《Howling Thunder》Ch.12 Haze Filled Minds
Chapter 12
Mora stands impatiently tapping Her staff against the courtyard stone. Her blue reptilian eyes reflect a certain hunger.
She's equipped in a stunning set of armor, black chainmail with blue steel plates.
The sharp heeled, knee boots bring her even with my height. Her chainmail skirt looks daringly short and tight. Its thin blue plates hang from the belt like pleats in a dress, going past the skirt to just above the boots.
Her breast plate barely contains her chest in two cups, the neck line is open completely down between her breasts and the chainmail hangs like tattered cloth about her abdomen.
The matching elbow length gloves fit snugly to her talon like black claws. Her dark, razor like, wings are poised behind her like a bird about to strike its prey.
On her head is a crown like silver tiara that accents her already dangerous grey horns. Long white hair is in a single long braid that stops at the base of that grey scaled, whip of a tail. It wags back and forth between her perfect legs, currently poised to begin her attack.
Her beauty steals away my breath. although she grins, most likely thinking I'm nervous for the fight.
The bared fangs remind me that this is no time to be thinking of her as some delicate crystal treasure that I must have…shit.
I ready my staff in front of me, low to the ground. I’ll plan to go all out of at the start; my meager attempts at defense will be futile against her ten years of training.
I will consider myself lucky if this even ends with my being coherent.
Ulfa grins at me, “Better clear that lust filled haze from your mind pup, I don’t want to carry you back through town on my back. It’s time to begin.”
Mora’s composure is broken for a moment while she blushes.
Good of time as any!
I lunge forward swinging up my staff straight at her head.
A flurry of grey feathers is all I see as she spins to the side and brings her staff round at my chest.
I stab my staff down and vault up to flip over her head.
With a flap of wings she slams her horned head directly into my back above her.
Her tail whips my legs as I come crashing down, flipping me to land smack on my face. I'm being made to look a fool.
As I stand a small bit of red sparks in mist trickle like water from my tail.
Mora once again looks like a predator ready to toy with its prey, time to reign in this vicious beauty.
Once more I charge in aiming straight for her head, this time stopping even with her as she dodges and snapping the pole right after her.
She ducks as expected; I back spin the pole to bring it up into her face as I advance forward.
She flaps her wings to quickly dodge back, in that moment I catch her tail that flailed between her legs.
As she lands hard on her back, I move to strike down on her.
She raises one heel to stop me with her dagger like boots. Goddess knows what made me pause to look down that perfect leg while the other one scored a hit to my gut.
I back away clutching my side, she is back on her feet with a light flap of those wings.
A different shade of red arcs from my tail and ears as I think there’s no way I will lose at anything in front of this girl, even to her.
I begin an onslaught of thrusts aimed for her chest; she dodges each one with the smallest of movements.
I snap forward the full length of my staff letting it slide through my hands and bring the momentum into a swing at the end.
In a fluid motion i make a wide spin arcing high then low in quick succession, she launches forward over my staff in another attempt to head butt me.
I bring the staff up again, and she finally chooses to use hers.
With a flap of wings she stops my staff with her own, breaking it. She uses the recoil to front flip into a kick aimed for my head.
I grab her boot and swing her about in a throw but she stops the move once more with her wings.
This is hardly fair; my own fur begins to harden to steel as if in response to my frustration.
She goes to slam her staff down on me from above.
I howl, “Get down here!”
I grab her staff and pull her towards me with incredible strength, as she falls I quickly spin my back towards her. I catch her in the stomach with my elbow sending her staggering back.
I kick forward to send her further off balance but she has recovered already and uses my leg to flip me back.
I land on all fours and immediately pounce forward in a fast punch aimed for her head.
She catches my black steel, fur coated, fist in her own ice covered talons.
Both of us look like vicious monsters in a fight to the death.
Ulfa calls out, “Alright! If you two beasts are done dancing I believe we will stop here.”
My blood is still pumping but the reasons quickly change when I see Mora suddenly blushing once more at Ulfa’s comments.
