《Blood and Honor》Chapter 15- Spoils of Battle
The world slowly came back into focus as Jacob opened his eyes. He knew two things, one hitting Artifacts that look like they are about to explode is not a smart thing to do and two somehow against all odds he survived because he wasn't waking up back in the palace. He immediately minimized all the pop-ups that were trying to get his attention, they could wait until he got his bearings. "Among the living again are we great one?? What have we learned, hmmm??" Snaggletooth asked.
"I learned that hitting magical artifacts could easily kill you and isn't the best idea I ever had. Two, even though I did not die, I feel like all my Bonded spent the afternoon jumping all over me." Jacob responded. Snaggletooth roared with laughter, which didn't help the Vampire much, but he figured he owed the Shaman since he had kept him and his other Bonded alive through some very tough situations.
"Well great one, you got very lucky. You had all your Bonded close by and I do believe you would have died without us. We all donated some of our Life Blood to ensure your survival, including Brox even though he isn't Bonded to your house. He would make a wonderful addition to your house great one." Snaggletooth advised Jacob.
"Thank you my friend but he is the heir of the Bloodfang Clan and they are our Allies. I cannot take the heir to their clan into my house." Jacob responded as he got up.
Jacob noticed something immediately, he was in the wardrobe he had worn for the ceremony the other day at the Royal Palace. Clothes he hated and had vowed never to wear again. "Where is my armor, sword, and Shield??" Jacob growled out. Giggling made him whirl around and stare at June Moonshadow as the Drow tried to hold in more laughter as she held out Moonlight for Jacob to take. All his companions had heard his complaints about the outfit and knew he preferred his armor or plain clothing to this foppish outfit.
Shigna saved her by responding "Your shield was shattered, and your chest armor might be beyond repair. We won't know until we get back to the Tomb. If it can be repaired it will take a lot of time and money. I would suggest you start looking among the spoils from the raid for replacements." the Kobold responded before bowing his head and leaving the tent. Jacob scowled and the Drow and Orc before following the friendly Kobold out.
The Fortress of the Damned was a wreck, the incomplete wall had a hole punched through it now and the ziggurat that had been in the in the center of the fortress had its top blown off. Half the remaining buildings within the fort were scorched or heavily damaged. The good thing was the raid group looked largely intact. "How long was I passed out Shigna?"
The Kobold looked around before responding "2 to 3 hours. It has been...complicated since you were incapacitated. Gren of the Bloodfang tribe wanted to leave once the fighting was done but Oren and Draxus would not let them take what they wanted from the raid until you had recovered and approved the division of spoils." All Jacob could do was shake his head at the mess. They had gotten lucky with him finding the Focus Crystal if he had not the majority of the raid would have died.
When he entered the tent he was pleasantly surprised to see Oren, Gren, Draxus, and Brox sitting around drinking and talking opposed to the yelling he had expected. Although Brox was fingering his Axe like he wanted to take it up and cleave Gren in two. "Glad to see everyone getting along while I was out. I apologize for sleeping but having an Artifact explode in your face can be tiresome...Now I am sure everyone wants to go home so why don't we talk about the spoils of the raid??" Jacob asked while he eyed Gren. "Before we talk about that though, what was the cost of destroying this Fortress, how many did we lose?" Jacob asked the three commanders.
Oren took a breath before he responded "The raid lost 50 warriors, 3 Elementalists, 2 Shamans, and 1 Druid. We got very lucky, if you had not commanded the reinforcements into the fort when you did, we would have lost far more."
"Now as far as Spoils go, as long as you approve this is what will happen. Money and jewels will be split three ways, common and uncommon weapons and armor will also be split this way. Since the Tomb Guardians provided most of the Warriors for the Raid we will have the first choice on all weapons, armor, or Trinkets that are found that are ranked Rare and above. Now as far as the crystal shards go, we have discovered 43 shards of the crystal. Each faction will get 14 Shards and since the Tomb gets the first choice with items we will not attempt to attain the last shard. That will be between the Bloodfang and Earthsplitters. Now as far as the captured slaves and drow. Do you want them put to the sword or we can divide them between the Bloodfang and Tomb." Jacob considered his choice, the Tomb needed new bodies for everything including simple manual labor. The flip side was if any of them escaped and reported the location of the Tomb to the Sisters of the Damned, we could face a war before we were prepared.
