《Blood and Honor》Chapter 25- New Hires and Dealing with an Apocalypse
As Jacob and his War Party jogged into the Fortress grounds more than one concerned person looked but Jigibs just pushed them back to work. Nothing they could do would change anything. Jacob was pleasantly surprised to see about 2/3 of the wall was completed. a gate had been cut out at the center to allow passage, but they didn't have the time or the resources to create a gate or portcullis. Jacob immediately told his bonded to rest and drink water but told June and Chalxae to be ready in 5 minutes to head to the Tomb. He told Shigna to help with construction but not to wear himself out because they had a dungeon to clear. Snaggletooth knew what he had to do and Jacob told him that he would be by to see their guest when he returned. As his companions rested Eiloma came running up "What did you stumble into this time mylord?" Jacob pulled her closer and whispered what they had discovered, the Quest he had received, and his plans for tonight and tomorrow.
"Eiloma do you mind if I make you one of my House Minions, it will increase your authority over those who dwell here and assist you in solving problems I make for you," Jacob asked the High Elf.
She extended her hand so he could grasp it. "Finally, this was long overdue mylord. I will do my best to continue to serve your interests and protect you and yours." Jacob squinted at her and activated the process to make her a Minion then darted in and kissed her on the cheek.
"Thank you for everything you have done for me and mine. I will never be able to thank you enough if there is anything you should ever need and I can provide it ask and it will be yours." with that Jacob turned and swept up June and Chalxae and activated the teleportation to the Tomb of Eternal Night.
Quest Complete: House Minions
Description: You have taken time and have chosen 3 beings and placed them in critical positions within your House (Abraxxus, Thorgron, and Eiloma). Remember to take care of them for although these beings are Bonded to you, they can and will Rebel against your authority if you abuse them or underappreciate their efforts.
Rewards: 10 Gold, Charisma Stat Unlocked
Charisma Stat: This stat is increased or decreased based on the choices you make in dealing with the beings around you. Current status: +30 (Charisma will make people more likely to listen to you, maybe tell you secrets, or even give you quests) When the light died away Jacob saw the beautiful palace once again. He wondered if the Fortress of Midnight would ever rival the beauty of this place. "Well, ladies, who want to go annoy Royalty?" as he darted into the palace. Both Drows giggled at his antics, hey if you are going to die you might as well have fun doing it.
The Queen was sitting on her Throne holding court when he came in, two of the Heart Guard stopped him before reaching the Queen and the petitioners. The Captain saw him and immediately came over "I am sorry Jacob, but she is busy and doesn't have time to see you right now."
Jacob sighed...dam politics. They both knew he wouldn't be here unless he had any other choice. "I assume you have heard of the Grimoire of the Abyss. Since she is so busy at court, I can ask the guy to postpone his Apocalypse plans for another 24 hours, but that is it... Make time Captain."
Isiah immediately darted off and started whispering in the Queens' ear. She flinched, she knew what that book was and what it meant if it had been found by someone crazy enough to use it. Isiah flagged the two guards near Jacob, and they guided him away. As he left Jacob heard the Queen announce "I must apologize, my lords and ladies, I must take a quick recess to confer with my Executioner about matters of state. I will return post-haste."
Less then a minute later Jacob and his Bonded were in a sitting room with the Queen being questioned "Where did you learn that name? Why do you know that name?" Jacob quickly told her everything he knew of the book, of the threat the Succubus had given, and everything about the Fallen Shaman. "Stupid, idiotic, that Shaman will destroy the world for his craving of Power. That book has been lost for almost a thousand years, neither Pantheon wanted it found. Even at the height of the War of Survival, neither side would have considered using that thing to win. Everyone fears what will happen if the summoning is completed. You must kill this Fallen one and if possible destroy the book. If you cannot destroy the book, keep it hidden and safe. One day we will find somewhere to hide it in the Underdark where no one will ever find it. As far as tomorrow goes, I am sorry but I can offer you very little help. I will make sure the Pit will offer you the best they have, but beyond that, I can do nothing for a threat like that. Good luck Jacob, I do believe you will need that. Come back to us alive please." With that Talia left.
"I still have your coin Captain, make sure you have the best squad you have ready, if I need you, I will use that coin to summon you." with that Jacob left the palace behind. Time to acquire 3 more bonded.
