《Fracture: Tales of the Broken Lands》Chapter 12: To Pull A Thread


Raina followed Ciel off of the bus feeling unsatisfied. No matter how much she tried to put aside her curiosity, she couldn’t.

After explaining her hidden objective to Ciel, he had pressed her to explain everything she had done for the last twenty-four hours. He even asked questions like what had she been thinking about while performing each action. Nothing of note stood out to her with the exception of her fight with the Spireman and her dash at the end to save Atlas. Lastly, her benefactor had asked her to concentrate on the objective’s assignment claiming that it would give her insight into the nature of the task. She had done so which had delivered a faint pulling sensation drawing her toward the first level of the bus. Once she informed Ciel, he had stopped asking questions and told her to get some rest. She tried to press the man on it but he wouldn’t budge mentioning that they would address the situation once the team reached their destination. The only other interaction they’d had since was when Ciel had given her a fresh set of clothing which he pulled from one of the luggage compartments. Despite herself, she was more peeved at Ciel than she had right to be. The man had done nothing but support her growth since she got to Fracture, so for her to begrudge him for making her wait seemed unreasonable.

As she lay there annoyed and contemplating the hidden objective, it had occurred to her that the Appraiser somehow played a role in her receipt of the hidden objective. Back on Earth, Raina had spent much of her time reading, listening to, and watching fiction of all kinds including mythology. She knew the role of Atlas in the Greek mythos was to hold up the heavens and sky, yet many depictions of the titan depicted him holding up the entire world. Even though the Tracer had claimed ignorance about his namesake, the coincidence seemed too great. Then, there was his mask and standoffish nature. Clearly, he was hiding something. He, most likely, was in possession of the World Core that Raina had, unwittingly, protected when she saved him from the Spireman. While waiting for the raid to start, she tested her theory by focusing on her assignment again. Sure enough, she felt a faint pull toward Atlas as he made his way across the staging area.

The next question she pondered was why he would have something called a World Core? It sounded like something really important and definitely not like something she would expect to find with someone as low level as Atlas.

Perhaps, he had the Protector of Mundus objective as well. The realization clicked for her. Of course, that had to be it. And because he was only a rank D Appraiser with no backing, he had to be as secretive as possible about himself. Since he had no combat ability, anyone could probably take the World Core from him and he would fail the objective. Obviously, completing a hidden objective would be a huge boon for someone like him. If it were her, she would take every precaution she could to get it done. The gears of her mind whirled even as she watched the staging ground bustle with activity.


“You look troubled,” a light voice said to her left while she leaned on the bus within its shadow. She turned to see Julian and her mood improved slightly.

He seems to be friends with Atlas, so maybe I can get some info out of him, she thought. Her smile flashed brightly in greeting and she said, “Hey, Julian. I was just thinking about something…” She trailed off as she tried and failed to think of a way to broach the subject of Atlas.

The silver-eyed man chuckled. “I would say, that much is clear. In fact, you were doing a good impression of my friend. He tends to brood often.”

“Who? Atlas?” she responded quickly, giving a mental hurrah for her good fortune. She had an in.

Julian nodded. “Yes, he can be quite the somber fellow.” He sighed and leaned against the bus next to her. “It makes him… difficult sometimes.”

“I can believe that. He doesn’t strike me as the personable type,” she said.

Julian laughed which sounded almost melodious. “Well, maybe so. I think he prefers to come off that way, but it is not so. As long as I’ve known him, people have been drawn to him. Like a star pulling at the threads of the Weave around it. Truly, I believe he is blessed by the Seamstress.”

“The Seamstress?” she asked as her curiosity got the better of her. She liked Julian. He had a natural charisma about him that made her feel at ease. Despite the bandana covering his face, his eyes spoke vividly which made his expressions feel open and inviting. It reminded her of Ciel, but without the blatant confidence that the blonde-haired man displayed. Somehow, the difference made Julian feel more authentic to her.

“Ah, she is the goddess of my people,” he said. His eyes conveyed a deep sadness which contrasted with the light tone of his voice. Although she hadn’t forgotten her desire for information about Atlas, she instantly felt the need to make him feel better after seeing such sorrow in his gaze.

“Can you tell me about her?” She pointed to herself and added, “I’ll tell you about the gods and goddesses from my world afterward if you want.”

“I would like that,” he responded. His eyes brightened and although his mouth was obscured, she knew he was smiling. He started telling her the story of the “Starborn’s Chosen People” when a warning shot into her mind.

[Warning: The World Core you are assigned to protect is under attack. If it is destroyed or damaged beyond repair, you will fail the Protector of Mundus objective.]

The notification shocked her out of the calm she had settled into while speaking with Julian. He took note of her sudden tense posture as she searched for Atlas. She found him standing a short distance away from the rift in the center of the staging area. Ciel was there too with a hand on Atlas’s shoulder. The two were speaking from the looks of it since she could see Ciel’s mouth moving. Without hesitation, she started walking toward them.


