《Ghoulish insanity (incomplete/finished)》Chapter 3 – My cliff-san can't be this steep.
I wake with a shiver of pleasure running through my body. Involuntarily, I spasm around on the ground for awhile before finally coming to my senses and sitting up. Jolly jee, guess it feels pretty good to level up eh? It was like org- I mean, like receiving an electric shock. Yes, let's go with that.
Oh shit, the dwarf! I turn to look over at him. He's still there, leaning against the tree resting. I can feel him through life sense along with some other small critters all around.
In my vision they're like small red haloes or auras. I try focusing on one and the clear outline of a squirrel behind a tree jumps out at me. This is like having a wallhack, isn't it? I kinda feel like a cheater, tehehe, but thank you for not making it X-ray vision. Hopefully that means the gods of this world aren't of the Japanese variety. Thank fuck the bearded man didn't die while I was indisposed.
Remembering the 7 undistributed stat points, I take a quick gander at my status, wondering what I should invest them in.
Alyce Katheryn Francisca McDowell
Monster Rank: G+++ Basic Information Race: Undead (Ghoul) Gender: Female Age: 10 Level: 2 Character Status Health: 285 Mana: 853 Stamina: 211 Class: None Strength: 10 Intelligence: 18 Charisma: -59 Sub-Class: None Dexterity: 9 Wisdom: 12 Spirit: 13 Sub-Class: None Constitution: 21 Perception: 14 Karma: -99 Sub-Class: None
Constitution feels like the most important stat to me. If I was just playing a game, I'd min/max into a high mobility DPS build of some sort, but seeing as this is a real world with no guaranteed respawn, constitution holds high value for me as it's probably the main way of increasing HP. I don't know that for sure, but after the level up my HP has risen a bit and I can't help but think its due to the increase in Constitution granted by my legendary monster bonus.
I'm a bit relieved that I got a pretty absurd bonus to constitution as a reward for leveling up though. +10 to constitution seems a bit abnormal, but I'm not gonna complain. I'll take all that I can get. I'm not like those retarded JP protagonists that upon meeting god and getting a second chance at life is like 'no thanks, I don't need a cheat ability and furthermore, where's the way home?'
I wonder what stats other people in this world get when they level up? Maybe I'll ask Beard-san once he wakes up. Assuming he wakes up... I shake my head. No Alyce, don't think like that. Of course he will wake up. He must. I wanna hear those swearwords again...
Gazing up at the sky now streaked with orange, I smile.
Night is coming, my time is nigh! I feel almost like a vampire or werewolf. My strength doubles once its night time, you know? I'm amazing, right?
Actually, speaking of strength I should try out my summoning magic while I wait for nightfall. I feel really hungry and I know only one way of sating said hunger. Unfortunately, the only thing I desire to eat here is Beard-san and that's no good, so I'm thinking that I have to go back to the all you can eat buffet.
Closing my eyes and preparing to watch my breath through my nostrils in a basic meditation exercise, I realise that there's a problem. I... don't breathe. Oh well, hopefully the mana will come somehow. Hopefully I don't have to resort to yoga to elicit a mana reaction. I've always thought yoga was a spectator sport...
I focus on the skill name, summon raven familiar. I even go so far as to picture swirly blue liquid running through my veins and picturing a mighty black raven. Then I feel a small rush of something, like whoosh and my eyes snap open just in time to see the air in front of me distorting as if there was a heat haze or something.
Then a raven appears with a pop, flapping its wings and landing on the ground in front of me. That's... so fucking cool!
It's... it's rather big, isn't it? Those eyes are an inhuman black colour with small angry red dots as pupils.Why is it just staring at me like a creep at a fare? Anyone who cared to look at this thing would immediately realise that it's not natural. It's quite clearly a monster, you know?
I guess it doesn't really matter if my raven is a bit creepy. I summoned it with the power of kool aid running through my veins, goddamn it! Guess using magic feels pretty... kool, after all. Tehehe.
Slapping my face, I jump to my feet noticing the darkening sky. Looking down at the raven for a moment, I raise a boney m finger and point at it. "Now listen up Raven-chan. Stay here and watch over Beard-san over there, okay?" I say, and a long series of gurgling growls emanate from my damaged throat. I really should fix that, but I don't have much biomass to work with at the moment. I will go load up on cellulite in a moment.
