《(Discontinued) Aevitas - Not an NPC [unfinished]》Chapter 25: Novali Sax
Chapter 25: Novali Sax
I hate the dark... Kleetz thought as he waited for his guest to arrive. It was all an act though. The dark room, small space and zero lighting. A show to intimidate his guest and keep his face hidden. Even now his employer had not yet seen what he really looked like.
As the door to his cramped room opened, Kleetz froze. He knew his guest couldn’t see him but the glow from beyond the doorway cast an imposing shadow into the room.
“Inside.” A voice commanded from outside the room.
As the shadow stepped inside and the door closed, darkness wrapped the room once more. Kleetz could hear the breath of his guest but neither made any motion to move.
When at last a small light began to glow and light up the face of the man he’d been waiting for, Kleetz leaned back into his chair, ensuring his was covered by the shadows. His enchanter had made sure the glyph would only light up the guest, but that didn’t stop Kleetz from being cautious. As the man lifted an arm to shield against the dim light and try to look at Kleetz, the enchanter moved from behind Kleetz’s chair and sat on the table.
“You wanted to speak with us?” The enchanter asked.
“Not you. I want to speak with, Kleetz. I am paying him to do a job and I don’t see him doing it.”
“I am here Lord Rosol, and I am doing the job quite well. I failed on getting a chess champion but it’s not like I needed one to begin with.”
Rosol, doubling his efforts to see through the gloom, didn’t appear convinced, “The way I see it, you have only the enchanter for the mage battles. How do you plan to win the other nine games?”
“Games.” Kleetz spat back, “They aren’t games. Games are fun. Tell me, what is fun about judging whether or not a man is guilty in court? What is fun about dealing with foreign lords and traders in an act of diplomacy? They aren’t games, they are a test of your worthiness to be our leader. Are you worthy, Lord Rosol?”
Rosol didn’t reply as he glared with open hostility into the darkness. Kleetz may have been a little uncomfortable under such a gaze if not for the fact Rosol was looking in the wrong place. His line of sight was off by a good foot or two.
“I am worthier than the fool who would host a competition to wed his daughter. He should have accepted my father’s terms and just wed his daughter to me for political reasons. Not hold this farce of a competition.”
“And yet you didn’t answer my question. It doesn’t matter, you have paid me to do a job. I will do it. When you are King, I expect your other promises to be upheld too. When you see what I am capable during the upcoming tournament, take it as a lesson and a warning. You will not like what happens if you double cross me afterward.”
“If you tell me what you are planning, perhaps I will be a little more confident in your abilities already.” Rosol replied. He wasn’t backing down an inch.
Kleetz gave a moments silence to give credit where it was due. Not many Lords would have the nerve to walk into the underworld alone, unarmed and without escort. They even escorted him blindfolded on a merry route around the sewers just to end up down the street from where he started.
“You want to know my plan, Rosol? It is brilliantly simple. I am going to lie, kill, manipulate, bribe, swindle and extort. When I have finished with all that and the games finally begin, I will play my final card.”
“And what card is that?” Rosol replied managing to keep his unconvinced and annoyed tone right until the very end.
“I am going to cheat.” Kleetz answered with a calm confidence that finally made Rosol hesitate.
“I can’t believe I forgot the Talin had the blacksmith profession.” Tobi mumbled as he weaved through the crowd with Selene. He didn’t know what was going on but there were a lot of people gathering near the city gates. Unfortunately, that was also where the smithy was and it had slowed down their progress quite a bit.
“Well, it’s fine isn’t it? You bought him a new set of tools and the ore...he can make a weapon that suits his taste.” Selene answered struggling to squeeze through the crowd alongside him.
When they had been walking with the Talin, everyone called out to each other and moved out of the way. Some even looked around for Tobi and the white priestess, but nobody seemed to know he was the man walking right behind the Talin. Apparently, they only recognized the robe.
Neither Tobi nor Selene currently wearing their robes though so without the Talin, the people were less willing to move out of their way. The one or two people that did recognize Tobi moved out of the way quickly but they also broke into whispers straight away. He couldn’t hear what they were talking about over the noise, but it sounded like they were whispering his name.
Finally breaking through the crowd and turning to look at Selene, Tobi laughed, “Your hair is so messed up.”
