《Howling Thunder》Ch.1 The little things we carry in our souls
The first day
Darkness, all I see is a horrifying darkness.
A crushing pressure, as if I'm slowly being pushed upward, a freezing chill stings my body. With a gasp, a rush of air fights its way into my lungs.
I feel as if I'm being held upside down now by my spine. Something smells awful and I think it’s me. I still can’t see anything, this sucks, I start to whine.
A muffled voice, “A black tail madam, this will not please the Fenrir”
As I'm dunked into something wet and warm I hear a whine similar to my own from somewhere.
“A red tail girl, at the very last you may have an appropriate heir, Madam Inari.” The same voice slightly more clearly.
Someone screams, “Would you shut the hells up, get these pups out of me! I swear to all the gods I’ll haunt your dreams for years if you take a moment longer!”
I’m being swished about, I'm dizzy I think I'm going to puke, yup there it is. Great, I’m back in the wetness again.
Dammit quit pulling my spine whatever that is.
I can now hear two whines similar to mine as I'm wrapped in something warm and soft. Hey, this isn’t so bad.
“The last one is a grey, praise the gods he matches the Fenrir!”
A now exhausted voice, “Didn’t I tell you to shut up. The Fenrir will be pleased with his pups from me regardless of their blood trait. Patra, pass me my black fluff ball, and quit grabbing their tails, are you an idiot?”
I’m hungry, no sooner the thought hit me as something round and squishy was shoved in my mouth. I barely move my jaw as something sweet squirts into my mouth. Strangely I suddenly have the feeling that all's right with the world, I let out a small burp.
While my eyes are still locked shut I quickly drift to sleep.
Week 1
Finally I can open my eyes, not that I can make heads or tails of anything I'm looking at. Well, aside from the heads and tails of the other two whiners in this large woven basket with me.
The three of us have clean white skin, two arms and two legs. My tail, the source of my spine feeling yanked, is frizzy and black. The other two have pointed, furred ears that match their tails so I assume I'm the same. Their tails are different, combed smooth, one grey and one red.
The red one is currently hugging my frizzy tail while the grey one is pulling on it, this sucks. But there’s nothing I can do other than slightly shuffle, maybe I’ll get lucky and the grey one will fall out the basket, Red sneezes in my face, ok, maybe I had that coming.
“It’s time to eat, my darling little pups.” This person has the voice that matches the angry one from before.
A big red tailed person lifts me from the basket. I have a brief look at the rest of the room, it’s a torch lit room made of some dark wood. The round nub is placed in my mouth, I now notice it’s attached to one of the mounds of this big red tail, I’ve come to call these mounds of food and glory, boobs.
No idea where the name came from it was really just sudden inspiration, I must be a genius. The glorious boobs come in a pair and I find it a great injustice that I can only have one at a time.
Again, all is right with the world and I’m happy to fall asleep.
3rd Week
I can now shuffle my way about the basket, this much at least was necessary given the behavior of my siblings.
Grey seems to have a constant need to grab mine or Red’s tail, while Red has discovered great joy in hitting us.
The large red tail with the glorious boobs calls herself our mother but she seems to do nothing to stop these lil monsters, in fact, I think I see a look of pride in her eyes whenever Red hits us.
Whatever I, will be the first to manage this crawling movement I’ve been working on, then we’ll see if gray can grab my tail. Mother has also stopped presenting us the sacred boobs. Instead, we have these shitty leather pouch things, it's sour, I’m not happy.
I kick Grey while mother isn’t looking.
2nd month
I’ve mastered crawling about, but that clever bastard Grey was quick on the take up after seeing me move about and Red was only a day or two after that.
Grey, beginning the other day, has stopped touching my tail, sure he still chases me around but he seems to avoid my tail. His hair on his ears seems to stand up when he approaches it.
Red seems unfazed and still uses the frizzy thing as a hug pillow every night, and continues to hit me during the day.
I’ve had enough, as she’s grabbing my tail and is about to hit my leg I swat her hand and punch her ear a little hard. She cries, and mother looks angry. Red is her favorite after all.
“I’ll be sure you learn early to treat your sister well!” she seems a little huffy.