To my surprise and slight trepidation, the raven nods its head as though it understands me. "Raven-chan! You understand me don't you?" I say, and it nods again. So cute, awawah. I want to smooch it on the beak.
I resist the urge to hug my first familiar. I have work to do. And by that I mean I have an all I can eat buffet to take advantage of. After all, I don't know when enemies will come here to look at the battlefield and the corpses won't last forever either. Every woman exiguous or voluptuous, worth her salt, knows that it's imperative to exploit an all you can eat buffét by eating all the delicious stuff without stopping, until you faint! Or maybe that was just me in my last life... by the way, I was definitely not fat, okay? Goddamn it!
Cake is just very delicious...
I walk back from whence I came and the sweet scent of delicious, mouthwatering goop and jellies on sticks once more fill my nostrils. With but a thought, I send Raven-chan to scout the area around Beard-san to give me some forewarning should an enemy approach. In the worst case scenario, I will have Raven-chan attack and stall for time while I rush back.
I will try to stay close, but a womans gotta eat, you know? And I want to explore those blackened ruins too. They look rather interesting. Maybe I can find some phat lewt inside.
But first... I stare out at the field of corpses crawling with maggots, at the brown bones and black soup and rivers of blood, and I feel sick. I feel disgusted. I also feel hungry and a small string of drool escapes my lips again. I gotta stop that. I'm not a baby, baby, baby oh.
Closing my eyes for a moment, I steel my resolve before walking over to the nearest pile of rotting flesh and digging in.
As I raise the first chunk of meat to my mouth, I find my hands shaking. I guess there's no easy way to do this. My stomach is curling in on itself and I want to scream in horror. At the same time, I want to giggle with insanity and just eat it all up.
"Tehehe!" I laugh, extending my lips and sucking like a vacuum cleaner.
That was the first of many victims to fall that day, or should I say night? I guess the sight of a small child corpse eating other corpses untiringly for hours and hours on end in the middle of the night, would scare the living daylights out of any being who would chance upon the battlefied. Life sense didn't pick anything up though, so I'm good. Probably.
If only Frank could see me now, tehehe! I'd eat him too, but not before I make him suffer painfully.
Congratulations, Achievement: earned: The grotesque feast. Within a short span of time, eat 10 corpses, leaving nothing behind. Explanation: Inhuman and savage like a beast, with an unending hunger for decaying flesh, your grotesque feast is an affront to all that is good. -1 Karma. +4 Constitution. Ping! A large amount of biomass consumed. Due to its inferior quality, storage of the biomass is limited to 3 days, after which time the biomass will disappear. Congratulations, achievement earned: Hungering ghoul. You feast prodigiously on tainted flesh. Trait unlocked: Hungering (Undead, ghoul type). Effect: Eating the majority of a slain enemy's corpse gives you 10% of the experience you gain from killing it. Call of the Grave Queen: +10 Str, +10 Dex, +10 Cons, +18 Int, +18 Wis, +18 Perc, +18 Spi. Congratulations: Level up x 10! 77 undistributed attribute points available. +100 Constitution. Congratulations. After reaching level 10 you are now eligible to pick a combat class. Congratulations. You've gained a trait point due to your status as a legendary monster. Congratulations. You've gained a talent point (locked). Pick a class and learn a specialization to unlock it
Holy shit! I fall on my butt, blood splashing. Then an insane rush slowly hits me like an ever expanding waterfall of pleasure. My vision grows dim and I fall to the ground, writhing helplessly in the throes of a crazy good feeling.
I whimper trying to hold it in as I lie there on the ground, my entire body flailing and twitching about. But I can't hold it any longer and have to let out a scream. Then I laugh until another wave of pleasure completely incapacitates me and the cycle continues for some time, with me just lying there on the ground twitching and giggling and screaming in pleasure.
It sounds really, really disturbing because my screams are inhuman growls and my giggles come out as strange wheezing laughter that sort of sounds like the kind of thing you'd hear if you went to a paranormal activity haunted house. It is definitely not normal.
When it finally dies down, my vision goes completely black. It's lights out and I lose consciousness.
