《[Editing] Mr and Mrs Clean Freaks》C̸h̸a̸p̸t̸e̸r̸ 9̸


(Note: I haven't read the manga so I don't really know what happens in the nationals with Itachiyama... So I'm sorta gonna make it up or skip some parts (the men's matches), sorry. I have so many plans ready for this fanfic, y'all better be ready.

Also, if I see any comments spoiling the manga without any spoiler tags, I'll make sure to delete them! It's really disrespectful if you don't put the spoiler tags.)


The nationals had started eventually, some days I would go to practice with Atsumu after a match and somedays I'd just not go because it was a little late.

Match after match, we won them one by one.

The day to play against Seijoh was already here. My hunger to claim the third's position was increasing the nearer I got to the stadium.

I looked at the crowd, there were just too many germs. They were standing all next to each other, no masks, no hand sanitiser nor any distancing.

I took deep breaths as we bowed to each other before starting the game, my mind already concentrating as it entered its usual court zone.

"Mieko Bando, this is her last tournament. If she doesn't win this match, she can say goodbye to winning the nationals" one of the commentators said.

"Kageyama (Y/N) though, she has another year to prove herself in the court. If she wins this match, she'll easily take Mieko's rank" another commentator said.

"The two captains have shook hands, the referee is going to make the call on who serves first" the first commentator said as the referee took out a coin and flipped it in the air.

The referee then asked our captain heads or tails, I couldn't make out what what our captain said and the referee looked at the coin.

He pointed at the opponent's side of the court.

They'll be serving first

I got myself ready as the ace of the opposite team had served.

"A service ace!" the commentator exclaimed.

"Seijoh has taken the first point of the match" she added.

"Wonder how Itachiyama will make a comeback" the other one said.

Our middle blocker was ready to serve. After the whistle blew, she took a few breaths before looking up again and spiking the ball to the other side of the court.

Seijoh's outside hitter received it and passed it to Mieko, who had set it to the ace of the team.

"Remember what I told you guys before the match!" I shouted.

My teammates heard this and started moving to the places of the devised plan that I told them yesterday.

"If the ball ever gets set to the ace, make sure that she's not able to do a line shot. Force her to do a cross spike, that'd make our Libero be able to receive it" I told them and they all nodded.

I looked at our libero and gave her a reassuring nod as the opposite team's ace slammed the ball in a cross spike.

Our libero...

"She received it!" the commentator said.

"Suzume was able to receive that cross spike and put it back in the air!" the second commentator added, making the people in the stands scream.


"Seiko!" I said as I looked at her and she nodded.

"You'll be starting with your third strongest weapon, we can't allow them to know already that you have learnt the twins' quick attack" the coach told me and I nodded.

The third best...

It has to he "that"...

I looked at the ball and allowed it to become a low pass, I then kneeled down before putting all of my power into the ball and setting it to Seiko who was already in the air.

When the ball reached her hand, she took a deep breath and then slammed the ball. The ball hit the floor before bouncing to the stands.

A small silence followed after that.

"10-8 to Itachiyama!" one of the commentators broke the silence. A lout cheer from the stands soon following after that.

Itachiyama took the first, it was something that no one in the whole gymnasium had expected.

It was now halfway of the second set and there was a rally going on. I was going in to receive the ball but I couldn't see that another person was in front of me. Causing me to crash into them and then passing out.

We scored a point, everyone was celebrating until a second later, everyone started gasping.

I held my shoulder as I looked at the ground, noticing that (Y/N) was there.

"(Y/N)..." I said while shaking her body.

"(Y/N)!" the captain as well as the coach quickly ran over to us.

"Get the first aid kit!" The coach told screamed to the advisor and she nodded.

The coach then started checking out her pulse while the audience in the stands began whispering to each other, some were even shouting (Y/N)'s name so that she could wake up.

It had started when a certain teacher shouted (Y/N)'s name after the collision involving his student happened, the other people in the stands soon following in.

"I'll take her to the infirmary" the coach said and we all nodded. "Make sure to swap her for someone else" she told the advisor while princess carrying (Y/N) away.

There were four different guys to whom (Y/N) knows that are looking at the match happening before them.

Kageyama Tobio who was in the stands, getting teased from his teammates about his sister as he would give them a death glare every now and then. Well, he'd give Tanaka and Nishinoya death glares every now and then, the biggest simps of the Karasuno team. But after the collision and (Y/N)'s coach taking her away, they quickly stopped.

On the other side of the stands was Miya Atsumu and his team. Even though the team lost on their first match of the tournament, Atsumu still showed up to his student's match against the third ranked setter. He was gritting his teeth after seeing the scene that happened right before his eyes.

