《The Rising Fist Saga (Progression Fantasy)》30. Pilgrimage Alone


As soon as they hit the shore, Liza gives the command for a scouting force to scour the island, searching for monsters to raid, artifacts to obtain, precious resources, and above all, the gem. While she would love to be in the front scouting and searching for the treasure, there is much to do here. Bases need to be established, a teleport needs to be set up, and structure needs to be laid out for an organized command.

Just when Liza is about to give her commands, a large shadow engulfs her. "Liza, is it?" Looking up, Liza sees the source of the deep voice speaking so casually to her.

Not threatened by his presence, she responds carelessly. "Awe, the bulking Fire Templar. I am sorry I haven't caught your name as you have mine."

"You needn't know my name. I'd rather it not be uttered from the lips of those far below my rank."

Besides being a dungeon boss, the fire bruiser was only one cultivation rank ahead of Liza. Sure the difference between an inner core practitioner and an external core practitioner was night and day. Still, Liza was much closer to becoming a templar herself, so the gap between the two isn't as drastic as the bruiser would make it sound. Of course, there is another apparent reason the bugbear would view her status so lowly.

"So if I weren't a kobold warrior, you would give me your name?" Liza wasn't surprised by the bugbear's response. As much as her people were a matriarchy, the bugbears were patriarchal to the extreme. So much so that many of the kobolds wondered if women existed amongst the bear people.

"No more questions. I am the general, and I have the command."

"Like hell you do," Dana interjects immediately. The First Huntress joined Liza's side as soon as the bugbear approached.

"Silence, wench. You do not have the rank required to address me."

Before Liza could stop her, Dana retaliates with a fire spear that pierces the belly of the boss. Laughing outrageously, the bear absorbs the fire. No damage is present. Then with a fist too fast to see, he strikes Dana. Once, twice, three times, the last hit completely crushing the huntress's face. Then with a spear of his own, he stabs through her heart.

"Foolish welp. Let this be a lesson to all." By now, all the attention is on the boss and Liza. Even some scouting parties that haven't left are paying close attention. "I am in command here. If there are any questions, you can ask me directly."

Liza thought little of this beast's thirst for power. If he felt like he needed to command on the island, let him command. All that matters is that she ends up with the core. And if the bugbears think they can just walk off with it, they have another thing coming. They might be the strongest force on this island. Off this island, however, there is no question where the Caverns rank, a position given them out of default.



Before the sun creeps into the woods, I am up. Bones greets me with a breakfast consisting of white pine biscuit, mushroom gravy, and spicey chunks of animal meat. It is definitely the best meal I've had yet. We briefly discuss the plan, which isn't much of a plan. I walk to the wolf lady's cave, and he stays to keep spiders in check.

Last-minute preparations are made before I leave. Mainly restocking our weapon armory for Bones. Now there should be enough weapons to last him a couple months of battling. What can I say? I take comfort in abundance.

I put my bag of supplies on my back, grab my bow and walking stick, then step out of my cave. The pilgrimage begins now. Bones walks with me until we get to some thick woods. We say our goodbyes, and I am on my way.

My westward destination has a constant incline taking me higher up the mountain. There are so many trees, scrubs, and bushes that I must clear a path. Surprisingly the trek is quite simple. After trial and error, I quickly make my way through the deep woods. Hacking through the woods is the best approach. Falling into a hack 'n step rhythm, I eventually make fast time.

Much of the easiness can be attributed to the honed slashes of my blades. Like fighting with the spiders, each swing manifests intense sharp energy that slices brush and foliage before my blade gets near enough to cut.

Strangely, the energy doesn't seem to be coming from me. With each swing, I try to track the energy in my core. Not once have I noticed my mana leaving. Instead, it seems the energy is a naturally occurring event.

Presented with the opportunity, I use this chance to further perfect my skills. When fighting the spiders, I focused primarily on energy control, how much energy was manifested, and when. This time I am working on my accuracy. I am not looking to destroy the woods. I just need a pathway through it.

It takes a little longer to traverse the mountain. Tangled small branches are primarily my target. The trick is locating the branch that is the cause of the problem and dispatch it without severing the others.

