《[Editing] Mr and Mrs Clean Freaks》C̸h̸a̸p̸t̸e̸r̸ 7̸


"You have the basics on the palm of your hand. However, I wanted to ask as to why you don't show all of your potential in the court" he told me as he fidgeted with the ball in his hands.

"What do you mean?" I asked myself as I tilted my head in confusion.

"You have to find that out for yourself, I'm only here for guidance, not to tell you the answers" he said.

"Samu!" he exclaimed, a boy looking like him appeared out of nowhere, half eaten onigiris on both of his hands as he looked towards the two of us.

"Nice to meet you Kageyama" he told me, his face filled with grains of rice as he looked at me with a really calm expression, his eyes seemed like he was bored as hell and had been forced by his twin to come here.

"Nice to meet you too, you can call me (Y/N) though" I said.

"My name is Osamu between" he said, taking another bite into the onigiri.

"I brought my brother today because you'll be setting to him. I also didn't want to leave him alone at home because he would've started to eat the whole kitchen" he told me, whispering the last part as Osamu took another bite of his onigiri.

"When Samu finishes eating, I want you to show me your strongest and weakest set" he told me as he passed the ball to me.

I looked at Osamu who still had a mess around his mouth of grains of rice. It was making me mad. Mad to the fact that I took out my handkerchief and a pen. I put the handkerchief around the pen and then I passed it to Osamu who looked at me with a confused expression.

"You have grains of rice around your mouth, it's making me feel sick" I said and he nodded, taking the handkerchief I had passed him and started cleaning his face. However, as soon as he finished cleaning his face with my precious handkerchief, he was thinking of giving it back.

"Keep it, I don't want your disgusting germs" I said while sanitising my hands as well as my pen.

"Samu, are you done eating?" Atsumu asked him and the twin brother nodded.

"Remember, show me your strongest and weakest sets" Atsumu reminded me. A calm expression on his face as he was thinking of what I was going to do.

I explained how my sets will work to Osamu who simply nodded at everything I said.

I tossed the ball and Osamu made sure to pass it towards the back as he started running to the net.

I set it as powerful and as quick as possible as Osamu had already jumped. The ball reached the front of his palm, and he slammed it on the opposite side.

"So the set you tried during the training camp?" Atsumu asked and I nodded.


"It seems to have developed a lot since the last time I saw it. Now show me your weakest set" he told me.

I went back to the back line and fidgeted with the ball. I took a very deep breathing before tossing it up, Osamu passing it to me and I did a back set towards him.

The ball literally went somewhere it didn't have to go to, Osamu looked at the ball as it went a few inches next to him, not even reaching his hand.

"Alright, so you have a problem doing back sets?" Atsumu asked and I nodded.

"We'll work on it for a few days, before I start giving you proper advice. The more sets you're able to do, the better" he told me.

And damn this felt like hell. For the next few days, I was as sweaty as a chicken in the oven. Disgusting, right? But it allowed me to be closer and closer to actually being able to make good back sets.

It was around day six of this "training"? Maybe it was day seven but oh well. I couldn't care less.

I picked up the ball and tossed it up in the air, Osamu had been feeling sick so he stayed at home. This time I was setting to Atsumu, who passed the ball to me and I had done a back set. After a week or so of practicing this set, I was finally able to get the ball to the spiker's hand.

He slammed the ball on the other court and it made a really nice sound.

"Congratulations!" he said as he ran to me, both of his hands up for a high five and I just ignored them.

"You have germs, but thanks" I said.

I was walking past a park on my way home, I couldn't help but look towards the volleyball court that it had. Noticing a certain germ next to another germ, causing a very bad disease.

I looked at them as (Y/N) had tried to do a back set, and was able to do it. Atsumu had cleanly slammed in on the floor and went to high five (Y/N) but she ignored it, making me chuckle a bit.

She was slowly turning towards where I was so I started walking away, ensuring that she won't actually see me and start asking some stupid questions.

I thought that I had seen Sakusa and wanted to check before I ignored it and turned back to Atsumu.

"It's getting late, I'll walk you home" he told me and I looked at him.

"There isn't a need, I can walk by myself" I told him and he chuckled.

"Yeah I know. But if something happened to you, I wouldn't forgive myself. So allow me to walk you home" he insisted and I rolled my eyes while giving a sigh.

"Fine" I said.

