《Edenawe by Rulpra》Vol.1 Chapter 3-Weakling
Quote:He got up and his face was a combination of embarrassment and anger and looked at the cause of his “accident”.
Instantly all his anger and embarrassment dissipated, and only shock could be seen on his pale face.
There was the body of a bald, thin man, dressed in a black leather armor. Paul was shocked. This was the first time he saw a dead body, but he quickly calmed down.
“This is weird…It’s the first time I saw a dead body but I got used to it so fast. Is something wrong with me? No, it can’t be. Something must have changed in me when I arrived in this world, made me adapt easier to this world’s situations. Now that I think about it better, if nothing had changed I would have probably lost my mind, or died before reaching this point”
The next second Paul approached the body and looked carefully at the man. His face was pale, and his lips were purple and a foul smell came from his mouth. Paul quickly backed his head. “Poison huh”
Paul said a small prayer and removed everything from the body. The clothes were a bit large for him but they were still better than the ones he has on now. He also took a leather pouch. In it he found 5 gold, 8 silver and 35 bronze coins. He put the gold coins in the ring and the rest left in the pouch. He also found a letter that he couldn’t open no matter how much strength he put in it and all he knew about it was that on it, it said “Mrs. Onca”. After putting everything he found in a pile he took the body a few meters in the forest , took a branch and scratched the arm of the dead body and left it there thinking:
"If any creature comes smelling the blood to feast on the body it will be poisoned and die and I will then take the creature bodies"
After that he remembered his original objective. “I need to clean myself…I probably smell like a dead animal”
He went to the river and started cleaning the blood, sweat and smell off him.
After 2 minutes he came out of the water and tried on the new clothes. The shirt was just like the one he had before and it was in his size. The pants however…were a bit long so he had to rip the ends a bit. Then he tried the black leather armor he also found earlier and it was too big.
He put the armor in the ring and attached the pouch to his belt.
After heading into the village he decided to rest and eat. While eating he also checked his bracelet, since it sent him mental messages but he didn’t stop to check since he was too focused on getting out of the forest safe and as soon as possible.
Stats updateBecause of your actions since the last time you checked you increased your following stats:
+10 agility points
+3 strength points
+10 stamina points
+5 health points
+5 fighting spirit
+1 luck
He also noticed some skills leveled up and that he got also a new skill called Detective
“I wonder what that is…..show skill Detective”
Detective(active/passive)-Beginner lvl.1(58%)You can find what you are searching for easier. Some clues that your subconscious notices, your eyes can see those clues starting to faintly glow white.
“Wow…I wonder if Sherlock Holmes had this skill”
Paul started laughing at the situation, and then decided to see the level of the rest of the skills.
SkillsHumble Mask-Aura shiftBeginner LVL.1 (80%)Memos--IdentificationBeginner LVL.6 (0%)Mana sightBeginner LVL.6 (10%)Creature tamerBeginner LVL.7 (0%)PerceptionBeginner LVL.3 (24%)RunningBeginner LVL.8 (10%)ClimbingBeginner LVL.1 (14%)NaturasBeginner LVL.3 (29%)FocusBeginner LVL.2 (44%)DetectiveBeginner LVL.1 (58%)
After 30 minutes of resting and eating he went to check the body. When he arrived his eyes widened and his mouth stretched to his hears.
The body was gone and in its stead there were 3 creatures on the ground. 2 grey wolf’s and a black one. Paul knew that those were the same ones he saw in the forest earlier that day.
The wolf’s caught his smell and followed him until they found a new prey, the body Paul left as a trap.
The body was completely gone. The wolf’s even ate the bones and after eating they didn’t felt any threats around and wanted to rest before catching up with Paul. That was their undoing. While relaxing the poison they ingested spread even faster and killed them in a few minutes.
Paul approached carefully , as there might be another wolf somewhere hiding. He put the bodies into the ring and ran towards the village.
As he approached the village he was more and more impressed. The village was large and the fence was huge. As soon as he approached the gate two men stopped him.
-“Halt! State your business in Farhav!”
-“I was hired to here to deliver a letter”
-“Oh really? And for who might this letter be?”
-“ Mrs. Onca”
As soon as Paul said the name the 2 guards blushed and coughed. Paul was surprised at their reaction and in his head the bracelet sent another message that he learned a new skill called Deception. He didn’t even check since he knew what the skill is.
