《Saints and Suffering: A Naruto Fanfiction》Chapter 16- Dogpile


Chapter 16- Dogpile

Kakashi, still sore from the Sandaime's blow, slowly made his way home. It was dark and starting to chill, but he felt warm. There was something about the streets of Konoha that brought him back up from any low.

This was his home, and doing everything he could to protect it and the people that love it, that was enough for Kakashi. Rin and Obito had died to protec this town, and Kakashi hoped that he too would die in the same manner.

He strolled the quickly emptying streets and kept his head held high. After today's events, standing in front of the memorial stone, he felt like he had found himself again.

He had been wallowing in self-hate a pity for so long that he was just drifting through life, waiting for things to happen to him, rather than being the prime mover of his own life.

Today was a wake-up call, the world they lived in was harsh, and you better hold the things you love tight to your chest because they can ripped from you with a callous thought or unfeeling coincidence.

What Kakashi needed was strength. more than his Obito, more than his father, more than Minato-sensei. He needed a tight enough grip to never let go.

Kakashi's brain started firing on all cylinders. It was like a hazy fog had been lifted from his mind. He had been moping around for long enough. He remembered how Obito was always eager to improve at all costs, and he remembered Rin who had died to protect Konoha.

Obito, please stay with me and guide me as I endure.

Rin, please stay with me and show me the way.

If Minato were to see Kakashi now, he would be a bit taken aback. His face was still the same stoic mask it normally was, but his eyes, his eyes were facing forward.

Kakashi continued his slow walk home as he brainstormed.

I'll have to take this Shijin fellow to the Uchiha grounds, but what do I do after that?

If Yama does indeed become an instructor, I can keep an eye on him while practicing myself.

this might actually benefit me. The academy has training grounds, and I'll be able to use them while the kids aren't.

I can still watch Yama from pretty far away considering his skills. If i place a tracking seal on him too.

Pakkun already has his scent.

This might just work.

I still have some favors I can call in with the administrators at the Hokage Tower, should be able to get Yama a job.

I need to devise a new training regimen. My taijutsu has fallen since I haven't been practicing,

Maybe I should talk to Guy? it'll be a pain but he can whip me back into shape fastest.

I have a large backlog of jutsu from the war that I haven't practiced, I should master those.

There's also the Sharingan.

I have been trying not to think about it, but its obvious that I lose as much as I gain from this thing.

It's constantly draining my chakra, and If this continues much longer, I may not be able to train my reserve size anymore.

Maybe I should ask Minato-sensei about some fuinjutsu? Minato-sensei is probably out of commision for a while though.

I need to get some more information. Maybe Kushina will have it?

I haven't seen her since she delivered. I should probably show my face once or twice.

I guess I should also go meet Sensei's kid.

Kakashi's thoughts were whirling all the way back home.


When he finally arrived, he was still deep in thought. He opened the door and stepped inside while thinking.

However, what he saw shocked him.

"Pakkun, what the hell are you doing?"

"Uhh, eating?"

"I can see that, but why are you doing that rather than watching the people I ordered you to?"

Shijin, who was quietly sitting in the living room, reading a book, put it down to speak up.

"He is watching us, Kakashi. We haven't left the house and have been listening to Pakkun here the entire time."

Yama ran out from the kitchen, wearing an apron and a chef's hat he got from Lord knows where.

"Oy, Kakashi, glad to see you back! I'm making okonomiyaki. Its about the only thing you had ingredients for.

I swear, you've got like 500 pounds of rations in this house but I could only find like 3 things that were fresh.

You should really eat healthier. You'll end up all short otherwise."

Kakashi stormed over, but took a big breath before speaking.

"Shijin, come with me. You said you're related to the Uchiha, right?"

"I am indeed related."

"Well, you picked the wrong time to enter the village. All Uchiha and their relatives are under house arrest at the clan grounds."

Shijin shrugged before standing up and patting his legs.

"That's is actually really convenient for me. Do you mind if I bring this book with me?"

Shijin showed Kakashi the book he had been reading.

Icha Icha Paradise

Pakkun chose this time to speak up.

"Oh yeah, Shijin was just sitting there, and he seemed bored, so I lent him one of your books."

