《Blood and Honor》Glossary
---Jacob Longstrider LVL 52 Blood Knight/Defender/Shadow Magic (currently), MC/Fates living joke, Former Military
---Snaggletooth Stormcaller LVL 41 Shaman/Spirit Caller, Bonded
---Chalxae Freath LVL 41 Rogue/Assassin, Bonded
---June Moonshadow LVL 41 Ranger/Beast Master, Bonded
---Shigna Firecaller LVL 41 Elementalist/Pyromancer, Bonded
---Thelgrum Orcbane LVL 42 Paladin, Bonded
---Mug Ruith LVL 41 Druid/Shapeshifter, Bonded
---Fenwyn Cabot LVL 41 Warlock/Demonic Calling, Bonded
---Eiloma Silverleaf LVL 45 Administrator, Bonded/Minion and House Senchel
---Grim Skullcrusher LVL 80 Orc-Berserker/UNKNOWN, Leader of the Bloody Hands, Currently MIA
---Thera Treewalker LVL 50 Wood Elf-Druid/Shapeshifter, Member of the Bloody Hands, Survived Ambush on the Run
---Will StormBreaker LVL 30 Human-Elementalist/Synergyst, Member of the Bloody Hands, KIA by Ted Knucklecrusher,
---Ted Knucklecrusher LVL 40 Orc-Warlock/Demonologist, Member of the Bloody Hands, KIA
---Talia, LVL 400, Vampire-Progeniter/Queen, Dungeon Boss, Dead
---Isiah Timmilian, LVL 350, Blood Guardian and Heart Guard Captain, Catatonic
---James Shadowstrider, LVL 325, Blood Guardian Captain of the Heart Guard
---Octavious, LVL 200, Librarian
---Ishmael On'tel, LVL Unknown Death Knight, Member of the Nine, Lord and Patrirch of House On'tel
---Cathrine On'tel, LVL Unknown, Banshee, Ambassador of the Noble Undead, First Wife to Jacob Longstrider
---Anastasia On'tel, LVL Unknow, Banshee, Mother of Cathrine and Matriarch of House On'tel
---Sosa Darkfang, LVL 70 Shield Master, War Master,
---Dolbrug Darkfang, LVL ?? Berserker, Leader of Darkfang Hold
---Rexxar Skullcrusher, LVL ?? Berserker/Warcaller, Chief of the Bloodfang Clan
---Brox Bonecrusher, LVL ?? Berserker, Heir to the Bloodfang Clan
---Draxus Earthcracker, LVL ?? Elementalist, Heir to Earth Splitter Tribe
---Braxus Earthcracke, LVL ?? Elementalist, Leader of the Earth Splitter Tribe
---Adam, 1 of 2 Hive Minds of Fate Online
---Eve, 1 of 2 Hive Minds of Fate Online
---Matt, AKA Tarren Lightbringer, LVL 51 Paladin of Balance, Former Officer of the Swords of the Light Guild
---Jared, AKA Darren Shadowstep, LVL 51 Shadow Master, Former Military, Former Officer and Leader of Shadow Dagger (#10)
---Bree, AKA Yilme Oaktree, Wife of Jordan, LVL 51 Dark Druid, Former Member of the Grim Reapers Guild (#3), Former Dungeon Team Leader
---Jordan, AKA Zakoc Oaktree, Husband of Bree, LVL 51 Berserker, Former Member of the Grim Reapers Guild (#3),
---Marc, Developer for Fate Online, handler of Kevin
Tope 10 Guilds in the world of Ithea...
1- Titans
2- Reavers
3- Grim Reapers
4- Children of the Light
5- ??
6- ??
7- Swords of the Light
8- ??
9- ??
10- Shadow Daggers
House Lightsbane
Alchemist-Abraxxus LVL 45 Lich/Human, Necromancer/Alchemist, Minion
Personal guard Captain-Thorgron Shadowsteel LVL 52, Duergar, Warrior/Defender, Minion, Former Captain of Clan Hammerhead
Engineer-Jigibs LVL 21, Goblin, Overseer/Foreman
Smith-Torgan Urgran, LVL 25, Orc, Smith
Cook-Miss Dotts, LVL 25, Gnome, Cook
Allies- Bloodfang Clan- Fortress of the Forgotten
Earth Splitter Tribe- Kiera'tan, City of a Thousand Lights
Clan Darguun- Darkfang Hold
Noble Undead-Hollowed Tombs/Cathrine On'tel-Longstrider
Wood Elf- Sylfemel
Slaver Union
World State of Fate Online:
Physically 2 continents (Arakin and Jingoon) currently, the land masses of the world are the size of North and South America sorrounded by an ocean, the world is expanding at 1000 Sq Miles every 3 months with a minimum of 1 minor city (does not include towns and villages) per expansion. The world has both a Light and Dark Pantheons, the gods are very active in the World of Fate and have Champions that can effect nations. According to lore, only Immortals that have Legendary classes have a chance to challenge the Gods Champions, some even say the Gods themselves.
