《Unipsi, lovely entity》chapter 14: plan
Unipsi, lovely entity
chapter 14: plan
After their fight Scilla left the room to go back to hers, Idra stayed in her bed. She was preparing to make some research on that thing called dating. She also wanted to acquire other informations. Her plan was simple, first find a computer connected to the open network. Hack in it to propagate and extend her surveillance capability. Then start reading and search the concept of dating in all known culture. After that look for drawing supply and find a way to acquire them. A lot of common thing were never part of Idra’s live so like a kid she was discovering the beauty of the outside world. She liked drawing, it was something she never did and she wanted to continue. She also needed to find some thugs so kill. She wanted to make a show at the meeting with the lean’s liin. After all she had a reputation to keep and a message to send.
After some time Scilla had checked and fixed her room. The books were completely disintegrated and the carpet had a hole in it, but the rest was fine. Such precision was possible only with extremely advanced weapons. Then in the exact moment that she opened the door to go back she found Idra.
“can I come in?”
“yeah, sure I was coming to check on you but ok”
idra entered the room then she turned around.
“Can I use your computer?”
“what do you want to do?”
“you told me about video games, I want to play them”
she won’t refuse. If all goes to plan she will leave me there playing while she go downstairs to grab some food and see her sister. I can tell that she wants to see her to make sure I didn’t hurt her. While she do so I will infiltrate into the net. Then everything will be easily prepared for our collaboration announcement.
“did your computers looked like mine?”
“yeah, a bit bigger and probably more powerful.”
“then you should know how to use one right?”
“yep, one hand on the keyboard and the other on the mouse, then after laughing the program you plug in the neural main connector. After setting it…”
“Nope, you were going so well. You just stop at the mouse part, I don’t even know what the fuck is a neural connector”
“easy questions. It’s a tube with a high band port at the end. You connect it to the port on you suit to allow data transmission up to 4,5 ExaByte/second. Just make sure to have the same connector standard and its all good.”
“I.. I wasn’t trying to know about it, but I accept the information. Considering that you like killing things, would you like to play a war game? Like and FPS?”
“I don’t know, but if I can kill virtual stuff I’m in.”
“ok, give me one second. Let’s see what I have installed… does ‘assedio arcobello 11’ sound good?”
“I suppose so, what do i do?”
“first some training then you go 5v5 in a map with no re-spawn until the round changes. After max 5 round won you and your team win the match. You also alternate between attach and defence.”
Scilla then booted up the game and proceed to let Idra play the tutorial. The young girl was initially confused, especially because she had to adapt and lock the headset to her helmet. But then she started to understand how the game worked and her machine like brain started to kick in. The strongest game AI was being predicted by Idra merely using sound and logic. It was time to put her in a pvp match.
She is incredible. I guess I should record the screen and the game input to prove that ‘I’ was not cheating. If she does the same against some leans I’m sure everybody would think of a cheater that somehow was able to bypass the anti-cheat.
“so.. now I’m against real people right. Do I win something if a beat all of them?”
“not really, but if you do specific matches you can gain a rank on a score board.”
“do you like ranks?”
“I don’t really care, I don’t have much time to play so I mostly play casuals like you are going to do”
then the matchmaking found a lobby and hell was about to rain on those poor people. Idra was brutal, she was unstoppable and almost always ready. The only way to stop her where incredibly coordinated squad pushes. If she didn’t have enough time to kill all of them then she died, but it was a rare occasion. Most matched ended with flawless victory and no death from Idra.
“Idra, look at me for a moment.”
“this button here active the microphone. Use it to speak with your teammate. I will let you play ranked games”
“really? Was I good?”
“yep, probably too much.”
Idra tilted her head a bit.
“how can you be too much good? There is usually a best possible result in a task, why should you not want to achieve it?”
“it’s a long thought process but to make it easy basically you are so good that people would think you are not human and machines are not allowed to play.”
“then why I’m allowed to play?”
“what you mean? You are a human?
“nah never mind. Are human experiment allowed to play?”
“as far as I know yes”
“then I’m fine.”
“well, you should keep playing, I will go downstairs a bit to grab some food. I will be back soon, maybe.”
“the match is starting so ok, bye”
Told you. It’s not so hard to predict such simple and imminent future.
It was time to execute her plan. The match starting was a lie. A quick movement of hand and she plugged her suit in the computer port.
“time to have some fun. Natrix, spread like a disease. I want you in every pc you can connect to. Prioritize governmental computers”
--Infection started--
--Tower security breached--
--Civilian house within 3km breached--
--Local police station system breached--
“prioritize the police system, I want all public security cameras under my control”
--City security department reached. Access denied. Required supplemental computational power--
“infect all civilian devices. I will help you with my bots. Conceal our traces.”
