《Saints and Suffering: A Naruto Fanfiction》Chapter 25- Path


Chapter 25- Path

Kakashi had been alone with his thoughts as he wandered the village.

His pride was hurt, and Yama's counter on him evoked memories better laid to rest, memories of losing his eye and Obito's gift to him.

Once Kakashi had sufficiently calmed down, his thoughts began to turn to a different direction.

How exactly did Yama do it?

He shouldn't have been fast enough.

Whether it be from his actions or his demeanor, I keep on getting surprised by him.

I should probably discuss this with the Hokage.

Even if it was a fluke and I didn't have my Sharingan activated, it never should have happened.

Yama is still under observation after all, any surprise is most unwelcome.

Kakashi stood outside the Hokage Office and knocked on the door.

The raspy voice of the Sandaime responded.

"Come in."

And so Kakashi entered, bowing as he crossed the threshold.

"I have a matter to discuss with you concerning Yama."

Hiruzen sat back in his chair after setting his pen down.

He scratched his chin and peered over his nose at Kakashi.

"Its only his second day teaching is it not?

Is he not teaching well?"

Kakashi shook his head.

"Its actually the opposite of that."

Hiruzen cocked an eyebrow and waited for Kakashi to continue.

"He is good at teaching, and the only reason I hesitate to say great is that the results aren't out yet, but I expect his current students to be one of the strongest classes in a while.

Somehow he had managed to connect with them and motivate them in an inordinately short time.

It doesn't even really make sense that the kids trust him so much."

Hiruzen laughed.

"We're not ones to talk, are we?

You and I only gave him the go ahead because we had a good feeling about him.

Is it so weird if the kids take to him the same way that we did?"

"You are right, of course, Sandaime-sama.

However, he also shows capabilities beyond what you would expect from an ex-genin."

"Hmm, how so?"

Hiruzen sat up a little straighter in his chair and listened intently.

Kakashi continued.

"First off, he knows elemental jutsu and is efficiently guiding one of his students in fire release.

Next, he is teaching advanced chakra control exercises.

He is also apparently a perfect sensor and his ability to classify his students based on control and reserves of chakra is impeccable.

Also, his demeanor is too heavy now that his is in shinobi clothes, its like he has transformed into a grizzled veteran.

Lastly, his taijutsu is just too good."

Hiruzen chuckled a bit to himself before continuing.

"I mean, he is a veteran, is he not? From my discussion with the man, he's been an active shinobi for at least 4 decades."

"Yes, but he doesn't give off the air of an advanced genin?"

"True, but have you ever met a genin of his age? What are you basing the comparison on?"

"I have not met anyone like him, but still..."

"I understand, but I'll need something more than that. You say he's too good at taijutsu?"

Kakashi nodded enthusiastically.

"He apparently learned all four basic styles of Konoha Martial arts in a single night.

I sparred with him today and he showed exceptional experience and judgement.

I hate to say this, but it was barely my victory, even though I wasn't being completely serious.

No one is that good at his power level. He didn't exceed genin strength or speed but he still put a fight up against me at my full strength and speed.


And there is almost no way he maintains his physique as high as it is without chakra.

its all suspicious, but I can't figure out why someone would use such a shoddy disguise."

Hiruzen rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Shall I tell you of what I encountered when I sparred with him?"

Kakashi nodded while still standing at attention.

The Sandaime continued.

"He was like a machine.

He didn't tire, and he never flinched.

Every single movement was perfect. No wasted movements, no wasted thoughts.

It was almost uncanny to fight him.

He maintained the exact same speed the entire time.

Like you said, it was genin speed and strength the entire time.

I obviously could have beat him if I used my superior speed and strength, but at the same power level, I wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell."

Kakashi followed the story then asked.

"So why did you trust him when he is showing power beyond his station?

Even though his power is at genin level, I have no doubt he could defeat or kill most any chuunin, if not some jonin with their guards down, as well.

The way he uses his power is too precise and too masterful.

If he was not crippled, there would be no way he would be at genin level."

"Do you think that we performed a compromised interrogation then?"

"I didn't say that, Hokage-sama. It just doesn't make sense."

"So think a little more. Why would I trust him?"

Kakashi fell into a silence and his thoughts raced.

Eventually he came up with an answer.

"You want to recruit him?"

Hiruzen laughed as he brought his pipe out from his sleeve and lit it up.


Kakashi had a puzzled face, which Hiruzen let sit there for a few more seconds before explaining.

"Our interrogations aren't really meant to establish a great background or even perform a thorough history.

There are simply there to ascertain intention.

Do you think that our methods are so full of holes that we would ever be led astray by accident.

Our questioning system is built to allow people to hide what they wish while still telling us enough truth to accomplish our goals.

Namely, ascertain if they are hostile or not.

All ninja have secrets, and we don't need to know everyone's secrets in order to determine if they are hostile or not, we have better methods for that.

We are damn near certain at this point that Yama means no harm towards Konoha, and even if he did, that is why you are there.