Wiping sweat from her brow and smoothing down parts of her hair and clothes, Selene straightened her back and glanced back over her shoulder, “Rude bastards. Can’t even move out of a ladies way.”
Surprised to hear Selene swear for the first time, a smile spread across Tobi’s face instantly.
“What?” Selene demanded as she moved over to him and took his arm.
“Never heard you cuss before.”
Selene shrugged and guided him away from the crowd, “Just because I don’t, doesn’t mean I can’t.”
“I suppose. I am at a bit of a loss for what to do now though.”
“What do you mean?” Selene replied moving toward a stall selling baked biscuits and bread.
“I planned to go see Captain Horts, but I wanted the Talin with us. I...oh, cookies…” Distracted by the first cookie Tobi had seen since he arrived in Aevitas, Tobi picked one up and checked for chocolate chips. There were none, but he wasn’t really surprised, “I don’t remember the last time I had a cookie.”
“10 coppers each or five for the price of four.” The man called with a hand out. He obviously wanted 10 coppers for the one Tobi had already handled.
“We’ll take five then,” Selene answered and dropped 40 coppers into his hand, “I only want one, the Talin can have the other two. What were you saying about wanting the Talin with us?”
Waiting until they’d moved away from the vendor, Tobi wondered how to best explain his thoughts, “When I was buying clothes with Darien, we were stopped by Captain Horts of the city guard. I told you about him, right? The guy that shown up when Scim paid me a visit at the Sanctuary? Anyway, I thought Horts was one of the good guys, but Darien seems to think I have to be careful of Horts as much as anyone else.
Long story short; Horts asked me to pay him a visit later to discuss some stuff. From the way he said it, he wants to talk about Darien I think. I think we should all go together to be safe.”
Selene nodded but didn’t reply. Her face was scrunched a little and her cheeks were puffed out, Selene turned to the side and spat out the half chewed up cookie, “That... is nasty!”
“I can’t believe you just did that.” Tobi laughed as Selene wiped her lip and spat another crumb onto the sidewalk.
“Me neither…” Selene replied looking at the horrified faces of those that witnessed the scene, “It was really bad though. Try it.”
“Um. No thanks. I think I will let you suffer that one alone.”
“A fine hero you are.”
Letting Selene guide him away from the stunned and even angry faces that witnessed Selene’s little scene, Tobi stuffed the cookies into his bag and reached for her hand. He was fed up of linking arms in public instead of holding hands; it felt too formal and he wanted to actually act like a couple for once. As ‘The Prophet’, it felt like he was always being judged for how he acted, what he said and how he treated ‘The White Priestess’. For the first time since he got off the ship, he actually felt like regular Tobi again.
As Selene took his hand and looked away, Tobi smiled and squeezed her hand gently. When she squeezed back but didn’t turn to look at him, his smile grew even wider. He hadn’t realized it before, but he missed the simple things in life. He was always so focused on everything else that he hadn’t stopped to smell the roses. So to speak.
“You know what—Horts can wait. The Talin won’t be finished for a few hours either; seeing as Bernie gave you the rest of the day off, want to go and do some sightseeing?”
The sea was not nearly as fun as Zebba had expected but he was at least thankful that he wasn’t cursed with seasickness. Unfortunately, both of companions were. After Vallen had sent them to go check on Tobi, they’d thought it would be a life of adventure away from the Guild. Considering he was almost at his 30th year since birth, an adventure was long overdue.
Some would claim he was too old to start adventuring, but for a mage he was only one or two years behind the usual. Studying to mastery took up to 20 years on average and most mages belonging to the guild stayed their until they hit advanced in at least 2 elements. Zebba on the other hand had aimed for pure mastery in the fire element and was struggling to further his abilities.
Both his companions were in the same boat, both literally and metaphorically. They too had gone the pure route of a single element and become stuck—unable to further their studies or abilities within the confines of the guild. Unlike him however, Caden was a pure Earth and Dillon was pure Wind...or Air, depending on how you looked at it. To Zebba they were both the same thing but Dillon disagreed and tried to explain it many times. According to him, it was like calling fire and magma the same, or earth and swamp. Zebba disagreed but he didn’t say so out loud.
The biggest problem wasn’t his two companions however. Whilst those two idiots were hanging over the side of the ship and giving their breakfasts to the fish, he was receiving his fourth consecutive loss at chess from one of the crew members.