Mother picks me up by my tail and plops me into the wash bucket filled with cold water. I’m now freezing, and panicking.
For some reason the cold reminds me of a nightmare of a gloomy darkness and white flakes falling from above. I start howling like my life depends on it.
Mother sees this may have been a bad choice for me and tries to quickly dry me off.
When she reaches my tail there is a sudden spark of light. Mother is surprised; I spot Grey and Red peaking over the basket. She goes to touch my tail with the drying cloth and again there is a flash of light.
My tail is noticeably less frizzy for the first time.
Nothing more happens however, and so while a tad curious, it’s set aside as something weird and random.
3rd month
Red, Grey and I have now been moved to another room in our apparently large home. All the walls are the same dark wood. The hallways seem to go on forever with endless doors.
As we go down a floor I get a look at a grand pair of opposing curved stairways in the largest room I’ve seen yet.
Massive doors are at one end surrounded by the first windows I’ve seen. Each pane is framed in smoothed, knotted, wooden branches. No light enters however, only the ever present candle light.
The new room is further into this floor. Interestingly this room has dark stone walls and a large area blocked off by a short wooden railing. Mother leads us into this area.
Shortly after, more pups are brought in. They all look about the same age as us.
There are a couple dark grey tails, a few orange, and the rest are some shade of brown. There are no other black tails, no other deep red tails like sister or mother, and none as bright a shade of grey as brother.
I tug at mother’s red silk robe. I point at my own tail, then at the others.
She smiles at me and gives a proud look, “You are the pups of two powerful Alpha bloodlines. Don’t bother comparing your coats to the other families, even in our own pack.”
I get a feeling of superiority, but really I have no idea what she means.
Mother seems to notice my expression, “Don’t let it get to your head pup, bloodlines and power don’t make someone a better man.”
My right ear twitches; I don’t like the word pup.
The playroom is now a daily event, Gray has many tails to chase and the occasional flying insect, although he still spends most his time attached to Red’s side.
Red has now come out of her shell as a true bully. She likes to hit the other kids when they have a toy she wants.
I am determined to stay ahead and am trying to walk while holding the wall. Grey being always mindful of me comes over.
I accidentally brush him with my tail as I stumbled about and he let out a rather loud yelp. He seems fine, clearly confused, but fine.
Mother had rushed over thinking I hit someone again. Come on its fine when Red does it?!
Anyway, while she’s looking at me angrily, I hold up my tail and tap it on the nearest idiot brown tail. The poor dumbass yelps as a bright spark hits his arm.
I poke the tip of my tail myself and watch the small spark ark, it didn’t hurt me, and instead it just felt warm.
Mother seems completely thrilled and thrusts me in between the majestic boobs, unfortunately, there was some frizz left in my tail and with a bit of a yelp she put me back down quickly yet carefully.
“My darling little fuzz ball I was wondering when you’d begin showing your blood traits. This is so much better than the other mothers thinking you just the ornery pup!”
Who dares call me such a thing? I’ll thrust this fuzzy black thing down their throats!
I swear I heard a feminine giggle from somewhere. I spot a small black cloud hidden in a dark corner.
After that day mom no longer hugs me or picks me up without a cautionary look at my tail.
Meanwhile, Red still seems completely immune to the spark and finds incredible joy in dragging me about the room by my tail and using me to threaten the other pups.
5th month
The three of us are walking and talking just fine now, as usual we are a bit ahead of the other pups.
Grey however still drops to his fours sometimes to quickly chase things around the big house. He also seems to have picked up a bit of red’s bullying as he likes to tackle the other pups if they move faster than a crawl.
Red is now the undeniable boss of the pups, all are at her beck and call except me, mother is thrilled and won’t stop saying how excellent of an alpha she’ll be.
Mother still spares my sparks a smile, however lately she has been seriously doting on Grey, calling him her precious little hunter whenever he brings her a mouse he caught.
I tried swatting one of the flying beetles that live in the walls of our wood home, they burst on impact with my tail and the smell is unbearable.
I was sent to the bath, Red joined so she could splash and Grey refused to be left out.
