《Game of the Mad God》Chapter 4- Journey to the west... call me Son Goku!
A fire crackled in the night. Jason and the others had made it halfway to the mountain range he had seen on his first day. They would have been further, but he couldn’t resist going back to the cave for the gold. The elves also took that opportunity to arm themselves with goods from the armory.
Apparently there was elven armor the goblins had looted. It shined like metal, and yet it was thin and folded like leather. Apparently, it was enchanted leather made by sacrificing the essence of a lump of iron. This essence included the iron’s hardness and other qualities. The result was that the iron became a brittle lump of dull metal, while the leather became strong and metallic.
The swords they wielded were almost exactly like katanas from his own world, except there was no guard and the blade was all one piece, as if someone had pulled its form out of a solid block of steel.They were incredibly light and sharp, and as the elves practiced with them, Jason wondered how in the world they lost to those goblins
They traveled west the whole day, bringing them to their current point. As the fire slowly cooked some fowl that Deineres had caught, Jason decided to try and get to know the elves. He started with the one he figured disliked him the most, Calex.
Jason approached and spoke first. “Hey, we never did introduce ourselves. I’m Jason.” Calex looked up from a picture he was idly drawing with a thin piece of charcoal. “I’m Calex Delacroix, glad to be of service.” Although he said this without malice, and with a smile on his face, It still made Jason feel slightly odd. They were all using his last name now and it was somewhat odd to him,
“Hey… are you guys seriously going to use my last name from now on? In fact, I didn't even think that you liked me.” Calex stopped drawing and looked at Jason before responding
“Yes, we joined your house, and thus we are obligated to use your last name at the end of our own. As for me not liking you, I'm sorry. its not like I didn't like you, more accurately, I was afraid of you. My imprisonment had weakened me, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally. Someone had finally come and set us free, and all i could think was ‘what kind of monster could make goblins run in fear?’ All i wanted to do was run. Run until I couldn’t anymore. And for that, I ask that you excuse my previous conduct.”
Jason was unused to such candid honesty and was at a loss for words. “A-ah I see, don’t worry about it, it’s in the past. what are you drawing though?” Calex’s face lit up as he showed Jason his work of art. It was of a war between the sylvan elves and the goblin-orc alliance. Except in his art, the elves were gaining the upper hand. Jason saw that the detail was incredible, especially for only using the equivalent of a pencil.
Suddenly he had an idea. He reached out and touched the picture while activating his animate ability. The was seemed to come to life as the elves vanquished the enemy and drove them away in around one minute. then the picture reverted to the way it was. “What was that? that was incredible! It’s not magic so i don't understand. How do you do that?” Calex asked, his voice full of excitement.
“It’s… my ability. I'm not entirely sure how it works myself, but hey, you draw anything else, Ill animate it for you. Hmmm, It seems like each scene is a minute, so try to do around 22 connected scenes, I think you’ll like the outcome.” Jason said. He stayed composed outside, but inside, he was screaming for joy. Finally, He would have anime!
Jason left Calex who began drawing right away, and decided to talk to Alize. She saw him coming, and greeted him with a smile. “Well if it isnt the family man, what’s up Jason?”she said. “ Yo, Alize, how you holding up? Is it hard for you during the day, with your vampirism and all?”
“Oh no, I can handle it. I’m just not as strong during the day, and sunlight irritates my skin. You know, surprisingly this whole vampirism thing isn’t that bad, other than constantly thirsting for the blood of everyone in the immediate vicinity.” Alize said with a slight smile. Jason laughed, he definitely knew the feeling.
“Yeah, I feel you. The dragon in me wants to just take the gold and the women and hole up in a mountain somewhere. While the snake just wants to hunt all day. I, on the other hand, just want to get home so i can watch the shows I have recording on my dvr.” Jason said. Alize’s eyes narrowed.
Then she asked “You… you have more than one transformation? You ate someone?” Jason stopped smiling, and responded truthfully “Yes. it was the night everything went crazy. Some dragon guy attacked me, and the snake within me thirsted for blood. After that, well you can guess what happened.”
Alize sighed, “I too killed someone that night. I, in my foolishness, thought that we would be fine if we all stayed together. As you well know, i was proven wrong. As I ran into the forest, a man followed me. He had super speed, and could have caught me at anytime he wished. My transformation is bat, and I’m a fairly big one at that, but as soon as I would transform, He would already be on top of me, and would give me several super fast blows to the head, sending me back to the ground.”