“To think I have been playing chess daily for since close to his invention and yet I cannot beat a sailor.”
“It’s that kind of thinkin’ why you can’t win.” The sailor replied.
“I don’t follow.” Zebba replied staring at the board, he could already see he would lose but he was determined to pull off something, anything, that would leave an impression on the younger man.
“You don’t see me as your equal or your rival, you don’t even see me as competition. You will never be a match for me until you acknowledge me and give it your best efforts.”
Feeling as though he’d just been reprimanded by a man barely out of childhood, Zebba’s pride took a small blow and his temper lit a small flame in his breast, “I will have you know that I played against the world champion. Many times. I know how to face not only an equal but a superior too.”
“I’m happy for you, but you missed the point. I played against the world champion too and he underestimated me as well. As soon as I put him in check, he stopped messing around and he won. Yet here you is, treating me like I don’t know what I’m doin’ even after I beat you four straight games in a row.”
Hearing the slur in the man’s speech in the last sentence, Zebba realized that the young man was getting annoyed. He’d met sailors that started talking funny before. It was at the bar by the harbor. The slurring only started when they got mad or got drunk. Knowing the difference was a good survival tool if you didn’t want to get a beating. Even a fire mage as capable as himself was vulnerable when inebriated.
“You played against Master Tobi?” Zebba asked in an attempt to change the subject and calm the sailor down.
“Sure did. Took a special liking to me as well. Taught me a trick to get better at it.”
“Is that so...? OK, I forfeit this game. Let’s play one more. If you still think I am messing around after that, I will let you throw me overboard.”
“Deal.” The young man replied and began resetting the board.
Skulking in the shadows, Romun fidgeted from foot to foot and stared at the crowd ahead. After slipping out of Tobi’s sight, he took a peak around the corner just in time to see the green beast and Tobi walking over. The sight rooted him to the spot at first and only a great amount of effort managed to move him as far as the trash further in. Hiding behind it all with desperation, he’d held his breath and lay like a statue.
When his breath was ready to give up, Tobi finally left. Luckily neither of them went inside the alley so they hadn’t found him. Before he fully regained his senses though, they were all leaving. Not just Tobi and the Talin, but Selene too. He’d done his best to follow them like he was supposed to but they managed to lose him in the crowd.
How you lose a 7ft tall green monster with horns was a mystery, but somehow he’d managed it. He knew they would eventually come back the same way though. All he had to do was wait and they would reappear.
Come on my sweet angel. Where are you? I can’t protect you from him if I can’t find you. Hear my thoughts like you did before, come to me.
Scanning the crowd fervently, his eyes lit up, There you are! I have missed you. I know, I know, I won’t lose you again though, I promise. Where is that green beast though?
Watching as Selene straightened her clothes—those strange clothes that flaunted her curves and revealed the true splendor of her figure—Romun felt his heart race. Watching her wipe the sweet and delicious sweat from her brow, he felt as though he could die happy.
I’d rather taste that sweat before I die though. Romun added mentally before returning to his fantasies.
As Tobi and Selene moved over to a nearby vendor, Romun turned down the alley and raced ahead. By the direction they were walking, he would have to cut through two alleys and a side street to get ahead of them and follow them without being seen.
To his amazement, he was a good deal ahead of them when he arrived back on the same street. They appeared to be in high spirits but there were at least a dozen people giving Tobi dirty looks.
Why do they look at him like that? Have they realized it too? Have they also realized he is a demon that has lay a curse on her?
Frowning at the people giving their looks of disdain, Romun growled from deepest parts of his throat, Stay back you leeches, I saw her first. I shall be the one to rescue her and claim her for my own.
Sending a constant stream of murderous thoughts at the people watching them leave, Romun waited until Tobi and Selene passed before stepping out of the alley. Standing in the middle of the and facing all of the onlookers, Romun pulled a dagger out of his belt and pointed it to each of them individually.
Now you have been warned. Stay away from her. And stay away from him too, he is mine to kill.
Satisfied, he let out a huff and turned to follow Selene and watch her from the shadows. Of course that meant watching Tobi too, but he’d kill that demon the first chance he got.
Riding into Whitestone at full Gallop, Sax reined in his horse and turned her toward the stables. The city had progressed a fair amount since his last visit but the worn down white buildings were still in need of some loving care.
