did was pour mana from his body into the circle for a split second, then it went out the circle. That's it.
Every time he used system assist for those skills, the results turned out the same. He tried layering the circles, overlapping them, and anything he could think of, but they did nothing.
Null then went to the library to look up information on transmutation circles. When he used the information finder skill, he couldn't find anything. He checked everywhere in the library and kept doing his information finder skill. His information finder skill has leveled up enough that it will produce a bright light akin to a powerful light bulb upon usage of the skill.
Everything was dark, which meant to Null that the library didn't have any information on it, which didn't make any sense to Null.
'Wasn't that guy who fought in the flashback a librarian? Why wouldn't there be any information on the skill?'
Null then went to Mrs. Allensworth to ask her about it. She was really shocked when she heard that Null had unlocked those 2 skills. In fact, she was so shocked, she had dropped what she was holding. She then grabs Null and takes him into a room in which no one could hear them.
She told him, “Null, Listen to me. The two skills that you learned, they are only to be used by the Church of Ptah, the Ianuaria Church in the west, which is a subset of the Church of Ptah, the Magic Guild leaders, and royalty. Basically, only the top people are allowed to use that skill. Anyone else caught using the skill will be hunted down. You have to be careful when looking for information on those two skills.”
Null nodded.
He had seen sometimes how people would travel though teleportation circles, though they were bright and he couldn't see anything about the circles. The transmutation circles are protected from people copying their designs by having a protective film over it. He had also seen how they require multiple powerful people to activate and control it. It looked like even with all of them, it took a while to charge. You also need special permission to use the teleportation circle, and it would be stupid to ask for blueprints on the transmutation circles from them.
Null then asked, “So if using the skills are illegal, how am I supposed to learn about it?”
“The answer is on the book I gave you.”
Null looks at the mystery book. He's confused. “I've written a lot of information in this mystery book, but how is that supposed to help me?”
“Null, it's literally on the book!”
“I don't get it.”
“Figure it out!”
Mrs. Allensworth is always surprised about how Null can sometimes be so smart, but then at other times be so stupid. Null then leaves.
He went online in the real world to look up transmutation circle designs. When he drew them, the results were the same as before. He had probably memorized over 100 transmutation circles online before he gave up on trying to level the skill that way.
Flashback end:
“I'm here to donate these books, and also to tell you that I'm leaving.”
When Null donated all the books he had, which numbered in the hundreds, he rose two levels.
“Well remember what we talked about.”
Null leaves the library. When Null went, Mrs. Allensworth called for a meeting with all the top workers in the library. They go into a sound proofed room so that no one could hear their conversations.
Mrs. Allensworth speaks. “Everything we talk about will not leave this room.”
Everyone nods.
“As most of you know, Null is now trying to learn about his Transmutation Circle skills. Of course, I told him that he will become a criminal if it is known that he is trying to learn about those skills, but Null being who he is, doesn't care about that.”
A lady to her right starts to speak. “To unlock the Transmutation Circle skills. He's the first foreigner to do that. Do you think that he will fight for our cause? After all, it's mostly the foreigners who will determine our fate.”
Mrs. Allensworth laughs. “Null would never fight for a side. I've gotten to know about him these 5 years. He finds the concept of humans fighting in groups for an ideological cause to be stupid. He will not fight for us willingly.”
A lady in the back starts to speak. She's from a faraway library in a bigger town. “When I heard about there being a foreigner who rose to intermediate in the librarian class, I rushed here. Mrs. Allensworth told me amazing things about him, and about how rapidly he grows his skills, so I had to know everything about that young man. I would tail him from the shadows and watch him.
He mostly spends his time alone not wanting to associate with anyone. He has nothing but contempt for anyone, no matter the race. At first I was worried that he would hurt our cause more than help it, but then I saw something amazing. He would help people without the person even realizing they are being helped by him. He would use his Art is Feeling technique to always help anyone who is down. He also is never one to pick a fight with anyone. He may hate all the races in this world, but he would never do anything to harm them if they leave him alone. So I will say that while he might not help us, he would definitely not hurt us.”
Mrs. Allensworth nods. “He is also one who pays back his debts. Since this library has always watched over him, he will definitely not betray us.”
A guy to the side then speaks. “What if we used favors to get him to be in debt towards us, so he would fight for us?”
Mrs. Allensworth immediately shoots down that idea. “Null doesn't trust people, and naturally will be wary of anyone showing him excess kindness. He's also not stupid. If he finds out that we're trying to use him, he will not hesitate to abandon us. All we can hope for is for him to complete the A-rank mission I gave him. He's the closest to fulfilling his legacy.”
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