《[Editing] Mr and Mrs Clean Freaks》C̸h̸a̸p̸t̸e̸r̸ 8̸


"That's correct. However, I don't want you to do it exactly as we do it. I'm going to teach you this so you can recreate it as your own, adding a few little things here and there to make it your ultimate weapon. Until then, you'll copy how we do it" he explained and I nodded.

"When do you have a match?" Osamu asked me.

"Tuesday next week" I told him.

"So in three days huh" he replied and looked at Atsumu.

"Don't worry, she has lots of other weapons up her sleeve. She can use those instead" Atsumu told him brother with a reassuring smile.

"If I may, I really want to learn this. I don't care how long it takes but I know I'll be able to do it if I put all my motivation" I told them, the two of them giving me a shocked expression at my determination. (ayo that rhymed 🤠, akneeways.)

"Alright, but this will be the harshest part of the training. I don't take any responsibility of what happens unless u suddenly pass out" he told me and I nodded.

It was just like he said, it was hell. For the next two days I had been practicing with the two twins, Atsumu making sure that I know how it feels when he sets the ball and Osamu making sure that I know how it feels when he spikes the ball.

Before I knew it, it was the day of the match.

Shiratorizawa had come to our school, a lot of people making a sudden crowd which was making me mad already, it was mainly boys though. Because they're all disgusting simps.

I looked at the fifth ranked setter, Pyeon Gi, half Korean half Japanese. She looked back at me and gave me a smile which made me cringe. It was suddenly out of nowhere when I heard a really loud voice shouting in the stands.

Oh no.

Don't tell me he's here.

I looked at the stands and I saw Atsumu with Inarizaki right behind him, he was waving like a maniac.

"THAT GIRL RIGHT THERE" he said while pointing at me. "THAT'S MY STUDENT!!"

I looked away, ignoring the embarrassment he was giving me in front of not only my teammates, but the opponents as well. Some to which started laughing at him and me.

He better watch out because when I'm done with this match, I'll take away his ankle and kneecap rights.

The match started and we started playing, the points were roaring on each side of the court. The first set ended with Shiratorizawa winning, the second though, was taken by us.

On the third set, it was a tie at 20-20. And I thought that it was a good idea to bring in my back sets.


In the end, we won, the score was 25-23 (sorry, I got too lazy to write about the match). I looked down at the fifth ranked setter with a big smirk on my face, making me assert my dominance to them. She got a bit intimidated but she then put her hand out towards me.

"G-good game" she told me while looking away.

I looked at the hand and then at her, vice versa. I took out my hand sanitiser and put it on her hand.

"Sanitise it first, then I'll consider if I should give you a handshake" I told her and she nodded. A big smile on her face as she killed the germs in her hands and stretching it out towards me again.

"Thanks for the match" she told me as I took her hand.

"Yeah, thanks" I replied in my usual tone.

"Also..." she said and I looked at her.

"Can I have your autograph?!" she asked me unexpectedly and everyone around the two of us was shocked.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well you see... I've always looked up to you ever since I was a child. Your love for volleyball is what made me be able to stand here in this court today. I also want to brag about how you gave me an autograph when you become the best female setter in Japan" she explained in full detail.

"Well... okay I guess" I said as she gave me a paper and a marker to which she sanitised and gave it to me while holding it with a brand new tissue around them both.

"Man, I wish people like her existed more" I thought to myself as I did some random thing on the paper.

[insert random autograph]

"Here" I said while giving it back.

The audience around us started clapping and were being emotional, which was grossing me out.

I gave Pyeon Gi my phone number and then I rushed out of the gymnasium to find a certain highlighted boy.

I was running around until I accidentally bumped into someone, my body falling to the ground, bum first. It was until I felt a sudden hand around my wrist and it pulled me back up.

"Careful where you're going, you disgusting germ" a familiar male voice told me as he looked down at me.

Fucking giants and their stupid abnormal height.

"Thanks" I said as I got myself off his wrist and made sure to sanitise it. Sakusa doing the same with his hand.