The journey was quiet, comfortably quiet. We arrived at my door step and he was standing still behind me.


"Are you just going to stand there?" I asked him and he nodded.

"I'll go away after I see you walking inside and closing the door behind you" he told me and I nodded, knocking on the door because I forgot my keys 🤡.

My dad opened the door and I greeted him, him greeting me back before he looked behind me to where Atsumu was.

"And you may be?" he asked.

"Atsumu. Miya Atsumu, Mr. Kageyama. I'm your daughter's volleyball mentor" he told my father before my father went towards him and offered a handshake. A handshake to which Atsumu gladly took.

"Thanks for bringing my daughter home safely" he told Atsumu and Atsumu gave him a polite smile.

"No worries, I had to make sure she got here safely" he said and then my father started whispering something and Atsumu shook his head.

"I see" my father said.

"Well I'll be taking my leave, goodnight Mr. Kageyama and (Y/N)" Atsumu said before walking away.

My father turned to me and told me to get inside, that dinner was waiting.

"Are you going to eat now or take a shower first?" he asked me.

"I'll eat now, so that I can have a relaxing shower afterwards" I told him and he smiled while putting down the plates.

I went to wash my hands and then went back to the kitchen and took a seat.

"Thanks for the food" me and my father said in unison and then started to eat.

"The school called me to tell you that you have a match next week. They're hoping that you're able to attend the match" my father told me.

"I'll gladly join the match. After all, it is my duty to be there for the team whenever they need it" I said and he chuckled, giving me a big smile.

"You're sounding like your grandmother now" he told me.

"When can we visit grandma?" I asked and he put a lot of thought into this question before giving me an answer.

"A day that the two of us are not busy" he told me and I nodded.

I finished my food and excused myself first, going upstairs to take a shower and go on my phone for a few minutes before bed.

"Today I brought my captain, Kita Shinsuke" he told me as Kita looked up at me, a face mask on his face.

"Nice to meet you Kageyama" he said.

"Nice to meet you too, but please call me (Y/N)" I said and he nodded.

"I also brought Sakusa who decided to be here" Atsumu said as Sakusa was as far away from us as possible.

He looked at me and then looked away.

"Why is disease here?" I asked Atsumu.

"We're gonna play two on two games in a bit" he told me.

"I'll he setting to Kita, you can look at the very different ways I set and see how much they vary. This will be helpful for your training" he told me and I nodded.

I looked at all of the sets he did, none of them were the same as the previous one. He was inconsistent with his sets, no wonder he's one of the best male setters in Japan. If not, the best of all of them.

No matter where the ball goes to, he'll still set it for the player. Be it a really high or low ball. He impresses me.

I learnt a thing or two while looking at him, now he was giving me verbal advice on how I should set to be able to become the best female setter of Japan.

"I also want to teach you something, as a gift for becoming my student" he told me and I nodded.

"But that'll be when Samu decides to come again" he told me, disappointment filling my soul as I have to wait for certain someone to be here.

"But in the meantime, set to Sakusa. He looks like he wants to spike" he told me.

I looked at Sakusa and motioned him to come over.

"I'll be doing a few sets to you before I go home" I told him and he nodded.

Set after set, and an hour later, we had finished for the day.

Atsumu had to go as his brother called him to buy something on the way home. Kita lived far away so I was forced to walk with Sakusa.

"About Atsumu" Sakusa said out of nowhere.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Do you like him?" he asked me and I shook my head.

"I only love volleyball, my dad and my best friend" I replied.

"I see. Well, I'll be leaving you here, you germ" he said as he turned around and walked away. Leaving me a corner away from my house.

"Samu is finally here" Atsumu said as he smacked Osamu's back.

"You wanna fucking go?" Osamu asked.

"Calm down, we're in front of my student. Maybe when we get home" he said and his brother kissed his teeth.

They started whispering to each other and Osamu's eyes widened as he listened to what his brother was saying.

"You want to teach her "that"?" Osamu asked and Atsumu nodded.

"Very well then" Osamu complied.

Atsumu tossed the ball in the air as Osamu passed it back to him and started running before jumping. Atsumu who was mid air, had set it to him, his back facing his twin brother. The set was really fast and strong, and when the ball reached Osamu, he slammed it with so much power that you could call the ball a missile.

"You're going to teach me... the Twin's Quick Minus Tempo: Back?!"



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