《Star Moon Sun》Chapter 15: Isla
“Congrats on your graduation, senpai!” Minami, a same year fellow club member said to Yoshikawa-senpai who’s filled with flowers and gifts from his ‘admirers’.
Yoshikawa-senpai thanked her and continued his walk to the school gate where he’s going to take his last picture as a high school student before he becomes an adult.
“You look like a Christmas tree with all those flowers and gifts.” I said to him.
He smiles and chuckles, “I’ve always been magnet haven’t I?”
“If only they knew you’re actually a narcistic bastard.” I half-jokingly said.
“Ouch, that hurts. Haven’t I made it known that I am a narcissistic bastard?” he banters back again.
“Nah, you’ve done your best at hiding it. Anyways, congrats on finishing high school. I’m so glad I won’t be seeing you here anymore.” I grinned.
“That is the worse congratulation I’ve heard today!” he said in a whimsical way.
“I am flattered.” I smiled without showing my teeth.
He quickly glanced and smiled.
“Something on my face?” I shifted my head to show him my cheek.
“I guess so.” He wipes something off my cheek, “It’s gone now.”
That surprised me! Didn’t think he was going to actually do something.
“If you’re flirting with me, you’re doing absolutely great.” I said in a narcissistic way.
“I know you like it also; you’re blushing.”
“You really are a playboy~ But! I prefer younger guys.”
He laughed it off a little and went back to his normal mode, “A younger guy, huh? Good luck.” He kinda sounded sarcastic.
“What’d you mean good luck?”
“Oh no! Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t being sarcastic, I just wanted to say good luck.” He wasn’t being sarcastic.
“Oh! Sorry. Thanks, and also good luck with your university! I’ll see you around Jotaro-kun~”
“Senpai.” He corrected me.
“No, you’re not. Besides I know you like it when I call you Jotaro-kun instead.” I teased him for the first time not as his Kohai.
He chortled, “I’m guessing you don’t like it when I call you Scott-san.”
“Nah.” I lied; I totally hate it when someone calls me Scott.
He smirks because he knows, “See you around….. Isla.” He used my first name without a suffix.
“Bye, Jotaro-senpai.” I said.
I slowly walk back inside the campus when Jotaro’s brother, Hinata was looking right at me.
“You’re not going to congratulate your brother?” I asked as I got close enough for him to hear me.
“No.” he walks away.
Still as distant as ever to him it seems. When is he going to get over his obsession?
I walk back and continued on with my club activities. As I was walking back, I noticed that Hana-san was also going to the club.
It’s been weeks since I last talked to her. I don’t know how to start a conversation with her right this moment.
“Isla-san, are you heading to the club right now?” Minami asked me.
“Yeah, I am. I just said goodbye to our graduating senpais earlier.”
“Hmm, I’m going to miss Yoshikawa-senpai and Fujihara-senpai. Hmm, they were such good senpais to me.”
“By the way, how’s your arm?”
“It’s good. It was just a light sprain, that’s all.” She showed me her right shoulder where she and Hana-san collided during one of her mock match.
There was no sign of any injuries. Her arm looked like it was normal.
“Speaking of Murakami-san, how come you guys don’t talk anymore?” she asked.
“It’s complicated…… I’m mean, very complicated.” I chuckled.
“Hmm….. what about Yoshikawa-senpai, I always saw you two together.”
“Senpai? He’s the one who always speaks to me, that’s why it looks that way.”
Yeah, he’s always so clingy and needy around me. He’s like a puppy. A big puppy.
“……. I’ve been meaning to ask, are you— never mind.”
“Hm? What is it? Tell me!” I wanted to answer her question so badly.
“No, don’t worry about it. I’m being too nosy with your personal life.” She chuckled nervously.
I shake my head, “No, I don’t mind if you ask me personal questions. What is it?”
“Are you and…… senpai, secretly in a relationship?” she almost said it like a whisper.
Man! I really want to see her reaction if I told her “yes”. Should I? Or should I not? That is the question.
“Wait! You knew?!” I pretended to be surprised, “Was it that obvious?”
“Heh? You and senpai were really were a couple?!”
“Tehehe, joke! I was joking.” I smug right at her.
“Wait, I thought you guys were—”
“Nope, well he does look cool though, but that’s about it.”
“Eh?” Shocked pikachu face, please insert it here, “I really thought you two were a couple, I mean. Didn’t you kiss him?”
Breathing errors! There’s been a malfunction in the breathing system. Emergency system, activate.
I got my breathing back.
“Wah? You saw that! Shit.” My face is probably turning red.
“Wait, was it you or senpai who made the first move?” she mumbled to herself.
“Ah, eh….. what should I say here?” I asked myself.
“It’s complicated.” She finished my sentence, “Was that the right word?”
“Ngh, probably.”
“So? What’s the story?”
“Ah…. Eh…..” I don’t know where to start.