--Civilians devices infected, loading brute force transmission pattern. Estimated time before exposure 23,198084 seconds--
“just need a 0,97. give me complete control”
--transfer all function to main calculation device. 511 ready to compute, good hunt 511--
Idra’s operation went completely undetected, she was built to be a walking quantum supercomputer, hacking in some state informatics system was not a problem. She could have gone in slow and safe but what the point on doing so when you can force your way in and nobody notice it anyway. Now all public and regular computer where under Idra’s control. All infected and transmitting data. Her so called bots are a really useful things coming from the depth of the Unipsi. Esterians were the only one to know that the universe was not ‘alone’. As old theories says its more like a multiverse were there are copies of itself where events went differently. However the Founder discovered something beyond that and a bit alarming. Multiverses are not alone. There are more multiverses with different laws that coexist in a bigger space that he define as Unipsi. Here the fun part starts, the Unipsi is incoherent and multiverses can be connected and moved around generating intersections and effects each other. How did he reach such conclusion by simply discovering impossible materials, the one that are the base of the Idra program. Smaller material that where so small that entire machines where as small as electrons. Entire civilization could live on a rock based around this material. This new entire physic allowed the founder to built machine that could be controlled and were as big as electrons. Those were a part of the bots that Idra carried inside her body. If you can literally control charges that you can turn on and of whatever electric device you want.
At least this is how the story goes. Most of what the Founder discovered were indeed true but he never knew why nor how all of that come into contact with the ‘standard’ universe. Further more the bots weren’t really made, he just found them and then his creation founded the origin of such things, the artefact inside Idra. All of them were unaware of what that was and how dangerous it was. The previous species that dominated the human space sectors called them whispers and they were all annihilated by them or their consequences. They spent so many millennia trying to uncover the Whispers secret to never reach a conclusion.
--all systems under total control. Shall we attack the Hakavor’s HQ?--
“there is no need to do so. We just need a bunch of information, and some cameras. Nothing more. Don’t really wont to make a mess of their society. Now let’s see. Search for a couple of things. First the worst punishment by Lean’s laws and the related crimes, then we will look for a target and decide what to do with it. Oh, also look for a place were I can go and buy some coloured pencils, look up what dating means and how it work. I go back to play some matches”
Natrix started to work really fast, it had a lot of power at his disposal and he was using it all. Natrix was not really a sentient AI but it was really close to it. He was able to define implicit objective and follows them. In this case he was going to make a classification of all crime that could be punished by Idra in a way that she could satisfy her sadistic vein. Then he was going to identify and track possible target. After completing the mission it was time to move on less important objective like pencils and the dating concepts.
After 10 minute in which Idra was massacring everybody she could find online it was time for his repost.
--511 objective completed, report ready to be read--
“go on, tell me what can we kill”
--not much out of nowhere but a lot if we do some searching. Lean’s laws are on the punish the criminal side like ours however they require a lot of proof to kill for most of the crimes. There are 4 cases in which it’s easier to be allowed to kill. 2 of the 4 require a lot of work. The more complex to define is an accusation of “crimes against all leans” basically everything could go in this category but we have to prove that the creature committed a crime that actively damage al least 68,3% of all the leans that have right to vote. Such crime could be anything but it’s basically impossible that a car thief become a crime against all. Looking at their history almost all of the criminal that as gone against all leans were activist for homosexual right or anti-racism leaders plus some incompetent idiot. Judging by their new politics view I hardly believe we could be able to kill someone legally with an accusation of “crimes against all leans”--
“good to know. I don’t want to waste time I don’t have it. What is the other slow option? Just to know”
--Leans believe that memory must never be altered. So all substance that could lead to memory loss and such are banned. If you are found trying to drug someone, even if you do nothing afterward, you can be killed if proven obviously.--
“we have drugs, we even have alcohol on the ship, we could use it to falsely incriminate somebody… but we will keep this possibility for a different occasion. Then the fast solutions are?”
--an easy one that require no prove other than the criminal itself is sex changing. Leans, at least the one that rule their society, are all or almost all against sex transitioning. They try to keep their roots so a couple should be always fertile and trying to have at least 1 kid. There is no tech that could change your DNA and swap entirely your sex. So if you “change” sex you basically become a creature in between that is not a male, a female or a femari. Leans decided to see such creature as aberration that must be purged. All leans are allowed to kill them on sight but then they have to prove that they had changed sex which is pretty easy. We could do the same but things can get complicated--
“complicated? how so?”