At the top of the stands stood the the second best Ace, Sakusa Kiyoomi. He was with Komori as the two watched as (Y/N) was hit by her teammate by accident. Causing the brunette to gasp while the ravenette looked with a worried look.



Why am I getting worried about a germ? he asked himself in his own thoughts.

Somewhere next to the court, there stood a guy who was watching the match between the two teams. He looked at the girl whom had confessed her love towards him a few years ago. Sadly though, he had rejected her and still feels guilty about it.

Has she forgotten about it?

Did she forgive me?

Does she even remember me? He asks himself before opening his mouth.

"(Y/N)..." he whispered.

The girl quickly woke up when she felt her name being said by someone but couldn't figure out who.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" Seiko asked.

The second set was taken by Seijoh because of (Y/N)'s absence in the court.

The girl looked at Seiko and nodded before Seiko turned to the coast.

"She's okay" she said and the coach gave a sigh of relief.

"Get more rest, I'll need you back midway through the final set" the coach said and (Y/N) nodded before going back to sleep.

After a few points, the advisor of the team woke (Y/N) up.

"Kageyama, it's time to get going" the advisor said as (Y/N) shook her head to fully wake herself up and nodded.

The two walked down the gymnasium as a familiar boy walked past the girl, quickly glancing at her and then looking away.

"Is that..." (Y/N) mumbled before bumping into someone.

She looked up to see a disease right in front of her.

"When will you stop bumping into me?" Sakusa asked the girl.

"When you're able to get out of the way" (Y/N) told the guy, and then pushed her way through to get back to the court, accidentally yet slightly bumping her shoulder against the ace. Causing him to blush a little.

What's going on with me? he asks himself before beginning to walk again.

"I'm 100% certain it was him" I told Seiko as she fully listened to me and gave me a slight nod.

"We'll see what to do about it after, we have to win this match first" she told me and I nodded.

I opened the door to the courts, my court was the second nearest to the door so we jogged our way there.

"Coach!" I said as she looked at me.

"About time, we're losing by one point. Score 19-20, can you go back in (Y/N)?" she asked me and I nodded.

"Itachiyama is making another swap!" the commentator said as everyone in the audience and the court looked at the member change.

"And coming in is..." the commentator added before the guy next to me put the board up where the member change numbers were.

"Kageyama (Y/N)!" the other commentator said as the audience started cheering at my appearance on the court.

"We'll start by retaking that point and making it a draw!" the captain said as the team's mood lifted up after my appearance on the court.

I took a deep breath as I served my best serve and scored a point with a service ace.

"One more!" Chihiro said as she gave me a smile and I nodded.

I did a jump float serve as I remembered a conversation that me and Atsumu had.

"If you're inconsistent, it makes the opponent be unable to read what you're going to do next. So never use the same trick twice in a row, make sure to do at least one trick in between or so"

"That way, I'll be able to get the team to score before the opponent figures out what I'm going to do next" I said which a smile and Atsumu looked at me.

"That's exactly it!" he said while giving me a smile back.

My jump float touched their libero's arm but she couldn't put it back in the air, causing my team to gain another score.

21-20 I thought to myself as I looked at the scoreboard.

It's time to bring them in...

My back sets.

I got the ball passed to me as the middle blocker received the other team's serve.

I looked at Seiko and she nodded, making a run towards the net while I was in the back line.

I set it with the right amount of power, the ball quickly making its way to Seiko and she slammed it without hesitation.

22-20 I thought to myself as I was in the front lime again.

The opposite team tried to spike but it was blocked by me and a middle blocker who gave me a smile as the ball fell on their side of the court.

Two more.

I dumped the ball for the next point.

One more.

I looked at my team and gave them all a nod, they gave me a nod back which was really reassuring coming from them.

I looked around the audience and I noticed Sakusa looking right at me, his gaze alone was enough to make my heart beat faster.

Concentrate! I told myself.

This is why emotions are unnecessary.

Now... I thought to myself.

"The last point" I mumbled.

I looked at Seiko and gave a peace sign, everyone seemed it as normal and looked away while Seiko gave me a nod.

The ball was served from our team and received by the other. The opposite team was ready to spike while we were ready to block and receive.

The libero received it and passed it to Seiko, Seiko looked at me and gave me a nod as I started running towards the net and jumping.

She set the ball to me, I saw the opponents already blocking me.

"Tch" I said to myself as I quickly did a bit of maths calculating my percentage of being able to do a line shot.


I slammed the ball as it hit the line before bouncing again and again.

"That was..."

"A line shot..." the commentators said.



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