"Split the slaves and the captives as even as you can." Jacob told the Duergar.
"Now the last thing is what will become of the Fortress if we leave it unclaimed anyone can come along and claim it and we will be right back here with the same problem as before. Draxus has already declined on behalf of his tribe, the Bloodfang clan just acquired a fortress, and the Tomb Guardians are stretched thin as is." Oren responded.
Jacob considered his choices before responding "If the Queen agrees, I will take control of the Fortress. I will need a base of operations for my House and the Guild I one day hope to found."
Oren simply arched a bushy eyebrow before he handed Jacob a cloth wrapped bundle. "Well lad, I am sure the Queen will agree and you will be needing that. Its the Keystone for the fortress. It represents the strength and spirit of your fort. Since this fort was used for some very dark rituals and is now pretty much blown up, so is your Keystone." Oren chuckled as he walked away from the Vampire.
"Well let's break camp and get a move on, I want to get back to Blood Haven ASAP so we can get everyone settled in for the night and stabilize any critically wounded as well." the three commanders saluted fist to chests before darting out of the tent and yelling out orders. Although he had passed out due to the Artifact exploding, Jacob was still exhausted and he missed his dam armor. Jacob eyeballed Brox before he started talking to the Orc "Well my friend, what will you do now?? Are you going back with Gren to check in with your Father or will you stay with me, because I have to head back to the Tomb and talk to my Queen."
Brox considered his words before he responded "I will head back to my people and tell my father what has transpired here and the threat the Sisters of the Damned represent. I do not believe this is the last we have seen of them." with that Brox turned and walked off toward his people.
Time to check on all the pop-ups he had ignored,
Quest Complete: Undead Unrest (Stage 2)
Description: You found the...Crystal of Binding Death..and destroyed it, thus letting the Undead seek their final rest.
Rewards: 1000 Exp, Noble Dead Faction is now Neutral with you and your House
Quest Complete: The Damned Shall Fall
Description: You have done a spectacular job, ok you went overboard (Seriously destroying an Artifact with a sword....). The fortress was pretty much leveled. Good thing is that the two ranking members of the Sisters of the Damned Clan are dead also. See Oren about the heads.
Rewards: 1000 Exp, See Queen Talia about any rewards
Through battle, you and your Bonded have acquired new levels...
Jacob Longstrider: +2
Snaggletooth Stormcaller: +2
June Moonshadow: +3
Shigna Firecaller: +3
See character sheets about further information...
Faction: Sisters of the Damned
Reputation: The Sisters now Hate you and if any of the Drow House see you or yours, they will attack you on sight.
Faction: Noble Undead
Reputation: Although you have not yet encountered this Faction, they have heard of your exploits in destroying the Crystal of Binding Death and now will no longer attack you or yours on sight
Your Artifact, Moonlight, has acquired new properties and strength.
You have acquired the Fortress of the Damned (Temporary), due to this, you cannot make any changes or repairs at this time.
Achievement Unlocked: Never Tell me the Odds
Description: You went and did the Impossible, you survived the explosion of an Artifact level item (Seriously we don't have words for that stupidity), as such you have unlocked the Luck stat +50 (Not sure if its Luck or just Dumb Luck, but you got it in Spades)
Luck Stat-This stat increases your chance at finding hidden Quests, Achievements, Items...etc. You cannot increase this Stat with your available Stat points it can only be increased through your actions.
