《New Reality [HIATUS]》Chapter 1: There are no hoverboards in the future


“Hey! Give that back!”

“Oh I'm so scared! What are you going to do about it?”

“That fat ass will probably suck us in with his gravity. We would be doomed to spend the rest of our lives in orbit!”, he says dramatically.

They all start laughing at him. This isn't a new situation for David. This is the 3rd time this week that he has been bullied like this. The sad part is that's it's only Monday. It's also a different group of people bullying him from the other two times. People find him such an easy target.

“Hey I'm bored. Let's go.”

The other guy picking on David yawns and stretches. “Yeah, watching the same person crying over and over again does get pretty old.”

They throw his book bag into a mud puddle and walk away.

David frustrated, thinks, 'Why do I always have to go through this?'

David picks up his book bag and starts to walk in the direction of a store he often visits. To pass the time, he takes out his augmented reality glasses and plays checkers with the computer. Everyone in this time has them. It does everything from calling people to watching 3-D videos. It even comes with a joystick to play games with.

Only the person wearing the glasses can see the projection their glasses cast. Others won't be able to see it unless the person invites them over to their network. So yeah, a person could be watching porn next to someone and they wouldn't even know. They have a battery life of 7 hours. People carry solar panel backpacks on them to charge them.

The kid who was just bullied is called David Lewis, second born son of the Lewis family. He lives in a recently formed mega city near the Great Lakes in the year 2074. The world is very different from the world in the 2010s. One thing a person would notice is that the large scale farms that used to fill up the middle west are now nonexistent. Farms are now grown in gigantic buildings. Water is a far more precious resource, and the methods these indoor farms use use less than 97% water than the outdoor farms.

Animals used for consumption have been genetically engineered to not have brains, and therefore do not feel pain. They also require 60% less water than their brained counterparts. More than 90% of the food is grown locally. Another thing is that the vast majority of people live in cities far larger than the cities in the past. It's not like that for just the United States, but for people all over the world.

If a person from 2015 were to visit a city, they would experience culture shock. They would think that Skynet has taken over. Robots do everything from driving cars to even running governments. Personal computers have become so powerful that they can outperform the entire human race before they had their brain chips installed. Of course, people are there for oversight to ensure that the robots don't decide people are useless and become Skynet. To ensure that people could keep up with the robots, people were implanted with brain chips.

They are heavily open source to ensure that no one has a monopoly on a person's brain. Brain to brain communication is disabled and illegal after the fiasco where someone tried to hack into multiple people's brains to steal their information. It's made from carbon and is powered by the heart beat.

Christians and other religious denominations were wary at first, claiming it to be the mark of the beast, but seeing as how they were out competed, they reluctantly started accepting the chips. Now, the chips don't make you super smart. All it does is let you store more information inside your mind and make retrieving and remembering information easier. You still have to study the same way. Robots do so much that people just renamed the planet Google jokingly because it seems like the company did everything.


Politics is vastly different. David lives in a technocracy. They no longer have a traditional left and right. People now don't care if you start a business. Robots do most of the work of a person's business and make sure they balance themselves out with everything else. Just because robots can run a business doesn't mean that a business will succeed. The failure rate of businesses is still at 80%.

The two party system now consists of a pro-robot political party called the Tech Party and a pro-human political party called the Mankind Party. Elections sound vastly different.

“Robots not only do a better job, but are also more efficient than humans. Vote Adam Hill, Tech Party, for president.”

“Do you want Terminators? Because not voting for me is how you'll get Terminators. Jim Bucket, Mankind Party, for president.”

The world was in a huge upheaval. Because people ran out of cheap oil 30 years ago, people turned to methane hydrate for a quick fix. It was supposed to be temporary, but people not wanting to give up their lifestyle had a hard time giving it up. Temperatures soared. Oceans rose 10 feet in just 10 years. Droughts fell over the world. Island nations and people on the coast were displaced and no one wanted to accept them. Asian countries dwindled because of their low birthrate.

The United States' South turned into a wasteland due to random periods of droughts, floods, and hurricanes. Well, it was already a wasteland, even in the year 2015, but now no one lives there. The world was scrambling for resources. The treaty of Antarctica was annulled so that the various nations could mine its resources. Skirmishes started breaking out on how to split the Antarctica territories. The world was on the brink of total war. It was thanks to a scientist who found a way to convert most of the energy from the sun into electricity that a total war didn't break out. It didn't solve the problem, but held it off.