Kakashi froze. That book was kept in a secret compartment in his nightstand. He had no idea how Pakkun knew where it was, much less why he would give it to a random stranger.

"Pakkun, we're going to have a talk after this."

Kakashi was speaking with short clipped words, and Pakkun could tell he was upset, but he didn't really understand why.

"Don't worry about it Kakashi, these guys are pretty relaxed, they won't care if you're into the porn books."

Kakashi shoved the book into one of his hip pouches and turned to Shijin.

"You come with me.

And you, Pakkun,

Get Yama out of my kitchen, he is not to eat any of my food.

You are to sit in the living room with Yama in sight at all times.

Do you understand?"

Pakkun raised a paw to his forehead.

"Sure thing boss!"

Kakashi quickly walked out with Shijin in tow.

Pakkun and Naruto looked at each other.

"What's up with him?"

"Hell if I know."

Kakashi and Shijin walked through the streets on Konoha. They didn't share any words. Shijin tried to break the silence.

"So in the book, Yuki is---"

"Shut up."

Shijin closed his mouth. It seemed that Kakashi was not yet at the point where he was willing to discuss Icha Icha Paradise.

Maybe in a few years, I can try again.

I don't really understand what Kakashi likes about these books though.

Its just all smut, and young girls playing together in hot springs, and lewd dialogue full of double entendre.

To each their own, I guess.

The two walked together a bit longer. To some, they might look like a pair of friends. They were at a similar age and all.

Kakashi was the next to break the silence.

"What did you mean when you said it was convenient for you to be under house arrest at the Uchiha grounds."


"Well, my intention in Konoha was to meet the Uchiha and introduce myself. I planned to work as a servant or in some other capacity."


"Why not?"

That was the end of the conversation. Kakashi was not a very talkative person, and he sometimes had trouble with follow-ups. Then, Kakashi did a double-take.

Why the hell do I even care if the conversation ends? Its not like this guy is my friend.

I am just delivering him to the Uchiha grounds. I'm more of a guard than anything else.

Kakashi took another look at the young man Shijin.

He certainly does look a bit like an Uchiha, same dark hair and eyes.

Maybe I got caught up in his pace because he reminds me of Obito?

I'll have to pay more attention to this in the future.

Eventually the two found themselves at the gates of the Uchiha Clan grounds where an interesting spectacle was taking place.

The Red Hot Habanero of Konoha was absolutely dressing down Akimichi Chouza.

"I'm going in there! And don't tell me your orders are for no one to enter!

I heard them, the clan is under house arrest. There is a baby in there that needs me!

I don't care what you have to say to your superiors, but I am making my way in."

Chouza was at a loss.

"Kushina, I really am on orders.

I can't let anyone leave the compound.

If you go in, you won't be able to come out."

"So get out of my way then!"

Kakashi chose this time to call out.


Kushina turned around and saw Kakashi. Kakashi noted that she was carrying her child. She immediately got even madder and stormed over to Kakashi.

As soon as she got near him, she grabbed his ear with her free hand and started berating him.

"What the hell are you doing here!?

You guard me for nine months while I'm pregnant and then you leave without saying goodbye?

You don't even introduce yourself to my Son?

You have enough shame to casually call out my name like that?

You're Minato's disciple, which makes you an uncle to Naruto and you don't even have a gift for him?

What, cat got your tongue!? Gonna try to play it cool?!"

Shijin and Chouza took one look at each other before both of them took a big step back and let Kakashi catch the full broadside of a hormonal Kushina.

Kakashi just stood there and took it for another minute or so before speaking.

"I apologize, Kushina-nee. Can you please introduce me to your son?"

"Seeing as you're so polite, I guess I can be magnanimous about this. Meet Naruto Uzumaki."


Kushina shook her head.

"Yes Uzumaki, no way he's gonna be a Namikaze.

Don't get me started on that father of his.

First he tries to kill himself with the Dead Demon Seal.

He already knows that I'm dying following the Kyuubi being ripped from me.

So he knows that he's gonna orphan Naruto.

Then, he tries to seal the godforsaken Kyuubi in Naruto.

Then, he's all like "My son can handle anything!"