It had to be Adam and Eve with the smart ass comments, although he was not going to complain about the new stat. His Bonded rolled up in a wagon about that time with a couple wounded and a chest in the back. The wagon was being pulled by an overly large lizard, which made sense considering this was the Underdark. They soon joined the train of other wagons, armed and armored warriors and ballista heading back to Blood Haven Outpost. From there The allied forces would split up and Jacob would lead a contingent of soldiers, spoils from the raid, and the captured drow and slaves back to the Tomb of Eternal Night. As soon as they got back to the outpost Jacob planned on getting a quick break to eat and go to the bathroom IRL. Real World...
All his friends had been playing. Jared had gotten all the information he could on every Faction in the Underdark his guild had and sent it to Kevin. Matt was running interference with the Swords because they remember him dropping the name Jacob Longstrider for possible recruitment multiple times and wanted a face to face IRL. Bree and Jared were trying to backtrack the way Kevin made his way into the Tomb from the surface but considering it was a complete accident the first time he did they did not have high hopes. Food and bathroom....lets get the show on the road... Fate Online...
As Jacob appeared back in Blood Haven, Oren was waiting with his Bonded. The Earth-Splitter Tribe and Bloodfang Clan had already left. "My lord the most gravely wounded and all the Spoils will be going back with you to the Tomb. We will be providing an escort of 100 Warriors and 10 Shamans and Druids to make sure all the captives don't try to run off and make sure everything and everyone gets there safely. It has been an honor, if I need any more assistance I will contact you. This is my report from the battle can you make sure that the Queen gets it please." With that, the Duergar spun and left.
With everything prepared everyone was waiting on him "Well I guess its time to get this show on the road. Which wagon are we riding in?" of course he and his companions were riding in the very front.
A little over an hour later the wagon train finally reached the inner gates of the Tomb. Few of the Underdark creatures have been brave enough to approach the train, none had been foolish enough to actually attack. More than one person gawked or pointed at the train as it passed through the Inner City and towards the Palace. The 100 Strong Guardians kept most of the crowd at bay and once the Wagon Train got within sight of the palace the heart guard assisted them. Once they were in the Palace grounds a Sergeant asked Jacob if they were needed for anything else otherwise he needed to make sure his men were settled in the barracks. Jacob couldn't think of anything else and dismissed them. The Heart Guard started rounding up the captured slaves and drow to be brought before the Queen.
The Heart Guard lined the stair leading into the palace, and at the top of the stairs were the Captain of the Heart Guard and Sergeant James. Jacob glared at the Sergeant but it was already too late he was laughing "Nice....clothing my lord, I thought you swore never to wear it again the last time you had it on???" Jacob almost hit him...almost. The sooner he got this done, the sooner he could find some new armor.
"Stop, he has had a long day and a hard battle. He has earned our respect Sergeant. Even though he does look very pretty in those clothes." With that, both Isiah and James laughed until they cried. Assholes. Jacob pushed through the two clowns and into the main hall, the Queen and her inner court were still in session as Jacob and his Bonded entered. Shigna and June carried the chest and placed it at the feet of the Queen while Jacob put the massive that Oren had sent with him on top of the chest.
"Queen Talia, within the chest lies the heads of the Sisters of the Damned that commanded our enemies at the Fortress of the Damned. The Fort lies in ruins, the spoils including captured slaves and drow await your judgment." Jacob reported as he bowed before the Queen. A little smile graced her lips as she picked up the massive and started reading Orens letter and report, it would include the breakdown of everything they had acquired after the battle.
"You are aware my Executioner that you are entitled to half the spoils of the Raid that the Tomb forces received?" the Queen asked. Jacob just shook his head in response. "Well, you are. Also because you led the raid and without your quick action the raid would have been defeated, I am giving you the remains of the Fortress. From what I am reading most of the fortress was leveled by an exploding Artifact. Although the Captain does not say how the Artifact exploded. The crown will assist you in rebuilding the fortress by providing 100 Tomb Guardians and 50 of the Unbonded to assist in securing the region of the Underdark and repairing the fortress. You will have the assistance for one months time, that is all we can do. I would suggest you expand your household as soon as possible my Executioner. Now as far as the items we acquired during the raid I would suggest you go through them and pick what you need and want for you and your Bonded, the rest will go in the cities armories. My Torturer does something with these heads I want them to be hung in my Executioners new hall so that his enemies are reminded by what he has done and what he can do. Now if there is nothing else, I have plenty left to do today." Talia dismissed Jacob and turned back toward her court as he turned and walked away with his companions.
