《Inspector of God》Chapter 23- Pairings
I had finally reached the inn, in which my party would be staying. It was a rather modest establishment; not overly extravagant, but it pleasantly neat and tidy. The relatively small inn was quite close to the gates, and looked like a place often frequent by those adventurer types who could utilise the location to quickly exit the city to go adventuring and what not.
It seemed to just ooze a cosy atmosphere when I made my way in, radiating a comfortable warmth that was just the right temperature. Looking around the quaint entry area, I discovered that a number of rough-looking adventurers were drifting in and out of their sleep. This kind of atmosphere no doubt keeps any violent behaviour to a minimum. What a clever set up, but then again, I guess no bar fights. I kind of would’ve liked to watch one.
I scanned the seating area for the heroes and companions, and spotted them already gathered on one of the larger tables situated by the large stone brick fireplace. Good choice, the nights were starting to get chillier as of late; I guess summer can’t last forever. I walked over to the table, whilst ignoring the drunken adventurers staring stupidly at Serenity.
“Hey, *hic* ish tha an owl?”
“Hmm? *burp* yer seeing thins buddy that there is jus some kind of new fashion trend I tell ya.”
…Fashion trend. How drunk are these guys, since when were owls a fashion trend? It was also extremely insulting to Serenity, practically calling her an accessory. Don’t worry Serenity, I appreciate you. Don’t forget that alright? Serenity twisted her head to my direction and cocked it to one side, conveying the sense of confusion.
… Ok
Since Serenity seemed fine I decided to let those fellows of the hook, and just continued to walk to the heroes’ table. Once I was about 4 metres away, I was finally spotted the others. The first to notice me was Yuki, who began to raise his hand in greeting before pausing to observe my shoulder, or more specifically Serenity. I greeted him with a smile and nod before pulling up a seat and making everyone else aware of my presence. As per usual, each of their expressions differed, but they were at least all polite enough to give a proper greeting, even Hina. Melissa wasn’t at the table, probably uncomfortable around their company. She’ll probably be upstairs cleaning the room we’re staying in or something. It warms my heart to have such a dedicated slave.
After the initial greetings, silence permeated the area as everyone had their gaze on one point. Serenity was ignoring these gazes however, acting as though the others didn’t exist. Eventually, to my surprise, Hina was the first to speak up.
“Cyne, what is that?” she asked, eyes sparkling.
Calling my precious companion a ‘that’, how could she? Hina’s image just keeps falling lower and lower in my eyes. I decided to keep my answer rather curt; don’t want to get into a proper conversation with her, lest she starts picking a fight.
“She’s an owl, and her name is Serenity.” I answered.
“Why do you have an owl?” asked Catherine, curiosity evident in her voice.
Now that I think about it, what excuse should I use? Serenity, any ideas? I couldn’t help but turn to Serenity perched on my shoulder as I asked her the question. She gave me a thoughtful look before giving her advice, whilst clicking and hissing as she does when speaking.
Just keep it simple and say you bought me as a companion beast. As long as you make no intention of explaining further the-
Alright let’s go with tha- OUCH! Once again the surprise attack on my ear had occurred, proving that it wasn’t my imagination previously, however the culprit remains unknown. Maybe one day I’ll solve this mystery, but for now I need to return to answering the question. I looked away from Serenity and back to Catherine who was staring at me with strange eyes.
“I just bought her as a beast companion.” I answered simply.
Everyone seemed a bit put out about the lack of explanation, but decided not to press further on the matter, each one for their own reasons no doubt. I noticed in the corner of my vision that Hina had slowly creeped towards Serenity and myself and was in the process of stretching out her hand to touch Serenity. That won’t do. Isn’t it presumptuous of you to go and try to touch other’s property without their permission? This girl had no manners, and I was just about ready to cut off said hand, before an amusing scene unfolded.