After realizing she was still holding my hand she quickly stepped back and bowed before returning to the spire in a hurry with nothing more then, “Good day My Lord.”
Asta and Sassa chose this moment to announce their presence.
Sassa gives a small nod, “Well fought cousin.”
Asta laughs, “I dunno he looked like he wanted to mate rather than fight for a moment there.”
I scratch my chin, “I won’t say it didn’t pop into my head, Ouch!”
Ulfa flicked me like normal, Sassa turned bright red.
Before leaving we browse some of the practice weapons available in the yard. However all I can think about is Mora. Seeing this Ulfa gives up and we leave.
As we ride back in the carriage I can’t help but think back on what she had said before the duel.
When asked about what she mean by pecking order she replied, “Well, what number of wife am I to be to you? My father had twenty six wives before the first wife managed to kill him in his sleep.”
...killed in his sleep by his wives…
I coughed slightly, “Um, I’m not married to anyone at the moment nor am I in a rush to be. I do have one mate already however and a little bird girl I’m sworn to marry when she gets older.”
That was only really awkward to say like that.
She pumped her fist, “So I could even be the first still!”
I’m not sure I want to understand what she had in mind right now; I have a life time to figure it out.
Back in the castle the head guard stops me at the entrance.
“Pup I’ve been instructed to show you to the baths once you arrive, I believe the words your mother used where ‘He can use his own for once.”
Once more Ulfa doesn’t hesitate to follow me straight into the bath chambers.
A Different surprise all together is waiting inside.
Walther looking exhausted and desperate, “Save me brother.”
The situation isn’t truly that dire however, Iris is swimming laps in the bath in front of him making sure to splash extra hard each time she passes him.
At the sight of me she gives an excited yell, “Fuzzy! Come swim with me!”
Awe poor Walty left with the kid for the evening, “I’ll be in a little bit after I clean off.”
She flaps her wings clumsily to hop out of the water in my direction, “I’ll help!”
I can see Walt sigh in relief.
I look to the little bird girl hopping up and down in front of me, “You can help if you want just do whatever Miss Ulfa tells you ok.”
She nods away without a care; somehow I don’t think she was listening.
I undress and wrap a towel around my waist before taking a seat on the long bench to the side of the room.
It’s quite a large room styled similarly to the throne room with water flowing everywhere across white stone. The room itself is round and lined with columns, high windows in the vaulted ceiling tell me this is the top of one of the many spires that make up the castle.
Water flows in like a waterfall from one side near the ceiling. Small stone troughs catch the water letting it flow in a spiral around the room to bath in. The majority of the waterfall lands in the center pool where Walt is relaxing.
Walt speaks up, “Apparently this bath is for yours and mine’s private use, Akane will be allowed to use Mother’s. She left Iris with me before this evenings domestic council meeting, the Queen requested her to attend.”
I scratch my chin, “How’s the meetings with the gener….”
Iris came up and tossed a bucket of water in my face with a large splash.
I look at Ulfa who is standing by with another bucket, not even trying to hide the large grin on her face. I turn to face the wall in resignation.
Ulfa pulls up a wooden stool and begins to wash my back, Iris is just splashing soapy water at me….whatever, let her play.
Walt answers me, “Were in for a good bit of action brother, this war isn’t close to ending by any means. The generals complain about the Naga’s endless numbers and bandits are raising hell with our supply lines. I’d bet they send us to take care of the bandit issue on the way to the coast.”
I look at him through the mirror in front of me; I can see the look of a hunter ready to chase his new prey.
A bit of suds splashes my head, a slight static discharge sparks from my ears,
Ulfa pokes my side gently before turning to Iris, “Be careful dear, Fuzzy doesn’t have the best control of his sparks. I don’t imagine they go well with all this water either.”
Great I can’t even relax in the bath without worrying I’ll accidentally roast my future wife.
Iris doesn’t seem to care, she looks at Walther, “Is that like how the water near Walty is colder?”