Slowing to a gentle trot and making straight for the Sanctuary that acted as the city’s Town Hall, Sax looked around at the haggard faces below. Whitestone was a tough place to live. The land they used for farming was small and dry, the quarry where the majority of the town worked was hard labour with low monetary benefits, and the lack of a clean water source meant long treks with wagons to fill up their stores.
Sax didn’t envy the people that lived there in the slightest. Their difficult lives were only maintained thanks to the stone they were able to produce at the quarry. The stone was considered valuable but the time and effort required to gather it didn’t yield the money they needed to repair the town. That’s why the Sanctuary stepped in and built a base of operations within the city.
Guiding his horse toward the Sanctuary building—the only building in the entire city that wasn’t white—Sax scouted the area for the stablemaster. He wouldn’t be pleased when Sax demanded fresh water and feed for the horse, but such is the way of things in Whitestone.
“Hey, boy. Where is the stablemaster?”
“He is at the city stable, sir. One of the horses there is giving birth.”
“Then you take my horse. Fresh water and plenty of feed. She’s been running hard all night, make sure she gets a good place to rest.”
“Yes sir.” The boy replied and took the horse by the reins.
Jumping down from the horse and taking his packs and luggage from her saddle, Sax left the stable boy to look after her and headed straight for the Sanctuary dorms. He hadn’t informed them of his arrival so no room would be prepared, but he didn’t plan on staying anyway. He was only going to dump his stuff in one of their store rooms while he went about his business.
“Novali Sax?”
Wincing a little as he heard the irritating voice of his former apprentice, Sax clenched his jaw and continued walking. He’d completely forgotten the little whelp was under his new apprenticeship here.
“What brings you to Whitestone?” He prattled on, knowing full well how much Sax detested him.
“I have business with the head Novali stationed here and Lord Baylon. I am assuming Lord Baylon is still staying at this Sanctuary?”
“Only for one more day. He rides for Chadú tomorrow.”
“Yes well, I need to speak to him so I might as well do that while I am here. Go inform Novali Petrus of my arrival.”
“He doesn’t know you’re coming? He will be—”
As Sax glared at him with open hostility, he thought better of continuing his sentence and turned on the spot. Breathing a sigh of relief, Sax entered the dorms and headed directly for the store rooms. The day the irritating brat became a full fledged Novali was not one that Sax looked forward to. Still, even without Novali having official ranks, there was still a pecking order and Sax was quite high up. The brat would always be underneath him and that’s what was important.
There was nothing worse than a snotnosed twerp trying to throw around his imagined authority. That was exactly the kind of man the boy would grow to become and exactly why Sax had called for his apprenticeship to be canceled. He still didn’t know why the Sanctuary had let him join the Novali.
Still thinking about his former apprentice as he entered the Sanctuary hall of prayer, Sax lay his shields by the door and began removing his breastplate.
“Novali Sax, is that you?”
Spinning on the spot to see a smiling Lord Baylon, Sax smiled in returned and shook his hand, “It is good to see you, old friend. I was hoping to see you while I was here.”
Gently chuckling, Baylon shook his head reproachfully, “We’re not so old yet, are we? Thirty is not so old, is it?”
“I am thirty-one as of last month.”
“Still young.” Baylon replied slapping Sax on the shoulder, “So what did you want to talk to me about anyway?” He added as he and his guards placed their weapons beside the door. The sanctuary allowed weapons in the building, but they were not allowed in the prayer hall.
“Your champions for a start.” Sax said and placed his breastplate on the ground.
“No need. I have replaced the contestants already. Though I admit, it was pretty embarrassing to learn they weren’t allowed to compete in more than one event. My jousting champion—”
“—That’s not it.” Sax interrupted, “I met a man in Chadú who seems interested in helping you. If you would let him champion for you, I am sure he would.”
“And what about when the tournament was over, would he stay on for me too? And even if that were not a problem, he would expect a lot of coin for his help. Or is this man so benevolent as to offer his skills free of charge?”
Hearing the derisive tone Baylon was using, Sax hid his face and smiled. After his moment of amusement passed and he finally managed to weasel himself out of his platelegs, Sax turned to Baylon and his men.
