《Rise of the Goblin Dungeon》Chapter 18: A trade completed and a new toy gained


Well then another little chapter! The second part will come in 18.5 this has some reasons.

Well by the end of this chapter it will be clear in what direction 18.5 will go. But I do warn readers again, the MC is evil. The tags are not there without reasons, though I admit it has been tame so far. But it will get gradually more towards where I want to have him.

Don´t know yet when the next part will come as I still have plenty to do but its getting better slowly. Specially since it is going towards christmas holidays finally ! *-*

On another note, steam sales are the work of the devil. Sweet, sweet temptation. Who knows what I mean with that XD

We had come to an agreement. Kalannar seemed very pleased with the outcome and though I still remained cautious to some extend there was no downside for me so far either. We returned to the main hall of the Drow quarters for now. He used the circle for a small scale spell over which he sent a small parcel back to their home to have the resources prepared. Since it would take some time we decided to have a meal in the meantime. I actually got to know more about their capital which was basically the old capital of the dwarves that they had taken over. Those were the last enemies they had fought before that whole curse thing went down. So the reason that the dwarven ruins were ruins was their fault actually. Ironic in some ways that the destroyers of the place had to live in it afterwards. After around two hours finally one of the Drow came over hurriedly and informed us that the transfer was ready to begin. Of course we got up right away and headed over.

“Haha you are looking much too curiously at their work Gobar. ”(Me)

“Ah, well there is so many new things to see and learn, Lord. How could this old man not be interested in it?”(Gobar)

I had to laugh at that and observed how the old goblin kept on keeping a close look on the proceeding preparations to have the transport done. It still much to everyone's bother that I was the only one that fluently understood both the goblins and the Drow. But it seems there were ways to get the language as a skill as well and once that was the case I could just give them to the goblins for mana. I was quite looking forward to that. Finally everything that would be transported was put into the spell circle and the drow got ready to start. Just like last time they begun to cast their spells and the circle responded to it. As the glow grew more intense there was a subtle difference to the first activation. It seemed as if a glass half sphere had been laid over the circle. There were slight distortions around it and for a very peculiar sight until finally there was another bright flash.

“Gah that really is a bit annoying”(Me)

“Haha indeed but one gets used to it. Now if you would like to inspect the wares?”(Kalannar )

I was still rubbing at my eyes as the wizard spoke and slowly things came into focus once more.

“Well now that seems to be different than what we agreed on.”(Me)

There were plenty of things within the circle. There were bags and crates containing, partly visible, the various tools that we would soon need. Axes, pickaxes, sickles and much more were there. But there was a rather large surprise. Within the circle were also a few other things. Or I should say beings.


“Indeed, but you could say these are a part of my gift to you.”(Kalannar )

The so called gift consisted of 20 people in ragged clothing mostly. They were kneeling in the center of the circle. Some of them looking around fearfully at their new surroundings while others were simply staring into nothingness with eyes that seemed to be more fitting for a dead fish. From what I saw some of them should be dwarves, judging by their height. But there were also some humans mixed in. Apart from being dirty and quite ragged looking they also did not give the most healthy look.

Well guess it is normal that during a resource crisis that the slaves are off worse.

As I approached them I saw that each of them had a similar iron collar around their necks with a few runes engraved into them. I assumed that it was what kept them in check. After all this was a magical world so you would need more to keep someone obedient.

Hmmm I guess i really have distanced myself from being a human myself. I guess inhabiting a crystal body does quite a number on one's moral views. Seeing as i can look at this so calmly. Then again I always was a deviant of kind.

“Well they will prove to be a good addition to the field and most likely mining later on. ”(Me)

“Oh not only that. You may not know that, since you haven't had any non goblin women yet, but goblins procreate much better with any humanoid. With those you will get at least 3 to 5 goblins per pregnancy.”(Kalannar)

At his words I arched a brow and looked again, there were indeed some women among the slaves. 5 out of the 20 and all of them seemed to be human. At least on the first look.

“Wait that one… what exactly?...”(Me)

Kalannar who came over and saw who I looked at nodded

“Yes that one is actually a high elf, sort of. I thought you might want to get a first taste of what spoils you can get in this war.”(Kalannar )

A taste you say… well I guess that is indeed true in some ways.

I focused on the one in question again. At a closer look she was indeed a woman, but her appearance was easily the most miserable out of the whole bunch. Hence me not recognizing her as one right away. There was not much flesh remaining on her, clearly attributed to long periods of malnourishment or even outright starvation. The grayish skin stretched over her bones wherever I could see it. She was so thin that I was practically looking at a skeleton, stuck in a shredded bag. But the most… interesting details…? Were found on her head. The left side of her face bore a mark. From the look of it I actually surmised that it had been branded into her with a hot iron. Besides that her hair was shaved completely bald with just some stubble remaining but that was the case for the other slaves as well. The detail that slightly disturbed me was that the characteristic long, pointy ears of elves had been cut off as well which made it look like a slightly grotesque shaped human ear. I think there is no need to mention that she was one of the people that had those eyes that were devoid of life.

“Holy, you really did a number on her.”(Me)

“That was not our work. ”(Kalannar )

To my slightly unsure comment Kalannar answered with a dry answer. It was clear that he held no sympathy for the elf at all. So I was slightly surprised at the content.


“Huh wait then who did this ?”(Me)

“Who else but the other High Elves? They do this to the… impure within their tribe.” (Kalannar)

Woa woa seriously? My picture of elves is getting a bit destroyed here.