If they were just talking, why had she received the warning? Was Ciel doing something to Atlas?

Oh no, what if this is my fault. If she had figured out that Atlas had the World Core, then her benefactor surely had as well. Ciel might be strong-arming Atlas to give up the World Core because of her. She didn’t want that though. It wasn’t fair. Ideally, they could both fulfill the objective together. Her, Ciel, Atlas, and even Julian could work to protect the World Core until it matured like a party of adventurers on a quest. Everyone could get what they wanted. She increased her pace.


Ciel stepped in front of him to get a better look at his face. The despair in his heart awakened the dormant hatred which he channeled fully into his gaze. Jack struggled against the paralysis Ciel had placed on him but no matter his attempts, he couldn’t break free.

The Celestial grasped his chin turning his head from side to side with a curious look. “Hm, your skin coloring is slightly different from what I’ve read about in reports which means…” He trailed off as he dropped Jack’s mask onto the dusty ground and lifted his shirt up until it would go no higher because of his protective vest. It was still enough for Ciel to see his navel and thus, the metallic flesh traveling up and down the left side of his body. Ciel whistled, “Looks like assimilation has progressed far more than expected.” His hand traced down Jack’s left arm pressing periodically and sliding across the tears where his metallic flesh was exposed before going back to his shoulder. “Fascinating. Your entire left side must be fused with it by now. I can’t wait to study it further.”

Jack glared at him. It was the best resistance he could offer. Ciel met his gaze, smile intact, and said, “I’m going to release you from the paralysis, but you will do as I say.” Jack’s rebellious hateful gaze met the Celestial’s amusement. Ciel added, “There is no point in being difficult. We both know you can’t escape me and if I desired to, I could take you forcefully. Besides, I don’t want to use Julian, or should I say Alindal, to ensure your compliance.” Despite himself, Jack faltered. His gaze betrayed his fear for his friend as well as his hatred and anger. “Believe it or not, I don’t enjoy inflicting unnecessary suffering like Azatiel. A shame what happened to that Esthara woman. Last I heard, she’d succumbed to some kind of disease. If it had been me, I would have handled things differently.”

Jack’s anger surged. Esthara had been one of his first companions. She’d come from a culture of warriors on a world ravaged by constant war. She had fought beside him with a fervor that none could’ve match. She came to Fracture around the same time as Jack and the two of them became friends then later something more. Unfortunately, the hopeful thread of their connection had been severed by the cruel hand of those who pursued him. That was nearly three years ago. She had pushed him away the last time he saw her locking herself behind a barrier to buy time for him to escape. It had taken two people to drag him away kicking and screaming. As he called out to her, she hadn’t even looked back. Her smiling face flashed through his mind. Her plum-colored skin, her short platinum hair, and her piercing olive gaze withered away. Tears gathered in his eyes as he thought of her fate. Later, he’d learned that she’d been sold as a slave to one of the city-states deep in the Spire Wasteland though, despite his best efforts, he couldn’t learn which one. Ciel noticed his distress and patted him on the shoulder.

“There, there. These things happen I’m afraid. For what it’s worth, you have my condolences,” the Celestial said, his voice sad. Then, his smile returned. He wanted to scream and bury his thumbs in the man’s eyes, but all he managed was a pathetic strangled groan. “Who knows, if you work with me. your future could be quite bright indeed. Yes, it may be a bit unpleasant at first, but you can’t get anywhere without a little suffering in my experience.”

Jack’s already racing heart strained in his chest. The pain began and ramped up within seconds to agonizing levels. Jack felt it but he let the hurt mix with his rage and despair since he lacked the will to fight it.

“Oh, that looks painful,” Ciel said, his eyes widening. His fingers touched the side of Jack’s neck where his veins darkened to almost black against his pale skin. “Since you aren’t fully assimilated, the blood infused with the core’s power is destroying your body. I’m guessing it’s due to an increase in your heart rate because you’re upset which must trigger the core to infuse you with more of its power.” He waggled a finger in front of Jack’s face. “Tsk, Tsk. We can’t have that.”

His hand glowed pink and he drew a sigil on Jack’s forehead. Instantly, Jack felt calmer. His anger, fear, despair, hatred, and the sharp pain of Esthara’s loss were all still fresh in his mind; however, they were muted as though they were being suppressed. With his emotions reigned in, his heart rate began to abate and the pain followed suit. Ciel’s smile widened.

“Good! Now, I’m going to release you and we’ll make our way over to the bus. I hope we have an understanding, my dear Jack.”

Ciel released the paralysis and Jack sagged to his knees. He looked up at the Celestial and gritted his teeth. The sigil on his forehead suppressed his emotions yet even while calm, he wanted nothing more than to make Ciel suffer along with the others who pursued him.

Before he could think of anything, the rift behind his captor released several bolts of black energy. One struck Ciel who brushed it off, but his confident expression twisted in shock when he turned around.

The Remnant Gate opened by itself.

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