The bath is a large open area with different feeling to it compared to the rest of the house. The walls are lined with a thin white material with simple black paintings of odd, pole shaped plants. All the furniture is a deep red color and is carved with excessive angles and curves. Red lamps line the red pillars along the wall. The tub itself is some white stone sunk into the floor.
It looks like it could fit all the pups from our play room at the same time. The water is over my head when I hop in, with Mother’s help I'm brought to a shallow step.
Apparently it is something from Mother's homeland.
She decided it was time to teach us about our family since it was rare for us just to be alone anymore. She said we are among the race of the beastmen.
Mother was the alpha, or leader, of the Orient Fox Tribe.
Our father, the North Wolf Alpha, is recognized as Lord Alpha of all beastmen. While we are in the hidden den for the young, he leads the united beastmen clans from the great fortress city of Yoden.
Since we are children of two alphas, our beast blood is stronger than the other pups; this was why we developed much faster than them. She said this was enough for now and to simply be proud for one day we will be leaders of all the beast clans.
Honestly I thought it was kinda cool but I wasn’t overly interested, Red had stars in her eyes, and Grey…. well he was asleep.
Before putting us in our basket that night mother decided to show one last thing to Red and me.
She shook her tail and it separated into seven, white tipped tails. Above each tail a small white flame lit up, they simply floated in air.
Now she had my attention, while Red had the same look on her face as when I discovered boobs.
Mother explained, “The Alphas of the Orient Fox Tribe are of the Kitsune pack, we wield powerful magic of fire and illusions. One day you will be able to split your tail little red one, and you my fuzzy sparker have much more potential than frying bugs.”
With that she kissed us goodnight.
6th month
The other pups are still working on the finer points of running and talking. My siblings and I have become incredibly bored within the confines of our large wooden home. So I begged, Red whined, and Grey gave the saddest eyes possible towards mother.
She finally relented and said, “You may go outside but you must stay within the cave.”
That last word caught me but rather than waste time with questions we race down the stairs of the grand entry way, Red rode the railing.
The house does indeed only have two floors. Downstairs are the kitchens, dining rooms, parlor, play dens and so on. Upstairs held all the residences. Every lycan who lived within the cave lived in the big house.
For the last month I have spent many hours wondering what was beyond the grand doors in the main entry.
The Double doors are vast and intricately carved, on one side a proud fox, the other a majestic wolf. It takes all three of us to budge one side of the doors open, drawing gentle laughter from inside the grand hall.
In front of us is a short, stone street leading to a large, solid gate. Nothing is carved into the gate instead it looks heavily armored. Either side of the gate is a tall wooden wall that seems to circle the villa, or at least I thought so until I turn around.
The big house is situated against a dark cliff face which goes far over our heads.
The entire den is within a large yet shallow cave in the side of a mountain. The wall curves out from the cave entrance with the large gate in the middle.
Outside the walls I can see enormous pine trees, the tops of which were above the roof of the cave.
My ear twitches as I look at the pines. They remind me of my nightmares.
Back in the cave, with the big house on one end and the gate at the other end of the only street, there seems to be animal pens, a barn, and crops to the right of the enclosure.
On the left side of the street it seemed was the guard tower above the armory, a smithy, and food storage.
The barn is empty save for some hay piles that are fun to dive in. Milling around outside are a few sheep, some cows, a chicken coup, and a couple horses.
Red suddenly has a strange glint in her eye, before I can stop her she pounces on the nearest chicken.
Yup it’s dead, and hanging by the neck in her mouth as she shakes it.
I can only say “Sister, that’s damned disgusting, you’re getting blood everywhere.”
Grey and I decide it would be best not to let Red near the chickens again. It’s going to be impossible to explain away the countless feathers now stuck in her hair and tail.
She has an odd smile that shows only a single fang, it sends shivers down my spine for some reason.
Again, I swear I hear a feminine giggle echo from somewhere. I spot a bit of fog drifting away behind the barn. I take a quick peek but find nothing there.
When we cross the street Red pipes up, “You boys do what you want. I only want to see the smithy.”
We split up, grey and I to the food stores while red entered the smithy.
Inside the food storage grey and I found some jerky to snack on, Grey pocketed some for Red.
