《Ghoulish insanity (incomplete/finished)》Chapter 5 - ラノベ主人公病、直したほうがよさそうかな?
When I emerged from the basement dungeon, the dark of night still blanketed the empyrean expanse over the world, but by the time I had managed to return to Dwarf-san's picnic spot, blood red sunrays were starting to pierce the nights duvét of darkness.
That's fine, but... Dwarf-san is missing.
Puffing my cheeks out, I cross my arms. "Hmpf. Who needs Dwarf-san anyway." I say to the empty air. After holding my pose of discontent for some time, I give in. It's not like I just want him to teach me to swear like a dwarf, you know? It's definitely because I need him to answer my questions about this world. He owes me a favor after all.
"There is no escape! Raven-chan, come forth!" I say as I cast [Summon Raven familiar 1]
Pfuuh, I'm starting to get the hang of this. Raven-chan appears out of thin air just like before, though she appears to be giving me the evil eye. Or maybe it's just my imagination? Haha, that's right. Since my Raven-chan has red eyes, she's always giving the evil eye, right? Yes, let's go with that.
She's definitely not glaring at me because I made her suicide, okay? Goddamn it!
In any case, Raven-chan has no choice but to obey my orders, so she flies off to search for the dwarf. Although this is a forest, the canopies don't obscure the sky that much. Given that he was just stabbed and left for dead, he couldn't have made it far, could he?
While Raven-chan is searching, I sit down close to where the dwarf was stabbed and look over my stats.
Alyce Katheryn Francisca McDowell
Titles Demon Monarch Lady of Ravens Lifebinder Scholar Monster Rank: G+++ Basic Information Race: Undead (Ghoul) Gender: Female Age: 10 Level: 17 Character Status Health: 1879 Mana: 3547 Stamina: 1217 Class: None Strength: 33 Intelligence: 75 Charisma: 68 Sub-Class: None Dexterity: 26 Wisdom: 53 Spirit: 52 Sub-Class: None Constitution: 165 Perception: 46 Karma: -100 Sub-Class: None
I think it's time to use my remaining attribute points, since I feel like I'm leaving the starting area so I need to be stronger. I would've liked to get an explanation of the stats from the Dwarf before proceeding with the stat allocation, but honestly, since I am a gamer I can probably wing it.
I got Odin's blessing so I will definitely go for a magic centered build. Since that's the case, investing in int is a must. Any pleb should know this. I put one point into int and watch my mana. Nice, it grew by 30 points.
For my next experiment, I put one point into wisdom. This time, my mana increased by only 15, but wisdom must definitely have other benefits besides the MP gain, such as increasing my mana regen or something.
Next up is spirit, I invest one point and in return get 7 MP. To be honest, that's a little small. Spirit is for priests and shamans and that type of class, right? I don't think I need to invest much in that. Looks like I should focus on int and dip my toe into wisdom occasionally. Although spirit could also increase my MP regen... I don't know but it's not worth risking now.
Having decided on a course of action, I close my eyes and allocate my remaining attribute points. "There's no better time than the present, let's go! Yay!" I yell in my high-pitched voice, raising a small clenched fist in the air.
I put 81 points into intelligence instead of 80, just in-case one of the Gods that cursed me has OCD and is watching. Then I put 20 into wisdom, and dump the last 8 points in strength because, after all, it's nice to not be totally weak. I haven't really learned any cool magic yet. Another thing I gotta ask... dwarf...san...about... ugh my head is spinning so much.
There's a whoosh in my ears, almost as if the ocean is washing over me. I feel a great wave of energy run through me, making my spine tingle. I lean my head back against the tree where dwarf-san was sitting and close my eyes. I don't know how long I stayed like that, if I passed out or just had a nap or just closed my eyes for a second. I can't really say.
The only thing I can say, is that when I opened my eyes, a changed status screen floated in my vision, signifying a changed me!