The Pit had some of their best lined up, but Jacob was looking for only some specifics. Another Tank, a mage type, and a healer. They had everything, too many choices to sift through all of them "Remove anyone that is not within 2 levels of me. No priests and remove anyone without a fighting class that is not their primary class." About half of the group was taken away. Jacob quickly started to look at those that remained and at the information they had on them and choose two, a Warlock and a Druid that accepted his offer of the Bond. He asked the Pit clerks to take away everyone that wasn't some sort of melee fighter.
Name: Fenwyn Cabot
Race: Gnome
Class: Warlock
Level: 21
Price: 25 Silver Spoiler: Spoiler
Name: Chaos Bolt (lvl 3)
Properties: Hurl a bolt of Demonic and Chaotic Energy at a target that deals 100-150 Damage (cast time 3 seconds, cooldown 25 seconds)
Name: Hellfire Blast (lvl 3)
Properties: Engulf your target in the fires of the Abyss, deals 75-125 initial damage and another 300 damage over 30 seconds (Cast time 5 seconds, cooldown 1 minute)
Name: Curse of the Darkness (lvl 2)
Properties: Curse your targets so that they will recieve more damage from Demonic, Dark, and Chaotic spells. increase damage recieved by 7.5% lasts 3 Minutes, can curse (2) targets (Instant Cast, Cooldown 30 Seconds)
Name: Drain Victim (lvl 2)
Properties: Drain your target of Health, Stamina, and Mana and use it as your own. Drains target of 5% of life/stamina/mana every 5 seconds over 30 seconds (Channeled, cooldown 5 minutes)
Name: Summon Demon (lvl 1)
Properties: Summon a demon to assist you in battle, demon type depends on level of Warlock (Current: Prime Imp), if the summoned Demon is killed or banished the Warlock cannot summon another for 5 Minutes (Every demon has a different benifit for the summoner)
Name: Demon Skin (lvl 1)
Properties: Increase the Targets Defense by 5%, if the Target is struck the attacker his a 10% chance of suffering 200 Hellfire damage (Single Target, Lasts 30 minutes)
Name: Mug Ruith
Race: Human
Class: Druid
Level: 20
Price: 25 Silver
Spoiler: Spoiler
Name: Healing Roots (lvl 3)
Properties: Target is wrapped in roots (does not hinder target) that absorb 5% of incoming damage while healing target for 750 over 30 seconds (cooldown 1 minute)
Name: Mending Leafs (lvl 3)
Properties: A druid channels healing magic within a 10 ft area, all allies within the area are healed for 150 every second over 30 seconds (Channeled, cooldown 1 minute)
Name: Embrace of the Forest (lvl 3)
Properties: Target recieves this blessing that increases their Armor Rating by 10% (Single Target, lasts 30 minutes)
Name: Wrath of the Ancients (lvl 2)
Properties: Druid summons a Treant that will fight enemies and heal allies. All allies within 10 feet of the Treant will recieve 50% of the damage it deals as health. (Cast time 5 seconds, cooldown 5 minutes)
Name: Healing Burst (lvl 1)
Properties: Druid heals a target for 600 and another 300 over 30 seconds, healing energies sorround the target and will effect allies to a lesser degree (Cast time 10 seconds, cooldown 10 minutes)
Name: Blessing of the Wild (lvl 1)
Properties: The Druid Blesses his party so that they will do 5% more Damage and take 5% less damage (Cast time 10 seconds, lasts 10 minutes, cooldown 15 minutes)
Quest Complete: Everyone starts Somewhere
Description: You have forged Bonds with 10 beings to increase the strength of your House. Know this, it will never end, you must continue to grow both in numbers and strength.
Rewards: 5 Gold, Increase the Loyalty of those you have Bonded with by 10%
20 remained, Orcs and Duergar were the main ones with a few Drow and even a couple of Goblins and Kobolds. What caught his eye was a being chained hand and foot. From what Jacob could tell he was a Dwarf. Jacob approached him and looked him over. At first, the Dwarf ignored him, but then he did a double take at something he saw, he scrambled forward and grabbed Jacobs chin and looked in his eyes. Whatever he saw there made the Dwarf laugh. "My lord perhaps you should move on. That is the first reaction we have ever seen from him, and he has been here for nearly 5 years. We think he was a warrior or Paladin, but he refuses to talk. He has fought more than one Unbounded, but he has never killed even though he easily could have." The Clerk told Jacob.
