《(Discontinued) Aevitas - Not an NPC [unfinished]》Chapter 12: New Beginnings - Chadú
Chapter 12: New Beginnings - Chadú
Grabbing his backpack as the ship was tied off, Tobi took one more look at the city. Up close, he couldn’t believe the size of it. The sandstone colored walls of the city stretched along the coastlines as far as he could see. The height of the wall was easily twice that of Cohol’s.
On the grand scale of things, the city made him think of Troy.
The pier opened into a little market place and trade hub before reaching a semi-circle yard closed off by the walls and a gate. It was easy to imagine that in the case of an invasion force, soldiers would fill the semi-circle courtyard whilst mages and archers manned the walls.
Imagining the city being invaded was beyond Tobi’s comprehension. Thousands of men would die before they even reached the gate. Even if they attacked from a different side and not by sea, Tobi couldn’t imagine scaling the walls. They were too high.
Looking over the walls to the distance, Tobi could no longer see the statue that was somewhere beyond. The angle from his viewpoint to the walls cut off his view. He knew the statue was definitely of Selest; just as he knew he would have to see it up close before he left.
“You ready, Selene?”
Nodding, she shouldered her own pack and took a deep breath. He knew she wasn’t looking forward to Lybernia. Her memories of the place were not pleasant and he would have probably changed his plans if she’d asked. On their last night in Cohol, he’d actually considered leaving her behind, but after the kiss; he’d have sooner stayed behind with her.
Remembering the lightness of his pocket-purse, Tobi turned to Braddock and asked if he knew of any good (and cheap) places to stay in town.
“I trade information, remember? How would I not know that? Three places you should know about: Safe and cheap, head to the Puddy Muddle. Need a dagger, go to the Sand and Stone Tavern. Need to contact someone in Anderon, find the Pig and Spit.
One last piece of advice. Don’t get involved in their politics.”
Nodding at the extra information Braddock suddenly offered him, Tobi tried to remember which bar and tavern meant what. Why he would need a dagger he couldn’t work out.
Taking a deep breath of his own due to being affected by Selene’s nerves, Tobi made his way down the gangplank.
“Straight for the Puddy Muddle or find the best place in town for food first?” Tobi asked. The sun was already dipping toward the horizon so there wasn’t that long left in the day.
“Food. I ate a little whilst you were sleeping but neither of us have eaten properly in almost two days.”
Thinking of the Sailors Broth he gagged on the night before, he checked his Satiety bar; it had dropped down to 11.
“Food it is. And I need a drink too. I don’t remember the last time I felt this thirsty.”
Nodding, Selene slipped her hand into his and waited for him to start walking. Smiling, he squeezed her hand a little and made first for the trade hub. He’d have to ask someone for directions.
“Puddy Muddle?” The dark skinned washerwoman replied, “Go into town, second left, follow it to the end. Not a nice area, but a good place to stay. For food, you should try Sulil’s Copper Lantern; best food in town but a bit pricey. Head straight until you get to Central Road. You will know it when you get to it. Turn left and its the second building on the left.”
Thanking the old woman and buying one of her hairpins for 5 Silver, Tobi gave the pin to Selene. The depiction of a colorful butterfly didn’t quite match the white robes but she probably had some casual clothes she could wear it with.
Walking through the gates into the city, both of them stopped in their tracks. Cohol was considered a big and quite beautiful city in Anderon; compared to Chadú, it was a paupers village.
The wide road and bustling street ahead was lined with stores and storage buildings on either side. The road stretched forward into the city in a perfectly straight line. He couldn’t even see the end of it over the heads of the people. At a guess, it probably went straight through to the other side of the city, at the very least, it was as long as Cohol was wide.
Looking at each other in wonder, they stopped to simply look at the view before going in.
“Is it me, or do the buildings get taller the further you get from the walls?” Tobi asked in wonder.
“Optical illusion, maybe?”
Tobi shook his head, “I think it’s a defensive measure. If invaders got in, Archers and people would be on the roofs. If the invaders take a building, the next one along has the height advantage.”
Shrugging, Selene pulled him forward, “We can sightsee tomorrow, lets go eat.”
Laughing, Tobi let her pull him along.
When they passed several side streets, Tobi wondered if they’d accidentally passed Central Road, or whatever the woman had called it. They’d walked pretty far without noticing anything to suggest they’d reached the road they wanted.
“Oh.” They called in unison.
Central Road was indeed obvious once you reached it. Even if you ignored the fact it was twice as wide as the road they were on, it led directly to a keep at the center of the city where Selest’s statue could be spotted over the walls.