Alyce Katheryn Francisca McDowell
Titles Demon Monarch Lady of Ravens Lifebinder Scholar Monster Rank: G+++ Basic Information Race: Undead (Ghoul/Demon/High-elf) Gender: Female Age: 10 Level: 17 Character Status Health: 1903 Mana: 6097 Stamina: 1249 Class: None Strength: 42 Intelligence: 156 Charisma: 68 Sub-Class: None Dexterity: 26 Wisdom: 73 Spirit: 52 Sub-Class: None Constitution: 165 Perception: 46 Karma: -100 Sub-Class: None Affinities Holy: -100% Light: 0% Death: 100% Darkness: 100% Water: -15% Earth: 10% Fire: 25% Air: 10% Resistances Holy: 100% Light: 100% Death: 100% Darkness: 100% Water: -15% Earth: 10% Fire: 25% Air: 10% Traits Untiring (Undead) 99% decreased stamina drain at night. 33% increased Stamina drain in daylight. Life Sense (Undead, Ghoul) You can detect the pulse of life all around you. Radius is twice your perception. Current radius: 64 Meters (100 max). Hungering (Undead, Ghoul) If you eat the majority of a corpse, you will gain 10% of the experience you would get from slaying it normally. Spitfire (Demon Racial) +1 attribute point per level. +20% fire attribute affinity. -20% water attribute affinity. Ancient blood (High-Elven Racial) +1 Attribute point per level. +5% earth affinity, +5% air affinity Status Effects Perfect Corpse (Condition) -1 Charisma. Uhm, you look perfectly fine, if a little cold. Those with the darker predilections such as necrophilia may even prefer you this way. To those people you appear to have an extra 20 charisma. Curses Eian's Condemnation (Curse) -100% to all attribute gains. Hurry up and perish. Titon's Judgement (Curse) When exposed to the sun and when outside in daytime, -50% to all attributes. Blessings Darkness of the Demon Monarch (Blessing) 100% resistance to holy and light magic acquired. 100% affinity to Darkness acquired. Call of the Grave Queen (Blessing) By consuming the flesh of the fallen (dead), you will absorb a small part of their stats. 100% death affinity. 100% increase to all death related skills. 100% immunity to poison and mundane (non-divine) curses. Odin the All-Father's Retribution (Blessing) 1000% increase to all mana related skills. 1000% increase to growth of all mana related attributes (doesn't apply to achievement bonuses). Skill acquired: Summon Raven Familiar(s). Title acquired: Lady of Ravens. Earthmother Gaia's Compassion (Blessing) 200% increased growth to all health related attributes (doesn't apply to achievement bonuses). Skill acquired: Flesh Manipulation. Skills Summoning Magick 1 (Active) Capable of contracting and summoning creatures. Strength depends on character attributes. Higher proficiency allows for more and higher leveled summons. Flesh manipulation 10 (Active) Through excruciating effort and pain, the user can manipulate their own biomass. Eating flesh will add to available biomass. Spells Summon Raven Familiar 1 (Active) Summon a raven familiar to do your bidding.
Uwah, I'm pretty awesome aren't I? HAWSOME! Ah that's right, I have to call Raven-chan.
Mimicking a phone with my hand, I establish a mental connection to my familiar. "Hello hello? Raven-chan can you hear me? It is I, the loli of death." I say, after a few seconds I get a nice response, images of where Raven-chan is, the way to get there and info on Dwarf-san.
"Good job, my personal GPS. So you're saying that Dwarf-san is camping right now even though it's day time? Is he perhaps travelling during the night? What is this, a zombie apocalypse?!" Clearing my throat, I hang up the Raven-chan connection and start walking towards Dwarf-san's camp.
Walking underneath treetops of green, the wind occasionally rustles the leaves and streaks of morning sunlight stream through the canopies, illuminating the mighty loli of death. Fufufu, yes. But I have to watch my footing lest I trip over the numerous roots and low foliage. Forest flowers of white, yellow and red decorate the earth and vines occasionally snake up around thick, old looking tree trunks.
Occasionally I pass by some moss covered rocks or big mushrooms. I also passed by a berry bush with purple berries, but that was no good. I tasted one of the berries, but had to spit it out since it wasn't berry gud. "Yuck, tastes like moldy old man underwear."