Nearly 3000 years ago the Vampire nation, once isolationists, began to expand to defend their constantly attacked borders. After 500 years the whole Arakin Continent was under their control, all the people had been Converted, killed, subjecated, or fled into the sea hoping to find another land. They succeded and settled on Jingoon. After 400 years, they launched an invasion to reclaim their homelands which led to the War of Survival. The Vampire nation lost the second war due to the Gods of the World getting involved, this lead to the Curse and the near extinction of the Vampire nation.
Recently a player (Kevin/Jacob Longstrider) accidentally stumbled onto a very special dungeon, the Tomb of Eternal Night. This dungeon in turn started the Rise of the Vampire Scenario. Something that has been in the works for the last 3 years.
Time Line:
12,000 Years ago- The Four Primordial Powers (Light, Darkness, Chaos, Balance) populate the world of Ithea with the mortal races. Soon after Chaos wishes to destroy everything and restart the process all over again. Her siblings manage to convince her to not do this, however, Chaos makes her own plans separate from her other siblings.
10,000 Years ago- Chaos sets her plans in motion to destroy everything. All realms (Mortal, Abyssal, Heavens) are invaded by the forces of Chaos led by her Chaos Lords. The other three Primordial powers create the Lords of the Abyss, the Titans, and the Lords of the Light to rally the various beings of the planes. After a 300 year long war, the forces of Chaos are forced from most planes of existence and the Primordial Power of Chaos is imprisoned. The Lords of Chaos goes into hiding waiting for the return of the Lady of Chaos.
7,000 Years ago- The first generation of gods are born, they were not created by the Primordials, but the very mortal races themselves believing in more powerfull ideas than themselves. The Titans at first embrace these beings, teaching them everything they know. The gods, in turn, start a war against the remaining Titans casting them out of the Pantheon. Without the Titans strength and leadership, a war ensues splitting the Pantheon for the first time creating the Dark and Light Pantheons. More gods are born after the two civil wars, some are born of the mortal ideals, others of the gods themselves. The Titans swear vengeance and live on the edge of existence, eking on a living and founding the Cult of the True to help in their survival.
5,000 Years ago- The Celestial war between the Abyss and Heavens ignites and spills out onto the mortal plane. Several mortal races are wiped out over the next 100 years. Seeing their worshipers dying, the gods of Light and Darkness join the fight to push the forces of the Abyss and Heavens from the mortal plane. After another 50 years of fighting the surviving mortal races are devastated and the Abyss and Heavens stop the fighting to sign the Accords forbidding both sides from entering the Mortal Plane. However, influence is allowed and the Grimoire of the Abyss and the Tome of the Heavens are created.
4,000 Years ago- The first generation of gods starts experimenting in creating their own 'perfect' mortal race taking traits from all the others. In their pride the create one being, but quickly consider it a failure and cast it out. This being would later be known as a Vampire and the Blood Lord. The first Vampire ever, that after wandering the mortal plane for 500 years alone, figured out how to create others like himself. He creates a small community but due to the differences between his people and their neighbors, they eventually try to hunt and destroy them. The Blood Lords sacrifices himself to save his people ensuring that they survive but the actions of their neighbors insure that the newfound Vampire race are isolationists.
3,000 Years ago- After being hunted and persecuted for a thousand years and the gods failing to help them, the Vampires decide to go on the offensive invading all their nearby neighbors. All people are subjugated forcibly converted or occupied. Many mortal races begin to fear or hold the blood drinkers in awe and willingly submit or join their cause. For 500 years the Vampires expand until they conquer the whole of the Arakon continent and refugees flee. Eventually, the refugees find a second continent of Jingoon. They settle there, create new kingdoms and ally or subjugate the natives of Jingoon. After 400 years a huge army is sent back to Arakon to destroy the Empire of Night. The gods assist this army and the ensuing war lasts for 100 years. Eventually, the Vampires are defeated, their race cursed and their capitol transported into the depths of the Underdark.
2,000 Years ago- After defeating the Empire of Night, the remains of the army settle the northernmost portion of Arakon, founding over a dozen nations. Survivors of the subject people of the Empire of Night settle in the southern and middle of the continent founding over a dozen cities. The northern nations seeing these new cities invade them and conquer them.
1,000 Years ago- After being subject to the northern kingdoms whims and their cities used as recruiting grounds for armies between the northern kingdoms, the southern cities start to fight back and overthrow the northern kingdoms rule upon their own people.
