《Rise of the Goblin Dungeon》Chapter 23: A blushing ninja and the Dungeon Lords grade


Show me the Evolution options!


Evolutions are changes to your dungeon and yourself.

Choosing some of them may prevent other evolution paths.

The range of Evolutions are dependent on what you do with your Dungeon

and what level you are.

3 Points

Evolutions currently available

Earth affinity: Strengthens your affinity with the element Earth

Nature affinity: Strengthens your affinity with the element Nature

Spirit affinity: Strengthens your affinity with the element Spirit

Water affinity: Strengthens your affinity with the element Water

Mountainstalker Dungeon: offers bonuses for your servants

Demonic Elf Dungeon: offers bonuses for your servants

Animal dungeon: offers bonuses for your servants

Plant Dungeon: offers bonuses for your servants

Nursery Dungeon: unlocks certain building options

Hmm that is some quite interesting choices.

I studied the list intensely, after all it is a quite important step each time. The race evolutions had not really shown an overly strong effect until now. But there was no new race that had a high enough headcount to really make a evolution for them viable. Though I was wondering on what basis these evolutions were unlocked precisely.

Why did I not have the Mountainstalker before? What's the difference to the Animal Dungeon?

As usual I waited for a bit with my thoughts in the hope that the blue screen would pop up with an answer to my question. But it seemed like I did not meet the condition for it to speak up this time around.

I guess I should go for some affinities and the plants. After all those are the biggest resource at disposal right now. Let´s see…Earth should be useful for the golems later on. Spirit for myself and it should be helpful for summoning as well. Hopefully…anyway! Give me the Earth and Spirit affinity as well as the Plant Dungeon.


Evolutions will progress after the Evaluation

Please use your remaining Skill points

Ok ok, how annoying. Well it is time that i upgrade some of them anyway. Show me the skills.

Remaining Skill Points: 5

Spawn insects -

Spawn plants -

Growth lvl 3

Universal language max

Spawn Ore vein lvl 1

Appraisal lvl 2

Dungeon Radar lvl 2

Spawn earth's resources lvl 1

Hmmm ok that's trickier. I guess I should spend those points bit for bit. Considering that we should get more slaves some ores might work well. But on the other hand information is crucial with the threat of someone finding the dungeon.

I continued on to consider the pros and cons of each skill for a time. Meanwhile I kept drifting through the dungeon absentmindedly. I checked how the fields were doing and what the goblins were up to. Also another inspection of the slaves was in order and I saw that they had regained a bit liveliness.


I guess stable food supplies and some normal work can look like heaven. The situation must have been quite dire for slaves under the Drows thumb.

All together the situation of the dungeon was rapidly improving and I felt quite pleased by that. After a bit more of drifting around I came to a conclusion.

Fine, put one point into the radar and show me the changes.

Dungeon Radar lvl3

Scans the inside of your dungeon to display friendly and enemy units on your map. Weak hiding skills are ignored by this skill.

lvl 2

Radar scans outside of the dungeon for enemies that target your dungeon directly. Range is up to one km but accuracy diminishes with distance. Weak hiding skills are ignored by this skill. Increases sensitivity of radar inside the dungeon to detect mid level sneaking hiding skills.

lvl 3

Scouted areas will be easier to keep observed. The range of the Radar can now be changed. The smaller the range the better the scanning quality and higher hiding skills are needed to evade detection. Uncamouflaged mana usage triggers detection.

Oho well that is a neat I will have to put that to good use. Good then next put one into each of the ore vein and earth´s resources spawn skills.

Spawn earth's resources lvl 2

Morphs a certain area of your dungeon to contain a certain resource.

Currently available resources:


Low Gems


Spawn Ore Vein lvl 2

Morphs a certain amount of stone into a Ore vein, the more Mana used the purer and/or larger the ore can be.

Currently available ores:





Ok, not too bad 2 points left. I guess i'll just put it into those things again. I have to test the radar first to know how much improvement it will need immediately. Put a point each into the same skills again.

Spawn earth's resources lvl 3

Morphs a certain area of your dungeon to contain a certain resource.

Currently available resources:


Low Gems



Spawn Ore Vein lvl 3

Morphs a certain amount of stone into a Ore vein, the more Mana used the purer and/or larger the ore can be.

