《Chronicles of the Tiger Immortal》Book 1: Chapter 10- Purple Cloud City
(Author: Hello! Writing fantasy with xianxia elements is easier than magic. I get less writer's block and I sleep easier at night with less fatigue. Lu Shu has survived his first real death match and has secretly foiled the plans of the Hyperion. He has realized his weaknesses and will strive to strengthen his defenses. The members of Sky Angel Academy have left and Meng Ce returns to the side of his disciple. Lu Shu now begins to cultivate and absorb the giant demonic cores energy in himself to stimulate and accelerate his growth. Lu Shu plans to escape far from Wightwood Forest as his adventure resumes. Hope you enjoyed last chapter's battle scene. Enjoy.)
--------------Chapter 10: Purple Cloud City--------------------
Lu Shu spent the rest of the day cultivating as he found a place by the lake to cultivate in peace. He took out the white Mystic Stone and placed it against his chest, watching it enter his body. The Mystic Stone would make him vulnerable early on, but it would also accelerate his growth as it would house his spirit energy. Then he placed the giant demonic core on the shore of the lake and began meditating. He could feel the red spirit energy flow from the demonic core into his body. It felt amazing. So much power came from the demonic core and it seemed to be endless.
His spirit energy started to condense, pouring into the white crystalline orb in his body. Black liquid began to ooze out of his body as he kept absorbing the giant demonic core. He had broken through to the second stage! While the first two stages are the easiest to cultivate, it was still a wonder to breakthrough so early. If he were a regular human and did not drink lion wine, he would have broken through to the third stage already. Lion wine increased his strength and his spirit energy foundation. The only downside was that it also slowed down his cultivation rate.
By the time the demonic core was about half drained, he had reached mid-stage of the second stage of Spirit Shaman cultivation. He stood up and stretched, he had grown two inches and his body's muscles became more lean. Inside the white orb, an outline of a beast was taking shape. Lu Shu jumped into the lake and washed off the impurities from his body, a huge smile on his face.
Inside his body, the white Mystic Stone had fully harmonized into his body. It did not exist in his body, physically, and existed in his mind. Inside the orb, red spirit energy had condensed into the form of the beast he detected earlier. It stood atop of a lake of spirit energy. The lake seemed bottomless due to the darkness beneath the surface and lightning crackled in the sky. The lake was his life force, just as magma was the life force of the planet.
The half drained demonic core shined and entered his body. Lu Shu howled in surprise as it entered the lake in his soul and submerged into the depths, disappearing from view. The lake seemed more vibrant as the surface began to create small waves across the surface. Unbeknownst to Lu Shu, the white wing in the bead seemed to replicate and sent one of the wings into the depths of the lake. The wing found the demonic core and wrapped itself around it. Several wings seemed to sprout from the first wing and five pairs of left wings wrapped the demonic core.
The bead shined for a moment before it dimmed and became inactive. It had bond itself to him now. Whatever power it contained, only Lu Shu would be able to access it in the future. Lu Shu's hair had grown much longer now and went past his shoulders. Lu Shu slept peacefully after eating some food from his storage bag and slept against his magical beast as it fed on some meat.
The next day, Meng Ce had arrived and was relieved that Lu Shu was alright. He was proud that Lu Shu was a true God Eater, but then got angry as he learned that Lu Shu had put a Mystic Stone in his body prematurely. However, the news that Lu Shu had broken through to the second stage made him happy. He assumed it was because of the demonic core of the Hyperion and warned to onlu use them sparingly when he reached the third stage or it would impede his growth and potential.
"Master, we should leave Wightwood Forest," Lu Shu said after Meng Ce explained what happened and about what happened underneath the giant tree's roots in the swamp. "Those Hyperion might suspect that we took what was in there. Besides, I killed one of their humanoid Hyperion. Maybe a survivor might recognize me if they bring reinforcements to search for whatever was missing."
"Hmm. I planned to let you stay here for a month, but you killed Hyperion instead. Also, you have reached the second stage. You're right. We have no further business here. We will head to Purple Cloud City. It is a city run by a duke who serves the king of the kingdom to the south east. The Hyperion are concentrated to the north east of the Yan empire. Even though we head east, we will be safe there," Meng Ce assured. "Many young Practitioners start their journey there. You will learn much more there as we explore the region and various nations. Along the way, you will read this book on formation barriers. It is a waste to learn how to make them as you will waste time learning them instead of improving your capabilities."
"Then why learn them, master?" Shu asked as they set off toward the city. Lu Shu had no more white robes and just wore a simple black robe with the hood over his head, concealing the upper half of his face.
