《Blood and Honor》Chapter 8- Creepy Crawlers and Rebels
As Jacob and his new bonded made their way out of the Inner City and to the Mid City he made small talk with them and tried to get to know them. He knew he would be trusting these beings with his life sooner rather then later, so he wanted to know these people especially if they were going to be spending a lot of time together. Snaggletooth story was rather simple, one day the spirits that empowered his magics demanded that he leave the house he served with no explanation. He had conversed with fellow Shamans, and they all agreed if he did not do what they said, he would lose the magic he had. Shigna was part of a nearby Kobold clan, being a magic user had gained him some power within his clan, but he had disobeyed the orders of his clan leaders and had been cast out. What those orders were he refused to say. June was simply a scout checking the tunnels of the Underdark for hidden dangers, she had stumbled onto the Tomb of Eternal Night. She had been quick...detained. Binding magic had been placed on her that did not allow her to leave unescorted nor would she be allowed to discuss the Eternal City with anyone not a part of it. Her people would not miss a lonely scout, life was not a priority of the Drow, they followed Lolth for the most part.
As Jacobs party approached the designated area where the Spider Queens brood was he discussed tactics with his people. "Ok people gather around. I want all of us to get home safe and stronger so if it looks like I am going to get overwhelmed cut and run. I am a Immortal and can come back to life, you guys can't. Find a safe place to hold up and I will find you. Next, when we go into these fights, I will be grabbing the attention of everyone we fight. Give me time do this, don't jump the gun before otherwise, I am going to be running around and saving your asses. That will piss me off and slow us down. June and Shigna, once enough time has passed and I have the full attention, do your best to kill anything that is trying to kill me. Snaggletooth, do your best to keep me alive and if everything works out you should not have to kill anything." They all nodded their accent at his words. "Now the first battle we are going into is against spiders, we are going to clear the area before we hunt down the Queen. We will discuss the second battle after we are done with the spiders, let's go people."
He drew Moonlight and the rest of his party readied themselves for the conflict. He quickly found a patrol of two Spiderlings (lvl 3) and a Spider Warrior (lvl 4), he checked on his companions one last time before he activated Charge and slammed in the Warrior. Stunned was triggered and spider flopped around, the two Spiderlings screeched and charged him, Jacob triggered Aura Blast and all the spiders were caught within the radius pissing them all off even more. Woohoo, successful pull, let's hope I don't die in the first fight. The left-hand spiderling took an arrow to the eye, it screeched in pain and anger and started turning toward the Archeress so Jacob activated Double Slash to grab its attention again before turning to the other Spiderling and activated Power Slash.
That's when the Warrior threw itself back in the fight, big mistake disregarding the most powerful monster of the group just cause he got a lucky stun. He almost got run over because of it, they would have swarmed him if that had happened. Firebolts started raining down on the spiders as Shigna jumped into the fight, Jacob was running low on Stamina, so he decided to use regular attacks for now. One of the spiderlings jumped on his legs and started to chew through it, fuck that hurts but the cool wave of healing made most of the pain go away. A quick down stroke of Moonlight severed a leg and mandible, a Firebolt to its side finished the bug and now they were down to two, make that one the other spiderling bit the bucket. The Warrior was the opponent and it had arrows sticking out of its hide and one leg was gone. Jacob stalked up to the Warrior and set himself for its charge. He almost got bowled over again, Firebolts and arrows slammed into its side as it gave up the ghost finally.
Achievement Unlocked: War Party 1
Description: You have led your first successful War Party and won. (Increases War Parties Attack and Defense by 5%), a party that kills together stays together.
They were all breathing hard, but they had all survived "So we are all alive, that's good." They all laughed at that, "The only critique I have is June and Shigna can you guys concentrate on the same target when you guys do start unloading damage. June, since you are more mobile can you keep an eye out when we are engaged and make sure we don't catch a second patrol when we are already engaged with one." They all nodded, June went and started retrieving her arrows. Shigna and Snaggletooth kept an eye on the patrols to make sure none got to close while Jacob looted. 20 Copper, a couple pieces of meat and some Chitinous plates. He offered up the meat and Chitin to his bonded, the Kobold turned down everything, the Orc wanted the meat, and after a moment the Drow asked for the plates. "Thank you, master," June said. Ohh hell no "Stop right there. You are not my slave, you are my bonded. My name is Jacob or if you insist on formality, Sir. That's it, understand? That goes for all of you." Jacob promptly responded. She considered his words before simply nodding, Shigna shrugged his shoulders, and Snaggletooth smiled and turned away. Odd. With that, they were off again.
