《Primal Beast》Chapter 11: Past


He was wrested from his tranquil slumber by the blazing beams of the sun. Ah Zhong turned trying to block the light from reaching his eyes. As he did so the light seemed to all but disappear, hindered by an obstruction.

「 Wake up! 」

The voice was hard and exacting disrupting his dormancy. He turned a deaf ear to the presence curling further into the warm lush blanket. He was promptly jabbed in the side by a foot, he groaned before yelling out,

「 I’m up! 」

He sat upright, his jet fur disarranged and sticking up. He glanced at Zeng Ru’s rigid bearing puzzled by the drastic disparity. Zeng Ru’s arms folded across his chest gripping his upper arms his mouth set in a grim line.

「 Are you ready? 」

At first, Ah Zhong staggered when he stood but gradually regained his stability. Zeng Ru’s face softened noticing his poor condition, he then glanced to the fire which had burned out in the night. Zeng Ru stared at his spatial ring deliberating, before separating a flailing fish. It’s gills fluctuated gasping out, weakening.

「 You should eat. 」

Zeng Ru held the lifeless fish inserting a stick into its mouth and then passed the stick to Ah Zhong. He grasped the stick in his mouth watching the retreating back of Zeng Ru who withdrew into the forest. It was not long before Zeng Ru reappeared with firewood, arranging it and set it aflame. Zeng Ru held his hand palm out reaching out to Ah Zhong. He responded by placing the stick into Zeng Ru’s hand.

Zeng Ru took the fish and roasted it over the campfire and when it was prepared offered it back to him. He gnawed with gusto consuming the fish down to the cartilage.

「 Now that you're finished, let us begin. 」

Ah Zhong brushed his tongue savoring the last residue of the meal. He seated himself near Zeng Ru shutting his eyes to prepare himself. He felt Zeng Ru’s position his hands on his shoulder blades, then came the fiery burning sensation that racked his body. Without warning he was wrenched from his body, he found himself watching from the outside.

《 W-What… 》

His world was twisting inward pulling him with it. When the spinning ceased he found himself standing in a grand aristocratic estate. A young boy stood erect dressed lavishly in a maroon frog buttoned jacket, embroidered with a miniature crow on the left side and black pants. He bent his head and shouted with a clear voice.


〖 Please father! Allow me to attend the trails! 〗

The gentleman who was an older version of the boy stroked his beard.

〖 Ho, why the sudden interest? 〗

The boy’s face flushed red with the unexpected question, he, however, kept his head bent.

〖 To test my strength. 〗

〖 Very well, I will grant your request. 〗

The boy gazed at his father with admiration and elation. He straightened his back cupped his hands and bowed once more.

〖 Thank you, father. 〗

Ah Zhong felt his consciousness meld with the boy, discovering that this small boy was Zeng Ru.

When he reached his room he rested his back against the door and slide down to the floor.

〖 Yes! 〗

Zeng Ru daydreamed of the princess bandaging his wounds as she once did before. He had been beaten badly by his cousin during a sparring session and was bleeding from his hand. He had run outside into the winter weather in humiliation, he sat against a broad brick wall. The princess had strode up to him taking hold of his arm, she reached into her robe and pulled out a ribbon tieing it over his gash.

〖 There you go! All better. 〗

She flashed him a dazzling smile before hurrying back to her maid.

At the time the princess had been two years younger than him. She was now ten while he was twelve. The trails he sought to join were a competition to find a bodyguard for the princess.

He was giddy with excitement today he’d take his official post as the princesses bodyguard. It had been four years since the day he decided to follow her, passing the trials with flying colors. Yet, even then there was still training that he had to go though to be able to guard her.

Zeng Ru pushed open the door to revealing a teenage girl sitting on a chair by a mirror, her hair being brushed by a maid. As the maid finished she bowed and removed herself from the room. The princess stood with grace turning her body to face him.

〖 And you are? 〗

〖 Zeng Ru, Milady I will be taking over as your bodyguard. 〗

〖 Very good, follow me. I wish to take a walk. 〗

Zeng Ru bowed cordially taking his place by her side. As they walked outside the castle they grew to know each other more. The princess had finally told him her name, Song Yi. She was the only living golden crow in their entire race, known for luck and prosperity.


As they deviated further from the castle he felt his neck pickle. Something was wrong and he could feel it, he shoved the princess behind him.

〖 Come out! 〗

〖 So, you found me. However, that won't stop me from taking the princess life! 〗

The assassin leaped out with his dual blades lashing at them both. Zeng Ru blocked the knives with his body as he did not have his sword, he tussled with the man before removing the blades from his hands. With a swift movement, he lacerated the man's neck.

〖 Princess, you do not need to see this. Let us leave at once. 〗

He took her by the hand leading her away, the man laid bleeding to death. When they reached the castle Song Yi pulled on his hand to stop.

〖 Your are injured. 〗

She took out a cloth with her name embroidered on it and pressed it to the cut on his cheek. It was at this moment that he knew he’d want to spend the rest of his life with her.

Ten years had gone by, ten years of arduous work, and wooing of her family before he was able to ask for her hand. They now had a lovely daughter of two years. Everything in his life was finding its place. Yet, it was that night two years after their wedding that distressed him every time he thought about it. Song Yi and he were walking with their daughter in between them her little hands grasping both their hands.

〖 Mommy, Daddy, Why do the guards look mad? 〗

She asked in her soft voice. Zeng Ru looked up to see the guardsmen rushing with their hands on their sabers to where they were walking.

〖 What is the matter, men? 〗

Zeng Ru asked but was left unanswered as two of the men took hold of his arms.

〖 Zeng Ru, of the black wing battalion. You’ve been accused of treason against the crown. Come with us 〗

〖 I’ll walk on my own. 〗

He yanked his arms from the guards but was met with force. The guard to is left smashed his sabers handle against the back of his head. Zeng Ru was dazed from the sudden impact, he felt the back of his head coming away with blood on his the palm of his hand. Another two guards restrained his wife and daughter.

〖 Ru’er, Ru’er! Let me go! I need to help him.. 〗

Zeng Ru pulled his hand away from Ah Zhong’s back pulling him from the memory. He watched as Zeng Ru bent over coughed, profusely spitting up blood. Zeng Ru used his sleeve to clear away the blood. Concerned but unable to help him, Ah Zhong sat helplessly.

「 What happened after? 」

「After they took me, they tortured me to get my confession. I refused to break. Then they forced this damnable thing on me! 」

Zeng Ru pulled up his collar down to reveal a black band around his neck, then continued to speak.

「 This drained me of my strength even my cultivation. I began to go crazy yet I never confessed to their accusations. They eventually grew tired of torturing me and banished me to this forest. 」

Zeng Ru grew quiet his face solemn as he looked off into the distance.

「I wanted to return...to ask why. But I found I was unable to leave this forest. 」

Zeng Ru hung his head dejected.

「 I’ll get revenge for you! 」

「Do not do anything until you have the sufficient strength. I have never asked you for any type of revenge, just that you find out if my daughter was in safe hands. 」

「 En! 」

Zeng Ru stood brushing himself off and turned his way.

「 We’ll continue at sunrise tomorrow. For now, consolidate your power. 」

Zeng Ru walked away his back turned fully away from him. After he left he checked if his strength had grown, he had leaped three levels reaching middle spirit initiate realm.

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