Serenity twisted her head back as only owls can do, staring straight at the hand reaching for her, before performing a vicious sequence of hisses, clicks, and small screeches. The sudden action took Hina by surprise, causing her to stumble backwards, tripping up over her own feet and falling onto her behind. I had to supress the laughter but couldn’t hide the amused smirk. Hina looked back at me with hate in her teary eyes. I wonder whether the tears were because of the pain or not being able to touch Serenity? Either way the end result was fun to watch. The rest of the party also found it amusing, laughter being suppressed in most cases, while Catherine simply burst out raucously. What an unrestrained woman. Good job Serenity, you really lightened the atmosphere.
Serenity stayed silent but almost looked smug as the little owl seemed to puff out its chest ever so slightly. Now back to the party.
“So what are the plans?” I asked, getting straight to the point.
“We were waiting for you before we began so that everyone could be included.” said Rin.
I would have preferred if they sorted out all the troublesome details themselves. Was there any real need to include me?
“How about we let Catherine take the lead? She’s the most experienced with these kinds of things.” I said.
Everybody nodded in agreement. Catherine had her usual stupid smile on her face. Looks like being relied on makes her day. Whatever floats your boat I guess, as long as I don’t have to do anything. I prepared to tune myself out before a suddenly short screech in my ear snapped me out of it. Damn it Serenity, what was that for?! I looked over to Serenity to see she was looking in the opposite direction… Whatever, I’ll just slowly let my mind drift away- DAMN IT! Serenity, why?! It felt as though my ear drum was going to start bleeding. I suppose she’s doing it for a reason… but what? Maybe to pay attention? I might as well give it a shot.
I turned my attention to the conversation which had already started.
“So we’re all in agreement that we should speed run to the lower levels and quickly increase the heroes’ strengths? Personally I’ve never been to this dungeon before, so it’s risky since magical beast species can vary greatly from dungeon to dungeon.” Said Catherine.
“It may be risky, but we’ll have you guys with us and isn’t the upcoming crisis for the kingdom worth the risk? We need to get stronger fast” said Yuki.
“I agree with Yuki here, getting stronger as quickly as possible should be main priority. Not only for the kingdom, but to survive in this new world.” said Hina.
“If Yuki and Hina think so, then I agree.” chirped Rin.
Catherine looked concerned at their lack of caution at the prospect of entering a dungeon. Well, what can you expect? They don’t have dungeons back where they came from so obviously they wouldn’t know how important it is to be aware of the dangers.
Magical beasts all have their own quirks and if an inexperienced adventurer was to fight one without sufficient knowledge, even if they were stronger than the beast, they could get caught off and killed. It’s the primary reason why most adventurers die so early on their careers. They should’ve joined the church and just taken it easy like me…
Of course they’d also have to go through years of intense training and have sufficient talent to begin with. I can only thank Sol (if he exists) that I was fortunate enough to get into such great career! Burning, torturing, money, what more do you need? I started to think back to me training days before a small screech brought me back to the conversation.
Normally I would be annoyed that my train of thought got interrupted, but I can hardly turn my anger towards Serenity, especially in her little owl body. Alright! I just need to tolerate it like a gentleman. I refocused on the group and saw that Catherine had turned to Deane for his opinion.
“I think that the heroes’ decision is the most appropriate for the kingdom, but I am also concerned about their well-being. As their companions we need to remain vigilant through the duration of the dungeon trip.” replied Deane. Wow, long time since I heard that guy speak.
“Is their anyway we can make sure the heroes stay safe?” pondered Catherine out loud.
The heroes in question looked a bit uncomfortable at the conversation going on. I guess they don’t like being treated like vulnerable children, probably adding to their motivation to get stronger quickly. Catherine snapped her head back to towards the group. Looks like she has an idea. I could only hope it wasn’t going to be too much work. I suppressed a yawn and listened closely. This area really was too comfortable, I felt like I could drift off any second now.