After the brief bushcapade, I decided to focus on catching up to Dwarf-san. Seems like he's still resting and according to Raven-chan I am near. Yes, I can see it now. I am approaching the clearing that Raven-chan mapped out. Just beyond the clearing, there should be some shrubbery. Dwarf-san should be sleeping in there. But... since I'm this close, I'm getting a tittle anxious.
After all, he's going to take my oral virginity **cough** I mean, he's going to be the first person I'll speak with after coming to this world, so I'm a bit nervous.
Biting my lower lip, I push through the wall of green and walk into the clearing. I snap me some twigs and rustle me some bushie-wushies, but Dwarf-san should be tired. I should be good to go.
Taking a deep breath, I clench my fists and face towards the unassuming shrubbery. I'm still completely covered by the cloak, so I might look a bit like an opponent.
Dwarf-san is sleeping so it should be fine--- "Hiiiiiiieeeh!" I scream as the greenery in front of me explodes and gleaming armor emerges and with it, a huge braided black beard.
"What be the meaning of this. They send a gnome lad to dispose of me?" Dwarf-san looks displeased as he calmly brandishes the glowing blue sword I pulled out of him. "Me damn family's still looking down on me, aye that they be." The dwarf grumbled, stepping towards me.
When he got a few steps closer, his frown deepened and his mouth turned down. "This smell, ye be one of the damned then. I swear on me life I'll gut that goddamn arch-lich meself for turning this place into a graveyard!" Dwarf-san says, raising the sword to strike.
I hurry to raise my hands. "Wait wait, waaaaaait!" I shout, and Dwarf-san freezes mid swing. I quickly swipe the hood off my face and look up at dwarf-san, biting my lip. I am nervous after all.
Dwarf-san's eyes grow wider and wider as he stares at me in silence. "What in the bloody hells..." he mutters underneath his breath.
"I... I'm not your enemy, okay? Goddamn it!" I say, stamping my foot on the ground out of reflex. When I realize what I've done, my face grows hot and I avert my eyes. Shit. I wanted the first impression to be good, but this is...
Dwarf-san is still not moving, so I look up to find him staring at me with an amused expression. Actually, he's clearly suppressing laughter. I puff out my cheeks and try to give him the evil eye, but Dwarf-san just starts shaking with silent laughter instead of repenting!
"Hmpf, I'm not even interested in having you teach me to swear anymore." I say and turn my back to him. Before I've even taken a single step, the dwarf lets out a rough, bellowing laugh.
"Yahaha, blood and ashes that surprised me." Dwarf-san says, still trying to suppress his laughter. I guess I can't blame him, so I turn to face him once more. I still don't know what to say, and I don't want to make an embarrassment out of myself again, so I stay quiet. After a moment of silence, Dwarf-san asks "So what are ye?"
I shrug my shoulders. "I'm Alyce? Nice to meet you." I say, curtseying and lowering my head briefly. I look up to find the dwarf looking at me oddly, so I cock my head.
Finally, dwarf-sans spirit seems to return to his body and he shakes his head once before replying.
"I be Gromnir Redskull, though me family's not exactly fond of me at the moment. Call me Grom." Dwarf-san says, extending a huge, hairy meaty sausage-fingered fist to me. I reach my hand out to him, but his huge fist completely swallows my small hand. Nevertheless, the greeting goes well and we shake a few times. Yosh, successfully greeting another person for the first time! Achievement unlocked, social interaction level up! Yay, yay!
"Ye certainly look happy little lass." Grom says. I nod enthusiastically. "Uhn. I am! You're my first and I performed amiably if I have to say so myself, except for that first slip of course. Otherwise I will give myself full points! What do you think of my performance, Dwarf-san? I mean Grom."
Dwarf-san looks at me oddly for a moment before shaking his head. "I ain't got a blastin' clue what ye be saying lass."
I cough a few times to clear my throat, definitely not to hide my embarrassment. After having pressed the reset button, I re-engage!
"The conversation went a bit off track didn't it?" I say. "And whose fault is that!?" Grom shouts back. With glistening eyes, I look up at him and smile. He takes a step back.
"Wha what's with that creepy gaze?" I just keep smiling until Grom lets out a heavy sigh. "Me belly's not right for this. Hurts like a bitch." He complains, walking over to a tree and sitting down.
