《Deviant's Masquerade: Setting Lore Compendium》Myths: The Origin of Life, Death, and Madness


Myths: The Origin of Life, Death, and Madness

In the beginning there was Nothing, and Nothing was all that existed for eons.

But as these untold eons passed, Nothing began to grow lonely in its nothingness.

So Nothing did the unthinkable and created… something.

This something was the first Creation.

Of course now that there was something there was no longer Nothing, and so in making Creation, Nothing also made its own Destruction.

And in this act of experiencing Destruction for the sake of Creation, Nothingness also achieved the first great change of reality through an act of Madness.

Thus Nothing’s great nothingness was filled with Creation, Destruction, and Madness at the cost of Nothing’s existence.

But Nothing was okay with this for with this new Creation and the mercy of Destruction, Nothing knew the laughter of Madness.

Though this did leave Creation, Destruction, and Madness alone with each other, for untold eons, which was… a predicament in of itself.

For you see Creation loved to create things more than anything else and in turn Destruction loved to destroy those things more than anything else. The two forming a cycle of Creation and Destruction that would continue on until the end of time, all while Madness watched on in fascination of their warring dance.

At least until Madness grew bored of the same old dance over and over again.

Which is when Madness had a brilliant idea.

And so going up to Creation, the until then passive Madness proposed, ‘If Destruction is going to claim your things no matter what you do, what if instead of getting mad you make things with the intention of Destruction claiming them.’

At first Creation had no idea what to make of this absurd idea, after all Life was truthfully upset that Destruction continued to claim their things no matter how many they made. And so it asked, ‘Why should I give my things to that one who so wrongfully takes what’s mine?!’


Madness merely smiled and said, ‘What if your things make more things before Destruction claims them? That way even if Destruction claims them, you’ll have another to replace it.’

Deciding that it had no better ideas for how to keep its things, Creation went along with Madness’s plan and told Destruction, ‘This thing I make now, I will give it to you when I’m done with it.’

Destruction could only stare in confusion, for up until this point Creation had been so angry at Destruction, always berating it for destroying the things it liked, but if Creation was going to let Destruction destroy its things without berating it, then it could wait.

As long as it could still destroy Creation’s things in the end of course.

And so destruction watched and waited as Creation with the advice of Madness, created something new… something alive.

And as Creation asked, Destruction continued to wait and watch until this new thing created another thing.

Watching in awe, Destruction turned to Creation -who gave permission- before destroying the original.

Thus Creation became Life, Destruction became Death, and Madness… decided it would be dreadfully boring if all three of them did something as simple as changing their names and remained as simply Madness.

Like this things continued, with Life content to watch their creations continue to make more while Death continued to reap these creations after they’d made their replacement.

At least until Death did something neither Life nor Madness had expected, and waited even longer to collect what was its. Long enough that the older creation made a second replacement, and the first replacement a third.

With a smile on their face Death reaped the first two lives, before waiting for their replacements to produce more and more for it to reap later on. Not realizing that in its patience Death had allowed even more life to be created.


Something both Life and Madness witnessed and loved.

The longer things went on the more of Life’s creations lived, and the more things Death could reap for its own, a loving dance of life and death far superior than their previous dance of Creation and Destruction.

Both were happy with this.

And Madness was happy for them.

No, really.

It was.

It’s just…

All of the creations were the same, and Madness… Madness was growing bored.

So Madness had a thought, a brilliant, terrible thought.

Madness reached out to Life’s creations, ones that had replaced themselves but that Death had yet to reaped, and twisted them and all creations to come after them.

Life and Death watched on in curiosity as these new creations would start off as one thing, change into another, before slowly falling apart.

And in its insanity Madness couldn’t help but smile as in this single act it gained the aspects of both growth and decay, allowing it to understand its companions so much easier.

Not that Life or Death cared, since there were still more creations being made, just some were making more than others, and at a certain point there was no longer a reason for Death to put off reaping the creations.

Thus the cycle of Life and Death continued, just with a hint of Madness to keep things interesting.

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