“Soon I couldn't run anymore, and he made his intentions clear. he wished to… violate me. As he approached, the moon shined directly upon us, and my bloodlust was awakened. I waited until he was very near, and then I drained him dry. Apparently that counted as eating because I gained his abilities. After that though, I was horrified at what I had done, horrified that i had loved the taste and the feel of blood going down my throat, and ran from the scene until I fell unconscious. When I woke I was in the goblin cave and the rest you know.”
Jason knew full well the power of bloodthirst. He could resist better now, as he had gotten used to it, but that first night, it was impossible. “Well, let’s do our best not to eat people together, hmm?” Jason said. Alize giggled and agreed. “Okay, but I’m gonna need a little of your blood tonight, k?” She said with a wink, and a smile. With a sigh, Jason began preparing his arm.
They traveled for two weeks heading west towards more civilized areas. As they traveled, They crossed several rivers. Deineres informed the two from earth that this world didn't have very many large bodies of water, rather, it was crisscrossed by many rivers. Apparently the ones they were crossing now were mere trickles of water compared to most of the rivers.
Jason and Alize also began learning magic from the elves. Jason was able to ius magic right off due to his connection with the elves. The symbol on his hand had opened his own magical vessels throughout his body, as well as holding additional magic from the elves. Alize on the other hand, had to have her magical vessels forcibly opened by the elves.
Magic was cast in several ways. apparently humans used runes and magic circles to do magic, while elves used incantations. Deineres knew a few human runes and taught them to the humans. after using magic to draw the symbols and the circle within the air, they both were able to fire off a simple fireball. However it took them 45 seconds to draw all the required signs, which made it somewhat impractical.
All in all, it was a fairly peaceful journey, until one evening...
- In Serial10 Chapters
"'Why,' a woman asked me, 'would they show a movie with things I do not want to see?' She is not unusual. Most people choose movies that provide exactly what they expect, and tell them things they already know. Others are more curious. We are put on this planet only once, and to limit ourselves to the familiar is a crime against our minds." - From the Great Roger Ebert Be forewarned, this story is not for everyone. It's not even for some people. This is for just a select few who get wet from misery and excited by suffering. This is no level up, power up, let's kill monsters, op mc, fantasy land, standard litrpg garbage you find in basically every other story on this site. If the rest of RoyalRoad is shounen (which it is), then this is Gantz/Berserk. Sorry. I lied. This is darker than Berserk and bloodier than Gantz. Not a manga fan? Then how about Korean cinema? Have you heard of Kim Ki-duk? His works The Isle, Moebius, and Pieta all come to mind. Again, this is not for normal people. There's a bunch of other normal stories for normal people to read. The whole rest of the site library is for normal. This is a special section set aside for a special type of story meant for a special kind of people. If you follow or favorite this, you're telling the whole world that you're a little different. A bit twisted. I guess you could call it the BDSM of reading. Which segues perfectly into the introduction. Are you kinky? Are you familiar with the taboo? Have you ever thought about the depths of human depravity? What I'm trying to ask is, do you like fucked up shit? Do you like massacres and public shamings? Do you like watching people fall into despair, going insane, or turning into psychopaths? Do you get turned on when love is destroyed and hedonism reigns king? Well, I've got the perfect story for you! If you're uncomfortable with profanity, gore, sexual and traumatising content, then I recommend you move on. I won't judge you just cause you're a pussy. And I'm not talking about the fake labels of the other candy ass stories on this site who think their shit is morbid or even remotely disturbing, I'm talking about the shocking, offensive, real fucked up shit that you can't even use incognito mode for and you gotta install Tor browser. (You don't actually need to install Tor, you idiot.) If you love that shit or even if you're just curious, then read on. I swear it's not as bad as you think it'll be. It's much worse. - Signed with no love, Marley (written by a friend in the voice of Marley) Unapologetic, cynical, pretentious, pessimistic, hypocritical, selfish, sarcastic, passive, apathetic asshole main character named Marley. Alternate POV: Badass, intelligent, proactive, loving, nice, friendly, optimistic co-main character Sophia. This is essentially a rough draft. Grammar and spelling has been read through and fixed for the most part. If you don't like something, tell me why you don't like it. Don't just rate it low anonymously. Thanks.
