《Primal Beast》Chapter 4: Awakening


In the darkened dawn sky above him, a continual roll of lighting burned and flashed, illuminating the smoky clouds. He laid with his head rested on his paws observing the sky with disordered sentiments, he felt as if the storm reflected the turmoil in his heart. A lucent claw of lightning streak down the length of the sky. The shrubbery and distant trees seemed to bound forward in the intense burst of light. Thereafter came the thunder: a roaring, tearing noise as if something was being torn into pieces the sky above. As the thunder lingered rain began to fall moistening the forest floor. He settled in the hollow of an aged tree shielded from the heavy rain.

「 Ah Zhong, where are you? 」

He huddled further into the tree slightly aggravating his healing wounds. Ever since he returned home hadn’t let his parents know of his arrival, only An Ling knew.

「 Go away! 」

「 You big dummy! I just wanted to see you. 」

She shouted out in a desperate voice. She had known of his return due to his scent, a stale scent of blood mingled with his scent concerning her. He didn’t want her to see him like this, defeated and disgraced, he yelled back at her in grief.

「 Leave!! 」

From the hollow, he saw a brief flash of hurt on her face.

「 Fine!! 」

She turned and left.

The rain had settled after a few hours. His wounds were finally closing after the lengthy three-day journey back. The sun appeared from behind the clouds gradually drying the moisture from the soil. His ears picked out a muffled rattling noise that came from the east. Swiftly his mind sorted through various noises trying to match it to its source yet he came up blank.


《 What is it? 》

While he was pondering this a thundering howl interrupted his thoughts. An unknown scent burned his nose, there was something foul about it. It was an unfamiliar scent which had made his curiosity stir. His tail swayed and his tongue lolled over his teeth.

《 Just one peek! 》

He declared to himself starting forward. Despite his intense curiosity, a deep fear lingered in his stomach. When he found the origin of the noise the fear in his stomach sunk deeper and his heart raced in horror. What stood in front of him was a one of his kind if it could even be called that. No, IT….does not have a mind of its own, that he knew from the glazed over expression on its face. It looked at him pulling its muzzle back in a snarl.

「 You smell heavenly... 」

It said in a bestial tone stalking towards him. The chains hanging from its neck, clanking deafeningly against the bulky metal collar. Suddenly it froze and muttered to itself.

「Yes, yes I won’t harm...much.」

Ah Zhong cowered shrinking backward. He yelled to the wolf trying to deter it.

「 L-Leave me alone! 」

Its muzzle turned upwards in an ecstatic toothy grin.

「 A leg for me...and a new slave for the master. 」

It began drooling at the thought its stomach grumbling. It quickly darts forward its paw colliding with Ah Zhong’s muzzle, opening a gash above his nose. His muzzle throbbed in pain the sharp stringing made his eyes water. The blood that ran down his muzzle was indiscernible from his dark fur.

「 I-It hurts...please stop... 」

He begged, lowering his head to the older wolf, he knew he was not his match.

「 Hahaha!! a weak bitch just like your mother. 」


It spat out vehemently. Its body shook with laughter and it eyed him with pleasure.

《 Mother!?! 》

「 What did you do with mother? 」

Anger burned within him yet at the same time his legs shook with fright. He picked up his head and glared at the wolf. The wolf just looked back and laughed heartily.

「 What did I do? Just a little education. 」

He paused and threw him a suggestive look. Ah Zhong immediately deciphered his meaning.

《 This bastard!?! He was playing with his mother's life like it was a toy! 》

「 I-I’ll kill you!!!! 」

He snarled, his vision flickered he was seeing red. Scorching, bright heat filled him like some frenetic poison spreading through his body. Everything around him spoke, the whisperings were the voice of his own awakening. He felt power flood his whole body, a fierce howl burst from his throat. He manipulated the qi before him it vibrated drawing in and forming black strands that hung overhead. Using this power was a natural extension of his being, it was as effortless as moving his limbs. He slung it forward like a whip as it stuck the wolf it was sent flying backward slamming into a tree with a sickening crunch.

「 Where is she? 」

He stressed every syllable. The black strands behaved like snakes curling over his legs and coiling in the air. The wolf attempted to stand but was unable to, it slumped to the ground. It bared its teeth at him they glistened with blood even its muzzle was blotched with the dark red substance.

「 You’re ..too late, her... life already...belongs to the master... 」

The wolf choked out. Its leg was twisted and mangled and a long wound ran through its stomach. A rib bone jutted from its chest flesh still clinging to it.

《 What did he mean by that? Was his mother... dead? 》

He watched as the wolf throat gave one last gurgle as it suffocated to death on its own blood. He hadn’t known how to feel about the killing he was only left with numbness. He had no time to lose. He rushed forward ignoring the corpse.

《 Please! Mother, Father stay alive! 》

He let a grieved howl erupt his throat as he ran.

And run he did….

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