Really? I didn’t think his affinity was that strong?
Ulfa pats her head, “Yes dear but birds are more sensitive to that sort of thing than us dogs.”
A few minutes later Asta throws open the door naked and does a running jump into the bath with her legs tucked up.
Poor Walt is doing his best not to scowl at his further disrupted relax time.
Sassa pokes her head in before entering wearing a towel, an extra one in hand for Asta.
“Pardon us.” she looks embarrassed as she walks over to the opposite wall and prepares some water, “Asta get over here and why did you run in naked knowing the boys are in here?”
Asta gives a quick glance towards Walt before performing a turn in front of him and crawling out of the bath with a giggle.
She holds her arm across her front to hide my view in the mirror, “It’s just a little service to our neglected future husband, and cousin Nox has his own females to tease him.”
Evil vixen, I only chuckle, really Walt is lucky to have these two wonderful girls.
Sassa sighs, “Speaking of which cousin, I haven’t seen Miss Lupa lately.”
Asta perks up, “Ya, where is Miss ‘Stick up her butt’?”
I shrug, “I have no idea, her family pulled her aside at first chance when we arrived and I haven’t heard from her since.”
Asta raises her brow and looks at me for a long moment, “You don’t seem to upset about it.”
I scratch my ear, “It honestly hasn’t even entered my mind till you mentioned it.”
Asta swims over and plops herself into Walt’s lap in the water, “All the same I’d rather not be related to that bitch, just saying.”
Sassa looks appalled with her ears tilted back, “Asta! Don’t poke your snout into other people’s relations.”
I laugh, “Right? Gods forbid Asta acts like a girl for once.”
Walt grunts in protest while putting an arm around Asta. She gives him a soft, playful growl.
Sassa, feeling a bit left out goes over and begins brushing his hair.
Iris yawns with perfect timing, I’ll take her back to mother and give the twins some private time with their favorite cousin.
I dry off and scoop up my little bird princess, “Come on little bird, time for bed.”
She stretches in my arms and relaxes without protest; she's asleep in an instant.
Ulfa stands to follow me out, I hand her Iris while I get dressed into a rather comfy black bathrobe with red trim that Patra had made for me.
Unable to resist I pause in the entryway to the baths.
I call out into the empty hall way, “Good evening Aunty!”
From within the bath I hear the sound of panicked splashing.
My loud laughter clues them in on the false alarm, I hear Asta scream, “Dammit Fuzzy!”
Iris wakes up in Ulfa’s arms and asks, “What’s going on?”
Ulfa pets her back to sleep saying, “Nothing dear, your husband was just playing a little prank.”
Iris yawns, “You black doggies are funny.”
With that she's out again.
I have a random castle guard lead us to mother’s... private tower.
Familiar red wooden arches line the hall way leading to her chambers. At the hall’s end, a pair of large, red, doors carved with the same burning lotus flowers that are sewn into many of Akane’s dresses.
They swing open at our approach, the guard bows and returns to his patrol. Inside is a large round room with a vaulted ceiling. The floor is covered with various rugs and cushions. Mirrored, curved, staircases to either side lead to a balcony. Several bookcases stand between doorways leading to other rooms. A large, red, paper lantern hangs from the center of the domed ceiling. In the back wall of the first floor an enormous, fox relief, fountain feeds into a small pond. I can see flashes of gold from large fish.
The room has clouds of red smoke wafting about from the several fox statues burning incense along the walls. The smell is like strange combination of cinnamon and citrus. It has a wonderful burning feeling in my throat and eyes that makes me want out of here as soon as possible.
Through the slight haze I spot mother smoking an incredibly long pipe, also emitting a red smoke. She gestures to the cushion next to her for me to sit before addressing Ulfa.
“Take the little bird to the first door up that staircase.” She points using the pipe and then dashes it out into a small silver dish.
“Sit down already pup, I have something to discuss before you go off to bed.”
I can tell by the rising and lowering tone of her voice that she’s been drinking heavily.