Then, he can't be convinced that he's the worst freaking father ever.

Then, I have to run away from him because he won't apologize and he just keeps trying to convince em that he's right?

So I come to Mikoto's place to get away from him.

And then, guess what?"

Kakashi stared at her like a deer in headlights. He hadn't gotten her started at all, but she still launched into him.

"I said guess, Kakashi. Now guess."

Kushina continued to glare at the young ninja who was not responding to her fast enough.

Kakashi offered a very tentative guess.

"Did he chase you to the Uchiha clan grounds?"

Kushina sighed dramatically.

"Yes he did!

And then without uttering any other words,

He tries to kill himself again, and tries to commit seppuku right in front of his son.

He's all like "I'm the worst father ever!"

Except he didn't learn anything from it, and he tries to kill himself again!

Can you believe it?

He tried to kill himself because he was a bad father.

Does that even make any sense?"

Kakashi looked down before answering.

"No, it doesn't."

Kushina stopped dead in her tracks. She reached out and hugged Kakashi with her free arm.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to dredge up bad memories for you.

I'm still a little emotional right now, so I'm not the best with my words.

I could've phrased it better, but what I said is the truth.

Maybe you could try to beat some sense into your sensei once he wakes up.

He's pretty injured right now, but they expect him to recover.

That being said, he might not recover fully."

Kakashi was still somewhat quiet.

"I understand. I'll bring it up with him, Kushina-nee."

Kushina hadn't let go of Kakashi just yet and continued to hug him. She gave him one last squeeze and a rub on the back before stepping away.

"Meet Naruto. You're gonna have to help me with him if Minato doesn't get his act together."

Kushina was smiling and joking, so Kakashi tried to raise his spirits before replying.

"A beautiful child, Kushina-nee, a shame he didn't get your hair. He looks just like Minato-sensei."

Kushina smiled and cooed at the baby, who was happily smiling at his mother. Kakashi continued.

"I actually do have a gift for him by the way. I've been carrying it around in my hip pouch."

Kushina perked up.

"Oh you do? How thoughtful, I'll make a good uncle out of you yet."

Kakashi reached into his hip pouch and grabbed the book. He had learned from Minato-sensei that Naruto was named for the ninja from Tales of a Gutsy Ninja by Jiraiya-sama.

Kakashi had taken his personal copy, the one that Minato-sensei had given to him when they first met, and he had wrote about all the lessons he learned, so that Naruto can avoid some of the same problems he faced.

Kakashi handed it over.

"This is my personal copy that Minato-sensei gave to me when we first formed our team. There's a lot of good lessons in it, and I wrote some of the things I learned out in the field in there as well.

I figure if Naruto can avoid the same mistakes I made, it would be best."

Kushina took the book in her free hand and glanced at it. Then she started staring at it like she wanted to burn a hole in it. Her voice was eerily calm and flat.

"You said Minato gave this to you when you were younger?"

"Yeah about 3 years ago or so. I was about 12, I think."

"I see. And you put your own personal experiences in it?"

"Yeah, Minato-sensei wasn't always around while we were in the field, so I made some mistakes here and there."

"Did Minato know about these mistakes?"

"I mean, yeah, of course I told him. He didn't get that mad though since he knew I learned from them."

"I see."

Kushina's eyes were full of killing intent. It started to overflow, causing Chouza and Kakashi to freeze.

Shijin walked over and tapped Kakashi on the shoulder.

Kakashi turned to face him.

Shijin gestured at the book Kakashi had handed over to Kushina.

"Wrong book, Kakashi."

Kakashi looked again at the book in Kushina's hands.





Kakashi reached back into his hip pouch, this time grabbing Tales of a Gutsy Ninja.

Kushina was frozen in anger, and would have exploded were she not holding her precious son in one of her arms.

Kakashi placed the second book in her hand.

"Sorry, this is the book I meant. The other one...

...I was holding onto it for Minato-sensei. You can return it to him though."

Sorry sensei, but you're already in the shitter, you'll be fine... maybe...

Kakashi took a look at Chouza and pointed at Shijin.

"This guy here is named Shijin. He's an Uchiha.


And with that, Kakashi disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

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