《Dragon Princess》Chapter 19 - Riswan
Hey guys, finally the end of the School arc, hope you'll enjoy what's coming now :)
And please don't forget to leave a comment about what you think. Enjoy !
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After we won the tournament, Faust had to deal with the parents of many students; because of Eniel many students ended gravely injured even if Faust treated all of them. But in the end, we didn't break any official rule so we weren't punished.
A ceremony was held to congratulate the new student president; Estiel. It was held in a large room where every students gathered to listen to Faust's speech.
It was a pretty long and boring speech where more than the half of the students fell asleep, Pan was the first one to fall asleep on my head.
The only funny moment was when it was Estiel's turn to make a speech, obviously she didn't think she would be our captain and even less imagined we would beat Veyna's team.
When she was alone on the stage, she couldn't mutter a single word and face was as red as a tomato. I know it was mean to laugh at her, but when we saw her like that Fiona and I couldn't stop laughing.
When the ceremony ended, it took her a few hours to let go of her idea of suicide. Now that the Tournament ended, we had two weeks of vacation.
Shina : " So, what will you do during the vacation? "
Fiona : " Well, I was somewhat banished from my country so I can't really return; I ll probably remain in the school. "
Estiel : " I ll probably return to see my father, even through he don't really want to see me. "
Estiel's situation in her family is somewhat similar to Fiona's one; while Estiel is the second princess of Holy Kiel, her mother was an high rank mage and wasn't married to the king.
Her mother raised alone for two years, until she died of a certain disease who couldn't be treated with magic.
To make sure her daughter would survive, she sent her to the palace with some proofs of her connections to the king.
Both the king and the queen tried to send some assassins to kill her, but she was protected by one of her mother's friend who is an SS mage and by Veyna who is the only one in her family who truly accept her as her sister.
Fiona : " And you Shina? "
Shina : " I don't really have anything planned... "
Estiel : " Then the two of you should come with me, we can visit the capital together. "
Shina : " It's better than just waiting here, right Eniel ? "
Eniel : " If you go, I ll come. "
Fiona : " Let's all go then. "
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Two days passed since the tournament, we finally arrived to the capital of Holy Kiel, Riswan. Riswan is the name of the hero who discovered Kiel and killed the Demon King.
It is a city of around 150,000 inhabitant, surrounded by wide wall of around 10 meters. In the center of the city you can find an immense tower; instead of living in a caster, the royalty of Holy Kiel live in this tower.
We traveled all the way from the school to here in a carriage; we could have come by flying on Verlox's back, but it would have scared the whole city.
Usually when a dragon show up, it means the end of a city, through it is a really rare event, but it seem that lately dragons became active and destroyed a half of a city of Holy Kiel and a whole duchy of Theristid.
During the travel, while playing with Pan, I noticed that some of his golden scales turned grey; I asked Verlox why, but even him wasn't sure.
When we arrived in front of the tower, we were welcomed by what seemed to be an hundred of servants.
I might have been somewhat wrong when I said 'we', actually they only welcomed Veyna who was traveling with us, the king ignored Estiel as much as he could and never once though of her as her daughter.
We entered the tower as Veyna's guest, but we waited in front of the throne room, letting only Veyna and Estiel continue. Why we didn't follow them ? Anyone who enter this room as to show his respect to the king by kneeling to him... Personally, it doesn't bother me that much, but the problem is Verlox; I am pretty sure he would rather destroy the whole country than kneel in front of this king.
Around 20 minutes later, Estiel came back with some bruises on her face and crying with Veyna at her side; Fiona was the first one to run at them.
Fiona : " Estiel ? What happened ?! " She asked full of worries and anger, it was obvious that it was surely the king who did that to her.
Estiel : " I-I am fine, it's nothing. " She said trying not to cry.
Shina : " Why did he do that ? "
Veyna: " Because of the tournament... Theristid is framing us...saying we tried to kill their crowned prince...they want a compensation. "
Shina : " I-I see... so it's my fault... "
Estiel : " NO, he deserved it... I don't regret anything ! "
Veralox : " Princess, you want me to go 'speak' with him ? " He whispered in my ear with a slight smile.
Shina : " Yes please, but hide the fact that you are the Dragon God, it's better to keep that secret. "
Veralox : " As you wish. " He said before going in the throne room.
Guard : " Who are you insolent ?! How dare you enter in this room without any invitation ! "
Veralox : " I AM THE DRAGON KING ! KNEEL BEFORE ME LOWLY HUMANS ! " He said with a loud laugher like a madman... Idiot...