Today, the world is far more stable. The solar panel and battery material are beginning to run out, but people don't have to worry about that problem until 40 or more years down the line. In the United States, everyone lives in the North. Basic income was passed because the robots out competed humans in everything. To get it requires a High School Diploma or GED. Everyone now makes enough to live comfortably. Of course, people being people, they weren't satisfied with just that. Most people now work 20 hours a week for additional income. 20 hours is now the new full time. They mostly work in the indoor farms.

David's family used to live in poverty. Poverty is mostly nonexistent in the United States in 2074. The reason why is that David's father, Anthony Lewis, kept spending money on stupid business ideas. His mother, Lucienne Lewis, kept encouraging him to follow his dreams to own lots of swag. It wasn't until it was discovered that David's older brother was a prodigy that Anthony began to realize his dream. David's brother was called to talk shows and was paid to travel all over the country.

His name is Michael Lewis. He is 5 years older than David, and stands at 6'1” with a muscular build, black hair and blue eyes. Michael is considered handsome by most other girls and is constantly getting hit on by them. There is no one on this world that David hates more than Michael, but it was thanks to him that they were not starving.

Michael was intelligent enough that he skipped 2 grades. When he was in high school, he became the quarterback for their football team, and was also the top student in every subject he was in. Now usually, you have to deal with jealousy and hatred when you have all these titles on you. Not Michael. His social skills rivaled that of a politician. He made sure to talk with and befriend the people most likely to cause him problems. He is a very calculating person. He knows exactly what to do to get you to like him.


Scientists scouted him for their research labs while he was still a senior in high school. He invented many things, but what he is known for most was a new method of quantum computing. Thanks to this new method, you can now emulate reality at the quantum level. Instead of keeping this method to himself, he decided to share it with the world. He became a billionaire. Michael now currently lives in a mansion on the rich side of the city. Despite having so much money and influence, he still decided to stay in school.

He still talks to his friends and never once looked down on them. People admire him for that. David however looks at it differently thinking, 'He's good at manipulating public opinion on him. Only I know his true personality: An egocentric bully who takes pleasure in fooling and manipulating people.'

David's role in his family was set in stone when it was found out his little sister was also a prodigy. Her name is Cindy Lewis. She is 3 years younger than David, and went into gymnastics at the tender age of 5. By the time she was 10, she was already competing in the Olympics. She is also, like her eldest brother of course, at the top of her grade compared to David, who gets less than mediocre grades.

Cindy gets sponsorship for commercials, which David's father gets paid for, so Now David's father has more swag than he knows what to do with. Because she gets whatever she wants, she had turned into a spoiled brat, and bullies David knowing that her parents will always side with her. David knows that he's unwanted, but he feels that they could at least pretend to care about him.

David's parents can be described in one phrase: Pain in the ass. His father is always giving David a hard time. His mother always forgets about him. Even when he manages to do things to their exact specifications, they talk about how his siblings could have done it better. Despite all the things happening to him, like bullying and a difficult family to deal with, he still has faith in humanity. He loves helping people and making people's day brighter. He helps people down on their luck, which people can't help but take advantage of. People know that he loves helping people in need, so they milk him for all it's worth.



“Hey David, can I have 20 bucks? I only need that much to ride a bus to visit my sick sister on the other side of town.”

“Hey guy. Can you loan me 30 dollars? I really need to buy something to make me feel better. We're friends aren't we?”

“Hey you. Gimme money.”

Flashback end:


David makes his way into the store. “Kid, you want the usual? 3 double cheeseburgers and chilly fries?”

“Yes please.”

“$1.31 is your change.”

“Thank you.”

When David gets depressed, he eats. Now usually this wouldn't be a problem, but he gets depressed all the time. Eating too much has made him obese. He stands at 5' at 13 years old and is a bit shorter than other people his age. He has short brown hair, chubby face, and always wears clothes far larger than him to try to hide his fat as best as he can. It doesn't work. While he's eating he hears a familiar voice.

“I thought I would find you here.”


She sits at David's table. Keimi Allison is what people would describe as cute. She's an inch taller than him and has a bob cut hairstyle. She's known David ever since 3rd grade. They stay in the same neighborhood.

“I didn't see you at our meeting spot, so that means you must have gotten bullied again.”

David feels bad. “Sorry for not leaving a message.”

“It's fine, it's fine. You really need to stop eating when you get depressed. You'll just keep getting bigger.”

“I know, but I don't know of any other way to deal with all the stress.”

“Sheesh try exercising or something.”

“Haha! Maybe someday.”

It's because of Keimi that his life hasn't become totally unbearable.

“Keimi, Jacob told me he would be my friend if I gave him 5 dollars!”

“David. How many times have I told you? Friends are not bought with money. Have I ever taken any from you?”