The hundred or so randomly scattered ceramic bottles are also a slight hint. They can be found everywhere in the sea of autumn leaf assortment of fluffy cushions.
With a slight hop I plop down on the biggest, black, cushion in sight. Wait, leaves change color? ….
Mother rolls her eyes then with a wicked grin she exhales a large plume of red smoke.
A seven tailed fox walks forward from the billowing haze. It circles around me before disappearing into the sea of autumn colored cushions and red smoke.
She reappears to my left on top of an incense statue, “Tell me darling. What do you think of the capitol so far?”
I consider for a moment, “Like your tricks mother it has many showy and exciting aspects that distract from the truth of the reality.”
I blow a small gust of air in the direction of where she was originally seated. As the red clouds part they reveal her still sitting there.
She has relit her pipe, “Very good pup,”
My ear twitches at the word and beyond my control a loud crack is heard as my small red sparks ignite a smaller red cloud.
“Carful my son, you should better heed your own words.” She has disappeared from her cushion in my moment of distraction.
The fox brushes one of its tails against my side as it steps from behind me.
“These tails are a symbol of my power as I’ve told you previously. While my vast earthly power does not grant me sight of the future that does not mean I am altogether blind to it.”
The fox curls up on the cushion and takes a hit from the pipe, “A black flame burns in the East.”
My thoughts shift to Akane’s fire.
In another plum of red smoke mother once again shifts back to her normal form, “No pup this has nothing to do with your darling sister, yet.”
I patiently listen as she continues, “To the far West, in lands unexplored by anyone who ventures to our lands, a white storm rumbles across the great divide.”
She spins the pipe creating a spiral of ascending smoke, “To the North a great snake eyes its prey to the South, whilst that very prey dances about on strings like a puppet. Many fates intertwine to the South of us. You and your brother may not have the kind of success you’ll expect on your journey. Trust the ice dragon. She at all times appears as the light within the shadow that is you. “
She looks down the length of the pipe, “Your brother, like a loosed silver arrow, will never miss and soon find it’s self permanently stained from blood. Its white quiver will keep it safe from tarnish, the blood soaked cat will keep it sharp, and one day only the shadow will dare stand before it.”
She stares back at me. Does that mean I will fight Walther again?
Mother plays with a red cloud, “You will never find the peace you currently desire my darling Nox, the shadow grows and grows ever expanding, South, East, North, until it drifts westward into the storm, beyond my vision.”
Without hesitation I grin and speak, “Desires change like smoke in the wind Mother. A grand shadow sounds fine. I’ll have peace in my grave.”
Ulfa finally chimes in, “Not if the mistress can help it.”
She stands beside me with a wide grin on her face as she looks at me.
Mother breaks out in laughter; the smoke begins to clear from the room a bit.
She runs up and grabs Ulfa’s arm, “So will you be joining me for some fun tonight Ulfy.”
“You have a playmate for tonight,” A woman is leaning over the balcony.
She has a simple, black, silk robe on. She looks exactly like an older Patra with long hair.
She makes a gesture as if shooing us away, “I don't intend to share tonight. Go rein in my daughter or something.”
Mother sighs and points the pipe at us, “Get some rest you two, the infection here in the capitol will make its presence known soon. Ulfy, his back is yours to watch, do not fail myself or your mistress.”
Ulfa bows and we leave the room. I look back as we pass through the doors. The red smoke reaches forth like hands to close them behind us. It was interesting to see mother in her own residence, no longer being charged with the task of raising the pack’s children.
I pay little attention to my surroundings once I reach my room. Simply tossing my clothes aside, I collapse on to the bed. I love the way it feels like my body is sinking into a bunch of pillows.
A strange dream comes to my mind. The landscape of the world passes quickly beneath me. From sprawling mountains to a strange desert; first a flat and white plain stretching for miles. Then a red dust expanse with giant red rock monuments and arches carved in the stone by time. A lush series of valleys filled with strange square patterns that remind me of the farms near the capitol.
