《Rise of the Goblin Dungeon》Chapter 21.5: The first sin, Lust
Warning: Sexual, Violence, Blood
My special package had arrived.
This was what I had been looking forward to all week long. When I received the message I headed over to the Drow quarters. The goblins were already busy with the newly arrived goods, but that was of no interest for me at all right now. Arriving at the spell circle I saw that Kalannar was standing at the side with my package at his side which was flanked by two other drow.
(Me):”I see you have it ! Very good.”
The Drow ambassador regarded me for a while before he nodded and I was handed over the leash attached to a woman´s iron collar.
(Kalannar):”Yes, it wasn't easy but the potions opened some doors. Just to be sure… I will have Vierna accompany you. If this one actually escaped it would spell out a lot of trouble for all of us. ”
Oh yes you heard right. The package was a woman. She was dressed in the same ragged and baglike clothing as the slaves I had gotten previously. The difference was that as much as I could see, she was in a much better state than the others. Not that I was completely sure about it, since her head was hidden under a bag as well, but I had given Kalannar some specific demands for this one. With a rough yank on the chain leash I made the new slave walk with me and Vierna followed right behind. Specially for this I had a room prepared inside one of the unused blocks to the south. Far enough off from the other places so that there would be no one really overhearing what was going on. It was a simple build, really. Flat stone walls and floors with the room having enough place to be around 10 meters in diameter. The only noticeable thing was a stone pillar in the center that was as thick as a tree. I had Vierna tie the woman against the pillar with her back pressed on the cold surface.
(Me):”Well then let's see who we have here.”
With those words I roughly yanked the bag off her head. What came into view was a really beautiful face. Sharp edges, soft mouth, large blue eyes and all of it framed by cascades of a light blond hair. Of course the long and pointed ears did not do anything to diminish that either. The only thing that was a bit off putting was the fact that a cloth gag was stuffed and secured in her mouth with a rope, as well as the pure hate in her eyes. Without doubt she wanted me to drop dead right this moment.
Simply perfect...
(Me):”I love her. Get the bitch naked and that gag out of her mouth if you'd please. I will get the other actor of this story. ”
Vierna seemed to be quite confused at this but she still went towards the Elf to do my bidding. Just as I was stepping out of the cave , the gag got out of her mouth… oh the profanities.
Elves really have that thing with insulting one's ancestors going.
With quick steps I went towards my cave and rushed in, which startled my pet a bit. But after all she was now used to my presence. I had spoken to her a couple of times, shared stories of the past and such to build a bit more of a relation.
(Quimoira):”What's going on?”
She still was not quite comfortable with being naked around so she was still trying to conceal her body some with her arms and legs. But not as fervently as she had done so in the beginning. My… care, had helped her body recover some. The food had put some flesh on her bones which was sorely needed. Of course just one week was far from enough to actually make her recover completely. But it was a good beginning.
I will have to see if Gobar can do something about those scars though… well that is for another time,
(Me):”Come with me. It is time to make your choice”
Her eyes widened at my words but she got up and did follow me out. The goblins of course all looked at us with curiosity, but I had made sure no one would interrupt us on the way. I led Quimoira towards the cave where the newest guest was residing. Vierna was actually standing at the entrance and just gave a nod as we went in.
(Me):”Well then Quimoira, I think it has been a while since you saw someone like this. ”
As I said that and she saw who was standing at the pillar she actually froze. At my words the other Elf of course noticed us as well and her hate seemed to be even intensifying.
(Elf):”A dirty mongrel and a monster. What a fitting pair !”
Those words made Quimoira actually twitch as if she had been hit. It was obvious that she was relieving the trauma she had gone through at the hands of the Elves in the past. I left my pet where she was standing and slowly paced through the room as if I was taking a closer look at her naked body.
(Me):”Hoh so you know my pet?”
(Elf):”Who hasn't seen her! She was paraded around the capital plenty of times. Pet… oh I bet she has been waving her holes around for you plenty of times. A mongrel will stay a mongrel forever.”
Holy shit… does that arrogant bitch even get what situation she is in ?
Those words were then actually followed by an arrogant sneer that she threw towards the shivering mess, that was my pet.
(Elf):”So you made a deal with the Drow to get something better than her huh? You monsters all want the same thing after all. Don´t think you can make me bow to you like that whore over there !”
Nope… What is even going on in her head? Ah she most likely thinks that she is some kind of hotly sought after price that I obtained painstakingly from the drow…Well she is not wrong. But I bet she did not think that this would be what should would be used for.
The attitude of the Elf surprised me beyond anything I had encountered yet. She was in this kind of situation and still showed no restraint at all. But I had heard enough of her anyways. With some rough movements I stuffed the gag back into her mouth.