“But,... I guess you're right. I tried making friends without using money today but they took my backpack and threw it in the mud.”

“Don't worry about it. You still haven't given up hope despite what you've been through. I'm proud of you.”

David gives her a beaming smile.

“Well David I have to go. I know you're going to have a hard time in your house, but remember. Go to our spot and look at the sunset instead of eating.”

“Heh. But it's not even time for a sunset. That's why I came here!”

“You sure do know what to say don't you? Well, see ya.”

“See ya!”

After finishing his meal, he's going towards his house. He washes the backpack off with water then starts heading inside. He dreads what's going to happen. When he opens the door, he sees his sister, Cindy watching TV.

She yells out, “Mom! David is getting mud on the floor!”

The mom replies, “Who is that?”

“You know, your other son!”

“Oh yeah. David, why are you getting mud on the floor?”

“Mother, someone threw my book bag in the mud.”

“That doesn't matter. Clean up this mess this instant!”

“What's with all this commotion?” David's father walks in.

His mother talks to his father. “David's getting mud on the floor.”

David's father sighs. “Why are you such a disappointment? Are you trying to disgrace us on purpose?”

David knows that the best thing to do at this time would be to just keep quiet. His father gets into a monologue about how his siblings are working hard and he isn't working hard at all.

“For your punishment, clean up the rest of the house. My room, your sister's room, the garage, all of it.”

“Father, the robots can clean the house far easier than I can.”

“Maybe you can think about that when you stop being lazy.”

David knows it's no use arguing. “When you're done with that, go to the store and get us groceries.”

His father sends him a list of things he wants him to get. “I can't carry all that by myself!”

“Well figure out a way to do it! Your siblings could easily find a way to do that.”


David finishes cleaning at 2 in the morning. He's so tired that he doesn't take off his school clothes. He just goes to sleep right there.


The next morning he goes to school. He gets on the bus, and his bullies arrive.

“Geez. This kid is so selfish. He's taking an entire seat by himself.”

“Nah. That's just him being so fat that he needs an entire seat to himself.”

Everyone starts laughing. People all take turns talking about David.

“You still haven't apologized.”

David frowns and says, “I haven't done anything to you.”

“You haven't apologized for breathing our air. Your fat body keeps sucking up all our air and there's none left for us. Apologize.”

David ignores him. “I said apologize.”

The bully balls his fist up. “I'm- I'm sorry for breathing your air.”

David starts to cry. “Look! Look! He's crying! Waah! Waah!”

David runs off the bus in tears and goes to the bathroom.


At lunch he's sitting with Keimi.

“Wait. Your father complained because the water you gave him was too wet?”

“Yes! I didn't even know what to do. He said that my brother and sister would have done better. I asked if he meant ice. He just said “Did I ask for ice?””

“That's insane. So how did you do on your test?”

“*sigh* Barely passing again. I know the answers, but when I think about how I'm failing my family by not being outstanding like my siblings, I get so nervous. That's why I get only C's and D's. How did you do?”

“A's and B's again.”

“Keimi you're so smart!”

“You idiot. Remember it's you who is tutoring me in math. It's thanks to you. How can the person being tutored get a higher grade than the tutor?” She laughs. They eat until the bell for lunch ending rings.

“Say David. Are you busy this afternoon?”

“No. I was just going to go to the library.”

“Could you meet me in the gym after school at 3?”

“OK. Sure.”

He wonders what she wants. It's not like her to call him at the gym. 'Could it be a confession? Ha. That's impossible. There is no one who would ever want to go with a guy like me.'

It's now after school. David makes his way over to the gym. Some people make passing remarks about his weight. He ignores them and heads into the gym. Keimi is leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.

“You came.”

“Of course. We're friends aren't we?”

“...There's something I want to tell you.”

“What is it?”

“I've- I've always liked you! Please go out with me!”


David right now is doing his best impression of a fish. He never imagined in a thousand years that his friend of 5 years would confess to him. He had always liked Keimi, but has never acted on those feelings in fear of ruining their friendship, and for feeling she is way out of his league. He has always had bad experiences with girls toying with him, but two traumatizing memories stand out.



His first traumatizing event. It happened while he was in 4th grade. The girl in question was someone who liked to tease David a lot. She would send fake affection letters and blow kisses at him. David ended up believing this to be genuine affection for him. One day while recess was being held, he went to her when the two were alone.

“Um. I- I really li- like you! Please go out with me!”

The girl in question had been reading her book looked surprised.

“Do you really like me?”


“Honestly and truly?”


“Okay. To prove that you like me, you have to send me flowers and chocolates in front of a lot of people. The more flowers and chocolates you bring the bigger the proof that you like someone. That's how you're supposed to confess. Do that tomorrow and that will prove that you really do like me.”