About an hour later, they had cleared all the patrols and had gotten a mound of Spider meat, some chitin, enough copper for about 25 Silver, a few items to that they would look at later and all of them had leveled except Snaggletooth. He was close though, the Queen was in a Storage building. As they entered spider webbing was everywhere, Spiderlings and Spider Warriors clumped together on the floor in standard groups of 2 and 3. Jacob just hoped none would start dropping from the ceiling, that could complicate fight very quickly. To avoid that Jacob decided to change tactics "June, we are going to change some things. For now, we are going to stay by the doorway to bottleneck our enemies. I want you to start pulling the groups over and once we clear the closest groups we will move deeper into the warehouse. Before we go against the Queen we are going to kill every single spider we can without engaging her. Everyone got that??"
They all nodded heads and June got the ball rolling. About 30 minutes later the Warehouse floor was clear, and they had failed to spot the Queen. So they started looking, Jacob wished he had some Rogue skills to spot hidden areas, but he didn't. The Queen was here somewhere he just had to find her. Of course, the stairs were in the darkest corner behind a false wall, never underestimate a Kobold, Dwarfs are better at finding metals but Kobolds can almost find anything especially underground. Time to buff up and make sure everyone was ready to fight to the death.
Jacob activated Aura of Stalwart Malice and cast Blood Pact on Snaggletooth. June cast Eagle Eye (Increases Users Accuracy by 5%), Snaggletooth cast Lifes Endurance (Increases health Regeneration by 5%), and Shigna cast Firepact (Weapons have a 25% chance to cause 5-10 Fire damage). Then they walked down into the dark and finally found their target.
Elite Monster
Type: Spider Queen
Level: 8
Abilities: Bite, Jump, Poison Bite, Webbing
Health: Unknown
Not too bad, it wasn't a named elite which made it weaker than the second fight they would be going into later, but it would still be a tuff fight. "Ok people this is going to be tough, but I know we can do it. We are going with the original battle plan, I rush you guys hit it with everything you got 30 seconds after that. Now, this guy might be different, if I lose its attention do not, I repeat do not run away. Give me a chance to get its attention off of you and everything will be alright. Let's do this, stay frosty."
With that Jacob adjusted his shield and wiped his sweaty hand before drawing his sword again and activating Charge and Aura Blast. Oh yeah, she was pissed, Double Slash kept her truly mad at him and nearly severing one leg kept her attention firmly on Jacob. The Spider Queen had mass though, she shoved Jacob away and sent him reeling away with about 1/3 of his health. He had one thing the spider didn't though, allies. Healing magic soothed his aches and pains, a Firebolt and arrow slammed into the Queen's face. The Queen screeched in pain and stumbled backward away from Jacob, her attention firmly fixed on June now. "Hey fugly, I'm not done with you yet!!" Jacob yelled out as he activated Charge and used Power Slash finally severing the front right leg. "How bout them apples Fugly??" The Queen's response stunned him, she shoved her left front leg through Jacobs right leg...now he knew pain and Debuffs galore...
Broken Leg: Movement Speed reduced by 50%
Bleeding: Lose 10% of your health while having an open wound
Poisoned: Recieve 5-10 poison damage every 5 seconds for 30 seconds
Good thing he didn't have to move anywhere, he just had to stay in one place and keep the Queen's attention on him. So he, of course, pissed it off even more by cutting the Queens leg off. What she had offered it to him by stabbing him with it...it was the only fair thing to do...right??
That brought the Queen's health down to 50%. He felt multiple healing magics slam into him helping stem the tide of blood flowing from him. Arrows and Firebolts slammed into her rapidly, the Queen stumbled back again. Jacob stumbled forward trying to keep the Queen's attention firmly on him and away from his people. The Firebolts cut off suddenly, but he could hear Shigna chanting something, so he was going to unleash something powerful. He didn't disappoint, an Earthen Spear pierced into the Spider Queen and slammed into the ground. DAM... I look like a chump compared to these guys, then a flurry of arrows slammed into the screaming spiders face causing even more damage.