Jacob continued to look at the Dwarf before taking a step closer to him and dropped his voice down so that only the Dwarf could hear him "What do you see Dwarf that is so funny about me?"
If anything it made the Dwarf smile even more "I see a being that has been cursed by the gods yet has made an Oath that was witnessed and accepted by a Primordial Power. You, sir, are very interesting and will have a very tough road ahead of you. May I ask what oath you took that would attract the attention of such a being?"
Jacob considered leaving but if the Dwarf could tell he had taken the Oath maybe he wasn't as mad as the Clerks thought. "I took an oath to 'Never bow to tyranny, darkness, or evil' and Balance accepted my Oath. I have no idea how or why though."
The odd dwarf silently listened and nodded before responding "That is the way of gods and beings of Power like that. I was once a Paladin of Moradin, but in a campaign that he had blessed and I fought for ended in the deaths of children. Goblin and Orc children. When I learned of it, I cast aside my hammer and armor and walked away from my people and what we had done. For a better part of a year, I roamed the Deep Underdark before I stumbled upon a patrol of beings that took me in and I eventually found my place here. Now I am talking to a Vampire cursed by the Gods yet blessed by a power greater than them. It is amusing." Jacob smiled at the Dwarfs logic.
"You are correct sir, but I am compelled to do what I can. I cannot stand by and do nothing. I am going into a fight that I might lose, a fight that just might see the end of the world if we do lose it. Will you stand with me good Dwarf, not for the Gods, but for the innocents that will die in the tens of thousands if we fail. I offer you a path and maybe you can help me stay on it too. Will you accept my Bond and fight for what is right?" Jacob asked the half-mad Dwarf.
The Dwarf threw back his head and laughed until he cried "Oh, I lad. I will fight against the monsters of the dark once again. Through thick and thin, I will march by your side and try to keep you on the path you have set yourself. Know this, since I foreswore my oaths to Moradin I have lost most of my power, what remains is yours to command." With that, the Dwarf embraced Jacobs offered hand and accepted the Bond.
Name: Thelgrum Orcbane
Race: Dwarf (Mountain)
Class: Fallen Paladin*
Level: 22
Price: 25 Silver
Spoiler: Spoiler
Fallen Paladin- Due to having no current Patron, the Paladins abilities will be weaker or not be availiable
Name: Smite (lvl 3)
Properties: Stike a target with the power of your faith, deals 50-65 damage (Instant Cast, Cooldown 1 minute)
Name: Wrath (lvl 3)
Properties: Stike a target with the power of your faith, deals 70-85 damage, can weaken target so they deal 5% less damage (Instant cast, cooldown 2 minutes)
Name: Banish (lvl 3)
Properties: Damage or destroy beings of Dark, Death, or Chaos, deals 100-150 damage to target (3 second cast, cooldown 5 minutes)
Name: Clense (lvl 3)
Properties: Purify a target of 1 Curse or Poisen (5 second cast. cooldown 3 minutes)
Name: Blessing of the Ancient Kings (lvl 1)
Properties: Party will take 3% less damage from all sources (10 Second cast time, Lasts 30 minutes)
Name: Infuse Hammer (lvl 1)
Properties: Infuse your hammer with the strength of your faith and hurl it at your enemy, Deals 500 damage to target (Cast time 5 seconds, cooldown 5 minutes, currently unavailable)
"Get him out of the chains and get him some gear. We have to get home, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow and I would love to get some sleep." Jacob called out to the clerks. The two Drow smiled at his choices although Chalxae was biting her lip and eyeballing the Gnome Warlock. This caused Jacob to laugh and made Fenwyn blush. Ahh, at least they would get along...hopefully.
A little over an hour later, Jacob and his new Bonded made it back to his Fortress. Eiloma was getting them settled with his other War Party members so that everyone could get some rest. Jacob had told the Fallen Paladin what they would be going up against tomorrow. Jacob knocked on his guests' room and waited a few moments before going in. The Dwarf looked better, but still tired "Ah, so you have finally come. How goes your day my rescuer?"
Jacob smiled before responding "Busy good dwarf, and tired. I have a very long day ahead of me tomorrow. How are you healing sir? Are you getting enough to eat?"