Many innocent limbs fall victim to my loose aim. Precisely dictating where my blade will strike in an entanglement of tree branches has a narrow margin for error. After hundreds of slashes later, I have better control over my strikes. Trees and foliage practically part as I make my way hastily through the woods. In my wake lies the remains of my targets, scattered branches that are no more noticeable than what already covers the forest floor.


Happy with my energy strikes, I turn my focus to summoning. More precisely, I focus on manipulating my summoned blade. Keeping energy manifestation at bay, I am using my actual blackened chitin blade to cut through the entangling branches. After each swing, I alter my edge, so it is just as sharp as before.

The bronze death core handles the demand like it is nothing. My blade sharpening isn't precise, to begin with. Rather it was awkward and clunky, which has been my experience when I try to manipulate an item I have already summoned. To be truthful, it initially takes longer for me to get the blade sharp than it does to summon a new sword.

Eventually, after more miles are traveled, the quirks are worked out, and I can manipulate my blade on the fly faster than I can summon a new one. Well, not actually on the fly. I still have to be holding the sword to manipulate it.

My path through the woods stays close to the winding stream that flows past my home. Occasionally, I was adventurous enough to abandon the stream, taking a straightforward approach to the mountain peak. To my delight, the stream would meet back up with me further up the mountain, and we would continue our journey together for a time.

The entire day is spent cutting my way through the woods and saying hello and goodbye to the forest stream. By now, we are on a first-name basis. Sort of. Neither of us actually has a name to give. I try to create a name for either of us but come up empty on multiple attempts. So, for now, we are two nameless adventurers traversing the hilly grounds.

One benefit of being deep in the woods is that critters are everywhere. Rabbits, squirrels, and even the occasional deer can be seen. Often, I notice their energy before they have a chance to flee. It's already a couple hours past sundown. Before I quit for the day, I take one last energy-infused swing with my sword. A rabbit falls to the ground five yards away, barely visible through the trees.

After processing my kill, I struggle to get a fire going. Though it is better than rubbing sticks, hitting rocks together is just as frustrating in its own way. Raw and scraped hands are the evidence.

"No good dirty rotten rocks. With their stubborn desire to not spark. Bleeding bloody hands. Lightless nights allowing nobody to see. Stupid trees, stupid dirt, stupid quest."

As if encouraged by my muttering of hollow words and weak curses, one spark finally turns into something greater. "Finally, some success. With only one spark too! Some might even call me the fire master." All previous slanders are buried with ample celebration.

With the fire burning and the rabbit cooking, I turn to my shelter. Keeping the shelter basic is all I have in mind. Inspired by the spiders, I web the nearest trees around me with my magic cord, creating a triangular sleeping pad above the ground. Though it is not the most secure camp, it is definitely in the running for the most comfortable.

To its credit, the webbing takes to flame real well. One tiny spark and now my bedding is an excellent heat source, if only for a moment. After I reluctantly abandon my sleeping loft, I find myself enjoying the warmth of its blaze. Arms stretched out. Hands bent, palms facing the fire. That is until my bedding completely burns away.

"No good, stupid dirty sparks, and its inability to control what it does and doesn't burn." Fortunately, only my bedding burns and not the forest. Unfortunately, my bedding has been burned. With shelter one turned to ash, I resort to the original A-frame shelter I created at Lower Forest Camp. It was foolish to stray from the bone tent in the first place.

I eat the entire meat from the rabbit, along with some dried berries and mushrooms. I am not exactly tired, so I practice my sword forms going over stances and basic maneuvers over and over. For the hell of it, I name each strike with a name that makes no sense.

Tiger pinching salt to wolf grinning, following that I flow into crane landing which naturally transitions into bear cub hibernates. The basic stab, high stab, low stab, and no stab sword maneuvers.

I can't wait to teach Bones these techniques as if they are real. I mean, technically, they are real. Just the names are absolute nonsense. It already makes me smile to think of him retelling one of his fights using these nonsense names.

Training puts me more at ease. By the time I finish stretching, I am ready to try and sleep. Even with the added comforts of layered magic cord, the forest floor is nowhere near as comfortable as tree bed or cool. I find myself tossing and turning until I actively guide my thoughts. Deep into meditation, it is another couple of hours before I fall asleep.

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