《The Fantastical and Incredibly Detailed (But Never Embellished) Memoirs of Emilia Wilde, Private Investigator》A Brief Hiatus, But Full


Hello readers! 'Tis I, the actual author, Remy Ridley. I need to fill this space with 500 words, so therefore, in the most poetic and flowery prose possible, I will explain to you, my loyal and wonderful, most appreciated readers, a few things: 1. Why I am going on a brief hiatus. 2. How long it will be. 3. Why you shouldn't lose your trust in me. 4. Some extra things, though possibly unnecessary, to get my word count up.

Firstly, the why. There is a simple explanation, and a not so simple one. I shall start with the simple and then ease you into the not so simple. The simple explanation is thusly; I, unfortunately, have a day job, as well as a kid, and two cats (no dragons), and therefore I cannot dedicate the time that I would wish towards writing. I also, very occasionally, move so as not to die young. This includes brief dance parties, hula-hooping, and chasing my small cat around the house. Her name is Kato, she is a void kitty, and she is whom I have based Evaki the fantabulous dragon on.

The not so simple explanation is that this is a mystery novel. A good mystery novel weaves tight threads to make a good, warm, scarf that either protects you from the elements or chokes you to death. I may have gotten lost in that metaphor a bit, but the idea is that, for me, (again, the author, Remy Ridley), I need to have every single detail, from beginning to end and then back again, worked out and balanced before I come to the finish. You eagle-eyed, intelligent readers will almost certainly find any holes, inconsistencies, or areas that may not make the most sense, and while you may not point them out to me, or berate me for it, or talk badly about me to your friends (as I know you are more forgiving and gracious than that), it will almost certainly keep you awake at night, and I absolutely do not want that! So I must connect all my threads thoroughly before proceeding, so that you- and I- can sleep soundly.


Okay, now for the timing. I'm thinking, at most, I will be gone a month. I need to look over my storyboard closely, and create a backlog of chapters that I can comb through obsessively, and cleanse of the toxins of inconsistencies. Honestly, it probably won't be a month, but I'm trying to be generous to myself and not set you, my favorite reader (yes, you), up for disappointment.

So, favorite reader, why shouldn't you lost your trust in me? Well, I have no plans to abandon this project at any point. I love Emilia Wilde, and she lives inside me constantly. Here is a quick, fun story that is actually factual: About seven years ago, I was idly perusing an antique store, looking for cool or ridiculous vintage baubles, when I came across a little pocket watch. This pocket watch- pictured, though not well, on the cover art of my fiction, had a beautiful little face, and on the back, a sweet, sad swan. On the inside is, indeed, the name Cornelia B. Wilde. This is true, the watch is real, and that day, after I bought the watch in haste, I began formulating the story of who Cornelia was. In my mind, she was graceful and delicate, and on the inside, a fighter. I, reader, am not graceful, nor delicate, and thusly, Emilia was born. This story has been rattling around inside my head for seven years, and as I put pen to paper (finger to keyboard?), the story blossoms and sets its roots down deep in my heart. Therefore, favorite reader, you can trust that I won't be abandoning this project until I see it through...and then maybe beyond that.

Well, look at that, I'm beyond 500 words, and I only had to add a few, random, unnecessary details. I hope that you accept this explanation, and apology that I will be missing a few weeks of posting, and I hope that you enjoyed my little anecdotes and some details about my life.

Goodbye for now, readers!

With love, Remy and Emilia.

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