"You must learn formations in order to break and escape them. In order to defeat Practitioners who use formations, you must also learn about them. The more you learn, the more you realize their strengths and weaknesses. Practitioners of certain sects specialize in learning how to make formations," Meng Ce said. "There are many mages and knights there in the city. Throughout the world, there are more mages than Practitioners. A Practitioner is more powerful, but a mage has more connections. Try not to kill or cause a fight when we enter the city. We're leaving your homeland now. Your safety and keeping your identity a secret has never been more imperative."
"I understand master," Shu said as he received an ancient, silver book about five inches thick and began reading as his white tiger magical beast followed Meng Ce's beast as he led it in the direction of Purple Cloud City.
While they on the road, Meng Ce trained Agemo in martial arts and swordplay. He decided to have Agemo continue with alias and use his real name Meng Ce. Meng Ce was not a major general on the front lines, but Lu Shu was the second son and third child of an emperor. While people might have heard of Meng Ce albeit really rare, no one would recognize Agemo's face as his features had changed and all his bullies were dead. Meng Ce taught Agemo how to deflect blows with Rain Slayer. Agemo had the tyrannical strength due to the lion wine so it would be best to deflect rather than block. Even though he had the Eclipse Indestructible Body, Agemo agreed due to his fight with the humanoid Hyperion. He learned to never underestimate an attack if it was an item or limb with magical properties.
Meng Ce also told Agemo to keep the hood over his face. Not only did it hide the upper half of his face from view, Meng Ce wanted to train Agemo in his spiritual training. Eyes can see the material, but only the mind can sense the spiritual. He knew Agemo was already very sensitive to spiritual energy. He wanted Agemo to train this aspect and make it into his strength. All living creatures had spirit energy. If Agemo could learn to sense spirit energy, he could even tell what move his opponent would make based on their opening movements.
Agemo also learned about formations. Each and every formation, no matter how complex or simple, always had four different sets of origin. Most formations were in a three point, triangular formation or a four point square formation. Only a truly dangerous formation was based on a five star point or eight hexagon point formation. In every formation, there was always one point which was the strongest and another which was the weakest. The only way to determine which was which was through sensing the spirit energy fluctuations caused by the formation.
There are also extremely powerful formations, but they had a greater weakness of requiring a magical item to invoke it. Removing the magical item would automatically disperse the formation so they always had to be hidden. The only true threats were formations based on an eight point, hexagonal formation and a five star point formation. The five star formation was the most difficult and the most dangerous. The more points did not necessarily mean that it was more dangerous. The more intricate the formation, the more difficult it was to break. Several lines of spirit energy would flow from the same point throughout the formation, making it difficult to discern which was point of the formation which was needed the most to maintain it.
Whenever the duo passed through a cliff, Meng Ce would stop and have Agemo train on the cliff for three days. He would have to climb the cliff using spirit energy and climb down without using spirit energy. He wanted Agemo to learn when to use spirit energy and increase his awareness as he tried to find footholds as he climbed the cliff. It is much easier to climb a cliff than to climb back down. Why? It is because people are used to searching with their hands than with their feet. Their hands would be supporting their body, instead of the feet, on the way down. Not only that, Agemo was still blinded by the hood and had to search with his spirit energy. He had to feel the vibrations on the surface with his spirit energy to find a foothold. It was similar to the sonar of a submarine.
Some days there would be no physical training or cultivation. This was because Agemo had to learn more about his elements. If they found a dark area, Agemo would meditate within. If they found an area full of water, Agemo would meditate within the water and learn how the water flowed and study the fluidity of its movements. Lightning was more difficult to study as there were rarely thunderstorms. Luckily, Agemo had already manifested his soul in his mind and would meditate while gazing at the lightning above his soul lake.
Under so much training, he naturally made improvements. The outline of the red spirit energy beast was looking more like the outline of a giant tiger every day. More and more spirit energy seemed to be present in his body and he had become attuned to using it normally in his body. It became natural to him and he did not waste any spirit energy at all over time as his body became in tuned with it. Spirit energy was no longer a foreign existence in his body. It had become one with him and was already a part of him.
Rain Slayer also became stronger as it was linked to him as his Practitioner weapon. The katana blade had become sharper and contained more force when Agemo used it. However, the katana seemed as light as a feather. Due to his tyrannical strength, he became used to wielding it one-handed. If a magical beast he encountered grew to close, he would take advantage of the two-inch cross guard of the katana to pierce and bash the magical beast at the same time.