Some time later, I wake with the status window floating in my mind. Slowly, I sit up still completely flabbergasted at the pleasure. It felt... good. Very good. Then I remember all those pop-ups I got before the pleasure made me black out. Holy moly! Who knew eating corpses would be so good for you?
I guess those blessings are to blame for my absurd stat gains. After all, call of the grave queen states that I should only be getting a small amount of attribute points. Oy, you call that a tiny amount!? Not that I'm complaining though.
Gaia's blessing doubles my gains for strength, dex and constitution, so I got 5 stat points from eating 10 whole corpses of probably high level soldiers, which was then buffed by gaia's blessing. Even though the system keeps calling them inferior biomass, I do suspect that those dead soldiers at least outlevel me by quite a bit as I am right now. But still, Odin's blessing is ridiculous, isn't it?
Anyway, levels... I leveled up 10 times. It's unbelievable, right? I'm amazing, right?
But I guess I shouldn't get ahead of myself. After all, I didn't do anything. I just ate a bunch of corpses. I really do appreciate this all you can eat buffet--- battlefield. It could be my lifeline in this new world.
Did I somehow pre-order a cheat DLC for this game?
Speaking of, I still know next to nothing about the world. What races will I meet out there? Does this world have dungeons and an adventurers guild? Does it have dragons and an army of demons waiting to invade the civilized world? And most important of all, does it have cake? A girl can get tired of eating corpses, you know? There's nothing wrong with having a hankering for cake, okay? Goddamn it!
Looking up at the sky, I wonder how much time has passed. I can feel Raven-chan in my consciousness and if I focus hard enough I can get a general feeling of what the bird is looking at.
Nothing definite yet, but I bet if I train myself more I can connect with Raven-chan and view through its eyes, how cool would that be?
Though I do have a fear of heights, so... maybe I'll hold off on that. Besides, I got a fricking boatload of attribute points! It's good that I leveled up. Being below level 10 made me feel like a complete noob. I guess I'm still a noob though, just not a complete one. Tehehe!
I still want to dump all the points into constitution. Self preservation and all that. But seeing how I get 10 constitution per level, dumping them into that stat seems very wasteful. I should think about my build a little bit before I rush to make such an important decision.
Hmm, I wonder what kids do in this world once they level up. Do their parents tell them what stats to invest in? Do they even get to choose? Just more questions for later. Beard-san owes me, so I will have him answer my questions if he wakes up- I mean, once he wakes up.
Getting to my feet, the world spins and I feel slightly dizzy. I manage to steady myself and look toward the blackened stone ruins.
Since I have no idea what the best stats for me are, I guess I'll save them for the moment and go check it out. The range of my life sense has increased again and it feels nice to have a radar around me just in case some bandits are lying in wait.
I shouldn't trust it 100% though. It's possible that there are abilities out there that can avoid detection auras like my life sense, so it's best that I keep my wits about me, un. Keep my feet on the ground, aye. Although I'm no dwarf, I'm a child but not quite a gnome. It's okay, I haven't been gnomed and I'm thankful for that. Though whether a corpse will grow up is another thing entirely.
I've wanted to see what's in those ruins ever since I first awoke on this battlefield, so I walk towards the ruins with a spring in my step and the silvery light of the moon guiding my path. Elune Adoré!
I wonder what I'll find in there. Humming to myself with a smile, I feel like an explorer in a new land, although I know I shouldn't since I am walking through a gruesome battlefield littered with decaying corpses towards a blackened ruin probably containing even more decaying corpses.
But who knows what treasures (meat) I will find in there, maybe it's even cooked, tehehe.
As I climb over the blackened wall of rubble and emerge on the other side, I freeze for a moment before getting really dizzy. Thankfully I manage to sit myself down before I tip over and fall. Mary's panties, what the fuck? In front of me is a drop of at least 50 meters and down below I can see the ruins of a castle reduced to rubble. Though some buildings still stand, the towers have all collapsed.
Holy shit, this castle had to have been absolutely massive when it was whole. And why the fuck is the ground so damn.... wait, did it sink? Maybe some massive spell displaced the earth and made the castle fall down, I dunno. Just thinking about it makes my head hurt.
Glancing up at the sky and the moon above before checking on Raven-chan, I grit my teeth.
It seems that I am at an impasse here. I really, really want to change my name to Diana Jones and go down there and explore those castle ruins, whip in hand. And no, I'm not into bdsm. I'm really not! Okay? Goddamn it!