Turning left and away from Selest, Tobi walked hand-in-hand with Selene to Sulil’s Copper Lantern. It was not at all how he expected it to be.
Huge windows were tinted (or perhaps stained) a copper color with a bronze frame holding them in place. You couldn’t see in but you could see an almost perfect reflection of yourself. They looked more tanned in the reflection than in reality, but Tobi had to admire how they looked as a couple.
On that thought, Tobi realized that they weren’t actually a couple. They’d kissed, and she wanted to be with him, but he’d not actually made her any promises. Nor had she to him. Looking at their reflection, it was definitely something he had to remedy.
With the image of her hair blowing in the sea wind still burned into his mind, Tobi gently pulled her toward the doors and entered.
Spotting a good looking woman with the deepest brown eyes he’d ever seen and the most beautiful olive skin he’d ever come across, Tobi guessed she was the hostess or maitre d’ - or whatever they called the position in Chadú.
Seeing Tobi in turn, she gave a small bow of her head and greeted them, “Good evening, Sir. Madam. Table for two?”
British accent. Did not see that coming. “Yes please”
“Upstairs or down?”
Looking closer into the restaurant (and that’s definitely what it was), Tobi chose upstairs. He wanted the view. Looking at Selene for confirmation, she nodded her agreement.
Guiding them upstairs, the waitress that greeted them took several glances at Tobi. As it was also noticed by Selene, he eventually asked the woman if anything was wrong.
“Are you from Anderon?”
“Yes, why?” Tobi replied.
“Your don’t sound like it.”
Smiling at the fact she’d noticed his accent, Tobi wondered if Selene had caught on. She had.
“I always knew the way you spoke was weird, but why did I never notice it was from Lybernia?” Selene asked.
“Maybe because I have never been to Lybernia before in my life.” Tobi replied as they rounded the stairs to an upper eating balcony.
“Then what about your accent?”
The waitress seemed equally interested and stopped walking whilst they waited for Tobi’s answer.
“How should I know? This is how my family speak…Ah curd tork lark this if y’all want.”
“What the hell was that? And don’t ever do it again.”
Laughing, Tobi gestured for the waitress to continue showing them to their table. After seating them, the waitress hesitated.
“Menu?” Tobi asked, more of a reminder than being in any kind of hurry.
“Ah! Yes. Sorry. I am new.”
Watching the woman rush off and grab two menu’s, Tobi smiled. As soon as she returned, he took them both and passed one to Selene before thanking her.
“Oh, it’s not as expensive as I thought.”
Selene’s wide-eyed response didn’t agree. Tobi shrugged and told her to get whatever she wanted. They offered a rib steak with salad and potatoes for 15 Gold. If he considered 1 Gold as Sterling, it wasn’t expensive. Not even $30 American. If he considered 1 copper a penny, that would make 1 Silver a Sterling Pound, that in turn would make 1 gold £100.
£150 steak? Why not? He’d once paid $200 for a burger in texas. Granted; it was a really big burger with an edible gold leaf, but it was still a burger.
After ordering his steak that came close to the restaurants most expensive dish, Selene blushed and asked for the same.
“How do you take it?”
“With a heartbeat.” Tobi replied expecting her to catch on. “Blue? Almost raw? Slightly cooked? ...Really? If it still bleeds but its been cooked, I am happy.”
Selene seemed just as shocked as the waitress, “I will have mine cooked normal. Fried.”
“Why ask if the only option is between well done and burnt?” Tobi asked as the waitress left.
“She was asking if you wanted it fried, grilled, chopped from a spit-roast or oven roasted. Who eats steak with blood pouring out?”
“... Me, obviously.”
“Well don’t blame the girl if it comes back and it’s cooked properly.”
Frowning, Tobi decided he’d send it back if it was overcooked. How can they charge 15 Gold and then refuse to send it to the customer how they’d ordered it?
Hearing two people arguing as they approached, Tobi recognized the waitress and guessed the man with her was a cook.
“This foolish woman claims you want a raw steak. Would you please tell me what you ordered.”
“Sure. A fried steak cooked for approximately one minute on both sides and sent to me whilst it is still bleeding.”
Staring at Tobi like some kind of alien, the man blatantly refused to serve him poisonous food.
“Fine, show me to the kitchen and I will cook it myself.”
Unimpressed, the cook welcomed him to make his own poison and gestured for Tobi to follow him.
Staring at the kitchen with envy, Tobi remembered the open fire oven he’d used in his bakery for bread. If his kitchen had been like the one in Sulil’s Copper Lantern, he’d have probably enjoyed his profession much more.