At this point I say, “You still don’t talk much, do you brother?”
He replies, “Neither do you brother, but I can see how bored you look in the house. Perhaps when the other pups get older you’ll have someone to chat with. Sister seems to talk enough for us both. I heard them say that a hunter is supposed to sneak up quietly on prey, so I'm practicing.”
With that he walks out to the street.
I’m a tad shocked, I have never heard him speak as much in a single moment. I am also happy that my little brother paid me as much thoughtful notice.
We decide to head for the tower to see past the walls.
The first floor is an armoy, we stop to look at the few weapons in store. I find what looks like a long, fancy and sharp fork to be interesting while brother is examining the knives and swords.
On the upper level we gazed out into the woods, really it was slightly disappointing as there was nothing to see but the gigantic black pines. The ground is mostly large roots with moss growing on them and scattered shrubs.
I encourage Grey it’s time to find sister, he obliges though he seems to have been enjoying trying to spot small animals. I felt a little bad but, personally, I find the pines give me a haunting feeling.
From the outside, the smoke tells us the smith is hard at work. Inside we find Red gazing into the forge fires seemingly captivated.
Knowing why, I leave Grey to pry her from the fires.
I am more interested in the old man pounding away at the anvil, he is the first other black tail I have seen. His fur is different however, it is extremely short and his features seem very sharp, his skin a darker shade. Also, his hair and ears have patches of a gold color.
He stops upon noticing my gaze, “what is it young alpha?”
Answering honestly, “I was beginning to think I was the only black tail, but you’re not of the wolf or fox clans are you?”
He gives a hearty laugh that ends with a wheeze, “No, I am of the jackals in the south, I’m named Ptah.”
At my confused look he continues, “They haven’t begun your schooling have they. Names are given by the gods at the end of your first year when you are presented in front of the pack stone. I know humans and city folk do it differently which you’ll see when it’s time to meet your father in Yoden, but here in the beast tribes we still follow the old ways. Work hard so the gods may grant you a good name young alpha. You’ll have plenty of time to ask me about the jackals later, I’ve been with your pack for many years and I’ll still be here for more. Now, get going, it’s almost dinner time.”
Though I had more questions, including about the forge, I nodded at the friendly old man and left with my siblings.
When we got back mother was frankly pissed Grey and I let Red kill a chicken, that’s right it’s our fault. Something about how an alpha kittling would have no control over stronger primal urges, you don’t see me or Grey bathing in sheep’s blood do you.
She stopped however when I asked what her name was. Mothers name is Inari, apparently the kitsune alpha is always named such, but she leans in close and whispers that her name used to be Vulpi. The word voluptuous comes to mind and sister hits me as she notices where my eyes are rooted.
8th month
I’ve grown past mother’s waist in height.
All the pups can talk properly now and once they calm down the old grey tail in the room will begin our first class along with the slightly older group who had to wait for us so they could teach us all at once.
I watch one of the brown tails spin in circles trying to catch his tail.
I nudge Grey, “at least you never did that. Haha”
Red swats my ear and pets Grey.
“Don’t pick on little brother!” Says the class bully.
I know he didn’t mind but he plays it up a little, making Red hold him.
I can see the slight grin on his face as she pets him and he winks at me.
Sly bastard.
Out of nowhere the old grey tail swats my other ear and commands, “that’s quite enough, quiet down already you damn pups!”
My right ear twitches and I send a spark at the bitch, she yelps like a kittling and the class laughs.
The old grey glares at me, then looks towards mother for her help. Mother dearest, however, is positively beside herself with glee at my display of control.
Sighing in resignation old grey gives up on it and begins the lesson.
“Today we’ll cover who we are and where we are.” She pauses checking for attention; Grey is asleep in Red’s lap.
Old Grey again looks to Mother and again is left out to dry.
As I glance, around ignoring old grey as she covers things I’ve heard from Mother or Ptah already, I notice a cream tailed girl looking at me then quickly glancing away.
She is already quite pretty for her age with a perfect clear skin and soft long blonde hair that blends with her fur color. She seems a tad shorter than me.
