《The Chibok Papers》Chapter 16: Seattle, USA, 14 December


At about eleven-thirty on a cold and cloudy December morning, four cars, a bus and a hearse roll to a stop in front of a private cemetery in Seattle. The pallbearers get down from the bus and walk briskly to the hearse. They carry the casket and pass through the cemetery gates, heading for a newly dug grave about a hundred metres from the entrance. Inside the casket is the corpse of Dr. Solomon Adams. From the third car, a Cadillac, alight David and Monica, the young wife of the deceased. Both are dressed in black. Although rage and hurt roil in David’s heart, his face remains passive, betraying no emotion at all. But no amount of make-up could mask the sorrow and shock of Monica. She clings tightly to David’s arm as they walk sedately behind the pall bearers, tears rolling down her beautiful face and smearing make-up. From the remaining cars emerge twelve other men and women. They include two priests, Sammy, Monica’s elderly cousin from Minneapolis, Tracy’s parents, General and Mrs. Winters, Ted, Alessandro, the chairman of the Council of Galdopho and a few colleagues of Adam from his armament industry.

As soon as they get to the graveside, the priests take over proceedings. They conduct a brief service, praying for the soul of the departed and the family left behind. The casket is lowered into the grave and the gravediggers set about covering it up with soil. One after the other, the sympathisers shake hands with David and Monica, encouraging them with comforting words before departing. The Winters are the first to offer their condolences.

“Accept my condolences,” says the general as he shakes David.

“Thank you, sir.”

: ”I wish we had met under happier circumstances, but God knows better. Take heart, my boy,”


“I will, sir. Thank you, sir.”

Mrs Winters first goes to Monica to hug her. She speaks some comforting words into her ears and Monica nods her head gratefully. Mrs Winters then shakes David and also hugs him.

“Take heart, David. The Lord will comfort you.”

“Amen. Thank you, Ma.”

She follows her husband out of the cemetery. The officiating ministers came next. They condole with David and Monica and then depart. The last to leave is Carl Alessandro, chairman of the Council of Galdopho. He shakes Monica warmly, expressing his profound condolences at her loss. Then he pulls David aside.

“Take heart, David. I learnt that you’re a believer, so you must know that nothing just happens. God will surely comfort you and track down your father’s killers. Your father was a great man who died for the Lord. Yu may not know it, but he belonged to a group that secretly supports Christians on the frontlines of the battle against Satan as well as victims of persecution all over the world. He will be remembered for his generosity and brave deeds in the cause of the gospel. Surely his death is not in vain. May the Lord comfort you on all sides.”


Alessandro brings out a card from his breast pocket and gives it to David.

“Take. If you need anything, just call me. Anything.”

“Thank you, Sir,” replies David accepting the card. The chairman departs, leaving David, Monica, Tracy, Sammy and Ted.

“Let’s go home,” says David. “These guys will take care of the rest.”

They depart, Sammy holding Monica, Tracy holding David, and Ted bringing up the rear.

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