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The Adventures Of Nighthawk
Disclaimer: None of this, including the cover is mine. It all belongs to the House of Mouse, and as soon as they finish buying Amazon and taking over Google so will we. “All Hail King Mickey!!!” So, Nico an aspiring young doctor wanted to change the world with his breakthrough in bioengineering with his brand-new world changing Medical nanites. Unfortunately for him Truck-San had other plans and booked him on a one-way trip to another universe. Now you (lucky person) get to read all about the Adventures of Nighthawk aka Nico as he tries to be the hero he was always meant to be!! This story will probably be posted to other sites but updated 1st here. Release dates will be Fridays 2pm est I hope. Tags: Fanfic, OC, Isekai, Comics, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Male Lead.
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Reaching for the stars
Since ancient times, humans would look up to the stars, gaining strenght from their presence. Their greatest desire to go beyond. Can one find what one seek there, high up above the sky, or will it all be for naught when one tries?There exists invisible laws that says that women are not men; therefore can not be warriors. Follow Mei Wei Rong, the daughter of the the Wei clan's head, striving to become an esteemed moon warrior. Under the pretense of marriage, she is to be kept away from the path of cultivation. But, can she defy fate and find what she wants most – freedom and the ability to rule herself?A/N: Here's the link to my website: https://fantasyroadblog.wordpress.com/ I guarantee that the reading experience will be smother her. Follow my wordpress for faster updates and much more that's about to come.
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Някой смятат, че в човешката природа е да надграждат, да се адаптират, създават и отглеждат, но колкото по-дълго населяват земята, губят положителните си черти. Оставят само разруха след себе си и унищожават, всичко, до което се докоснат, включително и самите себе си. Планетата умира, а земята е пренаселена. Настъпва хаос и се разпространява зараза, която изменя гените на хората. Не е известно, кога се появява, как се разпространява или симптомите. Единственото ясно е, че обикновено засегнатите са с умствени проблеми или преживели нещо тежко в миналото си. Хора, позволили на света, който са създали да ги промени и корумпира сърцата им. Няма имунизирани, а единствения начин, да се спасиш, е да успееш да запазиш сърцето си чисто, което е невъзможно да се случи, когато си в центъра на световна война. Заразените го наричат еволюция, а незаразените го определят, като прочистване и решение на проблема с пренаселването на планетата. Във всеки случай, и двете страни са решени да елиминират другата. Земята умира, всичко бива унищожено, а хората най-сетне получават, това което винаги са искали-само
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Battle Necromancer Version 2
The world ended with a flash and boom. Terry just wanted to go visit his brother but ended up dying. Now he's just trying to get home to make sure his parents and family are still alive.
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Yami Desolate- The destroyer (a reincarnation story)
In the midst of a school assembly, a summoning circle appeared out of now where and everyone within the school hall was transported to another world, one of fantasy and magic. Having been called by the goddess to help against her fight against the forces of evil she gives them each a blessing and sends them to the kingdom of light and sanctuary The holy union. """Welcome heroes from another world, We need your help against the forces of darkness, but first lets check your status"""" boomed the king. Although the students and teachers was in confusion, about the current situation they complied and one by one checked their status. Noticing each has their own class along with a blessing, the kingdom welcomed them with open arms as a special unit called the sacred heroes to fight against the forces of darkness.However during the summoning ceremony caused by the forces of light, a similar ceremony was happening caused by the forces of darkness that called upon the recently dead soul of Yami whom recently died from the cruelty of the world . 1 hour before the school assembly started. Yami was on the roof, the only place where he can feel at peace however as he was walking near the edge, he was pushed off by another student, as he was falling he started to curse the world and the cruelty of humanity but what he cursed the most was his own lack of power, the moment he landed on the pavement bleeding heavily, it was clear he was dying, however before his death his last words was """" Im sorry, hikari i cant protect you anymore goodbye my light, """".Yami thought this was the end of everything the oblivion only for him to wake up in darkness, and a voice calling out to him Would you like another chance?, Knowing there was probably a catch he accepted anyway refusing to let his regrets go. Yami awoke only to find himself reincarnated within an egg. Yami was reincarnated into a half dragon and half demon this is the story of desolate the destroyer.author noteslazy author that only releases non edited or barely any edited chapters. UN EDITED, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. There is no point on critiquing a unpolished work it is just like saying that is a rock..... there is only point in polished work such as this gem hasn't had the best of care and wasn't cut properly. !
8 212