“Really? We- Well that does feel kinda embarrassing.”

“Then that just means you didn't like me enough.”

“No! I really do like you! I'll do it!”

When he and Keimi were walking home, he didn't tell her just in case things got weird between the two of them.

The next day, people were laughing at David. He was carrying a big bouquet of flowers and a big heart shaped box full of chocolates. He went to the class with his crush. The girl in question was smiling. To David it might appear that she was happy, but in reality she was trying hard not to burst out laughing. David tries to hand her the flowers and chocolates, but strangely she doesn't take it. That should have been the first sign something was amiss, but with his limited interactions with people, he just didn't know.

“Um. Um. I li- li- like you! Pl- please go out wi- with m- me!”

David was proud of himself that moment. Not only did he get the courage to ask her out, but he brought the flowers and chocolates even though it was embarrassing. However, one word would completely ruin him.


That word she said triggered a tsunami wave of laughter in the classroom.

“Dude! Seriously!? HAHAHA!”

“That confession *giggles* was a little too strong.”

“How embarrassing.”

David dropped the flowers and chocolates, then ran out the room into the bathroom.


His second traumatizing event. In 6th grade, David was waiting patiently for class to start. He was reading a manga when four people came to bother him. “Hey kid. Don't eat that book. I saw the way you were looking at it.” They start laughing and making fun of him. David frowns but otherwise ignores them. 'They'll get bored eventually', he thinks to himself.

In the middle of one of their giggle fits, a girl comes over with an angry expression.

“Hey you guys! Lay off!”

“Aw come on. We were just having a little fun. Right Dillan?”

“My name is David.”

The girl is clearly upset. “Just leave him alone! He hasn't done anything to you!”

“Alright, alright! Sheesh! Let's go.”

“Hey, you alright?”

“Yeah. You didn't have to do anything though. They would've gotten bored eventually.”

“I can't just sit back and watch someone get bullied. *sigh* Oh well enough about that. What's your name?”

“Da- David. David Lewis.”

“Nice to meet you David. I'm Nia Williams. Is that a manga you're reading? What's it called?”

“”Wam Wam Supah Slam!” It's more of a gag manga than serious.”

“Ah. I've read up to chapter 7 before I got tired of waiting for it to update.”

They talk and laugh. David learns she's an avid reader just like him. Whenever they went to class, they would greet each other and talk about what they read. In a month they had become good friends. She gave David her phone number and told him to text her when he got bored. The more they talked the more David fell for her. David went to Keimi for advice.

“I really like her. I want to ask her out.”

“...Maybe you should take it slow. I'm not saying its a bad thing to like someone, but you shouldn't try to assume she likes you just because she texts you a lot.”

“Maybe you're right.” David smirks.

His ego gets a bit too big. 'She might be jealous. You're cute and all, but I would never ever ask you out. You're my best friend. Even if you were to say yes, the relationship would probably eventually end, and things would just end up being awkward between us.'

The week after this talk, he had finally mustered up the courage to confess to her. This time he would not give her anything. He had at least learned from that other incident.

“I like you. Even though we're friends, I would like to be more than friends if you're okay with it.” Her face morphs into one of total disgust.

“Um. Maybe we should just stay friends.”

“...Okay. That's fine.”

The problem is that after that day, she never texted or called him again. People had heard about his confession.

"Did he really think he had a chance with her?"

"Sad thing is that she felt sorry for him."

"Ouch. Poor guy."

"You're so creepy that even that girl who's nice to everyone started avoiding you. How does that feel?"

"Ahahaha! He thought he had a chance! There isn't a single person alive who would want to go out with you!"

"My sides!"

"She talked about you behind your back and thought you were disgusting."

"Yeah. She said the only reason she even talked to you because she felt sorry for you."

“Maybe she thought he was gonna eat her.”

He decided that day that he would never confess ever again.

Flashback end:


“Wait. I think I heard wrong. Could you repeat that?”

“I'm asking you if you could go out with me.”

David thinks, 'I never wanted to ask her out. First I'm a loser and thought there's no way she could like me. Second I value her friendship more than anything else. I do really like her, but if I reject her things would still be awkward between us, so I'll go with my heart.'

“I... also like you. I never had imagined that I would have a chance with you. I wanted you to always be my friend so I kept these feelings inside.”

“That's great. Okay, lets kiss.”

“Uh huh?”

“We agreed to go out. Maybe it would be better for you to close your eyes.”

David closed his eyes. He has never been more nervous in his life. The next thing that happened would be the moment that he would never forget.

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