“Wait, do you actually like Yoshikawa-senpai? I mean you did kiss him and based on your reaction; you were playing it cool at first but after I—”
I cover her mouth with both hands, “Please…. stop. Have mercy on my sanity.” Of course, I was exaggerating when I pleaded for my sanity, but it really was making my head hurt— literally.
“…..Ok. Anyways, how’s your training for our summer tournament? Since Yoshikawa-senpai graduating, aren’t you the current ace of our school?”
“Oh yeah! About that—” I chuckled nervously, “I’m leaving the club and I’ll be joining a new one this year.”
I mean, I’m basically the best tennis player on the region right now. I think that’s good enough for me to move on to my next experience.
“WHAT?!” she shouted that even Ha-chan had to look behind to see what the commotion was about, “Are you serious right now?” she asked quietly.
I could only smile nervously at her because I was dead serious that I’m leaving, “Well, I did already informed Coach Koji that I’m here just until after the tournament finishes. Don’t worry, I won’t be going that soon.”
She started to frown, “Is it because Yoshikawa-senpai isn’t here anymore?” she asked still frowning.
I laughed it off, “It’s not about Yoshikawa-senpai.”
“Then why?!” compared to her previous shout, this time it was a little quieter, but it was still loud.
“Well, do you know why I’m here in Japan?” I asked.
“…..Didn’t you came here because you were forced to by your parents?”
“Wha— no, that’s not it.” Where’d that idea even come from? “I actually wanted to come here because I wanted to learn Japanese and experience a culture different than my culture.”
“Oh, good to know! Good to know!” she nodded her head in agreement that it is good to know! “But! That doesn’t explain one bit why you want to leave the club suddenly, even though you’re basically our main player for our school.
“Eh… well you know there’re are other clubs I still want to do, and I want to join those clubs.” I answer her question.
“But you’re our ace now. You can’t just leave.”
“I’m sure that you have other members who are good at tennis.” I glanced over at Hana-san’s, “Like Hana-san.”
“Murakami-san? I don’t really know about her……. She hasn’t been that good ever since that first tournament. I doubt that she can be our next ace.”
I hate myself because I agree with Minami on this.
“Iba-senpai and Fujihara-senpai were almost on the same level as Yoshikawa-senpai, but they’re also graduating. But you basically beat all our aces on your first day.” she ranted.
I could only chuckle because I didn’t even thought that they were the aces, except Jotaro-senpai and Ha-chan.
“But I’ve been worried about Murakami-san.” She looks at Hana-san who’s in front of us, “I’ve seen her during my middle school tournament and had a match against her one time, I could even say back then that she was on par with Yoshikawa-senpai or even better but slowly she became slower.”
I know a little bit about that too.
She continued on, “When I had a practice match against her when we became high school, she was weaker. But back then I thought that she wasn’t using her full strength because it was practice, but then the tournament came…… we all know what happened that day.”
“Anyways, where was I?” she changed the bitter subject, “Oh yeah! You still haven’t properly answered my question, why do you want to leave?”
“Didn’t I answer it already?”
“You mean you want to leave because you want to join another club?”
“……. I—” she took out the biggest sigh I’ve ever seen today, “Guess I won’t be seeing you at the club next year.” She made a bittersweet smile.
“Don’t worry, I’ll still come visit the club whenever I can after I’m gone so you won’t be lonely, Minami~”
“Shut up!”
Time flew by quickly even though it was such a special day. That was probably the reason why time was faster than usual; the more you wish for it the harder it is to obtain. Wait, that doesn’t fit well. I just wanted to sound philosophical but guess that made me sound stupid. Forget what I said! The time passed by quickly during our practice is what I wanted to say! Now it’s going-home-time.
The sky was sooo orange when the practice ended. I walked home and coincidentally; Hana-san was about to leave at the same time as me.
“Heyo….” I shouldn’t have greeted her like that.
“Hey, you going home too?” she was nice as expected.
“Yeah, you?”
“Yeah.” She picked up her bag and racket, “want to walk home?”
“Oh, sure!”
She waited for me to grab all my things and then we left.
“The sky looks a little menacing, don’t you think?” she commented as we left the campus grounds.
“Menacing? You sure you’re not mistaking it for amazing?”
“It is amazing to look at, but doesn’t it also kinda feels like something bad is about to happen? Like imagine a zombie walking towards us slowly there.” She pointed at the street we were walking on, “doesn’t that freak you out a bit?”
Now that she mentioned it, I can see it almost— two people just thought that the person in front of them was just a homeless or a very drunk person, then as it got closer they saw that the person is missing many parts of it’s limbs.
“I can see what you mean.”
“Right?” her eyes lit up.
This reminded me of the first time we met. During the time when it was simple.
“Hana-san, I’m sorry about Takeda-kun. I was….. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry, it was not your fault….. nobody’s at fault here. Hiro was there when I needed someone to help me, but because our relationship started off about me, I couldn’t give him anything. I did the same thing as my dad.” She looked at me with a pained look in her eyes and forced a smile, “But I guess his love for you didn’t blossomed as well, since you liked Yoshikawa-senpai.”
