《The Chibok Papers》Chapter 22: New York, USA, 29 February


Tracy is on her knees praying by David’s bedside. This has been her habit in the last four weeks. As soon as she enters the hospital room, she goes on her knees and prays for her lover. Then she would talk to him all day, convinced that he is hearing her even though he is in deep coma. She had run into the hospital like a mad woman, and neither the nurses nor the doctors could restrain her from rushing up to David’s bedside in the Intensive Care Unit. And when she saw him lying comatose like a corpse awaiting evacuation to the mortuary, she broke down and wept uncontrollably. The nurses eventually calmed her down with assurances that David would surely recover. The arrival of her parents calmed her down even further. Then her father had David moved into a private ward, and she regained a semblance of normalcy. Since then, she has only left his side when she goes to the toilet and at night when she goes to sleep in the hospital’s guest house.

Her teacher in the Believer’s Class was the first to notice her absence. She called her to find out where she was. On learning about David, she and the pastor took the next available flight to New York and came to see her in the hospital. They stayed for a long while, encouraging her and praying for David. As they were leaving, they promised to set up a prayer chain that would be praying for David day and night. After their visit, Tracy felt greatly strengthened and since then, she has taken her mind off whatever the doctors say. Today, they are coming to examine him and review his case. She has made up her mind to believe the Lord’s report and not the medical report. Every moment of the day and night, she encourages herself by constantly recalling what the voice said to her in David’s flat:


“I have forgiven both of you. I will send him back to you.”

She is just thinking of what to tell him today when the doctors come in. She steps out to allow them to do their work unhindered by her presence. They are there for a long time. As they are leaving, David’s doctor called her aside and gives her their verdict.

“Captain, you need to be very patient. Our verdict remains the same. He will recover, no doubt, but may be paralysed for the rest of his life. I’m sorry, but only a miracle can change that fact.”

“Thank you, doctor for your care and candid report.”

“You’re welcome.”

The doctor leaves. Ironically, Tracy is strengthened by his words instead of being discouraged. She goes back to sit beside David and says:

“Good morning, David. The doctors have just left. They came to examine you and say you’ll recover but will be paralysed for the rest of your life. But I have the Lord’s report for you and it says: thou shall live and not die, and thou will proclaim the glory of the Lord in the land of the living. Since you cannot declare the glory of the Lord as a paraplegic, you will not only exist, you will walk and talk and be made whole spirit, body and soul. In Jesus name I decree.”


Tracy’s eyes flew open. She looks round to see if anybody is in the room with her but finds no one. She goes to the door and looks out. No one is in the immediate vicinity of David’s private ward.

“Amen!” says the same voice behind her. Tracy whirls round and runs toward the bed.

“Hello, love,” says David smiling beatifically up at her.

“David!” she screams as she rushes to embrace him. And he gets up to wrap her in his arms.

“Praise God!” she screams in awe and joy.

“Hallelujah!” shouts David in joy.

The doctors were coming back from their ward round and heard the commotion in David’s room. Thinking the worst has happened, they rush in ... and stand speechless watching the two lovers kiss and laugh and dance like little children.

“It’s a miracle!” whispers David’s doctor hoarsely.

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