《Primal Beast》Chapter 9: Four Heavenly Beasts


In the dark, all the familiar sounds of the upper ground were absent: the wind, the rustle of branches or leaves, the chirping of birds, and the disorderly stir of beasts in their routine activities. There was nothing but the subtle tinkle of droplets of water, each drop like a distant melodious chime, and each one accompanied by minute echoes. Then, after such a tone had sounded there would be a lengthy empty silence in which one could hear his or her own breathing and constant heartbeats.

He strained his eyes trying to peer into the advanced darkness yet the lack of light denied him. Suddenly his thoughts revolved back to the item that landed him in this cavern.

「 Ah! My fruit! 」

The words slipped from his mouth.

「 You mean this little thing? 」

His body turn towards the voice that in his haste he had forgotten had accompanied him in this despondent place. A petite frame materialized from the shadows. From what limited light that filled that cavern he could ascertain that that frame was a humanoid female. However, as she grew closer he felt the qi that vibrated around her. She like him was a primeval cultivator as to what race he himself was clueless.

When he saw her face he let out his breath he had been holding, her skin was a milky white and her luscious lips were parted slightly stained cherry red from the fruit. Her sharp eyes which focus on him where a rich shade of emerald, her eyebrows were shaped into a deceptively flawless arch that trailed the slight curve of her eyes. The strands of her jet hair danced on the poor draft of air that occurred in the cave, the bangs of her hair held in place on the top of her head. She wore a luxurious silk robe adorned with lively print. She raised the fruit in her hand and took another bite licking her lips thereafter, her brows lowered in displeasure.

「 Its taste leaves much to be desired. 」


Her voice was a smooth velvet that left him dazed, his expression was as dumb as a wooden chicken. Noticing his expression she raised her sleeved wrist to her mouth and soft laughter left her mouth.

「 Fufufu, I knew you were entertaining. 」

Her eyes sparkled in amusement as if she were a child who found a new toy. She strode forward slowly her gait like a graceful panther. Ah Zhong inched backward with her advance, he knew not what her motive was.

「 Now then, shall I heal that little wound in payment for the pleasure you’ve brought me. 」

He shook his head and retreated further backward, he did not trust her or that dissecting gaze that she gave him.

「 Come now, I don’t bite. 」

He mouth curved and she flashed him her white teeth. Ah Zhong jumped as her hands fell upon his shoulders, he found himself unable to escape from her clutches. As she moved her hands in a back and forth movement on his fur, he tried to shrink backward.

「 What a shy one. 」

She mused as she feeds her qi throughout his body. He felt no pain only a gentle warm feeling that left his throbbing leg numb and himself lost within the pleasance. Her eyes widened as she continued to move her qi.

「 You keep surprising me. To think you little wolf have the blood of the primeval! 」

「 Primeval? 」

She had a look that had not denied her emotions it was like she was struck dumb and then it melted into an expression of anger.

「 What are your elders teaching you young ones today! 」

She shook her head, sighed, and sat down on a nearby rock. She patted the rock next to her gesturing for him to sit.

「 This world that we live in, Avorath was created by the twin yin and yang dragons. The first dragon pure a the snow was a female called Tamara, the dragon goddess of life. The second dark as the midnight sky was called, Chronepsis the dragon god of death. Tamara created life and formed lands while Chronepsis destroyed her lands and killed her creations, leaving these two siblings in constant argument.」


She paused catching her breath but before she could continue Ah Zhong spoke.

「 Elder, If they were siblings why did they fight? 」

Her lips formed a deeper frown than earlier.

「Please do not call me elder. You can call me sister.」

「En! Sister.」

He bowed his head in affirmance.

「 To answer you question. Chronepsis did not like that he took life, he was jealous of his sister's powers to grant life. This accelerated into a grand fight that leads to what you know of this lands features now. They made peace by granting their blood to two followers each, known now as the four heavenly primeval beasts. They left Avaroth governance to these four followers so that they would never again destroy the land. To this day the twin dragons exist in harmony. 」

Ah Zhong's mouth fell open, how was it that he had never learned of this story before and how was it that he had blood from one of these four beasts? He was left in confusion.

「 I wonder which of the four beasts blood dwells in you? 」

「Sister, do you not know? 」

Her eyebrow twitched at his remark. It wasn’t that she couldn't find out it's just that his blood was thin and faint, yet to be awakened. This little one doubted her superiority and knowledge.

「 Fret not, once your blood awakens you will know. 」

She shook her head even she was curious and hated leaving him with a cryptic answer, she feared that she had lost face. From where she sat her body instinctively knew that the sun was now setting.

「 Sister, I should head back now 」

Even the young wolf knew of the time.

「 But, we’ve just met. You have to leave so soon? 」

「 En! I have someone waiting for me. 」

She frowned with a sad expression and then replied.

「 Very well. Take this as a parting gift.」

She tied a yellow stone with a strange symbol around his neck. It carried a strange power that almost seemed to zap him.

「I’ve been carrying this lighting stone around with me to aid in my cultivation of lighting and thunder. However I no longer need it, I shall gift it to you, younger brother.」

He was surprised she could carry such a thing around with not a change of expression, he winced slightly as it shocked his skin. She placed her hand against it and the power within seemed to halt.

「I’ve sealed it for now. I warn you to wait until you’ve reached the peak of spirit emergent realm to seek enlightenment otherwise you meridians would fry and even risk your core, shattering! 」

He shuttered at the thought. If one's core shattered you could be met with death or even worse lose all your cultivation and become a cripple.

「 I hope we meet again. 」

After she finished speaking she simply lifted her hand to the Ah Zhong and teleported him from inside the cave to out.

「 Now that my amusement left I'll have to find another toy to play around with. 」

She really did hope she’d meet the wolf again, she really had taken quite a liking to him.

「 Fufufu, I wonder what expression that grumpy old tiger would make if I go and bother him. 」

Her smile grew larger as she thought of the perfect target. Her frame warped and in her place stood a lean scaled beast, she had no wings to speak of but clawed feet and spiked scales on her back and adorning the crown of her head. She was of the proud naga race and one of the four heavenly primeval beasts, who could utilize all elements.

「 Be ready, I Su Xiu will come knocking on your door soon! 」

If she knew that grumpy tiger was right now banging his head on a table from her last antics she would have laughed with delight.

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