My litter grows too fast, it’s impossible to guess her age by comparison. She must be part of the older group as I’m sure at some point I would have noticed her already growing, sacred mounds.
“Ahghem!” the old grey is scowling at me.
“Need something?” I ask letting a small spark flit through my tail fur.
Old Grey sighs, the cream girl giggles, and Red swats my ear figuring out where I had been looking a moment ago.
I pretend not to notice Red looking wishfully at her own chest.
“Continuing where I left off, our capitol Yoden is our primary trade center with the other races. Two are of particular note, as Yoden sits in the center of the middle continent it’s extremely important to the human traders from the west and the Neko or cat beastmen clan merchants from the Far East. While the Wolves and other dog tribes have primary reign over this area of the north and much of the southern desert continent.”
“It’s important to keep proper relation with the cat tribes who share much of the same southern territories as us and who conduct trade with the eastern demon races. While the northern wolves are the sole traders with the northern demons and bear clan, the southern cats are responsible for relations with the lizard tribes in that area. The humans maintain better relation with the dwarves and elves.”
“The humans look just like us except that they have no fur on their ears, no tails, and the women do not grow claws. They are also shorter than us. Humans also age far slower and in general have longer lifespans than us. We grow at a rate closer to normal beasts while still living a few decades longer.”
That doesn’t seem fair, but I wouldn’t trade my tail for a few extra years.
The lesson goes on, “The humans monopolize the great dividing rivers between the other continents with their ships. Yoden is the pinnacle of all trade in the known lands, and one of the keystones in maintaining the delicate peace between races in our region. The bear and demon clans attack humans on sight if they venture further east past Yoden.”
She just goes on and on.
At this point I’m ready for a nap, honestly playing with sparks still tires me out and I’d had enough for one day.
Deciding it was too good to resist, I use Cream’s lap for a pillow.
While Cream only blushes, I can almost feel the anger from Red.
10th month
Apparently we are at the growth period comparable to when humans begin puberty.
Classes have been continuing to bore me, mostly common sense stuff. Humans are corrupt, demons are tricky but manageable. There was a great big war a few hundred years ago. Dragons are dangerous; the far west is mostly unexplored by any but the humans and so on.
Tomorrow we begin learning about racial traits of our tribes and combat, we’re very excited.
However today was special, the older group had already started these lessons at the same time as regular classes and today is their first year ceremony.
We gathered in the main Hall of the big house.
Small, white, paper lamps line the railing on the second floor where mother stands with a polished white stone. The lamps also line the great curved stairways on either side of the room.
The students are lined up on the first floor in front of the rest of the pack facing the upper balcony in the dim light of the great antler chandelier.
They’re proceeding one by one up the stairs to receive their names and first readings. Their next reading would come after another year of more direct training. This first reading is rather simple. It will only tell them their name, some advice and the identity of their patron deity.
It was interesting to Red, Grey could care less compared to tomorrow’s lesson, but I was attending for Cream.
Despite the disapproval from Red towards her, she's from one of the brown tail tribes; Mother said she didn’t mind my interest in her.
Apparently Cream's tribe was from a city named Nicopolis to the south on the coast, known for producing powerful healers. The Nico tribe had been driven out by the naga clans and the area was currently a war zone between the naga and humans interested in building a port city further into the continent.
The stronger of the Nico tribe bloodlines had been allowed sanctuary within the alpha pack of the North wolf tribe. They’re similar to the foxes, which had been driven out in the past war.
At Cream’s turn, she gracefully ascends the stairs from the right side of the hall, glancing my way to see if I approve of her dress.
I promise you I did, she had hit a slight growth spurt now shoulder height to mother.
Her all white dress covers her shoulders, neckline and her growing chest, but stops up and under her bust. Her midsection and back are completely exposed, even her hips, a sash across her waist holds up an open sided skirt that reaches her knees.
Trust me, I’m captivated, apparently it is a traditional dress of the healers in her tribe.
Mother smiles as Cream places her hands on the stone.
A moment later Mother announces to the room, “Let us congratulate Lupa, who has received the blessing of her bloodline and the grace of Silvia. She will no doubt be an impressive healer and asset to our pack in the future.”
