《Seize the Sky》Chapter 9: Playing The Hero
The six great families of Sun-Mountain Village sat around the council table within the Grand-Elders great mansion. The Grand-Elder himself sat in the highest seat, his leaf-green hair bound in a warrior's braid down his back. Beside him were Lord and Lady Hunan, Hallon and his first wife, Patriarch Yokin, Lady Xin of the Xin family, and Lord Ja’van.
It was clear by the expressions of those assembled the meeting was not going well. Sun-Mountain Village was dying, and everyone assembled knew it. The beasts of the woods grew more wild every year. The farmers produced less grain and the hunters caught less meat. The food shortage had driven the low-castes into having fewer children and things were only getting worse.
“I think a great hunt is in order” the Grand-Elder finally announced. “Our cultivation resources have reached a critical shortage, and the meat situation is even worse. We need to drive the more powerful beasts away from the river, so out hunters can move freely again.”
“I think that action may be precipitous. Our biggest issue is currently our lack of Warriors. Was it not an attack by a Centurion-Class Medusa-Wolf that lead us to such straits. Even you would have problems against such a beast Grand-Elder. A serious injury to one of our leaders would merely increase our weakness and cause panic among the villagers.” Hallan said in his smooth baritone. He was a handsome broad-shouldered man who appeared to be in his mid-twenties. He faintly resembled his nephew Kalar but his build was learner. His political skills were unmatched among the upper families but his strength was only middling.
“Of course you’d say that.” Lady Hunan said with a snort. “Gods know you wouldn’t want to do something that would drag you away for your women and get some dirt under your nails.” She mocked him openly. “I like it. We need more soldiers and more soldiers requires more cores, besides fighting a Medusa-wolf sounds fun. I never get out of the mansion anymore. “
“Yes, well. That’s an acceptable attitude for those of us who live only for battle. However, as the leaders of the village it’s our job to take the long view and weigh the risks. I still don’t think this is the solution to our problems. There are too many unknown factors.” Hallan countered.
Lady Hunan coughed twice loudly but everyone in the room could hear her muffled “Coward”.
Patriarch Yokin sighed loudly, obviously used to his daughter's antics. “Let's table this for now. We’ve been here for hours already. Was the cultivator who took that Step ever found.” He asked changing the subject.
“No, which is troubling. A Step should be a great celebration for the village. I can’t imagine why anyone would turn down his rewards. Still, that only shows how deeply our cultivators mistrust the Great Families. When was it our own people started hiding from us.” The Grand-Elder said somberly.
“Although, the reasons for such an action are numerous they all boil down to a single decision. Who ever it was does not wish to be discovered. That bodes ill. One of our families could be training cultivators in secret, or another clan may be trying to infiltrate. This is all the more reason we should not be risking ourselves. “ Hallan explained, pressing his previous point.
“What sense would that make? What sect in their right mind would infiltrate us? The Grand-Elder just said our cultivation resources are dangerously low. We don’t have anything anyone would wish to take. Our land is infertile, our village is comically small, and we lack any potent training grounds or treasures. It would be like a nobleman robbing a beggar.” Lady Hanan said derisively.
“You mock me at every turn He’sha. Your father and husband may put up with your insolence but I will not. Your day will come.” Hallan snarled.
“If you wish to kill me then summon your beast and let’s have it out. You won't be the first man who’s thought to impose his will on me. Give me a single excuse and I’ll burn you to cinders like the little leech you are.” The tattoo on her neck glowed red and the temperature in the room soared as she released her fiery Qi.
“ENOUGH!” The Grand-Elder’s words were like thunder in the small space. “Out! All of you! If you want to kill each other go do it in the street. I’ve had enough of your bickering.”
Everyone fled before the elder’s fury and soon the room was quiet and empty once more.
“Please!” I knelt on the ground before Shimak with my forehead pressed to the dirt.
“You’re the one that wanted to stop in the first place. Now you suddenly want to learn again?” She asked incredulous. It was the morning after my break-through and I’d followed Shimak to her morning training to plead my case.
“Girls always get to change their minds why can’t I?” I said reasonably. “Besides I’m a Blood Rank cultivator now but I still don’t have any idea what I’m doing. I’m like a toddler running around with a sword.”