--well those creature usually are not alone. There are criminals medic that operate the sex change, those who support them but didn’t swap and so on. The one that gave support will be imprisoned but not killed. The surgeon should be killed for their actions but their capability are unfortunately recognize as a sight of intelligence so we can’t kill them neither--
“what a pain in the ass. What is the last option?”
--even with all the limitation I suggest looking for sex changer transgressors. It would be the...--
“what is the fourth option Natrix”
--511 I don’t think it is necessary--
“mine is an order”
--the last option is hunting down paedophile and child indoctrinators.--
Those words triggered Idra. All esterians, Idra included, considered children as a sacred gift to be taken care. In esterian society children are extremely protected by laws and by people themselves. They are their future and no harm should ever be done to them. No crime done against a child will ever be left unpunished. Idra was a monster in all her aspects, she harmed everybody with no discrimination but in her own hypocrisy she couldn't stand a child abuser. She was a mass murderer and a psycho torturer but she would never sexually abuse a minor nor an adult but that is a different story. Knowing that someone dared to do such action made her blood boiling. She had decided who her targets were going to be.
“leave me out again from something like this and you will no longer exist Natrix”
--i understand. I thought it was not the best course of action considering your...--
“there is no discussion to make. Start the tracking. Found them all, I will kill those close enough and pass all the incriminating information to the Hakavors. I’m sure they would go have a feast with them. Track down all those brainwasher idiot too. There will be blood and scream at our meeting. Nobody will be left unpunished. I swear it in the name of the Founder”
--511 I still have the information about...--
“don’t care. We have more important matter to accomplish. I’m going to get Scilla. I need a distraction to drop of the stealth walkers and put them in position.”
Then Idra left the PC running and left the room tracing Scilla’s location using her own security system. She still was in Wiola’s room the floor below.
Heavy knock on the door then Idra’s voice.
“Scilla! Can you open the door, I need your help”
Scilla stopped speaking with Wiola and moved.
“yes, what do you need?”
“Hi Wiola. I need you to inform the HQ that I’m moving Natrix here.”
“what? Why now? I didn’t move the VTOL away...”
“then move it, I need something on the ship and a don’t want to scare the fuck out all your friends”
“colleagues not friend.”
“same shit, can you do it as fast as possible?”
why is she so pressing, is she running out of evilness?
“Wiola give me a second and I will be back”
then she walked away to contact the HQ.
“don’t worry sis, Idra can keep me company and she will let me take a look at the sip right?”
“you can only see the exterior, nothing more.”
“yes man. Can I call you sis too?”
“No. I’m Idra. That’s all”
“uff, you are no fun girl. I thought we were friends”
“never said I was funny or that we were friends. I’m your sister friend, I need more time to define what you are”
“yeah, yeah I got it. I’m just an extra that is walking around”
“not really, you are Scilla’s little sister. You are above everybody else but I don’t know enough to define you as friend”
“then know me! Look around this is my room. You are smart right, you can understand by object right”
Wiola room was full of nerdy stuff, apparently she likes sci-fi books and RPG core-books but there where also genetics books scattered around. A room that screamed fresh graduated student or something like that.
Idra was looking around, she was immersed in pure silence. Her armour didn’t emit a bit of noise. It was surreal, so surreal that Wiola was starting to feel uncomfortable. She knew that Idra was not her enemy but she couldn’t let her guard down.
“nerd. Like Scilla but you like books so it gives you a less nerdy vibe”
“oh come on, I’m not at the same level as big sis.”
“doesn’t seems so. You looks less nerdy because you your things are less voluminous”
Then Scilla was back before Wiola’s reply, reporting the HQ ok to take off.
Natrix, the now silent ship turned it’s systems on. Light started flashing around the thrusters and soon their purplish colour returned. The annoying acute noise coming from them was a clear indicator of what was about to happen, or that’s what almost everybody would say.
--Photon interference field activated--
In a fraction of seconds the ship was incorporated in a cube completely black that appear out of nowhere. Light is just a wave, sort of, if you hit it with the same wave but with opposite wave phase you destroy it. That that was exactly what the ship was doing, kinda. It was concealing the releasing of something.
--releasing stealth android--
--releasing completed successfully--
--calculating root to minimize noise perception--
--taking off--
The black cube disappeared and the ship started it’s frightening cry. Nothing was left on the ground or so you would think. Stealth android are equipped with a worst version of the AMS-111 cloaking device. They emit sound and their connection to the main core can be cut to stop them, but it was not going to be a problem. Idra was the core and she had control of everything. Only a “casual nuclear explosion” could interfere with her plan, and those even are definitely unique event to come by.
Time to hunt down some bitches. There will be blood, screams and pain over more and more pain until everybody will know to never mess with me.
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