I follow behind him and wait until he's seated, then I approach him. "You can slap me if you want." I say, tilting my head and looking at Grom. I I feel like the tsukkomi isn't quite complete without the Hamada slap and a quick nandeyanen.
Grom's eyes widen and his jaw drops. "What are ye saying!?" His expression is truly shocked, so I sit down in front of him and try to look normal. "The joke..." I say, my tone a bit sad. Then I shake my head. "Ah, it can't be helped, can it? There's no way he can understand it if I don't explain it to him"
To that, Grom nods wearily. "Aye, truer words naer been spoken lass. Now, care ye to tell me why the flaming farts ye be here? I haven't got a clue what's going on. I'm a bit wounded at the moment, but I'd thought me mind clear. Now seeing you, I begin to doubt me own sanity a wee bit."
"Hmm, how so?" I say.
Have I done something bad? Making someone doubt their sanity... could be considered slightly, only slightly mind you... but still a bit bad? A tiny bit bad?
"Well, ye smell like one of dem ugly-ass corpses, yet ye be very pretty so it's bloody confusing is what it is. Ye have horns like a demon and ears like a bloody high-elf and eyes..." with that, Grom trails off and his brow furrows. "Those eyes..." Grom says neath his breath. "Those eyes... I have seen those eyes before. Back then. But... what? No it can't be, but the smell..."
"Alright, alright, I get it!" I say, making Grom jump. "I get that I smell, okay Grom? You don't have to remind me all the time, goddamn it! Besides, the odor of your body isn't exactly the best either, is it? Hmm?" I say, getting to my feet in front of Grom and crossing my arms over my non-existent chest in protest.
Grom looks at me a moment before chuckling. "Aye, still haven't gotten to the river fer a dip yet. It be a bit further up ahead."
"Ooh, river-chan!" I say, making Grom look at me strangely again. Then something in his eyes seem to change and it's as if a lightbulb has turned on in his brain.
"Ah, I get it now. You be one of them forest fairies. They like messing with people's heads and they be very good at illusion magic and mind magic."
"Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not a fairy." I pause for a moment for effect before smiling and showing him my ghoul fangs. "Not a fairy, but a ghoul! If you aren't careful I'll eat you, you know? Maybe that'd be for the best. After all, my journey would be far too clichéd if I were accompanied by a grumpy dwarf."
Grom laughs and shakes his head. "I don't get ye, but... well, ye be alright with me lass. Where ye headed?" Hm, looks like he still doesn't believe me.
"Truthfully I have no idea. Been wondering that very thing ever since I first woke up on that battlefield. Huh Grom? What's with that expression?"
Grom's face darkened considerably. "The Siege of Redwater castle. That was one hell of a battle, but in the end that lich bastard won."
"I don't really know about that, I just woke up on the battlefield and I was really, reeeeaaaly hungry, you know?" I pause, my hands fidgeting with the edges of the cloak. I have to come clean though.
"So, after I woke up I saw some corpse homies and followed them. I killed one of them and scared the others off and then..." I trail off, glacing over at Grom. He is staring at me frozen in shock. Nothing unusual about his condition then, so I can continue the story I think.
"and then I heard a dwarf swearing. It was very glorious. Unfortunately the corpse homies, I mean the ghouls, they heard the dwarf too and rushed towards him. I followed and tried to defeat them, but I was too weak and then there was that white light and the corpse hom- the ghouls were gone."
I looked up briefly, but it was no good. Grom's eyes were vacant and he was just staring at me in muted disbelief. I clear my throat and continue. ”Ahen. So after that, I pulled the sword from your back and tried to wrap your wound, but it was no good. But the white light came again and the bleeding stopped... not really sure what happened, but I'm sorry I couldn't do it better.” I say, my voice growing quiet. I stare down at my shoes and move my right foot back and forth a bit, gently tapping and scraping at the ground. Why... anxious middle-school tick, why did you appear? Go away!
Grom let's out a chuckle and I look up. ”So you were the one that saved me? I was wondering how that happened, but I couldn't do shit when it was stuck in me. Couldn't even use me healing magic.” Grom said. I nod my head.