“With your strength it’s more like a toddler running around with a fork. You’ve got to be the most pitiful Blood Rank I’ve seen.” Shimak countered, stonewalling me.
“Please…… Your the only one who can help me. I can’t just walk up the Warrior barracks and ask politely. Although, I guess maybe some of my poker buddies might do it, but still. I’d rather it was you.”
Then silence stretched for a few moments before she spoke. “Gods… Fine. Just get up already you're embarrassing me.” She said as she caved.
“I finally looked up at her and saw her expression. She looked both exasperated and pleased, with a faint blush on her cheeks. .. I sighed inwardly. Two lives into this mess, and I still had no idea what went on in girl’s heads.
“Now get up and get into first position. Let’s see how much your break-through has helped.”
I obeyed, standing and moving until we stood a few feet apart. It was then I noticed how short she looked. I mean Shimak has always been short, but we’d been of a height since I was such a runt for a guy. Now though, I was clearly a inch or two taller than her.
“Did I grow?” I asked confused.
‘Probably. You were a runt before you started cultivating and looked two or three years younger than your actual age. Cultivator children always mature more quickly, so your essence is trying to make up for your stunted growth. Your breakthrough probably stretched you a bit. It’s not uncommon for a young cultivator to look two or three years older than their real age. It’s probably part of the reason you're so weak physically. Most of the essence your body has been absorbing has been un-stunting your growth instead of actually making you stronger, combine that with how poor your cultivation path was and it explains a lot.”
That did make sense. As children went, I really had been in a bad way.I was sick and half-starved when I’d woken up here. It really would take a lot of work to undo twelve years of malnourishment. I turned back to Shimak and really LOOKED at her. It surprised me. Although she didn’t look three years older than her thirteen, instead she looked like a baby-faced fourteen or fifteen year old, and worse yet she’d started to develop a few womanly features over the last year that fathers would not be happy to see on their thirteen year old daughter.
I guess I hadn’t really noticed. We spent time together almost every day and I the changes had been gradual enough not to catch my eye. Not that I wanted to notice. That was a bridge I really did not plan on crossing.
I shook off the thought and readied my stance. Shimak, as usual, wasted no time. It took her one feint and one punch to send me flying backwards to the floor where I lay in a heap.
“Are you SERIOUS!!!!” She shouted. “You’ve broken through and your STILL like this. Would you STOP cultivating with that ridiculous path you use. Your a Blood Ranked cultivator and you can’t be more than 50% stronger than a normal person. You should be twice that strong at least.”
I groaned and rolled over, forcing myself to breath past the pain. “But it’s just started to get good. When I took that Step it helped out alot. My cultivation paths are two or three times better than they were starting out. In another six months, I’ll be dead even with an average path. By the time I turn fourteen I’ll have the best potential of anyone in the clan.” I got out between pants.
Shimak looked slightly surprised by that but she didn’t relent. “And all of that will be useless if Kalar’s catches you alone and kills you. You need to be more powerful NOW not in two or three years. “
“You think i don’t know that?!” I shouted back, angry now. “But what the hell can I do? At least by improving my cultivation I can by-pass him eventually. If I improve my body instead of my cultivation I’ll still only be average. ”
“You only need to be average to beat that idiot. He’s a thug and a bully with no real talent.”
“Yes, and so he attacks and I beat him up…. Then what?”
She shrugged. “You can only control what you can control. You get so caught-up in your plans and grand-schemes you lose track of what’s important. At the end of the day you're going to have to fight him. Unless of course you just let me kill him and throw his body in the river.” Her hopeful expression made me shudder.
“No, It’s my fight for now.” I said shaking my head. “Unless he attacks you directly of course, but I don’t think he would. He’s to much of a coward for that. You’ve proven to him too many times he can’t beat you. Logically he should think he can beat you but he’s not very bright.”
I got up and retook my stance. Shimak sighed. “I honestly not sure what I can teach you. I learned axe techniques mostly which are not suitable at all for you. I’ve went over most of the basics with you before and you're not terrible, It’s really just your physical ability that’s lacking. Although, to be good you're going to need to find some suitable martial art and adapt it. ”
“So basically I’m screwed.” I said resigned.
“That would about sum it up.”
“How much would a Martial Art cost in tokens. I asked, expecting the worst.