The Spider Queen had about 1/10 of her health left and was bleeding out, so he kept his guard up and waited for her to bleed out. The Queen kept clawing at the ground and the Earthen Spear sticking through her gut, but she knew she was done, less then 30 seconds later she died. He still had a spider leg in him though so the work was not done, June and Snaggletooth came running over to help him and Shigna kept watch. He stayed put while June ripped out the leg and Snaggletooth slammed his hands on either side of his legs to heal the open wound. He almost bled out, but somehow the shaman stopped the bleeding and got rid of the debuffs. He was bone dry on mana though.
"You guys are awesome, Shigna tell me you planned that? June all those arrows to the face were absolutely critical, and Snaggletooth I got no words for your healing." Jacob was very glad he had not decided to solo, he would have died multiple times just trying to get into the warehouse much less downing the Spider Queen. June was stunned at his praise (guess she didn't expect that), Shigna turned and grinned before continuing to watch their surroundings, the Orc merely said: "I am honored to serve."
"Ok June loot the Queen, and we will get out of here, we are going to take it nice and slow until Stormcaller gets some mana back. Let's head back to the Inner City, I need to get some repairs done on my Armor, June I am sure you need more arrows. I want to get some healing potions and mana potions as well." Jacob gave out orders.
45 minutes later, Jacobs party were back in the city. They were covered in spider goop and webbing. They immediately dropped off their armor at the blacksmith for cleaning and repairs. Jacob sent off his bonded for food and rest with orders picking up their gear and meet at the main gate in an hour. With that, he logged off to get his own food and much-needed break. Real World...
Kevin got out of his pod a headed for the bathroom immediately. After he got finished there he headed to the kitchen to get lunch started. He had 2 messages waiting on his comm, so he played them while he was eating. The first was from Aaron "Kevin, this is Aaron the doctor that took care of your head problems the other day. I have an opening next Wednesday that you are now scheduled for at 10. If you have any questions or concerns about the appointment please feel free to call me back."
The second was from Matt "Hey dog-face, talked to Jordan. I like the idea of having a BBQ later this week, say Friday at my building. Let me know if that isn't ok for you otherwise be there or be square." Kevin smiled at his friends' antics, Friday was the day after tomorrow so it gave him time to finish up the Outer city and scout the Dungeon with the Lich. With that thought, he headed to the bathroom one more time before diving back into Fate. Fate Online... Tomb of Eternal Night
Jacob opened his eyes to the Eternal City, he walked to the Blacksmiths shop to see how the cleaning was going and to request his shield be repaired. The Smith quickly added it to the order and continued to work while Jacob wondered off to pick up some Health and Mana potions. He found a guard quickly, and they pointed out an Alchemist shop on his map that wasn't too far. He still had to get back to the main gate in about 20 min. A small gnome manned the shop and filled his order quickly. With that, he headed back to the blacksmiths' shop then to the main gate. What he saw, pissed him off...
Back against the wall bleeding and curled up on the ground was Snaggletooth, looming over him was a vampire ranting and kicking him. His two other companions were frantically trying to get to him but a couple of large orcs were holding them back. The Guards at the gate refused to look at the beating, WTF... Before he knew it he had crossed the courtyard and yanked the Vampire around and slammed his fist into his face. Blood and teeth flew everywhere and Jacob kept pounding away. Blood flew, bones started cracking, the nose was smashed, finally, Jacob drew Moonlight and lined up the tip with the Vampires stomach and jammed it through him and pinned him against the wall. "I WARNED YOU BUG IF YOU PISSED OFF THE WRONG VAMPIRE YOU WOULD BE DEAD, looks like you have found that vampire." Sgt James Shadowstrider bellowed out. It helped to clear Jacobs' head.
Jacob closed his eyes and slowly turned around fearing what had happened to his companions due to his outburst. Standing there with a goofy grin was James and behind him was a troop of Orcs and Duergar gaping in surprise at the situation. The Orcs that had impeded his Bonded were pinned to the ground and had swords pointed at them by former Gateguards. Standing between his Bonded and a crowd were the rest of the guards. The crowd was mostly calm, those few Vampires that were muttering or doing anything hostile meet his gaze. Whatever they saw scared them though, they quickly looked away or simply ran away.
