《Primal Beast》Chapter 7: Spiritual Rift


Zeng Ru’s POV

Tree’s who live in tribes, in forests in groves and even those who stand alone. He revered them, they who are not like hermits who stole away out of weakness, but like great solitary men braving adversity headlong. When a tree is cut down it reveals its whole history, inscribed in the disk of its trunk: in the rings of its years, its scars, all the struggles, sufferings, all its sickness, happiness, prosperity, its narrow years, its luxurious years, the attacks it has withstood, and the storms endured. He and the tree shared many similarities. He released the breath he was holding refocusing.

「Shall we?」

He repeated as he held the door open for the young wolf. Yet, the wolves gaze was captured by the small lone body that laid on the mattress. Ah Zhong let his gaze linger before looking back to him his eyes filled with determination. He clenched his teeth grinding them slightly letting out an even heavier exhalation than before.

《 Smelly brat! Does he think I’m his servant? 》

Ah Zhong’s gaze once more wandered to the hare. He cleared his throat gaining Ah Zhong's attention. He lightly caressed the silver ring on his finger, this was an interspatial ring capable of storing multiple items. From the pocket dimension, he withdrew a purple pill the size of a fingernail. Zeng Ru took the pill and forced open the hare’s mouth to feed her the pill.

《 What a waste… 》

He shook his head eating his loss after all, what worth did it have after he left this earthly plane?

「 This qi replenishing pill will nourish her body up to a week. 」

Ah Zhong’s worried expression seemed to fade as he saw how effective the pill was.

「 Are you now ready? 」


「I am.」

He replied his gaze mirroring his excitement.

「 Very well then, follow me. 」

They hadn’t walked very far before Zeng Ru’s feet stopped. His hand rested on a broad oak tree he vibrated the qi in the air to reveal a small portal. Ah Zhong looked at him with confusion.

The thought’s in the wolves mind were almost palpable on his face as if saying, 【 How? 】

「 I cannot use my qi here. If I do my body will break down due to the poison in my body we must move to an area with richer qi. 」

Zeng Ru stepped through the portal his mind and body were squeezed violently as space shifted. Shortly after he arrived so did Ah Zhong.

「 This is a spiritual rift I found by chance. The qi here is twice as rich then where we were. 」

「 Couldn’t you just stay here until you found a cure for your curse? 」

His lips turned downward in displeasure the question was filled with nativity. How was this wolf to live in such a harsh world with such sentiments? He shook his head and replied.

「 Even if I did my body would still break down just at a slower rate. Even then spiritual rifts each have restrictions this particular rift opens and closes every week. If we do not leave within a week our bodies would be crushed. 」

Ah Zhong winced as the word crushed left his lips.

「Now then. Do not wander off if you find yourself in trouble even I couldn’t help you then.」

Ah Zhong's expression was once more questioning his tail swaying side to side.

「Spiritual rifts belong to the spiritual realm. Even though there are treasures there is also great dangers. Many stronger cultivators like to travel rifts. Many are even stronger than myself. 」


Ah Zhong shook his head in acknowledgment.

「Come and sit here. This process will take us the full week. If we rush….well. 」

Zeng Ru placed his hand on a nearby tree pushing his qi through it. The tree vibrated then shook intensely before it ruptured sending wood flying. He gave Ah Zhong a toothy grin flashing his sharp teeth. He watched as the young wolves gaze wavered before letting out a hearty chuckle.

「 Let’s begin. 」

「 En! 」

Ah Zhong eyes almost seemed as if they were sparkling. Zeng Ru knew that this young wolf what taking his first steps on his long journey of cultivating and maybe one day he’d even surpass himself, only time would tell.

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