Shimak snorted. “If… you could find someone to sell one, and that’s a BIG if. A thousand at least.”
“Let’s just fight. We can deal with the rest later.” I said finally. I was going to need to come up with another of my schemes if this was ever going to work.
It had been a few days since I’d started training with Shimak again. I was once again, getting beaten black and blue every morning. Although now, at least, my bruises recovered faster. Judan had sent word from the pins that I had to report to work tomorrow. It was still months before a normal person would be healed, but the fact they wanted me to come in early wasn’t surprising. They were probably hoping I’d be too slow and one of the beasts would finish me off for them.
I’d decided to use my last day of freedom to limp around the village on my crutch. It was nice being out among people again. The streets were lively but not over-full and I greeted the other pedestrians while soaking in the sunshine.
I wandered up into the crafting district looking at the goods for sale and mentally tallying my money. Then I remembered I owed Shimak a gift. I’d gotten beaten up before buying her anything. So, I turned off a side-street and limped over to the black-smith’s. He was a jerk but he did solid work.
The deafening sound of a hammer on anvil let me know I’d arrived . I walked into the stall and took a seat on one of the rough-wooden stools. It was about a quarter hour later when he finally saw me and the Blonde blacksmith came out to greet me. His took on a clouded expression when he saw who it was.
“What’s with that reaction?” I teased, mock offended.
“Lemme guess you want me to create some crazy machine for you again.” He grunted bitterly .
I snorted if he only knew the machines I could show him; Internal combustion engines, electromagnetism, hydraulics…. His head would probably pop right off.
“Nope, something more mundane this time. I want to commision a weapon.” I said pulling tokens from my pockets. I knew he wouldn’t start without proof I could pay. He walked over to me and inspected the tokens then grunted.
“Well, what do you want?”
“A two-handed axe I think. Although you're going to have to size it down quite a bit. And I want a fairly high-quality one…. Maybe for a mid-level Body-Cultivator. “ I offered.
He raised an eyebrow. “You ain't got that kinda money.”
I shrugged. “That depends on how much ‘that kinda money’ is. We talking like a hundred tokens or like five hundred?” I pressed.
He wagled his hand. “Somewhere between those two most likely. It’ll take a lot less Spirit-Steel than a sword but finding a good wood for the haft will be tricky and expensive.”
“What kind of wood do you need?” I asked curiously. There were so many random types of essence infused woods, plants, and minerals, it was impossible to keep them all straight. It also made the whole process of weapon crafting more interesting though. .
He scratched his beard looking thoughtful for a moment. “There’s a half-dozen or so that would probably work well enough, but our choices are rather limited. There’s been few warriors heading into the woods lately, so we haven't gotten much in the way of good materials.”
That was an interesting tid-bit of news. I’d have to ask Shimak about it, any time there was money to be made I was all ears. “Fine then. I guess I’ll raise some more funds and return..”
This smith just grunted and waved me out the door. I left, limping along with my thoughts on how to make some more money and not paying too much attention to my surroundings. I’d taken a back alley to cut across the middle-caste section of town when I saw a group of men surrounding a young girl in the street. Seeing a group of men accosting a woman in broad daylight wasn’t exactly a rare occurrence in the village, however, you didn’t often see it with a girl this young. She couldn’t be more than ten. I frowned trying to think of some way to help her. Then I saw her purple hair and realised who it was and how much of a catastrophe this was going to be. What the hell was the girl even doing in this part of town? And where were her bodyguards? I would think a daughter of the Great Families would at least have a spirit ranked guard.
I ran out into the group of men discarding my crutch. “Are you guys all idiots?! Don’t you know who this girl is?” I shouted incredulously. “ And Nessa what are you even doing in this part of town?” I questioned, turning to the girl.
The men were a sorry looking lot. They looked like a bunch of starving wolves, rangy and mean, and more than one carried a weapon. They didn’t look like cultivators but that didn’t mean one of them wasn’t. Still there were eight of them. That was more than enough.
The men looked at me surprised as I walked into their circle. They apparently weren’t expecting anyone to speak up for the girl, which proved how screwed up this village really was. Then one finally spoke. “Of course we know who it is… We’ve been waiting for the little Hunan Princess to sneak off on one of her little adventures for a month.Turns out there’s good money to be made killing princesses.”