Currently available ores







Silver! Nice.... Well as long as it is similarly a valuable metal over here as well. Who knows. Now how everything should be out of the way

All points were used

Evaluation beginning now


At first I was quite excited to see what this would be about and kept staring at the blue screen. But as the time passed I realized that, whatever the blue screen was calculating, would take a bit longer. The screen didn't even have the decency to be removable, it simply hovered in the middle of my view.


Stupid blue screen.

Cursing the blue thing over and over I navigated once more through the dungeon until I found the goblin I had been looking for.

(Me):”Gobtar, I heard from Gobar that the preparations are through. How are the Goblins doing ?”

He was one of the few Goblins that had already gotten used to my voice coming out of nowhere. So instead of jolting and looking around he simply turned to where the sound was coming from and bowed.

(Gobtar):”Everything is in order and the morale is high. Being the first ones to get a turn with the women elated them in more than one way. They are now the envy of all the other male goblins. They will surely strive to do their best in the missions.”

(Me):”That is good, as long as you keep them in check. Being too eager can just be as destructive as not putting enough into it. Do not let the Drow see a shameful display.”

(Gobtar):”Of course, Lord.”

(Me):”Will you be able to make good use of the Poisons that I sent you?”

(Gobtar):”This will be hard to tell. It will depend on what species we meet on the mission. For now we coated some daggers with the paralyzing poison. We will also put some onto the spears.”

(Me):”Good work, is there anything you yourself would like as reward? As the one in charge you should receive something more.”

That actually sent him pondering for a time. It seemed like he was contemplating hard about whether or not to voice his wish.

Hmm either it is some really big or they are still not sure how much they can ask from me without raising ire from my side. This will be interesting.

(Gobtar):”There is one thing that I would wish for. It might be outrageous but would it be possible to acquire a necklace from the drow? They should have such things. I wish to present it to a possible mate. ”

Oh look at that! Who would have thought that the always stoic Gobtar has a sweetheart. A ninja with a heart. Wait is he actually getting deeper green on the cheeks? Is that a Goblin blush ?!

(Me):”Hah, worry not. I will talk with the ambassador. If you show excellent results with the mission I will make sure that it is of the finest quality that we can get through our trade.”

Calculation concluded

Return to the crystal to begin procedure

Ehhh…. blue screen you really have fucking bad timing.

(Me):”Gobtar I´ll have to leave now. If I have not awoken by the next morning tell the goblins that I wish all of you the best luck.”

(Gobtar):”Your wish is our command, Lord. We will succeed or die trying.”

I really hoped that they would not do that either. Success is good, but losing the troops completely would hurt more than a botched try. Still after he bowed again I left him at that and swiftly returned to my crystal body.

Ok hit me ! Let's see what this thing is all about.

Evaluation concluded

Time to reach the first evaluation point was extremely short

Subject has acquired multiple Species and Evolutions

Population of the dungeon has grown excellently

Another dungeon was successfully conquered and absorbed

An alliance with an outside race was made

Analysis of dungeon shows slightly complex defensive structures

Intelligent members of the dungeon were encouraged to grow

Titles and Skills on the Avatar plenty developed


The Newborn Dungeon has shown brilliant success

Grade: SSS

Award: 1 Avatar Trait

Summon 1 random creature of Rank E to D

Additional Floor Unlocked

A sufficient understanding for Mana has been detected

Numerical display deactivated switching to purity based display

Count and Quality of the resident species is excellent

Rank of the Dungeon is elevated to D

Evolution bonuses have been unlocked

Further evolutions are unlocked

Award : 2 Evolution points

Congratulations on mastering the first hurdle

I carefully studied the whole list over and over again. There were some really interesting things written in there that left me baffled and of course delighted with the rewards. For a SSS rank reward it seemed a bit small of a reward. But then again it was just the first evaluation.

This thing seems to keep notice of everything I am doing. Well I guess it is not surprising that I got high the highest mark. I am basically counted as toddler. I was just recently ‘born’ as dungeon. I'll have to take advantage of that. After all who knows how high the standards for the later evaluations will be.

After reading it over and over again I finally put it at rest and dismissed the blue window. Just to be greeted by a familiar feeling of faintness. The evolutions were kicking in and it was time for some sleep.

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