Agemo always had the sword strapped on right side with the gourd beneath his robe in his left side. It would have been the other way around if he were right handed. He didn't like keeping it in his storage bag and felt safer wearing it at his side. Finally, seven months and three weeks of several magical beast killings and training later, Agemo and Meng Ce had arrived in front of Purple Cloud City.
Agemo had his white tiger shrink to thee feet in height and it followed alongside him as he and Meng Ce waited outside the gates. Purple Cloud City was a city where Practitioners and mages lived and studied. It laid in the kingdom of Kasara, to the south east of the Yan Empire, and a major power in the south. It was one of the few cities where Practitioners outnumbered mages. It was due to the fact that the Purple Cloud Sect had been founded by its leader, a Spirit Sage! Naturally, all Practitioners were treated with respect in the city.
Meng Ce stood out as he arrived in his white sage robe as well as his strength as a ninth stage Spirit Shaman. He had also made a breakthrough after killing two of the three humanoid Hyperion, whose strength were also at the eighth stage like him. Faced with a life-and-death situation, how could he not make a breakthrough in order to survive? While others would be envious of him, Meng Ce was inwardly troubled. Why? Because from first stage Spirit Knight onwards, those people could not participate in mortal wars. You could kill an army, but you couldn't fight as a part of it. If Meng Ce became a Spirit Knight, he would lose his dream to be the greatest general of the Yan Empire and be forced to live as a Practitioner only for the rest of his life.
Agemo did not want to stand out so much in his black robes and went to a store that sold Practitioner clothing. Agemo bought a dark purple cloak made from the fur of a Sand Spotted Purple Fox and wore it over a white tunic, black pants, and shoes. Robes were too thick and the weather was hotter. The cloak seemed to have clouds the color of sand and was pretty cool. The cloak had the effect of self-repairmen and required the wearer to use spirit energy to activate the effect. He didn't like the color, but the store was biased to purple colored variations. It seemed to be because of the influence of the Purple Cloud Sect.
He let the hood hang on his back as he followed Meng Ce around. He could see many Practitioners and mages roaming about, browsing for wares. His black hair with cerulean streaks had been tied back into a small ponytail behind his head. He didn't want his hair to cover his eyes if he needed to fight. Occasionally, he sipped some lion wine as Meng Ce led him into the main plaza. They could some shouting and Meng Ce was curious and led Agemo there. Agemo hoped to see a fight and he might be able to see a Purple Cloud Sect member fight.
"I will be the one to buy that magical beast!" a young boy roared. "Who are you to get in my way!"
"I saw it first. Get out or I will kill you!" another yelled.
A large crowd had gathered by the time Agemo and Meng Ce arrived to see what was happening. Agemo saw two large groups of people glaring fiercely at each other. One side wore dark green robes with gold seams while the other side wore bright red robes with black seams. Meng Ce frowned as he recognized the boy yelling among the people wearing crimson robes. It was a distant member of the Lu Clan. Probably one of the children who became a Practitioner to make his own future.
"You think you can threaten me? I am Tian of the Lu Clan. You may address me as Tian Lu in this country with its clan name second by custom. Leave the magical beast alone. The emperor is my distant uncle. He is a Spirit Master and there are many members of my clan who are mages as strong as Spirit Masters as well. Piss off!" the boy yelled.
"Hmph. That supposed to scare me? We are not in the Yan Empire anymore. We are in Kasara. The emperor holds no power here. Men! Get them! Do not let them get in my way!"
"Yes, Young Master!" they cried and they attacked the disciples of the Crimson Desert Sect.
"Do you wish to help them?" Meng Ce asked.
"No. I do not know him. We cannot reveal my identity here. It would only make the situation worse," Agemo muttered and turned away. "We came here to train me. I am Agemo until we return."
"I understand," Meng Ce said and watched Agemo leave. Meng Ce stared back at the fighting and turned into a flash of light. He controlled the element of light and moved faster than they could blink. First he did a low blow on the boy who insulted the emperor. Then he stole the magical beast egg from the vendor. He appeared where he initially started and only a faint blur had occurred around his body and he vanished, appearing in an alley ahead of Agemo.
"You got involved didn't you?" Agemo asked as he saw a two foot high egg that was dark green. "You stole the egg? Why? Wasn't the Great Ancestor supposed to give me my first magical beast?"
"Yes, that is true. However, I had to take the egg for you. Those people may have suspected that it was a dragon egg, but this is a Saint level dragon egg. Saint level magical beasts are the rarest and most powerful of all magical beasts. This is the egg of a Emerald Steel Dragon. They only hatch when someone pours their spirit energy into it once the egg fully matures into the size it is now. You should not be deceived by the white tiger you ride. As soon as it wore the collar, it becomes lifeless, a being without a soul. It only acted like a tiger because you subconsciously thought it would."