Finally I come to a stop at what must be the edge of this world. Beneath my feet I feel soft sand, in front of me the blue water stretches into the distance. I feel like it's calling me to continue. I start to walk towards the sea.
I feel a pressure against my chest and then a soft, feminine whisper in my ear, “This is not your world anymore Boy, let it go.”
I barely glimpse a woman in a skimpy green leaf dress, smiling as the dream fades.
I awake from sleep to feel a hand over my mouth, its Ulfa’s. Hmm, Maug did the same thing, only thankfully he wasn't in the same alluring black knit dress as Ulfa… gods what an awful thought.
Ulfa flicks my head and tightens her grip over my mouth before I can protest.
It’s now that I hear the creak of my door and understand.
I also now notice that I’m lying on top of a completely naked Mora, when did this bit of heaven occur? Her chest was surprisingly soft…
Ouch! Ulfa bit my shoulder to rein me in. It had quite the opposite effect but the sound of the door opening stopped my urge to bite her back.
I slowly shift into fog and slip out from the bed as I hear the door close shut behind whoever entered.
Moving close to the wall, undetectable in the dark room, I get a look at my intruder.
It is a Turul woman, dressed in black, and holding a dagger made from some type of talon.
Clearly she is not here to have fun but I’m not so thrilled at killing some random woman.
I carefully reform behind her as she approaches the bed. I focus on the sleep curse I learned from Maug and Mother. When I gently touch the assassin’s head she collapses into my arms, I carefully lay her on the floor.
Ulfa hops out of bed and shifts into warg form before sitting on the woman’s chest just to be sure my amateur curse doesn’t fail.
A muffled crash comes from the direction of Walther’s room.
Quickly I fog shift up the fireplace and over to the next room.
Another Turul assassin, this time a man, is pinned to the wall where Walt’s desk stood moments ago, now in pieces scattered across the floor. Walt’s giant saber is half way imbedded straight through the man’s heart, holding him in place.
I barely have time to notice the twins clutching each other in the bed in fear before a blood curdling scream echoes down the hallway.
Walt runs out the door and I quickly follow. He barrels through Akane’s door like it was made of paper.
We are barely in time to see the final form of a bird winged skeleton as it crumbles into an ash pile by the dim light of a black flame.
Akane is standing beside her bed, hair alight with flames in her fury, a slash down the side of her favorite night gown.
I barely contain my laughter, “Hey Walt, remind me to warn the laundry maids later.”
She shoots me a rather scary glare and Walt rolls his eyes as he steps outside to address the sound of the approaching castle guards.
Opening Akane’s wardrobe I quickly grab a red kimono I know she wears often and bring it over to her.
“Come now dear sister, get changed before anyone else pokes their head in.” I pat the flames out of her wild hair.
I turn my back while she dresses, shielding her from the view of anyone who would rush in the door. I feel the ever familiar sensation of Akane holding my tail and turn around.
Hastily dressed, she has my tail in one hand while the other is attempting to sooth the little white carbuncle. Good luck with your new master little buddy.
In a few minutes Father himself walks in ahead of any guards followed by Mother and Hevel.
Hevel immediately begins gathering up the ashes, “I’ll have to be quick if I want any information from these remains.”
His quiet grunts as he bends down are a clear indication of his old bone’s protest.
I speak up for him, “Don’t bother, the one in my room is still alive. I just put her to sleep.”
He stands back up with another grunt followed by a sigh of relief.
Mother grins before asking, “Did you leave her alive for questioning or because she was a woman?”
As I avert my gaze Father scoffs a little, almost amused sounding, “That is noble and all pup but be careful it doesn’t get you or someone else killed one day.”
He turns to Mother, “Please have the assassin taken care of since neither Hevel nor I deal with that sort of spell.”
Mother nods, “No problem, but I will have Nox here do it, he put her to sleep after all. This should be entertaining. Akane, follow me as well, no harm in watching, you will learn this eventually also.”