All clapped and I can see an attractive aura of pride emanating from Lupa.
That night after dinner I snuck out the parlor window with Lupa and led her by the hand into the barn.
I wanted to play alone with her and roll around in the piles of hay.
Once it was in her sight however, Lupa showed a roguish grin and spun me to grab my other hand.
Once I was facing her, she whispers into my ear, “It’s my turn to play Alpha dog.”
She tackles me into the hay pile and pins me down. She licks her lips before taking a small nip at my ear.
My blood seems to pump with excitement.
I go to do the same but she instead moves her head and we kiss for the first time, her lips are wet and she tastes like honey.
She rolls to lay by my side, I can’t help but want to try that more.
Thus went our fairly innocent, first roll in the hay.
At some point Lupa began to give off a soft warm glow, her hair and fur gaining a slight gold tint.
I noticed it wasn’t at all difficult to see as we snuck back in the mansion. The world to me seemed lit as if by a bright moon, despite it being impossible for that light to breach the pine canopy.
Today is the start of proficiency training for my age group.
The older younglings are now officially graduated and working on discovering and expanding what their job options could be in the future.
Ptah and Mother have brought the 14 of us pups to the armory, I can count now.
While we were coming over here I noticed a group entering the cave, Mother says they are a group of expectant mothers from the main pack in Yoden.
Apparently, the noble mothers are escorted here to safety. away from the meddling of the politics within Yoden and the dangerous ambitions of the other races.
Anyway, back to the armory, Ptah tells us to find anything that interests us and report back to him. He instructs us to leave them be so we don’t hurt ourselves.
Red begins to browse; Grey and I However quickly walk up to Ptah. I point out the pitchfork looking stick and grey points at an odd curvy sword.
Mother seems her usually proud self; Ptah informs us that I had picked a naga trident while Grey had selected a wood elf saber, both looted in past battles.
A little later on Red is still wandering about seemingly at a loss. I am poking the other pups with the wooden trident Ptah gave me when I hear a loud clatter in a back room.
Red comes running out smiling, one fang showing, with the gauntlet from a set of oriental armor.
I’m confused, but Mother lets out a laugh and says, “It is perfect darling, you can beat up males all day long and you won’t damage your pretty red claws.”
Most the class visibly pales at the statement while Red cutely shouts, “Yay!”
11th month
Lupa’s mother seemed unenthused by my choice of weapon as it was from the very clan that had driven her people from their coastal home. She seemed to get over it after talking with mother however, so I didn’t let it bother me. Lupa seemed not to care either.
Every day we train with our weapons in the morning, Ptah would give hints here and there while us triplets tag team sparred.
Lupa practiced using her aura to relieve fatigue during lunch, she spent most her time attempting to learn spells from her family.
In the afternoon Mother took over training from Ptah, she instructed Grey to Practice dodging my sparks as she attempted to teach Red to control the flames on a lit torch.
By the end of each day we’re dead tired and my tail seems completely out of fizziness.
The occasional night in the barn with Lupa always perks it back up though.
Red still inspires fear in the ranks. Meanwhile, Grey seems to be becoming quite popular with a certain pair of female grey tails.
End of 1st year
Finally the day of our ceremony has arrived and I couldn’t be happier, we have all grown quite a bit.
No more of being called a pup. I will have my own name and be able to spend more time with Lupa.
Grey is carefree as usual, suppose you don’t need a name to hunt. Red however looks like a bundle of nerves.
She whispers to me, “What if I get a stupid name? I’ll lose all respect.”
“You’ll be fine. …Maybe.”
She glares daggers, “What if I’m cursed for hitting the other pups?”
With a shrug I tease, “I wouldn’t be surprised, but don’t worry your pretty head, I’ll still let you use my tail as a hug pillow. Unless, you’re stricken ugly and forever flat chested, in such a case please don’t touch me.”
She is slowly becoming a mirror image of mother, a tall, fiery, red beauty fitting a queen. Though, I wouldn’t mind if she let her hair grow out, she’s always kept it short and spikey.
She seems truly lost in despair now and Grey pets her head to get her to relax before actually speaking, catching the grey tail twins by surprise, “Don’t fret sister you are surely already blessed and as Mother has said countless times, you will be father’s pride and joy.”