James walked up to the pinned Vampire and slapped him, HARD. "Well Bug, you going to respond?" The bleeding and broken Vampire looked around stunned refusing to meet Jacobs gaze and blubbered a response. James shook his head in disgust and moved to remove the blade from the blubbering Vampire, apparently, Moonlight didn't like that because it shocked the Sgt before he could wrap his hand around the hilt. "Mylord can you please remove your blade, apparently it won't let me touch it." Sgt Shadowstrider said with some smartasses edge to it. Jacob nodded and removed the blade, immediately "Bug" dropped like a sack of rocks to the ground.
James signaled to his squad and a pair of Duergar moved forward and collected the broken Vampire will another couple put chains on the detained Orcs and moved away, James looked at Jacob and smiled a shit eating grin on his face. "Well, I thought I had been told you were not a troublemaker. For the most part, that's absolutely right. Whatever happens, something tells me our people will never be the same good or bad." He moved off with his troop of Orcs and Duergar with the bound Orcs and Vampire.
Jacob turned to his companions to check on them "You guys ok? Stormcaller you hurt? Do we need to call it a day??"
They all still had a mix of being stunned and slight awe, the Orc swiftly shook it off "Yes mylord I am ok, nothing I couldn't heal. Thank you for coming to my defense, that Vampire was part of the House I was once a part of. He...did not like the fact I had been bound to another House. As far as my condition I am well enough to continue." Stormcaller responded.
"That guy was a grade A jackass. You guys were all there and fought with me when we went up against the Spider Queen. I have no doubt in my mind you all saved my life in that fight. I won't ever forget that." Was Jacobs response to the Orcs comment. The Kobold and Drow nodded their heads in agreement. "Ok, let's gear up and get out of here. The next quest we got is in the Outer City, it centers on a Rebel by the name Rexxar Skullcrusher. He is an Orc that is leading a rebellion in the Outer City against the Vampires. I do not know why though and before I decide anything I want to find out why he has rebelled." Stormcaller smiled and nodded, Shigna just nodded, June rolled her eyes before nodding her accent.
With that they headed to the Outer City, the events at the gatehouse disturbed him. He usually didn't have a big problem controlling his temper but when it came to his friends, that was another story. As they passed from the Mid City to the Outer City everyone became on edge. Another big fight was coming and it felt like a bad one. As he approached the area where the rebel base was supposed to be he found nothing. He found evidence of the camp, like tents, cooking fires and pots, weapons, but no Orcs or Goblins. That was concerning and creepy. "Ok, just like last time. We are going to sweep the area and clear it, once it's clear we are going to move in on the central objective."
About 45 minutes later, they had swept the surrounding area and found not even one Orc or Goblin. Ok time to get the main show on the road, Jacob and his party approached the Amphitheater. They walked into it and center stage was their objective Rexxar Skullcrusher sitting on a throne with one other Orc standing next to him. The Orc threw back his head and laughed "Welcome children, welcome to my abode. Please put your weapons away we will deal with death in a bit." Jacob looked at his companions, they just stared back. They would follow his lead and since Jacob wanted to know what the hell was going on he would abide by the Orcs peace. Moonlight went back into its scabbard and his shield onto his back as he walked down the steps toward the sitting Orc. As he approached the throne the Orc stood and approached his party. Damn, he was glad he had put the sword away, Rexxar Skullcrusher was HUGE even by Orc standards. 7 ft tall 300 pounds easy all of it muscle, Jacob fired off a quick analyze.
Name: Rexxar Skullcrusher-Clan Leader
Race: Orc (Chieftan)
Class: Berserker/Warcaller
Level: 70
WTF was a level 70 doing in what was a starting area, it had been enough to find an Elite Monster now he had found a Hostile NPC in a starting area. This shouldn't be possible, but it was happening. The other Orc had not said anything at all, just stood there silently. He analyzed the quiet Orc quickly.
Name: Brox Bonecrusher
Race: Orc
Class: Berserker
Level: 8
Not one but two named hostile NPCs in one area...what was going on. The Orc was being polite, so he would return the favor. "Hello Rexxar, I was sent here to end your rebellion. I must admit my curiosity though in what caused it. I was only told that you were leading a rebellion with the end goal of killing off all Vampires." James said.