(Me):”It is time Quimoira.”
I turned around to her and stepped aways from the bound Elf. I approached the still shivering pet and put a hand on her shoulder. Her eyes, that had been fixed onto the floor, snapped back to me when I touched her.
(Me):”I told you that you would have to make a decision. Now that moment has come. ”
She let out a sad laugh at my words and shook her head.
(Quimoira):”So what choice do I even have?! Be your pet or a breeding toy for your whole goblin tribe? What choice is that ! I have no freedom either way. ”
In response to her words I pulled out a blade from behind. It was one a black chitin dagger from the drows. The curve of the sharp edge gleamed slightly in the light as I held it up into her view. Her reaction was fear at first before changing into wonder as I turned the weapon over to her with the handle first.
(Me):”I will tell you what your choices are. Either you stay a victim forever… or you choose to make a place for yourself in this world. One that will not be taken so easily from you again.”
I pushed the handle of the blade into her hand as I spoke and she gripped it tightly on reflex. She looked at me with a face that expressed all of her confusion quite strongly. So I pointed towards the Elf.
(Me):”Look at her eyes, that is the way people will always look at you… a half blood… the child of a whore for the demons.”
Oh my words hurt her deeply as she gazed at the woman. I did not even need to look that way to know that the arrogant bitch was still glaring at us with that arrogant malice in her eyes. But that would do just fine for me. I suddenly reached up and grabbed Quimoira´s chin to make her focus back on me.
(Me):”Outside that is… in here, as my pet. You will have a home. You will have power because you belong to me then. As my pet you have a place, a family and someone that will take care of you. All you have to do is to give me everything. Every drop of your blood, every strand of your hair and your very soul. Give me yourself and I shall give you a place, power and revenge.”
The stunned look on her face was quite delightful.After I had finished my little speech I stepped to the side and gave her a slight push towards the Elf. Her movements were now just like those of a sleepwalkers until she stood right in front of the other woman. Of course the Elf saw and heard what was going on. If looks could kill we all would be dead by thunder right now. The gag muffled most of her words but there was no doubt that she was cursing us over and over. Quimoira meanwhile simply stood there, clutching both hands around the dagger's handle as she stared with eyes wide open onto the Elf.
(Me):”I will return in an hour. By then… well I want to see your answer on the Elf. What you do with her is your decision. But if I don't see a treatment on her befitting of an enemy, I will take it as you rejecting my offer. ”
I left behind the two women walking in a leisure pace until the muffled protests faded out. I was already quite looking forward to how this experiment would turn out.
(Vierna):”What do you actually plan to do with her? She is broken and this will only break her even more. ”
I smiled and gave the Drow an amused look.
(Me):”Why, of course exactly what I said. But on one thing you are wrong. If she makes the right decision it will make her whole. In a different way, but still whole and she will have a place to call home. If you are curious, keep a watch on her.”
Well then, time for a quick meal.
I went to the cooking place right away and had the goblins whip something up for me real quick. I spent my time in leisure, giving some orders out to the goblins here and there. I even did a quick inspection on the progress of the crafting team before I went back towards the cave.
Oh? Vierna did go in to watch then huh ?
I came to an empty entrance and passed leisurely through the tunnel. What I found on the other side… to be honest even startled me for a moment.
(Vierna):”Was this what you were hoping for?”
A dry question came from the side but I paid no attention to her right now. With slow steps I walked towards the pillar and took in the sight before me with something akin to awe. It was like a bizarre scene of a martyr's death. There was crimson everywhere. It was splattered all over the pale body kneeling on the stone floor. It drew lines all over her skin and pooled beneath her victim, the blade I had given her lying discarded in a puddle between them. Her lips were twisted in a grin and her eyes fixed on the bound Elf. I approached until there were only a few steps between me and them.
(Me):”It seems you enjoyed yourself with her.”
I was surprised at my own tone. It was completely calm and neutral. Just then I realized that I was indeed surveying the entire scene as if it was a scene of art. My words were answered with a giggle that actually sent a shiver down my spine. Oh no I was not scared… I was thrilled.
(Quimoira):”Yes, Master… I guess I should call you that now? or not? Right I don´t know your decision yet. Maybe you will discard me like everyone else after using me for your entertainment? ”
As she spoke she reached forward and grabbed the blade, letting the sharp tip slide up along the other woman´s leg. It actually incited a pitiful whimper of fear from the previously so arrogant bitch.
(Quimoira):” I didn't know what to do at first… so I took out her gag. She was all that what High Elves always are… arrogant…big mouthed… she looked down on me even now. It made me angry… so very angry.”