“Actually, it’s kind of funny you should use the word benevolent. The man I am speaking of is none other than God’s Chosen. It is the Prophet, Tobi of Brackley. You may also know him as the inventor of chess. Any guesses as to what he would be your champion for?”
As all of Baylons men took on the appropriate expressions of surprise, Baylons eyes narrowed, “The world chess champion is offering to play chess for me?”
“He hasn’t said so exactly. He said, and I quote; I can’t help a man that doesn’t want to be helped. Or was it, I can’t help a man that won’t be helped? Either way, he implied that he would help you if you were willing to accept it.”
Dipping their fingertips into a bowl of blessed water before touching their foreheads and hearts, Sax and Baylon walked into the hall of prayer with the other dozen or so men in tow.
“So you want me to ask this man to be stand for me in the tournament?” Baylon asked in a whisper.
Sax didn’t know why people felt the need to whisper in the prayer hall but considering there were other people inside he took his queue and whispered too, “I think it would be in your interest to request his help. I think it is a sign from Chadú. How is it, that in this time of turmoil, all of the Lords’ capable of winning either dropped out or got themselves killed? The only ones left are you and the three most despised Lordlings in all of Lybernia. It is my belief that this has all been designed and orchestrated by Chadú. Is it not written in the holy scriptures that he will not help those that do not help themselves? And then the prophet comes and practically says the same thing.”
Frowning in thought, Baylon dropped to his knees before Chadú and began to murmur a prayer. Sax dropped down besides him and began a prayer of his own. Each asked for his blessings and guidance before moving aside for the other men to do the same.
“I will meet with him, but not until after I meet with the Princess. The King should be returning to Chadú today so tomorrow I will make my way to the capital.”
“Why do you need to speak with the Princess first?” Sax asked in confusion.
“My sister was married through arrangement. She was not happy and you know how that turned out. I will not marry the Princess if she is unwilling or does not desire it.”
“You will not marry her by arrangement even though it will cost you the throne? And what of the others, do you think she would be any happier with them? They will not be so willing to listen to her wants and desires.”
Baylon shrugged, “Then let us hope that she would prefer me over her other choices.”
Sax still didn’t understand but he tried to see it from Baylon’s point of view. His sister had committed suicide rather than stay married to the man she was with. Chadú hated suicide more than anything so it was a really tough subject to mention.
“I guess you have to do what you think is right. I hope she accepts though, for all our sakes. I have to go speak to the Head Novali so I must leave you here. If you decide to seek out the Prophet, come find me. He has certain... obligations, at the moment, but I know how to contact him and I can get you a meeting with him.”
Baylon appeared confused by the statements but he let it go and gave a simple nod. He was obviously interested in what Sax had not said rather than what he did, but it was better all around if Sax didn’t mention Tobi being watched by certain individuals of ill repute.
Leaving Baylon and his men where they were, Sax headed through the doors restricted to Novali only access. The doors led to a hallway that came out in an even more sacred part of the Sanctuary. A hall reserved for Novali where all Sanctuary business was discussed. It was the hall where Chadú’s orders were given and obeyed. Not that Chadú had deigned to speak to them in a few hundred years, but perhaps that would all end with the arrival of the prophet.
“Novali Sax, welcome to our Sanctuary. I heard you were already in the capital.”
“Yes, Head Novali Petrus, I was. I rode all night to get here today. Luckily the roads were clear and I met no trouble, so I made good time. As soon as my horse and I are rested enough, I will be heading back. I had to come and speak with you though.”
“So speak.” Petrus replied kindly with a smile that automatically made people want to trust him.
“Privately.” Sax added glancing at his former apprentice.
“Novali business is discussed here; all Novali are welcome to hear such business. You know that.”
“And when you deem it is truly Novali business, you can share it with whoever you like. I am here for guidance and instruction, but to get it I must speak of other matters. Matters that may not be something we need to concern ourselves with.”
Petrus nodded and gestured to the other people in the room. As each of them bowed and took their leave, Sax’s former apprentice hesitated and shot a quick glare at Sax. He knew as much as anyone else in the room that Sax didn’t wish to speak in front of him, the rest would have been welcomed to the conversation gladly.
“We are alone now, Novali Sax. Speak.”
All friendliness gone from his tone, Sax nodded. He knew it was shameful to doubt fellow Novali but he was not so naive as to think they were all true to the order.