The guards let him in and even helped him with direction to this Mrs. Onca.
Paul’s face was calm as he walked in the village but inside he was excited. He finally arrived in the village, and thanks to the letter he entered without any problems.
The village looked even larger from the inside. There were my different types of houses, some made with wood some with stone, some big some small. Then he arrived in the center of the village. There were a few big and important looking buildings. At the entrance into these buildings there was written what that building is. He looked and saw the inn, the general guild testing facility, the brothel, the barracks, a building belonging to a guild called Sun Star, and a gate on which there was written crafting market that lead to the back of the village.
According to the guards Mrs.Onca was in the brothel. So Paul gathered up courage and headed to the brothel. As soon as he entered he found himself greeted by a beautiful young lady dressed in thin revealing clothes.
-“Welcome beautiful. How can I make you happy?”
-“I have a letter for Mrs.Onca”
-“Wait here. I will go and let her know”
She ran to the back and went up some stairs into a room. 5 minutes later she ran back and told Paul that she is waiting for him in her office. She took him to the door and opened the door and told him to enter. Paul entered and the door closed behind him.
Paul then noticed that inside the room smelled really nice. A lady stood in the middle on the table. She was older than the one he met before but more 10 times more beautiful. She was a tall thin lady with long black hair, green eyes. She was thin but had big breasts
When she opened her mouth to speak Paul’s heart skipped a beat.
-“I heard that you have something for me”
-“Huh? Oh yes. A letter”
He handed her the letter and she opened it without any effort. She took out the paper and started reading it with a serious face. After she finished reading she looked at Paul and smiled seductively. In the next instant she was gone.
Paul surprised stared at the place she was before. Then all of a sudden a knife appeared at his neck from behind. Paul froze like a statue. He knew that if he makes the wrong move he will die.
Then a voice whispered in his ears, the same voice belonging to the lady that disappeared right in front of him.
-“Don’t move. Answer all my questions without lying and I might let you go.”
-“I understand”
Paul knew that the lady was powerful. If he lied or did anything that would offend her he will definitely die.
-“Where did you get this letter”
-“From a dead body I found outside the village”
-“Did you kill him?”
-“Do you know who did?”
-“No, but he was poisoned”
-“Poisoned you say…and how do you know that?”
-“His lips were purple and his mouth smelled really bad”
-“I’m telling the truth”
-“I know.”
Then Paul relaxed a bit and felt on his back something soft and warm. It was the body of the lady more importantly her breasts. Paul blushed and the lady released him while chuckling softly.
The lady than told him that she won’t hurt him and asked him if he was okay.
“I’m okay but I have a question”
“Do tell.”
“I see you only have thin clothes on.”
“Yes. What is your question?”
“Where did you keep your knife?”
The lady started laughing loudly and didn’t stop for a few minutes. While she was laughing he noticed that he got
+15 Fighting Spirit.
+10 Charisma
After she stopped laughing she introduced herself.
“My name is Onca Nori. A pleasure to meet you handsome. I’m the owner of this building”
“My name is Paul Silver and ahmm… you are very beautiful”
Paul blushed a bit while he said that and so did Nori.
-“Ohh…..brave, funny and charming. Everything I want in a man.
Anyway since you helped get this letter to me I will help you in any way I can”
-“Was that letter important?”
-“Well, I think I can trust you so I will tell you. The letter was from a friend in the capital who informed me that the small army will arrive sooner than expected to be prepared.”
-“Prepared for what?”
-“For the possible arrival of an advent in this village”
-“Why would they send an army for just an advent?”
-“Don’t you know?”
-“Well I lived in the forest with my grandpa”
He said a lie forgetting what happened earlier. The lady didn’t seem to notice though and continued.
-“Because every advent that arrived in this world is at least class A, and they sometimes destroyed the village they appeared in. So to prevent this the kingdom sent small armies to every village they know of before the advent appears. The army is to restrain and escort the advent to the nearest fort and see if he is going to work for the kingdom.”
-“And if they decide they don’t want to work for the kingdom? Then what?”
-“They are removed from this world obviously. But there are exceptions some are too powerful and escape the army, and are considered criminals.“
-“How do they tell if one is an advent?”
-“Well when they arrive in this world they sometimes go berserk. And the other way is to check for a bracelet. Advents when they arrive in this world don’t have one.”
-“What if they get one?”