But if I climb down there, then I can't possibly make it back to Beard-san in time to save him should an attacker decide to claim his life. Unconsciously, I raise a finger and bite into where the fingernail should be. My teeth only meet bone and I realize what I just did. Letting out a hollow, defeated laugh, I start my climb down.
I feel sick to my stomach for leaving the Dwarf to fate, but at least my raven can protect him. I just feel like I have to explore these ruins now or the chance might vanish forever. A sense of urgency I've never felt before overcomes me on my climb down the 50 meters or so and I nearly slip a number of times.
"Don't look down, don't look down." I mutter to myself. Still I slip and slide a few times, and every time a stone frees itself from the wall and tumbles down with a crash and a bang, I feel a shiver run down my spine. That could've been me.
Still, I somehow manage to descend into the huge pit containing the castle ruins. My non-existent heart beats metaphorically in my small chest. I really wish I had a whip... let's hope there are no nazis in the ruins. That'd spoil my mood.
Reminding myself that I'm not an actor in the zombie remake of raiders of the lost ark, I step forward and begin exploring the ruins. What do I find? A lot of nothing. Black rocks and rubble. Rubadubadubble. Buy the new single now at xxx.ghoulishinsanity.xom
Moving on. I really want to find some treasure, but why did I expect to... If a town gets nuked ten times in a row, you don't go there and expect to find epic loot do you? I guess I've become an optimist, maybe. Still, after going through ruined room after ruined room moving down, I see a blocked staircase and get curious. If there's any place with loot, it's surely in the deepest part of the raid dungeon right?
A slightly smell of sweetness drifts up from the blackness below. I get down on my knees and inch closer to the collapsed stone pillar blocking the stairway, trying to get a peek and a sniff of what's inside.
As a result, my drool ends up dripping from the side of my mouth onto the charred and cracked stone... but I've confirmed something.
Nowhere in the upper part of the castle did I see any corpses or corpse homies for that matter. But down there somewhere... is meat. Will it be more soldiers or something more delectable, I wonder?
Oh gods what's wrong with me. I gotta get down there. Maybe someone's still alive and if not that, then maybe there's epic loot. I'm definitely not going down there because there's delicious meat... okay? Goddamn it!
Though, I can't deny that I like meat in the dungeon...
So... how exactly do I go about it? There's a huge, albeit broken pillar blocking the way. My body's small, but not small enough to squeeze through the gap. I get to my feet, set my shoulder against the pillar and try to nudge it out of the way. To my surprise, the pillar gives slightly, but as I thought, it's simply too heavy. If I was a little stronger, I'd be able to nudge it to the side and it would roll away, but I can't quite get it to that point.
Should I... should I invest in strength after all? What could be more romantic than a 10 year old loli with superhuman strength you ask? A magical loli of course! Still, I decide it's worth the risk. I got loads of attribute points anyway, so I pull up the screen, preparing to squander a few points. As long as I survive, I won't be too picky about min/maxing, and it's good to have some physical strength too.
I definitely don't want to spend too many points on strength though, or I'd be misusing my most overpowered blessing and I'm not an idiot, you know? But a few more points in strength and I might be able to move this damn thing. With a sigh, I put 10 of my attribute points in strength and close the window, hoping that it will be enough.
With a start, I realize that I can feel my power surging and it isn't even my final form! I'm happy that it's having an immediate effect and that I don't have to spend 5 episodes charging my energy like Goku. Yep, I think this should be enough. I go back to the pillar, put my shoulder to it like before and repeat the process of shoving it.
This time, I just barely manage to nudge the pillar to the side and then it does the rest of the work, rolling away by itself and creating a gap more than big enough for me to enter the darkness below. Standing straight and proud, I turn to the camera and let fly a double peace.
No ahegao though. I'm not an animal after all ww.
There's no camera either, just empty air. That doesn't dimish the greatness of double peace sama though. "Peace, peace!" I say, repeatedly thrusting my two hands out from my body and making peace signs. Of course when I say peace, peace it comes out as a funny sounding growl.
Yeah, let's move on... I've got an epic, sweet smelling dungeon to explore after all. And no, that's not a sexual innuendo, okay? Goddamn it!
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