“Hm,” I told her my secret, “Sigh, you were not so lucky too. Did you?” I gave her a slight smirk.
She cracked a smile.
“How’s your dad?” I asked.
“He’s better now.”
“Your brother?”
“Taking care of my baby niece.”
“…..” I ran out.
“I heard you’re leaving the club after the tournament. Why?”
“Well, I just wanted to experience the other clubs, that’s why.”
“…… too bad. Which club are you thinking?”
“The student council.”
“Huh? You’re planning to take part of the student council?”
“That’s so different compared to tennis, why’d you want to do something so different. I thought you were just going to do something related to sports.”
I laughed, “Because I just want to know what it’s like to be in the student council.”
“Next year, if you want to talk about your club budget, you know who to look for.” I giggled.
“Our school is doomed.” She got depressed.
“Heh?! You don’t think I can pull it off?”
She laughs, “I hope you can get at least one vote.”
“Aren’t you going to vote for me?”
“Ehh? Why would I?”
“Because I’m your friend!”
“No! That’s not how friendship works.”
“Come on, Ha-chan! Have a little fate! I can probably get at least 10 votes!”
She laughs again, “Okay okay, you can have my vote.”
“Yay! You’re so easy to manipulate!” I exaggerated.
“What?! You tricked me into giving you my vote! Curse you!” she acted as though she’s in a skit.
I wanted to go along with her, “Hohoho, since I already have you’re vote, umm…. I have you in the palm of my hand! Wha hahahahah!” I messed up a little bit.
“Pfft! You’re so bad at it!”
We talked more until we got home.
I ate dinner with my uncle and prepared myself to sleep. The day ended with me falling to my bed after dinner.
A few days later, I got a little surprise.
“Hey honey!” I got surprised as soon as I woke up from bed, “Wakey wakey!” she gently tap on my shoulders.
It is cliché to tell next that I thought it was a dream, so instead of that I will say instead that my imagination went wild! Because I like to spice things up. But I knew that I’m awake, because as soon as I felt my mom tapping my shoulders, an adrenaline came throughout my body that told me that “You’re awake and your mom’s here! So, wake up!”
I got up on my bed, “Mom! You’re here!” I touch her just to confirm, “What a surprise! I didn’t know you came.”
“Well, I wanted to surprise my baby girl!” her smile could almost reach her eyes.
“What about dad? Is he here too?” I asked in excitement.
“Heya kiddo!” my dad made another one of his sliding entrance into my room.
“Pfft! Can’t say I miss that entrance.”
“Oh~ I know you miss me~”
I chuckled, “Of course!” I went in for a hug.
He gave me one of his biggest bear hugs.
“You’re mom’s getting jealous.” Dad whispered but he made sure that mom heard it.
“Oh! Sorry, mom.” I let go of dad and spread my arms wide so I can hug mom next.
She was pouting, but went in for a hug anyways, “I know your father is your favorite—”
“Moooom!” I interrupted.
“I mean I don’t mind at all!”
“Nobody loves me!” she proclaimed in a theater-like voice.
“Mom! I love you too!”
“Noooobody cares about me!” she kept on her act.
“I miss youu soooo much mom!”
“Woah oh, she’s angry at you all right.” Dad sneaked in a comment.
“Shush your trap, hon.”
“Dad, go,” I pushed him out of my room, “While I hold mom.”
“Ok.” He whispered as he went out of my room.
When my dad was out, mom let go and took a good look at my face with a soft smile.
“I heard you’re having fun here; how’s school?” she asked filled with anticipation.
I couldn’t help but laugh because school has been complex.
“Fun isn’t the right word I would use.” I replied, “But…… I guess looking back at it, it really was fun.”
Especially when I was with Ha-chan, Takeda-kun, Aoki-san and Machi-kun.
“Sounds fun.” She stroke my head, “well, since it’s Saturday we can have the day and go outside!”
Oh! She doesn’t know.
“Mom, I still have school on Saturdays.” I chuckled.
She was shocked, “What?? But it’s Saturday?”
“Yeah, it’s Saturday, it’s half-day every Saturday!” I said in the most positive way I can do.
“But it’s Saturday!”
“Yeah! And it’s only half-day!” I gave her more positive energy.
“Bu— it’s Saturday…….” Her face got gloomy.
“It’s only half-day! We can go tomorrow!” I gave her one of my biggest smiles.
“I wanted to have a date on Saturday so we can do another on Sunday.” She mumbled.
“Oh, also Kate, Isla has to prepare for school tod— why’re you on the ground?” Uncle Liam asked as he entered his head only to my room.
“What?! Isla has to go to school today?!” I heard dad’s loud voice outside echoing to my room.
Uncle was the one who explain it to dad.
It was a very eventful morning, but I got through school no worries.
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