The scarred dwarf nodded and responded "Oh, I have food any time I ask. That Shaman you have tends to my needs at least twice a day. I am on the mend lad. You have good people here mylord, the only request I would have was to get some beer." Jacob chuckled at his response
"I will talk to the Shaman if he agrees I will make sure you get some beer. May I ask something personal?' at the Dwarfs nod Jacob continued 'I am an Immortal one, one of my friends noted that a Dwarf went missing recently and his family is looking for him. I was told he had a tattoo over his heart. May I see that area of your chest sir?" Jacob told the old dwarf. He merrily grunted and pulled down his shirt, over his heart just like Jared described was the tattoo of a hammer striking a shield with lightning forking off. Yep, he was definitely alive. "Well good dwarf your family is worried, I will inform the other Immortal. He will make sure word of you gets back to them and that it will take some time for you to make your way back to them, but you will make your way back to them. Now, I am sorry but I must get some rest I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow." with that Jacob left his house guest and headed off to bed.
The next day Jacob opened his eyes and prepared himself for what was to come. He had warned Jared about his quest, about finding the lost dwarf from Slate Cavern Fortress and for him to pass on to his Kin that the Dwarf was alive and would be back as soon as he could. Jacob donned his armor, weapon, and shield as he worried if they would succeed or fail. After that, he made his way into his office and opened up his storage area and placed the Shortsword and Cursed Whip away while retrieving the Favor of the Heart Guard token that would allow him to summon some much-needed backup if today went worse than he thought. In the Hall, all his Bonded were eating and talking while others were from the settlement grabbed food from the buffet style setup the cooks had created today. Jacob strode over and waited in line for his chance to grab some much-needed food, today would be bad enough without missing breakfast. Several of his people were startled that he would wait in line, but he just smiled and waved them on, first come, first served.
As he sat down to eat Thorgron started talking "Well mylord, as I was saying the other day I know a place where we can hire more beings to fill out your Guard. It is where most of the Clanless reside, I neutral city that calls no nation or lord master. The City of Ineford is completely neutral ruled by a council of merchants. They run a lot of Blackmarket and mercenary business out of there, but as long as you got the coin they do not care who you are. I have done a couple jobs out of the place and I know the Guard Captain of the city, he can point out a couple places I can recruit more people. It's about a weeks march from here. As a bonus, you can find your way topside from the city. It costs 5 gold one either way to use the Lift, thought we could all go once our house guest feels up for a walk through the Underdark."
Secret Quest Received: Returning the Patriarch
Description: Your Guard Captain, Thorgron, knows how to get to the surface world. When the lost Patriarch has recovered, escort him to the City of Ineford so he might return home to Slate Cavern Fortress.
Rewards: Unknown
Quest Received: Recruiting the Guard
Description Guard Captain Thorgron knows of a place where you can go to recruit more for the Guard. Go to the City of Ineford and recruit 20 beings to fill out your Guard.
0/20 Bones: 0/20
Rewards: Unknown
Jacob quickly responded "I agree Captain, as soon as some things have settled down around here, we need to go there to recruit more for the Guard, and so we can return our guest home. Thank you Thorgron for the recommendation, it is much appreciated. Jigibs, have you looked at the sketches provided by both Magrum and Elise? If so how long would it take to build them?" Jigibs looked up from his plate to respond.
"Sir, I have looked at both plans. Both are considered minor jobs and would take 2 days of work each. We are almost done with the wall and if you want me to start either of those jobs I have the hands available to do it. Just add it to the Construction Queue. Now that the Iron and Silver Mines are being worked, we have to complete the Smithy, so we can make some Smelters. The Smelters though are minor Jobs that will take 1 day to make if you want more then one done." With that Jigibs dug into his food with gusto. For the next 30 minutes, Jacob enjoyed the normalcy of it all before he had to put it all on the line. Outside the Cave of Damnation 45 minutes later Jacob looked at his party. He could still see the clock on his HUD winding down to when Grurez the Fallen completed his summoning ritual and let all the Legions of the Abyss into this world. "Ok people, we all know the score. We go in clear out the Cave and end these idiots play to jump-start the Apocalypse. When the situation calls for it Thelgrun will lead the second party with Mug, Fenwyn, and Shigna. Fenwyn once we kill Grurez the Fallen he has something in there that will tempt you to take it. DO NOT TAKE IT. If you do, I will kill you. We are not stopping this guy today so you can start an Apocalypse tomorrow.' the little Gnome paled but nodded her head vigorously 'Good, cause I would hate to have to hurt you. Now, everyone, I want us all to come out of this place alive, but this guy has to die and the Ritual must be stopped at all costs. He cannot succeed no matter what if we fail the world will die. No pressure though people. Now we will be facing Demons mainly, maybe some Undead, the Primary target though is Grurez the Fallen. If we don't kill every little Demon in there today...that's fine as long as we kill that guy. Now if you have Buffs, time to lend them out. Let's go, Chalxae, you are on point, scout ahead and let us know what we got." with that John led his War Party into the dungeon to save the world...