”That's right, I saved you, you know? Be grateful, you hairy slab of meat!”
Oh no! I quickly cough into my hand a few times and vigorously press the reset button. ”Um, ignore that please. Anyway, it's true I saved you, so you owe me a favor.”
Grom, who could barely hold back his laughter, just looked at me ”Oooh, is that so? And what would ye have me do? Ye little fox.”
”Teach me to swear! Oh... and answer a few of my questions about... stuff.”
Grom runs one of his hands through the edges of his beard. ”I can do that. Answer yer questions that is. It be unethical for me to tell ye how to turn the gentlemans phrase though.”
I can't believe this. After all, it's no good?!
”Come on, why?”
”No matter how ye look at it, teaching a little girl to swear... me dead mam'll scold me severely.”
”Hmph, and here I thought you were my friend.” I say, crossing my arms and turning my back to Dwarf-san.
”Oh come on lassy, give me a break will ye? I'll think about teaching ye, so for now come sit and let's talk.” I turn back to Grom, who has the gall to look pleased with himself.
”Hmpf, fine.” I say, walking over to the tree next to him and sitting down. Grom looks over at me and I stare back trying to keep my face neutral. Pokerface, activate! Though I don't think a pokerface is supposed to feel so strained. I can feel a twitchy twitch near my right eye and dwarf-san is trying to hold back his laughter again.
Sighing, I relax my facial mooscles and he seems to calm down too. ”So lass, ye says ye be having questions fer me?” I nod. ”Before ye ask me, can I ask ye a question?” I shrug my shoulders and indicate he should go right ahead. A give and take relationship is fine with me, as long as I get what I want.
”Are ye really that child ghoul from back then? Ye look very different, much less...”
”Nasty? Grotesque? Abdominal?” I shoot back, but I feel like I butchered the last word. I hurriedly press the reset button so Grom doesn't notice.
”Well it's true that you caught me at a bad time. I had just woken up and my body was all messed up. I just had to fix it with my skill so it's fine now, you know? No biggie.”
”So that was really you? It's hard ta believe.” Grom said. I just stared at him, so in the end, he sighed and waved his hand in the air. ”Go on then, interrogate away me lassy.”
For a moment, my mind went blank. After all, I had so many questions to ask. What are monster ranks and what does mine mean? Is there an adventurers guild? What are the guild ranks? What about levels, attributes, classes and talent points and races and traits and... I shook my head. Grom-san is still patiently waiting for my question, so I take a deep breath and try to collect my scattered brain.
Let's start with a where and go from there!
”Redwater castle, was it? Where exactly are we?” I ask, and Grom raises his eyebrows.
”We be on Damrin isle off the coast of Almilten. Where did ye come from if ye dinnae knew that?”
I could only shrug. ”I don't know, don't remember. I woke up on the battlefield. Maybe I lived in redwater castle, I cannot remember anything prior to the battle nor the battle itself, so I'm not sure...”
”So ye don't know bout the arch-lich?” Grom asks, I shake my head. ”Apparently, the damn thing is trying to build a necropolis. It started slaughtering everything on this island and adventurers were called to help fortify Lenkhal, but we lost the city and had to retreat to Redwater castle. That wannae good else though and we knew it was only a matter of time fere even the Redwater castle fell. After that we were ordered to return but...”
”You were betrayed.” I reply, and Grom nods grimly. ”Aye. By me own bloody family of all things. Should've seen it coming, I should. Me sisters always been a shify, power hungry bitch, but I dinnae knew it was to this extent..” Grom said, a pained expression on his face.
”I'm guessing now is not the ideal time for us to take it easy. Maybe we can't even clean ourselves in the river?” I say, and Grom nods in agreement as he gets to his feet with a clank of armor. Even though there was a conspicuous hole in the breastplate, the armor itself still looked quite formidable as did the glowing blue sword. Grom was quite huge and broad, like an enormous block of meat. You wouldn't know he was injured if you just took a glance at him because he looked like the definition of sturdy. And yet I knew him to be wounded.
I cocked my head to one side. ”Can't you heal yourself?”