-“That is almost never the case. And even so the army locks down the villages not letting anybody leave and check the stats of everyone”
-“They lock down the village? For how long?” Paul was learning more and more.
-“Well they will arrive sometime tomorrow to start preparing prepare. Starting next week the second sun appears and that means that the advent can appear anytime the second sun is visible. The second sun usually is visible for about 3 months. Until the second sun disappears no one is allowed to leave the village”
-“So in 3 days no one can leave the village for quite some time?”
-“Yes. Now if you excuse me I have things to prepare since the army will arrive. I will prepare a room for you for as long as you like. Just come back in 2 hours and find the girl who you first met when you entered the building she will lead you to your room.”
Paul left the building and headed to the his next destination. The guild testing facility.
As he entered the building he noticed that it was empty with the exception of an old lady at a desk. He approached her.
-“Hello. My name is Paul Silver I would like to know a few things”
-“Yeah, yeah. Just ask your questions already”
The old lady had an annoyed face and tone.
-“What can you tell me about the guild testing facility and process”
-“Are you an idiot? Did you live under a rock or something? Well either way, the guild testing facility was created to test the strength of all wannabe adventurers like you.
The first time the test is free. After that to take the test again you need guild points. The higher your guild class is the more guild points you need.”
-“”How do you earn guild points?”
-“Just as I expected another stupid question…Well there are a few ways to earn guild points. The first one is to do quests from the quest board by absorbing into the bracelet the quest you desire. You can only take the quests that are the same class as you or lower.
The second one is to take quests directly from individuals. These are absorbed automatically by your bracelet.
The third one is to kill living beings, after you kill them you touch them with your hand and say --Slayer’s touch--. The stronger they are the more guild points you receive.
The last one is to discover new places such as dungeons, ruins, unexplored areas. Your bracelet automatically knows when you discover such a place and depending on the location you get a certain number of guild points.”
-“Can I take the exam now?”
-“Sure just put your hand on that crystal ball over there and say –UPDATE-. It will look at you stats and rank you. Your rank will then appear on your stats.
Paul then walked to the crystal and then he remembered that he has a ridiculous amount of luck. He activated Humble Mask and lowered the luck down to 10.
Then he put his hand on the crystal. The crystal became hot and started to shine. It scanned Paul’s stats. Then it became cool again and turned back to it’s original black color.
Then his bracelet shined for a second.
Paul then wanted to see if it worked and said
“Status”NamePaul SilverTitleWeaklingGuild RankHGuild Points0Health17Mana24Strength14Agility20Endurance3Stamina20Wisdom32Intelligence38Charisma15Leadership0Luck329Fighting Spirit20Fame0
“Oh it worked…huh? What is this?! Why is my title WEAKLING?! I’m not that weak”
The old woman who was all grumpy was now laughing.
Then he got a message
+1 Fame – An old lady will remember you as the weakling until you prove otherwise.
He then left the building in a hurry still hearing the old lady laughing.
Enough time passed and he decided to go to the brothel to find the accommodation he was promised by Nori.
He entered the brothel and was that the young girl he met earlier came to him.
-“Please follow me Mr.Silver. I will lead you to your room”
-“Please call me Silver”
The girl blushed and increased the pace. She took him behind the brothel to a rundown cottage and pointed towards it.
Paul thanked her and went inside. The inside didn't look so bad. It was one big room with a table, a chair and a bed. On the table there was enough food to eat for 2 days. As soon as he saw the food his stomach made a loud noise.
“I guess I should eat as much as I can than go to sleep. Tomorrow the army arrives and I will need to be careful with my actions”
Paul eat until he was full then walked outside and saw that the moon was shining. He stared at the moon for a few minutes then went to bed. As soon as he put his head down he fell asleep.
The next morning he felt like he was in the clouds. He felt really comfortable. Still sleepy he put his hand in front of him trying to grab the cloud. As soon as he tried to grab the cloud a loud moan ringed in his ears.
“Aaaaah… not so hard…..you pervert!” she whispered softly.
Surprised he opened his eyes and saw that he was squeezing someone’s breasts. For an instant he forgot and focused on the soft and hot feeling in his hand.
Then he suddenly blushed and took his hand away and in a hurry confused by the situation he fell from the bed.
Then he looked up still red like a tomato to see who was that woman.
“You…what? What happened?! Wh, wh, why are you here” He stuttered embarrassed.
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