I looked at the men incredulously. “You want to assassinate her? Are you INSANE!? Once her mom finds out she’s dead you're all doomed. Blood and Bile, this whole village is probably doomed. She’ll burn the entire city to the ground just to make sure she gets you.”
The man snorted. “Show’s what you know boy. Look around…… This place is already doomed, and she’s my ticket out of this shithole. Now move or die. I really don’t care which.” He growled as he drew a long knife and walked forward. He had a point. I’d only been in the village for a year but even I’d taken notice of its decline. The low-caste looked more starved and ragged by the day while the warriors continued to take losses on their hunts. At this rate there wouldn’t be a village in another five years.
I turned to Nessa and saw her face harden before there was a puff of mist and silver-feathered owl burst into existence next to her. It looked much different now than it had locked up in the pins. It’s silver coat reflected the sunlight and it had a look of haughty nobility as it landed lightly on the girl's shoulder. Then Nessa set her feet and took some weird fighting stance with two fingers and her thumb extended on each hand like they were some kind of talons. I caught her eye and shook my head.
“None of that. Just run. I’ll try and distract them.” She hadn’t had her beast for more than a few months. Even with the resources of her family she was probably still in the muscle stage, and a muscle stage ten year old was not a match for eight men.
“Awww, look he wants to die trying to be a hero. Isn’t that noble. She’s a little outta yer league boy, best to save the heroism for girls you have a shot with.” One of the thugs chuckled as the ring started to collapse.
I laughed. “True, but I already died to save one girl. It’ll probably be a lot easier the second time.” I quipped as I raised my hands and stepped into first position. I turned my head back to Nessa. “Now RUN.” I shouted as one of the men lunged with his knife.
I had to admit, the guy knew how to use a knife. He kept his center of balance and made the strike without over-extending himself. Against most people it probably would have gotten their liver, and even IF they made it though the fight they’d have died a few days later. I however, was no longer most people. I was stronger than them. I was faster than them, but our agility wasn’t even on the same level anymore. I was a coordination cultivator after all and I’d been sparring with Shimak. These guys were like children to her.
I twisted my body as the strike came for me, letting the knife slide between my arm and my body. I wrapped his wrist with my hand and dug my thumbnail viciously into the meat of his wrist right where all the nerves are. His hand went numb and the knife tumbled to the street. I turned with the motion giving my opponent my back, as I controlled his arm. Then drove my free elbow right into his nose.
The sound of his nose breaking seemed to freeze everyone for a moment. Then all hell broke loose. My position gave me a perfect view of Nessa as she pointed to one of men of the men and shouted something. Her owl flew from her shoulder straight into his face with it’s talons extended. The man screamed as Nessa dashed past him and ran into alley behind him.
The two men closest to her broke off to pursue but I was already in motion. Aside from my one doomed fight against Kalar’s lackeys, I hadn’t gotten a chance to practice against multiple attackers but Shimak had made one point clear. When outnumbered, attack. I sprinted in pursuit, leaving the other fighters behind me as I tried to help Nessa escape. With my speed it took only a few steps to close, and both men were just entering the alley when I got there. I waited until I was right behind the first man. Then I used my front leg to trip him and while taking his right arm into a hold. We both overbalanced, sending us into a fall but I controlled the grapple. I spun us in the air, sending our combined weights crashing down onto his hyper-extended shoulder. If the crunch it made on impact hadn’t clued me into the damage I’d done then he’s scream of agony definitely did.
Still in motion, I released the man and used the last of the falls momentum to propel myself away from him. I slapped the ground and used the motion to roll and reorient myself. I came up in a crouch just in time to punch the second man right in the back of the knee as he was in a dead-run. It sent him sprawling and I leapt onto him like some demented cat, pounding his face into the street a few times before rolling off him and coming back to me feet facing the rest of the attackers. The entire struggle hadn’t lasted more than four seconds.
Smiling, I dusted off my pants and stepped back into my fighting stance. Gods ,it felt so damn good to fight someone. I was sick to death of hiding and cowering.
The six men still on their feet formed a half-circle around the mouth of alley. They looked much more cautious now, but anger blazed in their eyes.
“I suggest you start running now. Nessa will make it back in a couple of minutes and she’s seen all of your faces. I’d say you’ve got about fifteen minutes to leave the village before Lady Hunan rips all of your heads off and sticks them on pikes in her yard. That’s of course after she finishes torturing you to find out who sent you after her daughter.” I said in my most reasonable tone.