”I wish lass, I wish. But that scumgobbling pile 'o bones be setting up ziggurats. They be foul things that spread plague and rot and death. They block holy magic in a certain radius depending on their size, you have ta be extremely strong to still use holy magic under the oppressive influence of the ziggurats, and cleric be only one of me sub-classes not me main one.”
”Speaking of classes, I have some questions. Let's walk while we talk. Where do you think we should go?” I ask the dwarf. He seems to be more experienced than me and he called himself an Adventurer, though of what rank and strength I don't know.
”We should definitely get off the island, but I don't fancy swimming to land. It be a bit too far.”
”Does this Lintball place have ships? If it does then let's go there.” I say.
”It's Lenkhal and aye, me thinks they still have ships. The bloody ribcage in robes be planning to invade the mainland and spread. That's how they work.” Grom replies, starting to walk.
I trust that he knows his way around here, for I certainly don't.
”Ah yesh! Bloody... bloody calcium deficient, closet-rattling framework of a person!” I yell, pumping my fist in the air and running after Grom to catch up. He looks at me strangely and says nothing. Could it be he approved of my no doubt amazing cursations!? Ah but dwarf-san is a cursing veteran so there's no way he would be impressed with such paltry demonstrations of the Alyce-chan put-down. I must up my game and grind my skill in the put-down. Ohoho.
”What's got ye so fired up lass? We be heading into a place crawling with the undead, which reminds me. What be yer class and level?” At his question, I can feel my face getting hot, although I am definitely not blushing, you hear me?! Goddamn it!
”A-actually, I don't have a class... I don't know if I lost it when I became a ghoul, but right now I'm just a class-less level 17. If I knew some spells I might be able to help, but I only have one summoning spell and I'm not sure my summon can even fight.” I say, my voice nearly a whisper.
Dejected, I walk behind Grom watching his huge, broad back sway from side to side as he plows through the underbrush like a tank. ”That be a shame, but we be needing all the help we can get. Still... to take on an Arch-lich by meself...” Grom grumbled.
”We won't fight them directly, right? Surely you're not that stupid?” I ask.
”Who's the adventurer here again lass?”
”Huh? Who's the one that saved your life here again, hmm?”
We continued talking as we walked and Grom revealed that he was a level 79 Berserker with the cleric and blacksmith(crafter: armorer) sub-classes. Apparently his adventurer rank is only D class despite the fact that he is level 79. Also, it seems like crafting and profession classes differ from combat classes. That means you can be an artisan without weakening yourself, which is good. Maybe crafting classes even boost you in combat? That would be cool. Henceforth, I shall found the Federal bureau of system-chan investigations! Yes.
We walked for awhile and eventually came upon a road just as the light was dimming and night was sneaking across the heavens. We followed the dirt road and it expanded more and more the further we traveled along, slowly morphing from a meandering forest path to something resembling a 1 cart lane.
”So what's the highest leveled person you know?” I ask him. ”Know personally? That would be Bertram. Tenacious old bugger for a human. He be an A ranked wizard and the guild master in the Larlen adventurers guild branch. I don't know his precise level, but he'd have ta be over level 600 to be considered one of the strongest A ranks as he is. Not quite S rank but close enough.”
”That's... quite high?”
”Aye, but compared to the legends old Bertram's just ordinary. They say the ancient Demon Monarch from two thousand years ago was over level 900. Can ye believe that? And not only was it over level 900, it was also a legendary grade monster. Well, it also ain't that unusual for dragons to be high leveled even nowadays, and most dragons are at least epic quality.”
”Shit... and I'm only level 17... please forgive me, but I don't want to join club seventeen and I don't want to be forever 17 and I don't want...**cough** cough** Yes, well, it seems I have a ways to go before I catch up to those people...” My voice trails off as we round a bend and instead of forest, what stretches before me is a hilly landscape, but it looks off somehow.
The grass is a withered yellowish brown and near the horizon the grass turns into a blackened scorched dead wasteland.
”The land looks a bit unhealthy.” I remark and Grom turns to me.
”What do ya mean?” he asks.