"So why is the germ going in such a hurry? Did you find a victim to pass your disease to and make sure that they're not able to see tomorrow?" he asked me.

"That's a good plan to be honest, but it's fun when you torture them instead" I said and he looked at me, a confused look on his face.


"I'm looking for Atsumu, I was thinking of killing him before hiding his body on the third page of Google" I told Sakusa and he laughed.

That was the first time I saw him laugh. His laugh literally highlighted the features of his face even more than they already were.

Ew, what am I thinking? I asked myself as I realised what my mind was making me think.

"I can look for him as well, if you want" he told me, making come back from my daydreaming to earth.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because it will be funny to see him get beat up by a germ. Specially a germ like you" he said, my mind beginning to think certain different ways of killing Sakusa and Atsumu with one stone. Then hiding both of their bodies on the third page of Google.

"At least I'm not a virus like yourself" I said with a comeback. The tension filling the air again.

"Do you want my help or not?" Sakusa said, a big fake smile on his face as he closed his eyes.

"Why would I need help from a disease like you? Wouldn't that just kill me instead?" I said while giving a fake smile back.

When the two of us heard Seiko and Komori walking towards us while talking, we quickly switched into a really friendly mood so that they couldn't figure out that we were about to kill each other.

"Here are they are, the two best of friends" Seiko said while Komori chuckled.

"What were you guys doing?" Komori asked.

"We were talking about volleyball" me and Sakusa said in unison.

"That's good" Seiko said. "(Y/N), I saw Atsumu about to leave, didn't you want to beat him to a pulp?" Seiko asked me and I quickly dashed towards the place where Atsumu was like there was no tomorrow (Because you are Flash and ✨speed✨).

I found him and I quickly grabbed him by the shirt before yeeting him towards the floor.

"Ouch, WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" he said as he turned to me. The look on my face becoming more scarier as I was planning the many ways I could him.

"(Y/N)" Kita called out to me.

"Yes?" I replied.

"If you're going to kill him... make sure that he suffers" Kita said, giving me approval to kill his teammate.

"Thanks mum" I said while turning back to Atsumu.

I started beating him up before someone interrupted me.

"Wait, can you start again? I wasn't recording" a dark brown haired guy with fox like eyes told me as his phone was pointing towards me and Atsumu.

"Sure" I said.

"Okay, you can start in 3, 2, 1, action!" he said and I started beating up Atsumu again.

After a while, I eventually stopped. It was a total of five punched and five kicks so that he doesn't get badly injured.

"Thanks" the boy who interrupted me before said and then put his phone away, back in his pocket.

I sanitised my hands before looking at the dead Atsumu on the floor, with a really scared face.

"Don't worry" I said "I didn't hit any vital organs or parts of your body. You should be able to move around properly again in one to two days" I told him and he gave a sigh of relief before leaving with his teammates.

"(Y/N)" someone called out to me and I turned to look at them.

"Yes, Kita?" I replied.

"Would you like to be my daughter from another school?" he asked me. The sudden question made my eyes widened before I nodded.

"I'll bring you masks and stuff every now and then" he told me and it made me awe.

"Thanks mum" I told him before he nodded and walked away.

The next day of school was complete chaos.

It turned out that the fox looking like boy called 'Suna' had spread the video of me beating up Atsumu all over the internet. To be exact, it had gone viral.

I had girls outside of my school gates blocking anyone from going out until they saw me.

"The hell did you do to bring a whole army of germs here" Sakusa asked me, he was annoyed at the sight of so many people blocking the gates. It was making me be annoyed too to be honest.

I took out my phone and started dialling Atsumu.

"Hello?" he said while picking up the phone.

"Come get your army of viruses, diseases and germs from here" I told him and he quickly knew what I meant.

"I'll be there in a few mins" he told me and then hanged up.

He came in a few minutes, just like he promised. He told his fans that he was alright and that they should go home before any one of them gets in trouble.

They all quickly understood and started leaving, allowing the Itachiyama students to be able to leave the school.

"Thanks" I said while giving a sigh of relief.

"You're welcome" he told me with a big smile on his face.

Sakusa who was next to me, was nowhere to be seen.



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