I can't imagine that Yama himself is unaware of the situation.

Our standard protocol is to accept all foreign shinobi that come here.

This is so that we know who keep tabs on.

If we mistrust everyone, but still allow them here, we have turned any hidden dagger into a daytime sword.

If we trust only a select few and only let those people in, when we are inevitably wrong, we suffer much higher consequences."

Kakashi thought for a moment.

"So you don't actually trust Yama all that much?"

"That's the thing, I do trust him, but in case I'm wrong, its better to have him close at hand and under observation.

How we treat him is how we treat almost all foreign shinobi. Allow them in, keep them under observation.

It just so happens that Yama is particularly trustworthy in my eyes, and we have moved onto the next stage, recruitment."

Kakashi continued to question.

"Why would you want to recruit him so much?


Like I said, he is high chuunin level at best with his genin speed and strength, but if we take into account that he cannot perform ninjutsu or genjutsu, he is essentially worthless no?

It would take a taijutsu specialist at the level of Might Guy or Master Chen to be useful."

Hiruzen countered.

"That's where you're wrong Kakashi.

The most attractive quality about Yama is the fact that he is crippled.

No matter what we did during our observations and interrogations, we could never detect his chakra.

To us, and to our enemies, he is completely harmless on the surface.

He is essentially a crippled civilian.

His closest analogue is a man on his death bed.

No matter where he goes, he will be underestimated and less suspected of any negative behavior.

It's because he's crippled that he is useful.

Imagine if we were able to send him as a spy to Kumo or Iwa; they would never know his true level.

He would not be as effective as our deep cover agents, but his ability to infiltrate on short time frames would be unparalleled.

Especially with his demeanor.

In the same way he sets us at ease, I bet he will be able to do that anywhere in the world.

My current plans are to let him teach at the academy for this year under observation, and then approach him with some missions afterwards.

I think that we will be able to persuade him in that.

I have detailed my plans for him, and hopefully Minato will execute them according to my notes once he is ready to take the hat back."

Kakashi, at the mention of his sensei, opened a new line of questioning.

"Is there any news with regards to Minato-sensei or Kushina-san?"

"All that I can tell you is that he is awake at an undisclosed location, recovering. He was critically injured and with Uchiha Fugaku's lifesaving actions injuring him further, I do not know how long it will be until he is recuperated.

In the meantime, Kushina will be staying at the Uchiha compound. Somehow she survived the extraction of the Kyuubi. For now, we believe that her relationship with Minato is still secret, but she is essentially under guard while at the Uchiha compound, so it is the best place for her and her son.

The fact that we have lost the Kyuubi is an S-class secret, and I don't believe I need to impress upon you how serious our current situation is."

Kakashi nodded grimly.

"On the topic, do we have any current plans with regards to Yama's acquaintance Shijin that journeyed with him here?"

Hiruzen shook his head.

"No. It turns out that he might be the bastard of Uchiha Fugaku's elder brother. For now, he is being adopted into the Uchiha Main family even though he will not be in the line of succession.

Any plans we might have would be subject to Uchiha approval. Furthermore, we do not believe he has abilities on the same level as Yama does."

"Understood, Hokage-sama.

Any further orders?"

"No, but see if you can find out more about Yama's abilities. Feel free to even communicate to him our intentions.

He seems like a sensible man and will probably understand that there is no free lunch in this world.

More than likely, he's wondering when we will finally ask him to do something in return for accepting him and making him an academy teacher.

Otherwise, dismissed."


And with that, Kakashi left the Hokage office and started to head back to the academy.

Back at the Academy.

Iruka and Yama were having a short discussion before afternoon classes started.

Iruka's fists were tightly clenched, and even though the tears welled in his eyes, his shoulders did not shake, and his gaze was even and level.

The boy had just been offered a path to becoming strong by his Teacher Yama, and Iruka was desperate.

As a boy who lost everything, his parents, his home, his safety, his innocence, his happiness, Iruka was despairing.

Every single thing that he had ever relied on was stripped from him, and he felt as if he was falling down a cliff, grasping at the vines and rocks to no avail.

When his hand grasped a vine, it would be pulled up from the roots.

Each rock he held would chip and fall.

Iruka careened down the cliff, falling broken and shattered at the bottom.

As he gazed back up, a man emerged at the precipice, gazed over, and threw a rope down.

He did not climb down to meet him.

He did not offer to carry him up the rope.

No, he simply threw down the rope and told Iruka to climb.

Iruka pulled his broken body back together and he reached out to grab the rope.

Yama looked at the boy with tender eyes, and Yama thought about his childhood.

When he was alone, when he was at his lowest. Iruka was one of the only people to hold out his hand.

Yama would never allow that debt to go unpaid.

Yama looked at the boy, who eyes were brimming with determination as he said.

"I will walk any path necessary. I swear I will never feel this powerless again."

Yama nodded his head.

"I will help you but there are three things you must know beforehand.