Veyna : " I need to return Kiel to it's pedestal... see you later. " She said before leaving, completely ignoring what was happening in the throne room.
Shina : " Isn't she the wielder of Kiel ? Why does she need to leave it behind? "
Estiel : " She can only keep Kiel when she is leaving the tower, otherwise she have to leave it at its pedestal which is located at the top of the tower. "
Fiona : " More importantly, should we go in the city now ? "
Estiel : " Before, I need to visit Lindia, my caretaker; she was living with me near the top floors. "
Shina : " Okay, I wanted to see a princess room anyway "
We climbed up to around 20 floors before reaching Estiel's room. It was a small room with only a bed and a closet, nothing else. A single woman was cleaning the room, I can feel a powerful mana around her, not as powerful as Faust's, but still more powerful than normal mages.
Estiel : " Lindia, I am back ! " She said while jumping and hugging the woman.
Lindia : " Estiel? Welcome back. " She said with a mother smile
The woman with short blue hair and eyes seem to be in her 25th, even through Estiel told me she was actually in her 40th; she is the friend of Estiel's mother and a SS rank mage.
Lindia : " Oh, you brought some friends ? " She said while looking at us.
Fiona : " My name is Fiona Shezil, nice to meet you. " She said while slightly bowing.
Lindia : " Shezil ? So you are a princess of Aorlan, nice to meet you too. " She answered with a warm smile.
Shina : " I am Shina Dragonheart, nice to meet you. " After looking at me, her smile vanished for an instant, I know the mana around me is different from the others.
Lindia : " Nice to meet you too, you seem to be quite special. "
Eniel : " Eniel Dragonheart, Shina's sister. " She didn't say anything else, not even trying to smile.
Lindia : " Nice to meet you Eniel, it's strange that you are Shina's sister, why is she a catgirl while you are a doggy girl ? " She said while making a curious face.
Eniel : " I am Shina's sister... you don't need to know anything else. " She said while staring at Lindia with cold eyes.
Lindia : " Forgive me, it was impolite of me to ask about personal matters. "
Eniel : " It's fine. "
Lindia : " It's the first time Estiel bring her friends, I should at least make some tea, please wait a moment. " Is what she said while bowing before leaving the room.
Fiona : " She seem to be kind, it's a good thing she is your caretaker. "
Estiel : " Yeah, she and Veyna are the only ones who took care of me and treated me kindly since I lived here. "
A few minutes passed since Lindia left, the door opened again.
Veyna : " I am done... Anything planned?... "
Estiel : " We planned to go in the city, you want to come ? "
I can feel something is wrong, I can feel some shiver in my spine... my instinct is telling me that someone horrible will happen soon.
Veyna : " Yeah... there are more clothing shop here... have to take Shina there... "
Suddenly, the face of Veyna, Fiona and Estiel changed and they looked at me with a dazzling smile, somehow this smile is emitting a dark energy... But this time, I have an ally.
Shina : " Eniel, help me please... " I implored her.
Eniel : " It's an elder sister's duty to help her younger sister to choose some clothes. " Wait... Not you too?!
Shina : " You traitor ! " In the end, I am a just their doll... I give up.
As we were speaking, the door suddenly opened and five person in black clothes armed with a sword attacked us.
The first to react was Eniel, two katana suddenly appeared in her hand and she easily cut one of the men in two, Veyna managed to dodge the attack of two of them and grab the sword of the dead man.
The three other men tried to kill Estiel, Fiona and me, but I gathered my mana in the air and tried to make an air shield and used Ancient Language as well.
Shina : " Shield! "
The first two blow were blocked by the Ancient Language, but after the second blow the shield broke and the third slash was repelled by the air shield; but the air shield wasn't strong enough to totally repel the attack and the blow still injured me.
Normally I would have used earth mana instead of wind mana, but to quickly cast my magic, I use the mana around me; using earth mana would had meant using the ground around me to block the blow, if I had done so, I would have made a hole in the floor and made us fall through the ground.
After blocking the attacks, I infused my hands with ice mana and drove my hand in the stomach of one of them. Meanwhile Eniel managed to kill two other man and Veyna killed one.
With only one of them left, the man dropped a small ball on the ground; it was a smoke bomb.
When we got out of the room, the man was killed, pierced by an ice spear; the one who did that was Lindia, she had numerous wounds over her body.
Estiel : " Li-Lindia ! Are you okay ?! " She said while running to her.
Lindia : " Stop ! There are more behind, and they are stronger; we have to climb ! "
It was as she said, behind her were ten other black clothed people; but two of them seemed to be of a level completely different compared to the previous one. We had no other choice than running.