”The grass is withered and further up ahead everything's all black and dead.” I reply, and Groms expression grows serious.
”So it's reached this far out already. We must hurry lass, lest we miss our chance.” Grom says, walking quickly up the road. I struggle to keep up with my short legs. Hah... the irony. My legs are shorter than those of a dwarf, but to be honest Grom doesn't look anything like the dwarves in fantasy. He's huge... maybe I mistook a very square-shaped human for a dwarf? Will he be mad if I ask him? He didn't correct me before, so it's only natural to assume that he is an overgrown dwarf and not a square-shaped human, right?
”Nyah, it's not like I care anyway.” I mumble underneath my breath, lost in my own world. That is the best world, you know?
”Ye should care. There be no other easy way off the island. Though calling what we're gonna do easy ain't right either. Just over that blackened hill lies Lenkhal and although it's our way off the island, it currently be crawling with the undead and an Arch-lich” Grom says.
”So, we shall go to Lintball and commandeer a vessel from boner-kun and his army? Sounds like fun. Raven-chan, come! It's time to become a pirate, arr!” I say, summoning Raven-chan. Fufufu, behold the great Lolician in action. Super cool!
Grom watches with interest as the air collapses in on itself and my lovely GPS emerges from the distorted space. His eyes go round as saucers when he gets a second chance to look over Raven-chan.
”Isn't she awesome?” I say, still bathing in the glorious lolican vibe. I stand with arms Akimbo and fufufu, proudly raising my chest. My raven-chan is the best, you know?
Grom nods. ”Aye, that be a big Raven. I feel like I've seen...” Groms eyes nearly pop out of his head. ”You're shitting me. This... isn't this that stupid bird that nosedived to its death right in front a' me?” Grom shouts.
I crumble to the ground and hide my flaming head in my hands.
- In Serial164 Chapters
Who I am? Where I am? A virtuous soul was given a second chance to live. At the price of all his memories, he would be reincarnated in a fictional world of his choice with the power of his choice. Watch as this soul reincarnates firstly in the world of Boku no hero academia and strives to reach the highest level. After suffering for years and being saved by the greatest hero, a child has to watch as this hero slowly but surely lost his power. The day when this hero gave his power away, the boy decided something "I will become a hero, but I will not be the kind of hero who brings smiles to the people. The brighter the light, the larger the shadows. I will become the shadows of the future symbol of peace" Notice: like most fanfic of this kind, the mc will travel in a different world. Notice 2: I am already writing another book called ENDLESS MYTH and I'm also a university student. as such I must use my time well since my studies stay my number one priority. Disclaimer: Depiction of cruelty, torture and child abuse will be present. Sex scene, curse word etc etc will also be present. Anyone under 18 shouldn't read this. Copyright Disclaimer: Neither the original stories nor the cover picture belongs to me. I am just a fan who wants to write a different version of Mangas I love with the powers of other manga I find badass. You should go read those Mangas or watch their anime version.
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8 128 - In Serial7 Chapters
Fields of Deceit (Multiverse OC/SI)
Lyle struggled through a lot to get where he is. Now, he's ready to rest. Sadly, the world won't let him be. There's a tragedy at every corner and he just can't keep well enough alone. ****** A multiverse story with a Bloodborne start. Has a Waifu Catalog base, so if you don't know what that is, I recommend looking it up. I'm aiming for good quality, so let me know mistakes, plot holes, or even if you don't like the direction I'm going.
8 148 - In Serial60 Chapters
Do you really only live once? Inspired by Re:Monster(P.S. English is not my first language, don't hate. Also this is my first fanfic.)
8 93 - In Serial39 Chapters
A Love Like This.... ✔
Completed.----------"Why is Parth calling you CEO?" He asked suddenly."Because I am one." I said proudly."But I don't know, I mean your company... maybe something small you do." Roy shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck. "Your mother knows me, Mr. Singhania." I smiled. "As well as your father. Well, we even danced at the ball three months back."Yes, I can play this game. "I see, I'm Roy." Roy held out his hand for me."Ashna Kapoor." I shook his waiting hand and that old dying flame was ignited by that mere touch. ________________Love,Loren.
8 378