Chalxae returned within 5 minutes to report "Initial area is all demons Prime Imps, Imps, and Hellhounds. Lowest was level 17 with a high of 19 working in groups of 5 so far. The tunnel is large so we can take two groups at a time as long as we pull them away from the others." Chalxae finished her report.
"Ok people you heard the lady, we got room to pool two groups at a time. Watch the spacing I don't want to get mobbed by accidentally pulling other groups. Let's go kill some demons." For the next 30 minutes, they killed demons while making their way further into the dungeon. That's when they found the first Boss Monster, a level 20 Houndmaster that had 3 hounds a Prime Imp and a Succubus.
Spoiler: Spoiler
Name: Norville the Houndmaster
Level: 20
Class: Hound Master
Abilities: Aura of the Pack, Hellfire, Cleave, Summon Hellhound
Since Jacobs group had more crowd control abilities they would destroy all the guards, while Thelgrum would concentrate on the Houndmaster himself. 10 minutes later the Demon was dead, and Chalxae started scouting out the second level. "The second level is Warrior demons mixed in with Succubus demons all are level 20 to 22, in groups of 3 to 5," Chalxae reported a few minutes later. "Same as before, but be more careful because they are stronger now," Jacob called out as he led the party further down. The second tunnel was half the distance as before but since the Demons were stronger it took them 20 minutes to clear the tunnel and at the next landing was a Demon soldier that was about 10 feet tall and had two lesser ones with him and a Succubus
Spoiler: Spoiler
Name: Az'Gis the Defiler
Level: 22
Class: Legion Lieutenant/Warrior
Abilities: Aura of Command, Fortify, Whirlwind, Hellfire Stomp, Rage
15 minutes later, they managed to down the boss, but he almost killed Thelgrum. The last ramp was empty with no Demons and it led to a cavern that the Fallen Shaman, which was now a Revenant, with four Prime Imps and two Succubii around him. All were channeling magic into a Portal and off to a side sitting on a chair was another Demon. This Demon looked straight at Jacob with an amused smile on his face "Continue with the ritual Grurez, I will deal with our uninvited guests." Jacob quickly analyzed both the Demon and Grurez to see what they were dealing with.
Spoiler: Spoiler
Name: Grurez the Fallen
Level: 23
Class: Warlock/Revenant
Abilities: Hellfire Blast, Chaotic Aura, Summon: Demon, Curse of Darkness, Demon Skin
Spoiler: Spoiler
Name: Borgal, Agent of the Abyss
Level: 23
Class: Rogue/Bard
Abilities: Backstab, Stealth, Demonic Compulsion, Teleport, Inspiration Aura
Borgal then started to monologue, seriously why?.?. but Jacob noticed that his companions were listening and even agreeing with that the guy was saying...Ok, pointy end of the sword goes into the Demon and figure out why I am Immune to Compulsion later. Damaging Borgal broke the compulsion, while his companions recovered Jacob acted. "Thelgrum deal with the Damned Warlock, you guys get your heads out of your asses NOW!!" Jacob roared and sent out a Command to his Bonded. Borgal was both stunned he had not snared the arrogant Vampire but that he had hurt him as well. Jacob gave credit where it was due, the Demon recovered quickly and activated stealth to get away, but Jacob had planned on things like this and triggered certain AoE abilities he had to bring Borgal out off stealth screaming in pain and rage. Thelgrun raced to destroy the Revenant and to disrupt the spell but the spell continued as the former Shaman broke off to intercept him and his party. Grurez quickly summoned a Warrior Demon to counter Thelgrun and the battle was joined.