As Jacob walked up to the equipment that was being sorted, he reviewed his damaged armor. His shield and chainmail shirt were both lost, but his helm, leggings, and boots were just in need of repair. Once Jacob hit level 20 he could use plate armor, but until then he could only use chainmail. He still had to look at the Armor set from the Blood Knight Chapter House, from what he remembered it was plate. "June, look at the bows and armor and see if you can find better in both. Shigna look over any rings and trinkets, see if anything stands out too you that we can use. Snaggletooth, Staves, and Armor as well. You two need to upgrade your armor and weapons now. I am going to look at the shields and mail shirts if you need me." with that Jacob and his companions descended on the loot.
Before he started inspecting the shield, Jacob pulled out Moonlight to see how it had changed. Spoiler: Spoiler
Name: Moonlight
Level: Artifact, Scalable, lvl 3
Damage: 35 - 50
Properties: Item absorbs 10% of the experience the wielder accrues to grow in strength with the user
Properties: Royal Executioner*
Properties: Ethereal Bound*
Properties: 17% of damage dealt is absorbed as health by the wielder
Properties: +7% damage to the Living (Lifes Bane Enchantment will grow in strength with the sword)
Properties: 1 Gem Socket has been Unlocked and can be used
Other properties will be unlocked as the Artifact gains strength
Durability: 1000/1000
Description: Moonlight was forged over 3000 years ago, a gift forged with blood of every noble line too the first King of the Vampire nation. It has been passed down the Royal bloodline until the defeat of the Vampires at the end of the War of Survival. Due to not being wielded for nearly 2000 years, the majority of the strength of the blade has been lost. Most of the properties have been lost also, who knows what else is hidden that can be unlocked in time
Ethereal Bound: After being exposed to great amounts of Death Magic and Mana, Moonlight has taken on certain properties that allow the blade to damage and kill Higher and Lower beings (See wiki for further information on Higher and Lower Beings). Ok...well he would eventually have to fight the other Legendary classes and Champions of the Gods so he might as well have a weapon that can do that. From the shields, he chooses a common shield for his level and an Elite one for when he hit level 20.
Name: Dauntless Shield of the Void
Level: Elite
Requirements: Level 20 and 50 Strength
Properties: Armor Rating +45, Chance to Block is increased by 50%, Increases the Block Skill by 7 and Dodge by 5
Properties: Increases Constitution by 15 and Strength by 10
Properties: Every time the wielder is struck, there is a 5% chance the attack will be negated.
Durability: 180/200
Description: This Dark Iron was forged into a shield by a Duerger clan that has been lost to history, take it up once again so that your enemies know that it is Unbroken after all this time.
From the mail shirts, he could not find anything that supported his fighting style so he just went with an Uncommon one that increased his Strength and Constitution by 10 each. Snaggletooth and June both found armor and weapons to use that they could use and grow into.
Name: Leather Armor of Renewal
Level: Rare Set
Properties: Armor Rating +50, Every time the user casts a spell the wearer has a 15% chance of recuperating the cost of the spell
Properties: Increases Intelligence by 10 and Wisdom by 15
Durability: 150/150
Description: This leather armor has been worn by Shamans, Elementalists, and Druids in the past. It will help its wearer with the costs of spells.
Name: Healing Staff of Wisdom
Level: Rare
Damage: 30-40 (Physical)
Properties: Decreases the cost of healing spells by 5% and increases the chance a healing spell will be critical by 3%
Properties: Increases bearers Wisdom by 10%
Durability: 150/150
Description: This staff has been bathed in healing magic for hundreds of years and it will assist its wielder in any way it can.