To the right, a giant alcove was cut into the wall with long poles leaning on an angle into the wall. Every foot or so, the pole had a small hooks where spit-roast bars with skewered meat were placed. Watching as the smoke went up into an air shaft above the alcove, it was easy to understand it led to a chimney.
At the far end was a medieval looking cooker. Unlike the metal gas cookers of his home world, they seemed to be made from some kind of rock with metal shutters where you could throw in more wood. On the top were either grates like you’d find on a barbecue or a small metal funnel letting the flames out. Like with the spit-rack, it was placed in a chimney-breast alcove and the smoke rose out of the top.
To the left were preparation tables with bowls of vegetables, eggs, bread and a wide range of condiments such as salt, pepper, oil and wines.
The only thing he couldn’t see was an oven. When he’d baked bread, he had to use an oar like item to place the dough into a huge furnace type thing in the wall. He had to use it again to lift the cooked bread back out. This place didn’t seem to have anything like that. It was the best kitchen he’d seen in Aevitas by far.
Looking at all the ingredients on the table, Tobi came across a weird gelatin and asked what it was.
“Beef stock, made from the bones and cut-offs. We sometimes use it in soups and broths. It’s pretty common practice, have you never seen this before?”
Tobi smiled. He knew what beef stock was, he’d just never seen it stored in little cups like that before.
Grabbing some black peppercorns and a pestle and mortar, Tobi started to grind them up.
“I thought you were making steak.”
“I am,” Tobi replied, “but I am making peppercorn sauce to go with it. I think I am supposed to use chicken stock but beef will do I think.”
With the peppers grounded, Tobi grabbed a small pan and added butter. After melting the butter on the smallest flame he could find, he added flour and stirred it quickly. When it started to look like toothpaste, he slowly started adding milk whilst still stirring.
A couple of the other cooks continued to glance at what he was doing whilst they were preparing their own dishes.
Finally adding the stock and ground peppercorns, Tobi stirred further and put it back on the stove to heat up.
Grabbing a frying pan and adding a teaspoon of oil, he put the pan on another ‘hob’ and went to find a half-inch-thick slab of steak. An interested cook tossed him one and followed him to the cooker.
Taking off the peppercorn sauce so the milk wouldn’t burn, Tobi stirred it before covering it with a lid and letting it sit. After throwing the steak into the pan for roughly a minute, he flipped it over to do the other side. When finally it was done, he tossed it onto a plate, added the peppercorn sauce, threw on a bit of side salad and heaped on some potatoes that were being boiled nearby.
“Steak and Peppercorn Sauce, ladies and gentlemen.”
You have created new recipes.
Peppercorn Sauce.
Blue Steak.
Steak and Peppercorn Sauce.
Cooking has advanced to Intermediate 11.
Still refusing to believe he would eat the almost raw steak, the cook told him to try it. Tobi obliged and cut a piece off the steak. It wasn’t as good as his mom made it, but it was still good. With a kitchen like the one he was in, he was convinced he could make a lot more dishes from his home world. How nice it would be to have a proper full English breakfast again.
Walking through the restaurant with a tray carrying both his meal and Selene’s, several people glanced at the brown liquid on Tobi’s steak. The smell was mouthwatering. He’d put the peppercorn sauce into a little sauce-boat so Selene could try it too.
Followed by the waitress who wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do when the customer was serving his own food, Tobi smiled at Selene and put her generously sized steak, vegetables and potatoes in front of her. Placing the sauce bowl nearby, he told her to try it if she wanted and sat opposite.
Noticing that he had no drinks, he asked the waitress to get him some Honeyed-Tea and whatever Selene wanted. She chose a strange wine he’d never heard of.
Digging into his food without waiting for the drink to arrive, Tobi recommended the sauce once more. When she refused to try it, a man on the next table over asked what it was. Thanks to a mouthful of meat and potatoes, he couldn’t reply so passed the boat over to him.
As the man was also eating steak, he poured a little on directly and tried it out. Before Tobi knew it, the boat was being passed around other tables until it was empty. Nine out of the eleven testers had liked it.
Finishing his food, Tobi felt satisfied and checked his satiety bar: 100/100.
He knew that in his home world one good meal would fill you up, but in Aevitas, if your satiety was too low you would have to eat a lot. Even if satiety was full, you never actually felt full and could eat forever. The only time you actually felt real hunger was when your satiety dropped below ten.
You are well fed.
+10 Strength
+50 Energy for 1 hour.
+10% Health for 1 hour.
+10% Mana for 1 hour.
Having never cooked anything that gave stat bonuses before, Tobi tried to remember what foods he’d eaten in the past. They’d all been basic. Sweet-cakes were about the best and only offered 30 Health restore along with some mana regeneration. Sailors Broth might count as a proper meal but it hadn’t done anything for him after eating it.