Rexxar grimaced and shook his head before responding "Just like a Vampire to lie, even to their own kind. I don't want to end the existence of Vampires, I want justice and recognition of my people's efforts of our continued survival down here in this prison. Did you know once long ago that the Orc Tribes were allies of the Vampire Nation, that we fought and died with them? Now we are treated little better than slaves, I want more than that for my people. I want more than survival, I want my people to thrive and grow strong again. Is that too much to ask?"
Jacob considered his words before responding "Honestly no it is not too much to ask for. In all honesty, I think that is all any leader wants for their people. The continues attacks against the Vampire outposts does not help your situation though. It just gets people killed on both sides. Now, what do you want specifically?"
Rexxar narrowed his eyes at Jacob before he responded " I want Autonomy for my clan, Independence on how things are run. If Orcs or Goblins do not want to be a part of any House they are free to leave unmolested and anyone who wants to be Bonded will be unimpeded. We know that the Vampires are concerned about secrecy and keeping your existence from being exposed to any other race is well-known and respected. We also know it's in our best interest to keep your existence quiet because we would be exterminated with you as well."
What the Orc was asking for was completely reasonable as far as Jacob was concerned, but he simply didn't have the authority to grant such requests. He thought about it before reaching for Far Speaking Coin and rubbing it. "Hello Jacob Longstrider, do you have anything to report?" was the response on the other end.
"No, I have a request. I need to speak to the Queen concerning Rexxar Skullcrusher." Jacob said.
"Understood, wait one moment while we pass on your request." was the response.
A few minutes later Talia came on the line "Well, well, well, how am I not surprised that instead of killing the leadership of the Rebellion you are talking to him... Not enough you punish a vampire in front of a large crowd of commoners and Bonded, you also Stab him. Yes, I am still dealing with the fallout from that, so how can I help you with the Rebellion?" Talia said. She sounds tired and slightly annoyed, he had to find a way to spin this so that she would jump at the deal the Orc leader was offering.
So he bluntly told her what the Chief wanted for his people, "My Queen I know this can cause problems, but that is just short term. Long term we need a live Alley that is independent and strong opposed to an enemy that your people have made. Your people and the way they have been living are causing problems and have created this situation in the first place. Fact is, the Vampires cannot survive without the Orcs or any other bonded race currently. They provide critical services and you need them more then they need you. Its time you recognize the sacrifice they have made for the Vampire Nation, recognize the Orc clans independence. That is my advice to you."
After several minutes the Queen responded "I understand I agree to the Orc Chiefs terms, I will trust you to negotiate any further stipulations for the arrangement. I will make an announcement tonight about this, be aware though we will both face the consequences for this decision." With that, the coin went cold, guess the conversation was done. The Orc Chieftain had a stunned look on his face before he threw back his head and let out a roar. All around Orcs and Goblins came running into the amphitheater, well at least he now knew where all the missing Orcs and Goblins went. They had probably noticed his incoming party, the Orc Chieftain had probably moved his people away and told them to wait until he gave the order to return. Smart, very smart. Almost scary smart...almost.
"Calm my brothers and sisters, this Vampire is a....friend of the clan. As of today we are an independent clan separate and recognized by the Vampire Nation as free and independent. Everything that we wanted has been acknowledged and agreed to by Queen Talia. The Bloodfang clan stands free." With that proclamation, Rexxar threw his head back and let out another roar, in exaltation this time. Some Orcs and Goblins eyeballed him, otherwise, they peacefully left him and his party alone with the Chieftain. "I can honestly say I did not expect to get what I have been wanting for so long for my people. I am happy though, thank you Jacob Longstrider. You and your House will always be welcome with the Bloodfang Clan. Now I want a section of the Outer City to base my people from to assist in the defense of the Tomb of Eternal Night. I also want your help in finding a place for my people to live outside the Tomb until that is found my son Brox will accompany you."
Quest Complete: Off with Their Heads...Or Not
Description: You found the leader of the Rebellion (Freedom Fighter) Rexxar Skullcrusher, you choose not to end his rebellion. Instead, you made peace and assisted in the Bloodfang clan gaining their independence from the Vampire Nation. They now recognize the House of Longstrider as an Ally and will provide whatever a member of that House may need, be it food or defense. Rexxar has tasked his son Brox with assisting you in finding a home outside the Tomb.