Agemo stared at the dog sized tiger and realized it was true. When the tiger ate or ran with him riding it, its eyes always seemed to lack the spark of life. Now he knew why Meng Ce just stored the tiger in his storage bag. It was as if the tiger were a puppet that obeyed his every command. He couldn't believe how much power he had over it. He had subconsciously made it act as if it had a life of its own.
"I see that you have understood," Meng Ce said as Agemo stored the white tiger into his storage bag. "The magical collars do not work on the living. Do not feel sorry for it. It is already dead. Mages value such collars as the ones on the tiger because they always dream of having an army of minions attacking under their command. Agemo, that Emerald Steel Dragon is not the most powerful dragon magical beast as its rank is about a little above average among Saint level dragons. However, dragons are always the most powerful of magical beasts unless it is a rare breed and variant. Keep it in your storage bag for now. Whenever you choose to bond with it, even if it before the two and a half years before we return to the Great Ancestor, you may do so. The Great Ancestor only provides a magical beast of the Saint level if his descendant has not bonded with one already."
"I'll store it for now. I'll wait until I reach the third stage," Agemo said and stored the egg in his storage bag. "Thank you. It seems coming to this city is not a total loss. Why did we stop by here anyway?"
"To get a map to the capital. They are holding a tournament for people below the fourth stage, like you. I told you to stop absorbing demonic cores as it will impede your progress, but that does not matter to spirit pills. They are just less effective and costly. The vault did not have many, a reason which is quite obvious. There are many prizes awarded per round in the tournament. Spirit pills are just one of the many prizes," Meng Ce answered.
"There are other ways to get spirit pills," Agemo frowned.
"True, but the tournament will allow you to fight against mages and Practitioners. This way, you can fight them and gain an insight in manipulating the elements. Spirit techniques are concentrated attacks using spirit energy, but someone of the third stage of Spirit Shaman can manipulate the elements. Why? Because as your Spirit Pulse gains its true form, your body becomes that of an Archon," Meng Ce smiled.
"Archon? What are those?" Agemo asked.
"Archons are those who have the power of gods, but were not meant to. The very words describe what Practitioners are. Why? It is because we can manipulate the elements. You can make a bucket of water freeze into ice. You can throw daggers of lightning at someone or makes yourself invisible for a time in the darkness. This is why mages fear Practitioners. However, the number of people who actually reach the third stage are rare. That is because sects are very picky on who they select. You are a rare case as you come from a powerful family. Naturally, you have the resources to reach the third stage," Meng Ce answered.
"Is that why father is sending me to a martial arts sect?" Agemo asked.
"Yes and no. Martial arts sects are just stepping stones. Eventually, a Practitioner or mage must explore the world and cultivate alone. The path to immortality is a lonely one. Only talent, insight, and hard work will allow you to reach greater heights. No one can help you with that," Meng Ce said. "We'll buy a map of Kasara and then leave. It's a pity we did not see a Purple Cloud City member, but you should see them all over this country. They are one of the big five sects in Kasara. Naturally, they will have sent their outer core disciples to participate in the tournament in the capital to earn prestige and honor for their sect."
"The point of this three year journey is to open your eyes to the world. You are exploring the world early instead of cultivating in a sheltered environment for three years. I did not bring you to the outside world to fight or kill. That is just an event of circumstance when it happens. Our goal is to increase your knowledge. You might be disadvantaged against those of the third stage, but you can see how they use their spirit and how they manipulate their element. That alone, is a substantial benefit," Meng Ce smiled and Agemo followed him through the market.
Once they found a suitable map, they bought access to a caravan. At dawn of the next day, the caravan left Purple Cloud City with several mages and Practitioners. Agemo and Meng Ce seemed like loose Practitioners, people without a sect or clan, among the many people who wore similar robes. Soon, they would arrive in the capital in five weeks. While it took three weeks and seven months to get to Purple Cloud City, the capital of Kasara was not far at all. That was because Purple Cloud City was almost at the center of the kingdom. Agemo and Meng Ce just traveled without visiting the major cities as Meng Ce trained Agemo.
(Author: Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Enjoying the pace so far? The last few chapters were about gaining knowledge of the world. The next few chapters will center around the tournament and will contain fighting. By the way, is it just me or did other writers take a break with their main stories or make side stories the last few days? Hope you enjoyed the 8-10 triple chapter release. Thanks for reading!)
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