“I have met the prophet. As you predicted he would, he visited the capital first. He arrived there not even a week after I did. He is just as you said he would be. He knows how to handle the congregation, he quotes words of Chadú without having learned of him already—and he seeks a member of our order to teach him our ways.”
“And why is this not business that we should discuss with our fellow Novali?”
“He wishes to aide Lord Baylon in the upcoming tournament. I believe it is Chadú speaking of his desires through the Prophet. I believe he wants Lord Baylon to be our next King.”
Petrus narrowed his eyes and climbed down from his chair. It was more of a throne really but Sax tried to imagine it as regular seating. The Novali weren’t supposed to aggrandize themselves with decorative adornments.
“Are you sure your own feelings aren’t clouding your judgement? I know that you favor your old friend…”
“Which is why I have not acted alone, Petrus. The Prophet wishes to end slavery. Or at least that is what he implied. The way he speaks is sometimes vague but he uses words that suggest his intentions. He also said he would not help Baylon if he was not willing to help himself, or was not willing to accept help. Is that not what Chadú would say himself?”
Petrus didn’t reply and simply paced in front of his throne. He didn’t look at all pleased with the report but why he was unsettled by it was a mystery to Sax, he thought Petrus would be glad; everything he said and predicted had come true, so why was he so hesitant?
“Tell me, Sax, have you seen or heard of this Prophet using any Divine abilities?”
Sax shook his head, “I haven’t seen or heard of it, but surely he can?”
“I don’t think so. I have had a report about him already from one of our shamans overseeing a trade agreement in Cohol. The Prophet uses Arcane magics.”
Rubbing his head and trying to understand what Petrus just said, Sax tried to recall if he’d seen or heard of Tobi using Arcane magic, “That can’t be, right? Arcane and Divine are opposites. You can’t use both.”
“And yet I am confident the report was true.”
“Then...maybe it isn’t impossible to use both.” Sax offered, “Just because nobody achieved it before doesn’t mean it is impossible. Look at how easily the Elves gain Arcane abilities and how hard we struggle for it. Surely there must have been an Elf able to use healing magic.”
“Healing magic and Divinity are different.” Petrus countered and quickened his pace, “How many Novali are healing mages? A thousand? In our entire order only three people have the ability to use Divine magic. No; the Prophet must have the ability to use Divine magics or we cannot accept him as a chosen representative of the Gods.”
“So you want me to confirm his Divinity? How do I do that?”
“Simple, Novali Sax, you give him what he wants. He is looking for someone to represent him to Chadú; be that representative.”
Sax shook his head, “I can’t. No, wait, listen...you don’t understand. That’s not all the representative does. It’s not just someone that represents him to Chadú or teaches him about Chadú. They also represent Chadu to him. If I did something wrong, Chadú would lose the Prophets favor.”
Stopping midstep and looking at Sax as though he’d just pissed up his leg—or something equally disturbing, Petrus stared at Sax for a long time.
“Are you trying to tell me that he dictates to the Gods?”
“That is exactly what he does. I have seen it. Almost a hundred people saw him do it in the Sanctuary itself. Novali Saron was there if you need further proof.”
Petrus resumed his pacing with a frown so deep his forehead looked ready to split down the middle. When his pacing finally stopped, he climbed back atop his throne and looked down at Sax as though he were an unruly subject that needed to be crushed.
Watching as Petrus slowly transformed back into the kind and humble servant of Chadú he always tried to be, Sax sighed and nodded. He knew what was coming and resigned himself to the job.
“I am sorry Sax, but if you are right and what you say is true—then there is none better to do this task. You are one of Chadú’s most devout followers; who better to act in his best interests do we have among the entire faith? We must have a Novali represent Chadú and you are the only man for the job.”
“I had a feeling you were going to say that. What if it requires me to give up my position as a Novali, should I still continue?”
Petrus nodded, “And you should still report to us too. Chadú’s interests are our interests.”
Giving Petrus a low bow, Sax turned on his heel and made his way back out of the hall. Even seeing Baylon give a questioning look as he left, Sax merely gave a nod of his head and went straight for the dorms. He didn’t know what Petrus was planning but he no longer felt he could trust the man.
Thinking he should have gone even higher than Petrus, Sax considered riding to the Head Sanctuary where the Novali leader could decide his fate. Before he made up his mind though, he needed food and rest.