Remembering the BLT he’d made on the beach for Selene and himself, he wondered why that hadn’t counted as a stat improving food. He decided to make it again some time to see if he could figure out how food had an impact on stats.
Pushing a small portion of food away from herself, Selene moaned that she couldn’t eat another bite. She was stuffed.
Sitting back and enjoying his honeyed-tea, Tobi asked if it was worth the Gold he was about to pay for it all.
“Probably, I don’t know. You cooked yours yourself, so I don’t think you should have to pay at all”
Laughing, he agreed. What kind of restaurant let a customer cook anyway?
“Excuse me, sir?”
“Yes?” Tobi replied looking up at the cook he’d disagreed with earlier.
“We had a few customers asking for that peppercorn sauce of yours. Would it be OK with you if we add the sauce to our menu?”
“By all means, go ahead. Not like its up to me anyway. Just means if I come again I won’t have to make it myself.”
Smiling and thankful, the man bowed and turned away. Turning back, he asked Tobi if he would actually like to come back and cook again.
“You are obviously skilled in the kitchen. If you were to be looking for employment, our kitchen would be happy to have you.”
Thinking of his pocket-purse, Tobi hesitated. “When I have sorted my own affairs, I will see if it is possible.” he replied, careful not to make any agreements. He’d been swindled into inadvertently starting quests before.
Nodding, the man turned to leave a second time before once more turning back, “I am Sal, by the way. Son of Sulil. I am not yet at my fathers’ ability, but it is a pleasure to meet you, Mr…”
“Just call me Tobi.”
“Mr Tobi.”
After the man left, Selene noted on how quickly he made beneficial friends wherever he went. Tobi didn’t respond, he’d just remembered that he was supposed to be setting an atmosphere of a date. It hadn’t felt like a date at all and now he wasn’t sure how to confirm what kind of relationship they were in. As long as they weren’t officially an ‘item’, he couldn’t be sure where he stood.
What do they call dating here anyway? Courting? Wooing? Partners? Lovers? -No, lovers is too strong.
“What’s wrong?”
Tobi shook his head, “Nothing’s wrong. I was just thinking about...uh...our last night in Cohol.”
Noting how her mood darkened, Tobi wondered what was wrong. He’d expected her to blush or be happy. Hadn’t she been happy that they kissed? Was it a mistake?
Confused, he asked her what was the matter.
“I knew you would bring it up, I was just,” Sighing, Selene looked down at her napkin and placed it back on the table, “it’s OK.”
“What’s OK?”
“I don’t know what you’re thinking, but I don’t regret it at all. Do you?”
Frowning, Selene didn’t seem to know what she wanted to say. With his heart hammering, Tobi forced himself to stay seated and not walk out. After the way she’d flirted with him all that time and the way she’d acted, he needed to know he hadn’t just made a mistake in falling for her.
“I thought you were going to tell me that it was a mistake. That it shouldn’t have happened and it won’t happen again.” Selene finally answered.
“And I’d have brought you to an expensive restaurant to tell you that?” Tobi replied as relief swept through his body.
Selene shrugged and looked around.
Public place. Treat her nice, let her down gently. That’s what she was thinking?
“Talk about killing the mood,” Tobi smiled, “it’s the opposite. I don’t know what kind of relationship we have. Are we friends that kissed, or are we a couple? I wanted to clear that up. Or more accurately, I wanted to ask you to be with me officially.”
Biting her bottom lip the way Tobi liked, Selene resisted a smile, “You want to be with me?”
“Yes. Selene. That’s what I am awkwardly trying to say...ask.”
As her smile widened, Tobi took it as a yes and smiled back. It had been one of the most daunting things he’d ever done. Even with Niamh it hadn’t been so incredibly awkward. They just acted overly friendly for a couple of days and then Niamh introduced him as her boyfriend to her friends. Job done.
Still feeling awkward and not sure what to do, Tobi finished his drink and asked her if she was ready to go.
Calling the waitress over, Tobi asked for the bill.
“Sal told me to give a discount due to the peppercorn sauce and you cooking your own food. For the wine, tea and fifty percent off your meals, 19Gold and 3 Silvers, please.”
Handing over 20 Gold, Tobi told her to keep the rest as a tip and held his hand out for Selene. After receiving multiple thanks for the generous tip from the waitress, Tobi brushed it off like it didn’t matter. He may have tipped nearly a full Gold, but he’d saved 15 Gold or more on the bill so it felt OK.