One, you cannot quit.

You might think that this path is a climb upwards, eventually reaching the top of the mountain.

You might think that you can step off the path at any time.

But I can tell you that becoming strong will be nothing of the sort.

The path to become strong is a swan dive into the abyss.

If you decide to jump, you're pot committed. No folding allowed.

You will never be able to stop because there will always be a voice urging you onward.

You can either accept weakness or become strong, and once you choose one or the other, you'll never be able to change your mind, no matter how much you might fail."

Yama spoke with sincerity and conviction. He knew better than most about failure and momentum.

The same voice that mocked him for his failures pushed him to grow stronger, and it would never be enough.

"The second thing you must know is that it will be painful.

Man cannot remake himself without suffering for he is both the marble and the sculptor."

Yama spoke with gravitas and certainty. He knew pain.

"The third and final thing you must know is that you will experience failure.

Becoming strong is the path of failure.

When you decide to be weak, you do not fail because you do not try.

You do not lose because you're never even playing the game.

If you want to affect the things around you, you gotta be strong, and you will eventually fail.

No one wins every time.

It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life."

Yama spoke with finality and stability. Yama knew loss.

Iruka stood there, Yama's words echoing in his mind like the ring of a Temple Bell.

Iruka was silent for a few moments more before speaking.

"I have nothing, and I am willing to give up everything."

Yama sighed internally. It would be hard on Iruka, but it was better than the alternative.

Yama remembered Iruka's stories about his childhood from the past.

Iruka had said that he wasted his formative years as a class clown, acting up, acting out, and hiding pain behind a facade.

Yama knew that Iruka's growth and recovery would be painful either way, but at least his current trajectory would be productive.

Yama may have made the choice for him in a way, but it was better for Iruka to suffer on the surface, immediately, and constructively, than to wallow in disrepair and walk in circles.

Yama responded to Iruka's conviction.

"Then I will show you as best I can."

Eventually the five other students showed up to the outdoor afternoon lesson.

Each of them were surprised to see Iruka standing next to Yama, they didn't expect him to even make an attempt at being involved in any academy programs.

The fact that his eyes were red and puffy went unmentioned.

Yama called roll, even though it was unnecessary and obvious that all six children were present for the lesson.

He split the class up, and directed the five children besides Iruka to go practice shuriken throwing by themselves to warm up for 30 minutes before meeting up back where they had started, next to the central dueling platform.

Yama kept Iruka by his side as the other students wandered off to the practice ranges.

Iruka looked at the man and asked.

"Yama-sensei, what should I do to become strong?"

Yama sighed and knew that what he would say would push the boy down the cliff.

"Anything and everything, but it'll never be enough.

Study Insects with Shimiko-chan, and it'll expand your horizons.

Practice control with Domaru-kun, and it'll hone your edge.

Expand your reserves with Hikaru-kun, and it'll bolster your bulwark.

Command the flame with Tsubaki-Chan, and you'll burn brighter.

Study the Body flicker with Mizuki-kun, and you'll have one more tool in the toolbox.

Do anything and everything that will make you stronger.

Do what you think will make you the strongest.

Train like your life depends on it every single day.

Because it does.

Train like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.

Because your world is on your shoulders. Nobody's going to help you carry your load.

Walk On."

Iruka stood there with a blank look on his face.

"That's it?

That's all you got?

Just some old and tired words that I've heard a million times before?

Work harder?

Train more?"

Iruka's shoulders were now trembling with rage.

Yama looked on, a small sad smile on his face.

"Yep, that's all I got."

Iruka exploded.




Iruka ground his teeth and stormed off muttering under his breath. Tears of frustration shed freely from each eye.

Stupid Iruka, Stupid!

What were you expecting? A secret technique or something?

He's just a stupid fucking academy teacher!

Some fucking geezer crippled idiot fucking piece of shit!

You even listened to his entire stupid fucking speech like he was going to shed enlightenment.

But at the end of the day he's just a stupid fucking cripple.

If he knew how to be strong he wouldn't even be a cripple now would he?

Iruka was irate. Yama-"sensei" gave him false hope and just left him with empty words instead.

He hated Yama and his stupid fucking platitudes.

He hated that Yama would just give him a stupid fucking lecture when he was actually trying to do something.

It was betrayal.

He trusted Yama to actually help him.

And he didn't.

And Iruka hated himself the most for falling for it.

Yama watched on as Iruka stormed off, hearing every word the child uttered.

Yama simply looked up towards the sky and walked to a more secluded section of the training grounds.

If Yama continued to gaze at the clouds, then the tears would never leave his eyes.

Iruka started to run once he got a bit further away, and he ran all the way to the furthest practice range.

Once he got there, he threw his shuriken, senbon, and kunai with reckless abandon.

Each and every throw carried his full force, and he screamed at nothing in particular as he threw them.

The tears fell freely, and even as they clouded his vision, and he could no longer see what he was hitting, he continued to throw his kunai as hard as he could against the targets.

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