500 Years ago- After a dozen wars and multiple invasions, the Free City Alliance is founded joining the southern City-States in a common cause to fight northern aggression. The Free City Alliance is created to mediate problems between the southern cities and for mutual defense against the northern nations. After three of the armies of the northern nations are defeated, they offer a Non-Aggresion pact too the Free City Alliance. Most of the northern countries within 50 years follow this example.
Current Age: After Return (A.R.) this is in reference too the mortal races returning from Jingoon. Current Year...2125 A.R.
High Elf: +1 to Intelligence and Wisdom per lvl, each lvl Immortals gain 3 Character points, High Elves learn magic 25% Faster and 10% Faster in Masonry, Suffer 10% more damage from Poisens and Curses
Wood Elf: +1 to Dexterity, Agility, and Intelligence, each lvl Immortals gain 2 Character points, Wood Elves learn Archery 25% Faster and 10% Faster in Woodcraft, 10% more damage from Fire and learn bladed weapons 5% slower
Human: each lvl Immortals gain 5 Character points, Starts off as Nuetral with both Pantheons and all major Factions, 5% increased profeciancy in all Tradecraft, Decisions that effect Pantheons and all major Factions will have twice the negative effect
Dwarf: +1 to Constituation and Strength per lvl, each lvl Immortals gain 3 Character points, Dwarfs learn Axe/Hammer Skills 25% faster and Smithing and Mining 10% Faster, Starts off as Nuetral with both Pantheons, Increased damage from magical sources
Drow: +1 to Dexterity and Agility per lvl, each lvl Immortals gain 3 Character points, Drow learn exotic weapon (i.e. Dual Wielding, Whips, etc..) 25% Faster and Alchemy 10% Faster, when fighting in Sunlight Drow suffer a 50% accuracy degradation
Orc: +1 to Constituation and Strength per lvl, each lvl Immortals gain 3 Character points, Orcs gather resources quicker and can find Rarer resources 25% more often, Orcs learn Trade skills 10% slower
Goblins: +1 to Dexterity and Intellegience per lvl, each lvl Immortals gain 3 Character points, Goblins are 25% more likley to find or create exotic designs/formulas, Goblins experimental designs/formulas are 10% likley to be deadly to the user
Half-Breeds: this race has random mix of Racial strengths and Weaknesses
Vampire: +1 to Constituation, Agility, and Strength per lvl, Each level Immortals gain 2 Character points, Due to biology health Regeneration rates are increased by 50%, Species suffers Curse* effects (See wiki fur further details)
Constitution: Increases your avatars health and health regeneration, Base health for all Avatars is 100 Hitpoints, increases from there. First 20 points adds 100 HP, 20-40 points its 50 HP each, 40+ its 25 HP
Strength: Increases Stamina and Stamina Regeneration (20 Stamina per point up to 100 Strength, then 10 stamina after per point, Effects physical damage for Warrior based classes, increases how much weight you can carry in you inventory Base is 100 lbs, increased by 10 lbs for every point
Agility: Increases speed while in combat (For some classes) and attack speed for Rogue based classes
Dexterity: Increases ranged attack damage and accuracy
Intelligience: Increases spell damage, accuracy, and Mana pool
Wisdom: Increases rate of Mana regeneration, rate at which passive skills increase
Shield Warden
Battle Warden
Shield Maiden
Dark Paladin
Death Knight
Sword Master
Battle Rager
Dragon Knight
Spell Sword
Battle Engineer
War Engineer
Monster Slayer
Arcane Archer
Mind Mage
War Mage
Knight Mage
Dark Druid
Lore Master
Arcane Master
Light: Demeter, Eilistraee, Moradin, Thoth
Neutral: Thantos, Charon, Pan, Dumathoin
Dark: Lolth
Known continents:
Arakon-Original Continent, about 3000 Years ago a Continent spanning war started where the Vampire nation conquered every other nation. Either they were Converted (i.e. Turned), enslaved, destroyed, or fled into the Ocean
Jingoon-Continent that was discovered by refugees fleeing from the Vampire Nation, Was settled and new Kingdoms were founded. (Locked to Immortals currently)
Daran'thia- Nation of High Elves Ruled over by a King and Queen.
Loren'thia- Nation of the Wood Elves, made up of various Wood Elf clans and led by a council of elders and during war time a War Chief is selected to lead the united clans
Arang'mor- Nation of Humans, Ruled by a King some say a Immortal, Nation of Zelots that loath anything to do with Darkness, Center of the Council of the Light
Dark-Iron Thaig- Nation of Dwarfs, a Confederacy of independent Cities Ruled over by a High King, Granite Throne
Zeren'gor- Drow nation, Ruled by a queen
Blackfang Hold- Nation of Orcs and Goblins, Ruled over by a Council of Shamens and during war time a War Chief is selected to lead the united clans
Empire of Night- Seat of power for the Vampire Nation, last bastion of the Nation, Cursed race, City of Eternal Night has recently been transported back too the surface
The above listed nations are the largest and stongest nations, but they are not the only nations in the world and more will be discovered as the world grows.