Red is absolutely glowing with pride again and the twins are absolutely jealous.
It’s easy to see why they are attracted to him he’s got that brooding silent type thing going for him. I’ll admit he’s probably better looking than I am, I’ve yet to actually look in a mirror they say you can buy from humans.
He is taller than me, that’s for sure, he’s the fastest in the cave, and last, he has started to get this metallic sheen to his fur and grey hair that actually makes me super jealous.
Finally, mother calls the next in line, my turn has come. As I walk up the stairs I glance to Lupa, same as she did to me. I feel dashing in my black sheep leather and rabbit fur collared jacket and black greaves, I trimmed my black hair to match my siblings, short and spiky.
As I reach the top, Mother smiles lovingly and directs me to the white stone. I can clearly see my reflection on its surface. My eyes are red like my siblings, my features are fairly sharp from my lean build, I must say, I almost look evil.
I place both hands on the side of the stone with mother.
Next I hear a soft whisper in my mind. It’s not mothers though I can see her eyes glowing slightly. I close mine own eyes.
“My darling pet, I Freki give you the name Nox and deem you the agent of my will, my champion in this world. I promise you the power of my lost bloodline. Fear no evil in this world, whatever path you chose, all shall stand aside.”
I assumed that was it but she gave a familiar giggle and continued; “Now that the important shit is out of the way, obey your mother, she’s a good sport. Good luck with Blondie, I bet she’ll be a total babe. Oh, and continue to be a good hug pillow for your sister she’ll probably be a great queen one day. That’s all this time. Later Fuzzy, love ya.”
I'm almost speechless, “…the hell?”
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Age of Teras: Monster Evolution
"A Tera is not just an evolved beast. Teras might have almost ended humanity's reign over this planet, but they were also the reason that we rose up from the ashes of the cataclysm and fought back against the hordes that sought to vanquish us. Whether you're someone who chooses to depend on your own power or one of those who trusts nothing but the overwhelming power of their weapons, you cannot deny this fact."In the year 2020, a catastrophic event caused an upheaval of the earth's crust which resulted in the end of the industrial age.A new age was born, where all the species on Earth, including humans, evolved in order to survive.200 years later, an 18-year-old teenager who had survived for 8 years in a forest with the help of a trusty Siberian husky walked out to find that humanity had integrated itself with these wondrous, exotic yet deadly evolved beasts which came to be called as Teras.Also, there seemed to exist a "Path to the Stars", where anyone could grow in power in any method of their choosing by defeating a list of increasingly stronger individuals in combat, who would each bestow them with the materials and knowledge needed to get to the next level.With only a single clue in hand that might lead him to find just who he was, this man began his journey. Schedule: 1 Chapter/Day, ~1300-1600 Words Long ... For advance chapters, head to: www.patreon.com/KillerHemboy
8 234 - In Serial6 Chapters
""""[...] And what the hell is this?! One second ago, I was laying on the ground barely able to think, creating my own pool of blood for insects to bathe in, and now I am in this dark and seemingly void space!"""This is the story of a man unjustly killed in his own world, only to be reborn as a slave in a new world. Follow his tumultuous journey in the lands of Amalus!Notice: On temporary hiatus till my exams are finished.
8 127 - In Serial43 Chapters
King of the Moon (Book 2)
Sequel to "Queen of the Sun". ♦ ♦ ♦ River's heart flows to another universe, to another dimension. Yet her newfound magic can be dodgy and she doesn't fully understand the mechanics of it. On top of that, right where her magic fizzles out and comes up short, the unexpected comes along in the form of an exiled prince whose stubborness won't allow her to go back to her sun universe where she succeeded as behagthi. This adventure will test her newfound self-worth, and the eternal bonds that may or may not bridge through universes. ♦ ♦
8 176 - In Serial11 Chapters
The one always Forgotten
Marcus lived a hard life but he holds no regrets for anything he has done now that he has been given a second chance what will he do with it will he continue down his path once more or this time will he do more with his life and make use of his skills in a way he thought not possible for him will he finally be accepted?
8 182