“How about we get into pairs? Each companion is responsible for the safety of one hero and solely focusses on protecting that hero. That way any poor coordination won’t interfere with their protection.” said Catherine. She sounded excited.
To be honest, it wasn’t exactly a bad idea, but it depended on who I got paired with. If I end up with Hina, this entire trip will just be focussed on restraining myself from killing her, let alone protecting her from the dangers posed by the dungeon. Then again, if the hero I’m in charge of dies, I’ll not exactly be able to get off easily. As I pondered the suggestion posed by Catherine, everybody else had already given their consent to the idea; well in terms of protecting the heroes it is the most efficient. Catherine had her maroon eyes settled on me, eagerly awaiting my input. I’ll just have to go along with it.
“I consent to the proposal. It’s a good idea.” I said, and Catherine gave a happy smile at the meagre praise I gave her plan. How easy is it to please this woman?
“Alright then! To make it fair, let’s all draw numbers out of a hat! Same numbers match up!” said Catherine, with eagerness in her tone. Don’t get too excited you simple woman.
She drew a hat out of her spacial ring, and I couldn’t help but enviously gaze at the ridiculously expensive item. She also drew out some paper and a quill and some ink, writing the individual numbers on the papers and throwing them into the hat. She placed the hat at the centre of the table and seemed to exude enthusiasm, similar to that of child. We all reached in to draw our numbers.
Yuki and Deane got 1, Rin and Catherine got 2, and Hina and I got 3. Sol dammit, where is my luck going these days?! Of course, my smile stayed pleasant as I looked over to Hina, amused to see her grimace as she looked at the number. Maybe the arrangement can be changed if both parties don’t consent. Before I could raise the issue, Hina beat me to the punch. I was a bit offended that she didn’t want to partner up with me to such an extent, but at least the problem would solve itself now.
“I refuse to go on psycho’s team!” she said, loudly.
Psycho… Harsh, very harsh. I have never been anything but courteous around her (at least from what I can remember…) and she has the audacity to label me a psycho, and in front of an entire room full of patrons. Rude doesn’t even begin to describe this woman. Certainly, she’s said it before, but there’s a time and a place for that nonsense. Serenity go make her ears bleed.
I don’t think that would solve anything.
Come on Serenity, aren’t you on my side? Aren’t we in a contract together? We’re practically even closer than lovers could ever be! The owl upon my shoulder simply continued to ignore my pleas for support. She didn’t have to go and actually do as I ask, but at least some supportive words like ‘Don’t worry Cyne, you’re not a psychopath’ would be appreciated. Serenity of all people should know my activities are artistic; we’ve even had conversations for hours on end about such things. Despite being disgruntled by Serenity’s lack of support, I returned my attention to the scene at hand, which was Catherine adamantly denying Hina’s refusal to be on my team.
“This is a good opportunity for you guys to get over your differences.” said Catherine. No one needs your interference here, Cath.
Unfortunately her words resonated with the others, causing a cascade of agreeing nods.
“But I could seriously die! He could just leave me to the beasts alone!” she started to shout in a panic.
This damn woman is making me look bad in front of all the other patrons. Even if most were passed out drunk, she really needs to learn to restrain herself; doesn’t she understand that this will only make our relationship worse?
“That’s exactly the reason why this needs to happen: your opinion of Cyne needs to change, you guys will be together in the party for quite some time in the future. Settle your differences and get along. Also, just to put your mind to rest, if you died on Cyne’s watch, he’d be executed.” said Catherine.
Executed… looks like I’ll actually have to protect the rude woman. Hehehe… that doesn’t mean she can’t get a couple of injuries here and there though. No! I can’t think like that; one slip up and I’ll be hanging by neck before you know it. Serenity I’ve got a request: during the dungeon trip tomorrow, keep an eye on me! I don’t know if I’d be able to restrain myself from pushing Hina into a chasm should the opportunity arrive.
… okay
With the pairing decisions made, we all went to bed. Tomorrow is going to be tiring.
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