Rewards: 500 Exp +1000 for finishing this quest without a single drop of blood being spilled, Companion Brox, The Bloodfang Clan are now Allies of House Longstrider
Quest: Home away from Home
Description: Your Ally, Rexxar Skullcrusher, has called on you to help his clan find another home outside of the Tomb. This will be essential in growing and sustaining the newly freed clan.
Rewards: UNKNOWN
"I will gladly help you and your clan find a new home outside the Tomb, I understand wanting something just for yourself and your people. I will be leaving tomorrow to head outside the Tomb, I will pick up Brox on our way out if that is ok with him and you." Jacob said. The Chieftain nodded his head and walked off. With that Jacob left the now friendly clan and headed back to the Inner City, he had a bunch of notifications to go through, equipment to check out and sleep to get too.
Before heading to the Palace and his room he warned his Bonded to stick together and defend each other. He wouldn't trust the vampire he had beat down not to try and punish him by trying to kill one or all of his companions. As he walked into the Palace he was met by the Captian of the Heartguard who had an odd expression on his face. It was a mix of anger, fear, and respect "I honestly don't know what to do with you. First, you nearly kill another Vampire, then you interrupt a meeting of the court about those actions to discuss the Independence of an Orc clan instead of just killing the leadership as you requested... What do you have planned tomorrow?" Isiah asked.
Jacob responded quickly before the Captain could get mad "I plan on taking care of that Lich problem you got. I also plan on trying to find a home outside the Tomb for the Bloodfang Clan. They want a base of operations outside and inside the Tomb."
The captain nodded in understanding "One way or another, you won't be able to hide from the court much longer. You have just caused too many problems today, they will demand that you be present and held accountable for those actions. It won't be tomorrow I think but very soon. Get some sleep my lord, you will need the rest." With that, the Captain walked away.
Jacob quickly found his way to his room stripped out of his armor and got a quick bath while checking his notifications.
Jacob Longstrider, through constant battle in defeating a Spider Brood and the Queen (Seriously talk about a damage sponge) and ending a rebellion without spilling a drop of blood (you are a smooth talker) you have gained 3 levels.
Secret Achievement Unlocked: Bitch Slap
Description: When a subordinate Vampire is around, they are 5% more likely to intimidated (seriously have you ever heard of anger management)
Secret Achievement Unlocked: Noble Protector (Respect is Earned)
Description: +10 to the loyalty of all Bonded, Non-Bonded are more likely to seek you out and accept your Bond
Achievement Unlocked: Spider Bane 1
Description: When fighting spiders you deal 5% more damage (Down Came the Rain and Washed the Spider Out)
Achievement Unlocked: Diplomat 1
Description: Negotiations are 5% more likely to succeed. (Lend me your Ears)
Due to Constant Battle, the following Skill have Upgraded....
Dodge: +2 lvls
Block: +4 levels
Parry: +1 lvl
Aura of Stalwart Malice: +1
Blood Letting: +2
Name: Moonlight
Level: Artifact, Scalable, lvl2
Damage: 20 - 30
Properties: Item absorbs 10% of the experience the wielder accrues to grow in strength with the user
Properties: 15% of damage dealt is absorbed as health by the wielder
Properties: +5% damage to the Living (Lifes Bane Enchantment will grow in strength with the sword)
Properties: 1 Gem Socket has been Unlocked and can be used
Other properties will be unlocked as the Artifact gains strength
Durability: 1000/1000
Description: Moonlight was forged over 3000 years ago, a gift forged with the blood of every noble line to the first King of the Vampire nation. It has been passed down the Royal bloodline until the defeat of the Vampires at the end of the War of Survival. Due to not being wielded for nearly 2000 years, the majority of the strength of the blade has been lost. Most of the properties have been lost also, who knows what else is hidden that can be unlocked in time
The Sword honestly looked better, most of the minor pits and scratches had repaired themselves and the sword had a dull glow to it now. Every little bit counts he thought. He dried off and headed to the little sitting area he had to eat the food Isiah had ordered for him, he was famished. He also checked on the equipment he had acquired from the clearing out the Spider Nest. Wait he had one more alert
The Bloodfang Clan once thought extinct, has been found by the Immortal Jacob Longstrider.
Enemies of the Bloodfang Clan cry out in fear, Allies of the Bloodfang Clan rejoice in Celebration
Well, so much for staying under the radar...
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