Leaving the Copper Lantern hand in hand with Selene, Tobi felt like he was floating (and was especially glad the awkward part of the night was over). Selene seemed equally happy and constantly squeezed his hand as they walked back the way they came. Night had already set and they still had to pay for their room -rooms- at the Puddy Muddle.
Spotting a man acting weird on the opposite side of the road, Tobi slowed down and looked around for others. He didn’t know what kind of city Chadú was and the last thing he needed was to find himself in trouble with some thugs.
Looking back after they passed the man, Tobi spotted him cross the road and quickly throw something down a small hole. Guessing it was a sewer drain, his interest piqued. He imagined that it had been a murder weapon and the man disposed of it secretly. It was the same kind of wild fantasy he'd amuse himself with as a kid walking home from school.
Unable to remember how many roads they passed to reach Central Road, they had to walk all the way back to the gates before starting their path to the inn. If he remembered right, it was two streets up, left and follow it to the end.
The side street was not very wide at all and compared to the main streets, it felt cramped. Spying various people stood in doorways and even sleeping on the street, Tobi kept Selene close and followed it to the end.
The inn was easy to spot, but calling it an inn was overly generous. It was nothing more than a house with a sign above the door. A BnB would have been more accurate.
Knocking on the door, Tobi waited and looked down the street as somebody climbed out of the floor. That was the second time he’d seen someone messing near the drain system. It looked like he climbed out of a manhole or something.
He was still watching the man when a woman around her sixties opened the door and Selene nudged him.
“Hi, uh, sorry. I am Tobi and this is Selene. We were told this is the best place to stay in town by Captain Braddock. I wondered if you had two rooms we could rent for the night?”
“Two rooms? 2 Silver deposit, 30 coppers each per night and you get the silver back if you follow the rules.”
Nodding, Tobi pulled out 3 Silvers from his pocket. He hadn’t carried coppers in a long time.
“This way.”
As Selene followed the woman inside, Tobi took one more look down the street. His interest earlier had been in what the man had thrown into the sewer; now his interest was the sewer itself.
After being shown their rooms, the woman gave them a run down of the rules. First being that downstairs was off limits and all doors would be locked. Second, no snooping around the house or attempting to lift items. She promised that she’d know if they did. Thinking about his brooch with the tracking magic inside, Tobi guessed the woman was telling the truth. Third, she doesn’t do breakfast and she wouldn’t share the kitchen. Fourth; no magic in the house.
After listing the fourth rule, she took note of Tobi’s eyes and asked if it was magic.
“No, I was born this way. I can’t turn it off…”
“Very well. Final rule. If you lose your key, you pay for new locks and you lose your deposit. You have 1 key for the front door and 1 for your room. Always lock when you come and go. I don’t care if you are inside or out, all doors stay locked except for when you are using them.”
Raising an eyebrow, Tobi nodded and looked to Selene. The woman put a lot of faith in her locks, but if that’s the only reason the place was safe, it wasn’t much.
As the woman left, Tobi awkwardly said goodnight to Selene.
“No kiss?”
Watching as she bit her lower lip, Tobi wondered if she knew what effect that had on him. She probably did. Everytime she did it he felt himself pulled towards her.
Kissing her lightly on the forehead, Tobi told her to get some sleep.
“That’s not the kind of kiss I meant.”
“Yeah, well. Any other kind of kiss and I won’t want to go to my own room.”
As Selenes smile widened, Tobi smiled back and took a step away, “Get some sleep, we have an early start tomorrow. There is a lot we need to get done.”
Making a pouty face, Selene retreated a little into her room. Backing up into his door, Selene covered her mouth tried not to laugh. Playfully telling her to hush up as he rubbed his head, Tobi let himself into the room. Waiting until he heard Selene lock her door, Tobi shut and locked his own.
The only problem now was what he would do for the rest of the night. Confined to his room with nothing to do until morning...it was promising to be a long, boring night.
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Authors Notes:
Spoiler :
I hope so.
Today's shout-outs go to Ahael and Laikestorm. Thank you both for your critiques / reviews. I am not sure what I am doing wrong with my grammar so private message me if anything sticks out please
Also, Ahael - my build up of drama - I will try to work on it now its been pointed out. How and when I don't know because I am not sure how to improve on it. Will see what I can do.
Thank you both
Additionally today, I thought I would share something you might find interesting. I couldn't find some of my notes and was searching everywhere for them. I knew I had the notes but couldn't remember which book I wrote them in, so I started searching through all of my notebooks on Aevitas.
After realizing how many notes I actually had, I lay them out on my bed and took a picture.
Wanna see? Well, I am going to show you anyway :P
I think this is my shorted chapter since chapter 1, only 4500-4,600 words.
Sorry about that :/
~Aspirer <3
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