After a long, exciting and extremely tiring day, Tobi felt as though he would be able to sleep for a week. Not that he would of course, 8 hours sleep and he would be as fresh as a daisy, just like always.
Well almost always Tobi reminded himself. There were a few occasions when he managed to oversleep somehow. More often than not though, he slept a near perfect eight hours.
Smiling at Selene yawning, Tobi resisted a yawn himself. He’d always suspected they were contagious but he was convinced of it now. Every time either one of them yawned, so did the other. The only person that didn’t appear to need sleep was the Talin and he’d been the one to actually do some work.
The Talin himself was actually in good spirits. After arriving at the smithy to walk home with him, the Talin was just about finishing up what he was making. He’d taken on some extra jobs as a Blacksmith and earned himself a couple of gold. He gave it all to Tobi to cover costs and expenses, but Tobi didn’t really care about what he’d spent on the Talin. Money wasn’t all the important in Tobi’s eyes. Money was to be spent, not horded. He especially didn’t mind when the Talin passed him a black dagger as a gift.
The only regret Tobi had was not being able to see the great statue of Selest at the center of the city. Among the many places he’d gone with Selene during the day, the statue of Selest was the only place they couldn’t go. The statue itself was inside its very own keep in front of the castle. The guards did call someone to see if Tobi could get permission (on account of his religious position) but the man had refused. They were not allowed inside until the King was back in the city and gave his permission.
Tobi didn’t quite get it but the man promised to ask the King directly. He advised Tobi to come back in a couple of days and he would probably be given access. Only as far as the statue though, he wasn’t to go anywhere near the castle itself.
“We should have eaten out.” Selene moaned as she stretched out on the sofa. She looked ready to fall asleep right where she sat, “I think I am too tired to eat now.”
“And I’m too tired to cook.” Tobi added, “How about we just go to bed? I am not that hungry anyway.”
“Sounds good to me. The bed is warmer when I am not alone anyway. The days might be hot here, but the nights are definitely colder.”
Tobi nodded but he wasn’t sure if he knew the difference. He could tell he was warm in the Lybernian sun, but he hadn’t tanned at all, as best he could tell...and he almost never felt unbearably hot. The same was true of night too. In the back garden all night was not so cold as to make him need to wear extra layers.
Shrugging to himself and dismissing the thoughts on weather, he held his hand out for Selene to help her get up off the sofa. Despite her words she didn’t look like she planned on moving anytime soon. Proof of that came when her dead weight refused to be lifted and she didn’t bother helping at all.
“Carry me.” Selene pouted and flopped herself down.
Tobi shook his head, “I’m a fine hero, remember? Anyway, you should carry me. I am pretty sure I’m lighter.”
Laughing as Selene’s head snapped to the side, Tobi raised his hands in mock surrender, “I was joking! Ow…”
You have received 30 damage.
Rubbing his ribs where Selene digged him, Tobi wondered if she knew just how strong her punch was, “Well, you might not be lighter than me, but I am pretty sure you’re stronger.”
“Damn right I am.” Selene answered proudly, “And next time you call me fat I’ll punch you somewhere more exciting.”
“Ooh, promises.” Tobi replied with a smile that suggested he might actually enjoy it.
Managing to help her up on the second attempt, Tobi said goodnight to the Talin and gave a small nod to the man that still refused to give his name. The funny look Tobi thought he saw though made him give the man a second look but his expression had changed. Thinking it must have been a trick of the light as the man nodded back with a friendly smile, Tobi turned for the door and opened it, “After you, my lady.”
Selene replied with a small curtsy and a cheeky smile. At the same time in another part of the city, three mages were asking a certain captain where they could get a good room for the night.
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Authors Notes:
Spoiler :
HUGE shoutout to TUSF for helping with this chapter. Not just helping PR it but for all the help given during that time. Can't believe how much time you gave me on this chapter
Last but not least to SeeLoh for the review and rating.
My biggest problem with this chapter was Tobi. Damn...whilst everyone else is having interesting things going on, he is just having normal and happy days. Like...dude! Give me something to write about! -.-''
I suppose I could have done his date with Selene and stuff, but really...it would have been a huge romance filler chapter and I didn't want that. I want to get to the more interesting stuff already. I want to reach the scenes I am looking forward too damn it >.
Aspirer <3
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