Akane lets me go and follows mother to my room.
Once they’re out of earshot father turns to me, “There are means to extract information from the dead, someone threatens your family, Kill them.”
I nod as Akane comes running back into the room, “Brother, who is that girl sleeping in your bed!?”
I can scratch my chin as Father bursts out in laughter, “That’s my boy, go wake her up and get her dressed. It should be your Valkyrie correct?”
Ignoring my vehement sister, I nod before hurrying back to my room.
How on earth has this girl slept through all this?
Mora is still snoozing away in the sheets.
“Mora…..MORA!” still nothing.
I approach the bed and give her shoulder a gentle shake.
“A little longer...” she mumbles turning over onto her side facing away from me.
Well this is going nowhere, Mother coughs a little as if to say get her up already.
Figuring why the hells not, I slap her hard where her bare ass should be under the sheets. It makes a very satisfying clap sound.
Ulfa cackles slightly from the side.
Mora shoots up right not bringing the sheets with her.
“What the hell!?!?!!” She glares daggers at me. Her fingers actually become icy dagger like long talons.
They quickly fade however and she begins to turn red with embarrassment as she realizes how many people are in the room.
Before she can take stock of the situation I toss her my robe and get dressed myself.
I ask her, “So this stuff aside for a moment, why are you in my room Mora?”
She clutches the robe around her; to my glee it does little to hide her perfect legs.
“The Bastion Matron kicked me out as fast as possible saying rubbish like ‘the first chosen girl in a decade must make a good impression.’ When I arrived at the front gate they confirmed that they were expecting me tomorrow but had not made any plans for me yet, so they escorted me here.”
Makes sense I guess, “Fair enough but why are you naked in my bed?”
She blushes further, “Well you came in last night and just jumped on top of me so I undressed for you, but you were asleep before I knew it.”
Ulfa, timely as ever with additional information, “You completely ignored her and passed out.”
Ok now I feel like I should apologize… ya right.
Tossing her the pair of knee length boots on the floor that must belong to her, “We were attacked in the night by three assassins, one in each room. We are going to get some info from this one.”
I pause, that was probably the best sleep I’ve had all week, “You’ll be staying in here with me, put your stuff where you like for now we’ll figure the details out later.”
Not waiting to see her reaction I walk over to the captured bird woman. Ulfa hops of and I throw her over my shoulder, she barely weighs more than Iris.
Stepping into the hallway I see Walt escorting the twins up towards our bath. He probably wants them to relax while the body is cleaned up out of his room.
Looking the other way Father is rallying the guards to increase patrols while Akane is giving me an angry look.
Ulfa, Mora, and Mother follow me out, Mother gestures towards Hevel and he leads us to his office.
The short walk through the castle in early morning is incredibly awkward. Mora is hovering close to me, partly in embarrassment of her current outfit of just my robe and her boots. Mostly because of the ever increasing anger with which Akane is looking at her. All the while Mother and Ulfa are loving the show.
Hevel’s office reminds me of the dark themed shop we visited the other day. Dark wood furniture consisting of a large desk, cluttered with various oddities and matching book shelves. The air is stagnant with the smell of various potions and embalming fluid from the jars of various creature parts.
While the office is small and simple otherwise, he directs us to a side door into another room. Inside is a large empty yet stained wood table, straps hang from the sides. Against the walls are shelves of an immense number of tools the use of which I’ve no desire to guess.
I lay her on the table and figuring it’s what they are there for, I strap her down.
Mother speaks up, “You are to enter her dream and somehow figure out as much information pertaining to tonight as possible.”
My mind begins to race with all kinds of ideas and tangents on how to force or trick this woman into telling everything.
I hear Ulfa off to the side mumble, “Poor woman.”
still a little ruff, at least the spacing isnt giving me a head ache to look at. As always i appreachiate any help or question on spelling or grammer just stay updated with me
Final note... yes I am still quite pissed with the group review. but ive ranted and raved enough already so fuck it.
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