“In what way is she impure?”(Me)

“Well you mentioned you already have appraisal? Why don't you give it a try. You should be able to see her information easily. ”(Kalannar)

Ho? he sounds rather sure of himself. But why not let's give it a try

Name:Quimoira Rank:- Species: Elf(tained) Level: (locked) Class: (locked) Mana:(locked) Mana recovery: (locked)

Skills: (locked)


Demonic heritage

Sealed abilities

Titles: (locked)

Hmm I guess the important things are the traits? Show me the info on those two

Demonic heritage

This being has been born as child of one demon parent.

Within it slumbers the seed for a demonic being.

Should it accept the heritage it will mutate with unknown


Such beings are often viewed as bringers of calamity.

Sealed abilities

An item blocks this being's abilities.

Oho now this is something… a demon child. Just awesome! Oh she will be mine for sure. Still gotta not let him see me being too happy about it.

The sight of those screens sparked my curiosity all over. Just like it had been with the experiments on Gob in the past.

“Hoh? A demon´s child I see? But why do that to her? They could just as well have cut her throat and be done with it.”(Me)

“They sent her in our direction. It could be they wanted to say that we were the same to them as this half demon scum. Many of us took it like that and almost charged in a stupid attempt towards them. Other than that, maybe they hoped that the thing about helf demons bringing calamity was true and will harm us.”(Kalannar)

“Then why did you keep her?”(Me)

“To have an even more visual reminder of what the elves are like. I can assure you the boost in morale was quite a bit. But recently some of the more anxious voices have gotten stronger. So I thought it was a good time to move her elsewhere.”(Kalannar)

Huh, poor girl. Used and used over and over again in a petty game. But still… this is interesting.

“I want her, that should be no problem?”(Me)

At my words Kalannar gave me a doubtful look and reluctantly nodded.

“That should be no problem… anyway. Let me show you quickly the rest of the things. I think those will be to your liking.”(Kalannar)

Most likely he was slightly put off that I would be interested in a half demon mutt. We continued on, a quick inspection of the tools at hand before we went on. He had one of the crates opened. It was filled with grass as cushioning for plenty of glass materials.

“It would be hard to put the Grimoire to use without the proper tools no? I have arranged for the book in question to be packed with the tools as well. ”(Kalannar)

“Ahh indeed, this is a very pleasing surprise. I guess I will have to get to the production then soon. ”(Me)

“Oh indeed and there is one last thing you need to have a look at.”(Kalannar)

On those words he went towards a smaller crate and opened it carefully, pulling out a single jar from it and showed it of.

“This is...”(Me)

“A Goldendew bee. We managed to get our hands on her when we raided one of the Elves settlements in the past. You will find her very useful. Especially the honey they produce. They are already at rank F but still on the lower end like your other insects.”(Kalannar)

“And the honey will also be a very welcome trade item no?”(Me)

At my retort Kalannar simply smiled and shrugged. But still he was right, that was just a perfect addition to our dungeon. I approached the jar and looked at the bee queen inside. The being itself was of a size that she could easily fill my palm. She looked to be mostly the same as bee´s on earth with the difference that this one was covered all over with fluffy looking golden hair that gave the impression of a soft fur. The being had a bit of intelligence at least as she met my gaze while I looked her over... at least I think she did.

“Submit to me and you will be free within my dungeon as one of my people. ”(Me)

At first nothing happened but then I finally got the desired message.

Congratulations you have a new species

Goldendew Bee

“You can let her out now”(Me)

The drow quickly opened the jar and the bee flew out of it right away. Curiously enough she didn't go far and simply settled down on my shoulder. After that we finished our rounds and we made a quick completion of the deal so we could move on with the things to do. I ordered the goblins to bring our things over to the crafters except for the Elf and the crate of alchemistic supplies which I told them to bring into my own cave.

“Get the slaves some food first. You don't need to give them anything fancy but I want them to regain their strength. Do not touch the women until they have recovered a good bit. If anyone does I will cut of his cock and feed it to the spiders understood? This is especially so for my Elf.”(Me)

The drow themselves also went to work. Some of this shipment had been for them to set up their new home base with the basic necessities.Before I went to work I gave some additional instruction for the elf to Gobar, after all I would soon take a look at her inprivate. Then it was time for work. First off I moved the butterflies out of the orchard and instead let the queen bee settle down in the small nursery adjacent to it. I also made it clear for every being inside the dungeons that bees were off limits for hunts right now. Surprisingly enough the bee didn't seem to part from me that easily. But at the end she busily went towards making a nest. Before leaving I made sure to plant some more flowers inside the orchard as well. The next stop on the list were the crafters. With all the new tools they would be able to make a lot more now.

“Gobuta, how is it with the tools. Everything to your liking?”(Me)

I had called over the busily working goblin for a moment to get an update. He actually looked very delighted as he tested out the new things we had gotten.

“Yes, Lord. The tools are of good quality. Is there anything you wish for me to prioritize?”(Gobuta)

“Hmmm for now make sure we get some proper beds and tables as well as storage containers for the transportation and storing of the things we make. I also want you to start planning a proper palisade in front of the main dungeon entrance.”(Me)

“As you wish.”(Gobuta)

After dismissing the goblin I watched their work for a while longer. It was amusing to watch the goblins scurry around in haste to do all the work that was piling up right now. I had one of the goblins call out Gobtar for me who hurriedly came ran over after some time.

“You called for me Lord?”(Gobtar)

“Yes, we need to build traps soon. Also those that allow us to catch live prey to widen the dungeons population. Preferably animals that yield good meat and pelts. Talk with the crafters about it once they are a bit less busy. Have them teach you some construction techniques. ”(Me)

“We will so so, Lord.”(Gobtar)

I also got myself a report on how the others were doing with their training. Apparently Vierna would continue on training the goblins. So far she had helped them fix their basics just like she helped me with the mana related things.

“Well then I'll take my time with alchemy tomorrow. I think it is time I pay a visit to my new toy huh?”

Grabbing some of the food from the goblinas I walked towards my cave.

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