She sliced a few times across the Elf´s body, adding a few more lines to the ones that had been carved into the flesh before.
(Quimoira):”Then it all came out… the rage.. the hurt.. I wanted her to suffer, to suffer like I had at their hands… and she did.”
Oh she indeed had. I took a closer look at the Elf. There were countless slice wounds all over her body, none of them deep enough to be a real danger. But surely painful. This seemed like a side note though with what had happened to her face. It was beaten to a bruised pulp and even there were traces of the blade left behind. The ears had holes in them, the hair looked as if it had been pulled out with brute force. From what I saw right now there were bruises forming on her chest and stomach as well as between her legs. She had not held back at all. With a sudden motion Quimoira twirled around and looked over her own body, taking in her own bloodsoaked self before she raised her gaze again and I could see that there were actually streaks of tears mixed in with all the drying blood. She had broken, she was right on the edge of insanity.
(Me):”Why did you not kill her ?”
I asked her a single question as I stepped closer, fixing my gaze onto her eyes. She dropped the blade and pressed her palms against my chest as if to steady herself before she answered.
(Quimoira):”Because she has not suffered enough yet… none of them have for what they did. I am sure you will have some good uses for her. I want to see her suffer more... ”
Her voice changed into a high pitched tone and her grip tightened up on my clothing as she spoke. I was surprised at the strength that she could actually put into those slender fingers.
(Quimoira):”So what now ?! Was it just a fun game for you ? Will you throw me away now that you had your fun?! Now that I am broken and bloody? When I threw away everything ! TELL...”
She was despairing, her expression derailed completely. She feared that even after she let herself this far she would not have a place again. I didn't let her finish. With a deep grin I pulled her to me, a soft sound of surprisal spilled from her lips right a moment before I sealed them with my own in a deep kiss. I no longer held myself back. I let my lust run wild as we shared this kiss that tasted like iron. with a rough motion I grabbed her and pulled her closer to me.
(Me):”Oh it was fun my pet… and it will be much more fun in the future. I like your answer, I accept you. You are mine. ”
After that there was no more talking for a long time. There was wonder at first in her eyes. Then she suddenly threw herself against me with crazed fervor. I had made myself her anchor and she wanted me. A primal lust had ignited in us both. Her mouth sought mine and as I permitted her kiss after kiss for a while I let my hands explore and play with her slippery body for a bit. A sudden sting of pain brought me a bit back. The little bitch had bitten my lip ! With a deep growl I grabbed her at the back of her neck and pulled her off me, pushing her down to her knees first before pressing her further down until her cheek was pressed against the stone beneath us. She struggled a few moments before she went still with soft mewling sounds spilling from her, the curves of her raised ass swaying slowly in an enticing way.
Oh this bitch totally went into heat.
I licked the rest of the blood from my lips and suddenly brought my free hand between her legs. She was dripping wet already and the soft sounds grew much more agitated as I teased her to my liking. She grinded herself against every motion I made on her, spurring me on to take her with a teasing smile on her lips. I still remember, being surprised that she struggled against my grip only to submit again as soon as I pushed her down. I flipped her onto her back, my hand now holding her throat, just above the collar. I could feel the rapid beat of her pulse under my fingers and hear the gasps as she struggled for air. But her eyes were focused and clear, even inviting and daring me and they had changed to a deep crimson color with a snake like pupil.
Now look at that… my pet is showing her true colors.
I felt my lips split into a gleeful grin and she responded in kind, arching her body up in a ‘come get me’ motion. Not that I needed an invitation, but who could say no to such a thing. I raked my nails across her body and delighted in the mix of pained and pleased sighs i elicited from her mouth. The feeling of her feverish skin under my fingers as I ravaged her body and the way she pressed against my touches was exhilarating. Soon I lost all control over myself. Everything became a blur of raw pleasure and violence. There was only a mix of sensations and impressions as we went at each other like animals. The sound of bodies colliding, moans and growls both in pain and utter thrill laden lust. I have no idea how long we spent together in this cave. It was my first time to fully enjoying myself in such a way and it felt as if every safety in my mind had come loose. Something was driving me on and on to take out all of my carnal desires right now on this pet of mine and I did so over and over again. At some points there were some blue windows popping up, but I simply waved them off or completely ignored them. There was no rational thinking anymore in this mess of growling and moaning. I think it only ended when we had expended our bodies so completely that we dropped unconscious against each other, everything fading to a blissful darkness.
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(complete)جئون جونگ کوک خطر ناک ترین زندانی فقط یه ضعف داشت اونم پارک جیمین بود ! kookminnamjin sope a little (vmin) &( teagi)
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