As we ran, sometime Lindia would make an ice wall behind us to delay them; but it only brought us some seconds.
We rapidly arrived to the top floor, the pedestal of Kiel.
Lindia : " Princess Veyna, please take Kiel and get ready,they will soon arrive; and be careful, both of them should be S ranked.
Veyna took the black katana and took a stance, I retrieved the previous sword of Veyna and surrounded it of black mana. A few dozens of seconds after, they finally arrived, the two most powerful ones approached and spoke.
Man : " So this is Kiel, the legendary sword who is said to be superior to the holy and demonic sword? " He said, watching the katana in Veyna's hand.
Woman : " I am more intrigued by that half, she seem to possess a strong Mirage Ability. "
Man : " They are just some kids, nothing to worry about. "
Woman : " Those 'kids' still took care of five of our men, and from our information, she should be at the same level as Veyna. "
Man : " Maybe, but we need to take care of Veyna first, Lindia can't use any high spell because of the poison, she will die soon. "
As they said that, the two of them rushed at Veyna and pressed on her, the man is armed by two sword while the woman use a sword and a shield.
Estiel : " Poison?! "
Lindia : " Don't worry about me, stay behind. "
Eniel jumped at Veyna's side and blocked the man's way; mana started to gather in her two katana. While the katana in her right hand was emitting a cold aura, the one in her left hand was sending a breeze of air in the room.
While they are fighting the strongest one, me and Lindia are taking care of the 8 others ones. They may not be S ranked, but they are still very strong, they should be A ranked.
Lindia repeatedly caster Ice Spear, and managed to kill two of them; but each time she casted a spell, blood come out of her mouth.
As for me, I am fighting the six other under Lindia support, each time the crimson aura on my sword touch their, their sword start becoming black and slowly decay.
After breaking three of their sword, they started to change their tactic and didn't try to block my sword. The three who lost their weapons retreated and started to use magic.
Man 1 : " Spirit of Wind, overthrow my enemy, Wind Tornado ! "
Man 2 : " Spirit of Earth, pierce my enemy and crush him, Earth Spear ! "
Man 3 : " Spirit of Water, pierce my enemy and freeze him, Ice Spear ! "
Because of the spell of the first man, the two others spells came to me even faster, I infused my mana in the Wind Tornado to counter it and redirected the tornado to the three others warrior.
I then used my sword to block the Earth Spear while I made a blue fireball in my left hand and threw it at the Ice Spear. The Ice Spear completely melted and the fireball killed one of the mage, but when when sword came in contact with the Earth Spear, it exploded and it's fragment injured me all over the body; but I wasn't mortally wounded.
Lindia took this opportunity to finish the two remaining mages with her Ice Spear, but Eniel who happened to see me being hurt was distracted.
She was having an hard time fighting against the man, she was even on the loosing side even if she managed to resist; while she was distracted, the man took this chance and tried to stab her in the throat, but she managed to dodge it at the last instant but was still stabbed in the shoulder.
Veyna who was fighting against the woman armed with an espadon was having a hard time too, despite being armed with Kiel, the woman's espadon never came in contact with Kiel.
The situation wasn't progressing since the begin of the fight and none of them was injured; however with the defeat of Eniel, the man came to help her. The situation was desperate.
It was at that moment that at the back of the room, where Fiona, Estiel and Lindia were that a blue light began to shine; that light came out of a circle.
Lindia : " Everyone go in the circle, now ! " She said while coughing some blood.
Woman : " It can't be... a teleportation circle ?! Don't let them escape ! "
Eniel ran toward me, she grabbed me and ran to the circle; she knew that because of my injuries I couldn't move.
The man tried to block Eniel's way to the circle, but Veyna interfered and managed to hold him back; but the woman took this opportunity and slashed her leg, cutting the tendon.
Estiel : " Veyna ! " She yelled, seeing her sister falling to the ground.
Lindia : " I am sorry... " She said looking at Veyna before launching the spell, but at the same moment, one of the sword of the man pierced her chest and disturbing the spell. He threw his sword.
Lindia fell to the ground, but she was still alive, she had a few second left; within those few second she used all her mana to reactivate the spell; just before vanishing, a sword was threw at their side, it was Kiel.
Veyna : " Take it... Please don't die... " She while smiling, it was the first time she really showed her emotions.
Shina : " VEYNA ! " The last thing I saw before vanishing was the silhouette of a man with black hairs and yellow shinning eyes.
Veralox : " SHINA ! "
Shina : " Please save Veyna. "
Just after I muttered those words, we disappeared.
Retreat!!Main pageContinue ?
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