The men looked shaken but the leader spoke up over their worried voices. “If that’s the case then it doesn’t matter if we run. I believe Lady Hunan is an Earth-Sage and we couldn’t outrun her anyway. You however, we can deal with. Kill…..”
I didn’t wait for him to finish. Instead I followed Shimak’s advice and attacked in the most brutal way I could. I dove into the middle of the group on a long lunge, driving a knife hand strike into the throat of one man before twisting like a serpent and sending a fist into the already broken nose of the first man I’d injured. Then everyone attacked at once and I was in a tornado of punches, kicks, and flashing knives. I burned my essence pushing my speed and agility to super-human levels. I was like a whirlwind striking out in every direction even as I avoided, blocked, and disrupted their counter attacks. I was untouchable, I was King. I was….. flattened as a fist like a mountain caught me in the jaw and sent me sprawling. I slid across the ground and into a wall a good six feet away.
I coughed twice and spit up a glob of blood along with a broken tooth. Then I groaned and rolled over. I raised my head, trying to grasp the situation through my spinning vision. The street was littered with injured bodies, while other men leaned against buildings as they panted for breath and nursed injured limbs. I’d done quite a number on their little group. I calmed my rioting energy and burned more of my Qi to clear my head and start repairing my wounds.
“Bastard” I wheezed as I pushed myself back to me feet. “That tooth just grew back.”
Grunting, I came back to an unsteady stance. The leader of the thugs stood in the alley looking unruffled and beside him was a beetle the size of a large dog. It looked like a massive hercules beetle, with it’s huge pincers and green speckled shell.
“How is it a little low caste trash like you got his hands on a beast core?” He said curiously as he look a step towards me. His step wasn’t hurried or aggressive. He acted like he was out talking a leisurely stroll.
“The obvious way. I went into the woods and killed a beast.” I replied. If he wanted to chat I was more than willing. He was the one on a timer here. Rule one of being a hero. If the villain want’s to monologue, let them.
He snorted “Like I’d believe that.. What are you eleven?”
“Twelve actually, but I don’t really care if you believe me or not, we’re not exactly trying to build trust here.” I quipped, showing him my bloody grin.
“You are right.” Without warning he dashed forwards throwing another punch at my injured jaw. Ready for the strike, I dodged nimbly, bowing my back matrix style as the fist whistled over me. I went with the motion and leap into the air. Bringing my body horizontal to the ground while I twisted like top and sent a kung-fu kick into the side of his head. It must have looked impressive as hell but for all the good it did I might as well have sissy slapped him. He grunted slightly as the kick landed, then grabbed my shirt and hauled me upwards before driving a fist into my gut. Bones broke and I vomited blood even as he held me dangling in the air.
“Coordination eh? It always did seem the most useless talent.” He said with a dark chuckle.
I tried to breath but he must of collapsed a lung or something because I could only inhale the tiniest amount of air no matter how hard I tried. Desperate, I cupped my hands and boxed his ears as hard as I could before bringing me knee up into his jaw. He dropped me as he stumbled backwards and I hit the ground in a heap. Then I tried to crawl away from him like some half-squashed bug.
He recovered quickly and grinned down at me. “You're dead now boy.”
“Nope.” I whispered with what little breath I had. “Pretty sure you are.”
He’sha Hunan sat atop a massive black lion a few feet behind the man. The beast was at least five feet at the shoulder and it’s mane was made of pure flame. It, however, was less intimidating than it’s rider. Lady Hanan looked down upon the scene like a goddess of war. Her aura blazed like a sun and the force of her fury seemed to shake the very air.
Then she moved. One instant she was sitting atop her lion and the next she was behind the man with her arm thrust completely through his chest. She clutched his still beating heart in her hand and I watched in fascinated horror as her Qi pooled into her palm and his heart burned to ashes. He slid to the ground in front of me. The look of surprise still on his face.
Then I gave up trying to stay conscious and fell into blissful darkness.
AN: Two updates in a week. The world is probably ending. Anyway, fun chapter this time. Some plot gets revealed. MC gets into his first real fight, shenanigans happen. MC ends up getting the hell beat outta him again.
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