Name: Spider Silk Leather of Stalking
Level: Rare Set
Properties: Armor Rating +75, Increases wearers Stealth Skill by 5 and Camouflage Skill by 5
Properties: Increase Dexterity +15, Agility +10
Durability: 150/150
Description: This leather armor has been reinforced with spider silk to give the bearer better armor in the depths of the Underdark.
Name: Death Speaker
Level: Elite
Damage: 35 - 45, +10% Chance of a Critical Shot
Properties: Increases wielders Agility by 10 and Dexterity by 5
Properties: Target has a 5% chance of receiving a Death Curse, Wielder must strike the same spot within 30 seconds to activate
Durability: 180/180
Description: This bow was crafted by the Drow long ago for a Drow Assassin. It has been used to kill hundreds if not thousands since then.
They had all come away better equipped now. Shigna had not grabbed anything so it was time to head to the Pit and see about getting one more Bonded for his War Party, One for helping run his Household, and 50 for helping rebuild his new fortress. The Clerk that helped him before smiled as he walked in and waved him over. "My Lord Executioner, how can the Pit be of assistance today?"
Jacob smiled at the friendly Vampire before he responded, "Personally I need two Unbonded and the crown has authorized that I borrow 50 Unbonded for the next month to assist me in rebuilding a Fortress. I need either a Rogue or Warrior type to fill out my War Party and I need a Senchal to assist me in running my House and overseeing the reconstruction."
The clerk blinked in stunned silence before shaking himself and leafing through his paperwork and presenting possible candidates. "My Lord, I am making sure you are aware the War Parties are 5 large do to tradition not do to constrains, with Bonded out War Parties can be up 8 without have to turn it into a Raid." the clerk told him quickly. Something to consider for later, right now Jacob had to get what he needed and not what he wanted.
Name: Chalxae Freath (F)
Race: Drow
Class: Rogue
Level: 15
Cost: 10 Silver
Name: Galgran Blackstone (M)
Race: Duergar
Class: Warrior
Level: 14
Cost: 10 Silver
Name: Eiloma Silverleaf (F)
Race: High Elf
Class: Administrator
Level: 22
Cost: 15 Silver
"I wish I could provide a better selection as far as War Party candidates but I have very few that fit within your criteria that is at your lvl. Currently, the High Elf is the only Unbonded within the price range you set. I am sorry Mylord." the clerk was almost crying.
Jacob had to settle him down so he could look over what was available. He had no choice as far as the High Elf went, but he could take either the Drow or Duergar. Another Warrior could some up some of the damage he had been taking but the rogue would be better for scouting and finding hidden things. Jacob turned to his bonded to ask for their opinions "What do you guys think? Should we go with the Duergar warrior or the Drow Rogue??" They all agreed the other Drow would be better but June added that because she was a Rogue that she was probably a follower of Lolth and to not trust her too far.
Jacob naturally asked who June worshipped, "I worship Eilistraee. Lolth is a backstabbing bitch that would kill her own daughter if she could."
Jacob waived the two candidates over to him and his Bonded so he could talk to them and offer to let them join his House. The Drow sneered at June before accepting the offer, the High Elf, on the other hand, took some convincing to even talk to him. How had a High Elf even gotten this far down in the Underdark was a complete mystery. "I just need someone that I can trust to help me out. I am new to all of this and I need someone to help me run all the Administrative duties of my House. We are just getting set up and we got a new home that is kinda wrecked (Yes I blew it up Shigna) that we need to fix. Now you don't have to worry, I won't eat you (No laughing June and no I am not gay), I need someone with a strong mind and a head for numbers to help me run the Administration side of my House. Help me please!!"
Jacob was pretty sure it was the please and the not demanding part that won her over. Woohoo. Chalxae snorted in disgust at my plea for assistance which earned her a slap to the back of the head from June...yeah no love lost there. Then a slap to the back of the head for me from Eiloma of all people, her justification "You are noble, and a noble of the Underdark at that. People down here see your compassion as weakness, if you are lucky people will take advantage of that, if you are unlucky it will get you killed." With that, he added two more Bonded to his House.
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