- In Serial16 Chapters
Towers Rise
What would you do if you got a second chance, a chance to redo choices in your past and try to come up with a better solution? For Trystan, this isn't just a theoritical question, through a bit of luck, and assistance from a dying friend, Trystan has been thrust backward in time. Now he finds himself before the Tower's rise, before the System, before humanity was transported into the Tower for an intergalactic conquest they never agreed to, before Humanity's fall, and he has a chance to alter the future. To keep Humanity from being destroyed or enslaved. The real question is can he do it? Can he find the strength inside of himself to save his family, friends and loved ones? Can he rise up and teach and lead other's to finding true strength, or will he be doomed to repeat the past, to see the fall of everything that he held dear.
8 221 - In Serial9 Chapters
The Struggles of a Modern Vampire
I don't think I'm doing this right.... Wait is it typing? I think... wait... Damn nails. What if I click No, I don't want to see cat... that quite cute actually. Can I order it? Wait... Greetings cattle with eyes! Yes, it is I, Richard Wythenshawe. Do not be afraid, I can't hurt you, but feel free to comment your name and blood type. I have suffered in silence long enough and I have found this place of royalty to express my dire feelings of discontent through the medium of literature. BEHOLD MY WIT, HOW DO I.... Behold my journal of darkness, my fiendish ramblings, my exorcizing of my discontent of being a night dweller in this age of technology with eye pads and eye phones. Honestly, how is a blood sucker supposed to get a meal around here when there's so many eyes? It sounds unnatural, and that's coming from me.
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The rise of the Dragon Age!
A story about a young prince, that got everything taken away from him, due to him being too ignorant and caring. Even to his enemies, he would bestow upon them light punishment. Thus, he was betrayed by his closest allies and ended up being slaughtered with his family like cattle, so while he was watching everything happening in front of him. He abandoned his principles and swore to never trust humanity again. even later on in the spirit realm he was still driven mad thus, he started absorbing other spiritual souls. However he got the attention of a certain Dragon God, the ancient entity amused by such a powerful soul driven by hate by its own kin, granted it a new body and power beyond normal means. Making it an overpowered to the extent of bringing chaos to the universe and even him being more powerful than the gods. LOL!Yup people, i am bored and i want to write something about a dragon thats OP and insecure :D Oh lets not forget a psychopath. Because who doesn't want a mad dragon :PMight have some mature content, such as intercourse. However gore and swearing will definitely be there!
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The Way Back Home
Being kidnapped against one's will to another world under the pretense of defeating the Demon Lord was a luxury that not everyone could afford. Ivan Weiss is unfortunate enough to be dragged into this mess with other four students. It didn't stop at that, he was soon kicked out after a skill reveal process showed that he possessed a skill of unknown use. Unable to go home, betrayed, and bitter, he vowed to find a way back home with any means necessary and took revenge to the ones who made him felt this way. But, with weird passive skill [Assimilation] that was barely unreadable, would his revenge turn to dust?
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Blind and Bereft
In order to uncover the mystery behind her sister's death, Li Jingrui will stop at nothing even if she must become a palace maid to serve a stern bastard prince for eternity. *****A mountain that hides the secrets of the past, a decree written with blood, a fraud emperor, and a bastard heir.When her sister mysteriously dies in the palace, Li Jingrui endeavours to find the culprit and seek justice. But when she disguises as a maid and is appointed to work under an enigmatic and dangerous bastard prince, vengeance may not be the only thing she must deal with. Caught between a sinister plot, a forbidden romance, and twisted truths and lies, she must fight to stay alive while protecting the bastard prince who has her heart in his clutches.-[[word count: 90,000-100,000 words]]COMPLETED | Under last round of editing.無色郁金Highest rank: #2 - HistoricalFictionFEATURED ON OFFICIAL WATTPAD:@Romance @Fantasy @HistoricalFiction @Action @MythandLegend @Magic @WattpadHistoricalRomance
8 71 - In Serial63 Chapters
Some of these I had to write for class, others not so much, but I wanted to share them with you. Any criticism is appreciated!! No matter how bad it is.#1 messingaround: May 19, 2019, Sept. 3, 2019-Sept. 17, 2019#29 empty: November 13, 2020#90 confidence: August 1, 2019#1 findingpurpose: May 27, 2020
8 151