"It does not matter little Vampire if you kill us, the Company of Demons I brought will still kill you. Why are you fighting us Vampire, you should be joining us. The Gods have Cursed your race if the surface world learns of your people survive they will hunt you all down and kill you." yada yada yada
"If you are going to keep opening your mouth stay still so I can listen, I promise I won't cut your head off while you do. I promise from one monster to another..." Jacob bantered with the Demon as he continued to hack and slash at him. Jacobs last comment made Borgal chuckle while he continued to dodge, dive, and duck away. Then June arrow struck Borgal in shoulder slowing him down and a dagger to his kidney made his day.
This allowed Jacob to look around and check on his companions, that was when he noticed dozens of demons marshaling at the bottom of the ramp. Time to call for Reinforcements as Jacob activated Favor of the Heart Guard token and suddenly 13 high-level Vampires were between the small army and the main fight. "Take care of the Bosses and Ritual, my men and I will take care of all this trash." Isiah bellowed as he led his men against the Demons. Although the Demons outnumbered the Vampires easily 10 to 1, the level gap was ridiculous.
Shigna dropped back from flinging fire at the Warrior Demon and started chanting to bring forth a Golem and send it against the Revenant Grurez. Although Thelgrum was a good leader, being a Fallen Paladin hindered him and thus them. They had to stop the Ritual so after summoning the Golem, Shigna channeled Firestorm upon the remaining Demons that had been supporting the summoning Ritual and damaged the Ritual itself. Hopefully, the backlash of the spell would damage or even kill the lesser demons as the fight to survive continued. Jacob felt a blast of heat and smiled sure Shigna had done something and the scream of rage by Borgal confirmed it a moment later.
Jacob smiled and laughed in Borgal face as they continued to fight. "This changes nothing Vampire, we will kill you and restart the summoning ritual." Borgal cried out. Jacob was getting tired as were his people as the fight dragged on. The Heart Guard held the Demons at bay at the ramp but it was up to Jacob and his War Party to end the Bosses. Only Chalxae could really keep up with Borgals' speed as he avoided all the attacks by Jacob and June. They needed something to change otherwise Borgal was right, they would die and the Ritual would start all over.
Thelgrum and company finally downed the Warrior Demon and started closing in on the Revenant, for the first time in a long time Thelgrum missed having a Patron. Although he still had some power, what he lacked was very apparent when he fought. Closing with the Revenant he noticed the Golem had damaged him somewhat, but he still had plenty of health left while the Golem was looking in bad shape. Jacob finally cast aside his shield and sword and threw himself at Borgal to pin him down. Although Borgal was fast, he couldn't match the Vampires sheer strength as he spun him around so that June had an unimpeded target while Jacob was protected from the arrows by the demon himself. Chalxae slashed at the demons legs and throat in-between Junes' arrows. "Well played Vampire, but you have made an enemy today that is Immortal as well. He will make you pay for what you have done. The Lords of the Abyss are Immortal and are very patient. They will strike at you and the ones you care about." Borgal promised.
"Maybe dick for brains, but you will die and the Grimoire of the Abyss will be hidden away and never found again," Jacob responded as the Demon died. With the Demon, dead Jacob threw his body away so he could grab his sword and shield to assist in killing Grurez. 10 minutes later the Revenant died again, overwhelmed on all fronts and unable to defend from so many attackers.
Quest Complete: Justice in the Depths
Description: Jacob Longstrider led a party and cleared the Cave of Damnation of Demons and slew the Fallen Shaman Grurez.
Reward: 1000 Exp, 50 Gold, Staff of the Gem'Lock Tribe
Quest Complete: Slay Grurez the Fallen
Description: Jacob Longstrider and his War Party stopped the ritual to summon the Legions of the Abyss and slew both Grurez the Fallen, but also the Agent of the Abyss that was present.
Reward: Grimoire of the Abyss, 50 Gold, Daggers of the Abyss
Jacob would look at the Items and book later when he got back. Chalxae was doing a quick search to see if anything of worth had been left behind while the rest of his Bonded started looting the bodies. Isiah and his squad were long gone but all the demons they had held off were dead or dying. They had won, but if Jacob hadn't had the token as a trump card, they would have died and the Demons would be flooding the Underdark. Time to head back and rest, check out the wall to see if they finished construction and find someplace to hide the stupid book.
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